The Oakville Beaver. Wednesday June 11, 2003 - A3 *A k , V flQ I I Oakville students win medals at Ontario Skills Olympics The Halton District School Board Elementary and secondary students at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition in Waterloo last week, won a total of 13 medals including five gold, five silver and three bron/e at the provincial competition. The total included one gold and a bronze for O akville teams competing in the event. Elementary students from Grade 4-8 competed in such areas as technology challenge and Lego robotics challenge, w hile secondary students competed in architectural and mechanical C A D D competitions, tv/video production, cabinet mak ing. landscape gardening, auto collision repair, precision machining, restaurant services, baking. and fioristry. In the Robotics challenge. Matthew M cG ill. Courtney Detwiler. Priscilla Hwang and Gary Tam from West Oak Public School received a bronze medal in the Grade 4-6 competition. In the secondary school competition. W hite Oaks Secondary School (W O S S ) students Brandon Gelderman and M aria M cM uller teamed up to win gold medals in landscape gardening. W O S S students Adrienne Fraser and Amanda Somerv ille won silver in the tv/video production. The awards w ill be presented at a special cer emony on Wednesday, June 18 at 8 p.m. at the JW Singleton Education Centre. 2050 Guelph Line. Burlington. *v£ , ^ - ' ^ ' * ':: * & * T L i: ' . - i * VS \ V V *W \ ^ v : V -- JO S H U A CREEK T R A D IN G -- FURNITURE & H O M E D E C O R ----------d c u g n e r d ec& r a f a Many styles of Bar Stools C H O C S* Yooim. V-ADt IN CANADA W W \\J 1 ' " U /n m fc , p r ic e y o u fiv e w ith S lip C o v e r e d S o fa · Extra slip covers o n ly $5 4 9 · Option Down-fill · Hundreds of fabrics to choose from ON *1289 S o l id A s h C la s s ic ) 5P IE C E S S u it e Peter C. McCusker · O akville B eaver REM EM BERING D-DAY: Lo m e Scot guard C pI. Sean Denty stands on guard at the Bronte Cenotaph during a ceremony m arking the 5*Jth \nniversarv of the l)-l)ay Norm andy invasion of Europe on Sunday m orning w hile Legion trum peter Ray W aters plays in the background. C o n te m p o ra ry 5 p c B e d ro o m *2999* Closure decision due Nov. 19 (Continued from page A11 That means that whatever option the committee presents to sch< x> l board trustees next November will have to result in a mathematical elimination of that number of student places from schools in the area. L'nder the provincial fund ing formula, the school board doesn't receive money to build new schools unless its current schools are operating at capaci ty That means excess student spaces in older schools cost the board grant money necessary to build new schools in growing areas of the region, such as north Oakville. "The problem is. our space is in communities where our enrolment isn't," said Carla Kisko. superintendent of busi ness for the board. Brookdale. a junior kinder garten to Grade 8 school, cur rently is 97 per cent full, but enrolment is expected to decline to 86 per cent capacity by 2016. Gladys Speers, a junior kindergarten to Grade 6 school, currently operates at 47 percent capacity, with enrolment expected to decline to 39 per cent by 2016. Oakwood. a junior kinder garten to Grade 5 school, is cur rently at 90 per cent capacity, but enrolment is expected to decline to 67 per cent by 2016. Pine Grove, a Grade 1 to Grade 6 French Immersion school, is currently at 109 per cent capacity, but its enrolment will drop to 60 per cent by 2IXU. when French Immersion students from north Oakville are housed in schools north of the Q E W By 2016. it is pro jected to be at 59 per cent capacity. W.H. Morden. a junior kindergarten to Grade 8 school is currently at 80 per cent capacity and is expected to remain there by 2016. All enrolment projections tnd financial data, as well as details on the closure process, are available on the board's web site ( in the PE 13 School Closure/Consolidation Study, which can be found under the administration/planning department area. Public delegations to the consolidation committee w ill take place on Sept. 11 and 16. with written submissions accepted through until Sept. 19. Individuals wishing to appear as a delegation must register with the bo;ud by Sept. 5. Die committee's report w ill be made public on November 5. with a final deci sion to be made b\ trustees on Nov. 19. 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