www.insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, December 5, 2014 | 32 To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 · Email: classi ed@metrolandwest.com · Fax 905-632-8165 CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm. Classi ed Call Centre 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm. AD SUBMISSION: By mail or in person at Burlington Post, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burlington ON L7L 7G5. DEADLINES: Monday at 5:00p.m. for Wednesday publication, Tuesday at 5:00p.m. for Thursday publication, Wednesday at 5:00p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines may vary. PAYMENT: We will accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts may be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS to ensure it's accurate. The Oakville Beaver will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the rst day of publication. If an error appears in your ad, contact your Sales Consultant within 24 hours of publication. Friday publication errors must be reported before 5:00 p.m. on the following Monday. For Circulation inquiries, please call 905-631-6095 Domestic Help Available Articles Under $100 Homes/Properties Wanted WANTED TO BUY Property that needs tender, loving care in any condition. Call 905-512-6582. Apartments for Rent HAVE A GREAT VIEW OF A GREAT LAKE! Bronte Harbour - 2 Bdrm Available January Gorgeous lake views Sir Richard Towers 905-827-9169 sirrichardtowers.com Townhouses for Rent EAST BURLINGTON 4 bedroom with 5 appliances central air Available January 1st 2015. $1500 per month. + utilities. For information call 905-632-0028 or email: lovejo32@hotmail.com Industrial/Commercial for Rent/ Wanted DOWNTOWN MILTON, commercial space for rent, completely renovated, 1200 sq.ft. main floor, 1200 sq.ft. basement, excellent exposure. Available immediately. Call 905-805-0332. Lost & Found FOUND CAT, we call Charity. Female, not spayed. Brown tabby, DLH. Found near Francis and Plains Road. 905-637-7325 Child Care Available Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 MIRROR BEVELLED edge, 36x24, $40, 905-844-9138 MIRROR, ROUND, 26" diameter, $30, 905-844-9138 Apartments for Rent 1, 2 & 3-Bedroom Oakville pricing starting from $975. 190 Kerr: 905-845-1777, 392 Pine: 905-337-0910, 1265 Sixth Line 905-842-8960. www.livehere.ca Furnished Apartments BURLINGTON TOWERS HOME AWAY FROM 395 Martha St., BurlingHOME 1 & 2 Bdrm ton 2 bedroom suite suites fully furnished Clean, quiet, well mainPlease Call 905-639tained building, located 8583 corporatesuites.ca in beautiful downtown Burlington, steps to Spencer Smith Park. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths, central air, utilities included, gym and social RELOCATING OR room. Call today for CHRISTMAS VISITORS viewing 905-632-5339. Immediate Furnished BURLINGTON- 3BDRM marthaterrace.com Corporate Residences! Bungalow, New Street & Oakville 2 BR, 2 full bath Burloak Road. Fridge, SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 penthouse condo, 6 stove, A/C included. bedroom basement appls, gas fireplace, 19' $1,400 +Utilities. apartment. Would suit a ceilings, rec. centre. 905-330-5373 non-smoking, profes- Better than any Hotel. sional person(s) with no Weekly, Monthly! BusiBURLINGTON pets preferred. Parking, ness, Family, Travel internet, satellite TV, Visits! Full Kitchen, Free SQUARE $1300 per Laundry, Min. 27" + TV, 1460 Ghent Avenue, utilities. Stereo, CD Player, DVD, Bright, spacious Bachelor, month. Call for more in- BBQ. Reserved Parking. 1, 2 and Loft suites formation 905-515-7117, Pets O.K.; From $59/ located in beautiful or 905-635-1864. night. From $389*/ week Downtown Burlington. Lakeshore home 2 BR, 2 Laundry facilities on WATERDOWN bath, 40" TV gas FP, 6 every floor. Heated Central Location appls, gar. Oak., Dec 1st. garage parking. 24 hour, Call today & find out Walk everywhere. on-site management. 905-681-7355, Minutes. to the 1 & 2 BEDROOMS 11am-8pm, travelsuites.ca Burlington Mall. Close $885 per month. proximity to GO 75 John Street, Transit. (289) 348-1542 905-690-4454 www.realstar.ca 3055 Glencrest Rd BURLINGTON Central location, quiet, well maintained, heat included, hydro additional. Spacious 1 & 2 bedrooms. Call 905-637-3921 Martha Terrace Apartments Burlington Towers 1, 2, 3 BDRM SUITES A MUST SEE. Indoor pool, sauna and fitness centre. Utilities included! Please Call 905-639-8583 info@burlington towers.com DOWNTOWN BURLINGTON- you will love this 1 bedroom apartment in historical building with 1 onsite parking and fridge and stove. $1,100 plus utilities (heat included). Reference checks mandatory. Please call 905-630-5524. FACING BURLINGTON Mall. 1 & 2 bedroom suites. Brand new kitchens. Seniors disc. Hydro incl. Call Don 905-681-8115 KERR/SPEERS - Upgraded suites. Close to shopping, transit & QEW. Bachelor $1015., 1 bed $1200., 2 bed $1330. Receive a $500. gift card. Call 289-644-1693 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM for rent near Oakville Place and Sheridan College, on bus route. Available December 1st. 4 BEDROOM house for $475/mo. Call rent, located on mature 905-842-0789 or cell large lot, in Milton. 2.5 416-455-2264. baths, finished basement with separate entrance, close to amenities. LARGE ROOM- Private basement, Available January 2nd. entrance, cooking/ laundry faCall Lisa 905-691-2685 cilities. Female preferred. Non-smoker. No parking WATERDOWN HOME, 3 available. $500/mo. bedroom, garage, fenced First/ last, 1 year lease. backyard. Family room 905-634-8724. with wood burning fireplace, 5 appliances included. $1650/ month. Apts for RentAvailable Immediately Hamilton West Non smokers/ no pets. Credit check from Equi- 2 BEDROOM, apts for fax. First/ last required. rent starting at $1050+ hydro in clean, quiet 905-921-2211 building. laundry facilities, parking available. Condos for Rent Near Go station, shopping amenities. Available I m m e d i a t e l y . UPGRADED 2 Bedroom, 905-334-2625 2 bath condo in Alton Village. stainless steel appliances, granite counters, balcony, many extras. 2 parking $1,600. + utilities. 905-336-3517 50 John Street, 905-689-1647 www.livehere.ca Rooms for Rent and Wanted Houses for Rent FOUND CAT: We call Clara, Brown and cream female, not spayed, found in Aldershot, 905FLEX SPACE - Office / 637-7325 Light Industrial, 3000 sq.ft., $12. per sq.ft. FOUND CAT: We call Finish to suit with 2 Ferris, Large Male Adult loading docks. North Orange Tabby, Neutered Service Rd. / King Rd. DSH, Found near Brant Contact J. Michael Hills. Call 905-637-7325 Ricottone, Broker of Record, SELLECT Real FOUND CAT: We call Music & Dance Estate Limited, Broker- Frankie, Male, Neutered, Instruction age, 905-681-7236 or orange and white, DSH adult, Found near Thom- PIANO LESSONS, in my michael@sellect.ca son and Laurier, 905- Milton home, for begin637-7325 ners, practical and/or Shared theory. $15. per 30 minAccommodations FOUND CAT: We call utes. Call 289-971-5810 Hayden, Adult male, not MILTON EXECUTIVE neutered, DSH orange room rental, 4 piece tabby, found on Appleby Tutoring bath, fridge, microwave, line and #1 side road, internet, parking. $645/ 905-637-7325 month utilities included. SPECIAL Available Immediately. FOUND CAT we call CERTIFIED TEACHER Female, not EDUCATION First/ Last. Hope. with over 25 years of spayed. Brown tabby, 905-203-1511 DSH. Found near Francis teaching experience will and Plains Road. Tutor in your home Business ($40/hr) or the Central 905-637-7325 Opportunities Library ($35/hr). MatheFOUND CAT: We call matics, Reading and - kindergarten to Partner/Investor Hudson. Adult male. Writing Gr. 8. Upgrading skills 5 year old, small, fast DSH. Orange tabby. Not or help with homework. neutered. Found near growing business, needs First session is free. Call a partner to move to Plains Rd and Water- 905-336-0952 the next level. Call down Rd. 905-637-7325 519-223-2507 FOUND CAT we call Joy. Female, not spayed. Health & Home Black, DSH. Found near Care Retirement Living Francis and Plains Road. 905-637-7325 HOME SUPPORT Services for Seniors. We speFOUND CAT: We call Lo- cialize in helping seniors la, DSH orange tabby, live safely at home. Our CALLING ALL CANADIAN Female, not spayed adult well trained and insured found near plains road staff will do housekeepSNOWBIRDS - IF YOU and king road, 905- ing, laundry, meal prep, RENT OR OWN A 637-7325 shopping and other jobs PROPERTY IN FLORIDA to help you remain indeAnd you're leaving your home condo or apt. UNAT- FOUND CAT: We call pendent. Call us today to Purrcival, White with find out how we can help TENDED You need to find out how to.... *Make extra Brown Tabby, male. not you. 1-866-692-4172 neutered, adult DSH, money, *Have all your bills paid,* Feel Safe & found near brant and Domestic Help Secure - WE NEED YOUR highway 5, 905-637- Available CONDO, HOME OR APT. 7325 NOW!! We have AAA ten- FOUND CAT: We call ants ready to rent your resi- Reese, DMH female not A METICULOUS Cleandence RIGHT NOW! You spayed, Brown tabby, ing. A career (15 + pick the terms - we guar- Found near New st years) of experience with fastidious clienantee you'll earn enough 905-637- 7325 tele. Custom service. money to pay all your bills! 905-681-RENT (7368) FOUND CAT: We call For fine detailing call Reid. Adult male. DSH. Louha 905-634-4871. Orange tabby. Neutered and declawed. Found near Walkers and Guelph Lost & Found Line. 905-637-7325 FOUND CAT: We call Kara, DLH, Brown tabby with orange, Found on #1 side road, Young female, 905-637-7325 FOUND CAT: We call Catelyn, Beige and brown, female not spayed, Found near new st and drury lane, 905-637-7325 FOUND CAT, we call Tiger. Male, not neutered. Orange tabby, DSH. Found near Hagar and Caroline. 905-637-7325 LOST- DIAMOND ring, Oakville, between Whole Foods and Hockey Life, extremely sentimental, large reward, lost Nov 10th, 647-688-5664 or 905-338-5664 ALINA'S CLEANING Services, 23 years exp.. We use environmentally friendly products. European team will leave your house sparkling. Fully insured, trained ladies. Price is negotiable. Burlington and Oakville. Call Alina 905-689-5696, 905-630-7148. HOUSE CLEANING. I will make your house sparkling clean. Experienced. Reasonable. Honest References. Burlington/ Oakville area. Gift certifiHOME DAYCARE infants cates available. Call welcomed. 6th Line- Dorothy 647-868-1517. Oakville. Experienced reasonable and reliable smoke free home. First HOUSE CLEANING serAid and CPR. Hot healthy vice available, fast, delunches and snacks. pendable & experienced. cleaning also Lots of activities during Office the day. Arts and crafts. available. Excellent referPlease contact ences. For more information Call Janina at 905-849-1551 905-281-3266. L&H PROFESSIONAL European Cleaning Service. Reliable and experienced. Call Lucy 905-220-1141 BOOTS, BROWN leather FAN HEATERS, Black & high, size 8, never worn Decker, slightly used, $50 905-659-4600 new $45 each, sell 2 for $50, 905-319-7383 BUDDY-L DUMP truck, 16" long, original red FIREPLACE TOOL set, paint, $40, new, $15. 905-257-5461 905-335-2548 FOX HUNT photo . 1889 CABBAGE PATCH kid, photo of british fox hunt. original, born 1984, small tear upper corner. great condition, $100, $50. 289-337-5292 289-812-0944 FREE 7' artificial Xmas CHRISTMAS LIGHT pine tree, 905-469-8412 sphere, never used, indoor outdoor, brilliant FREE STANDING fire$30. 200 lights, 15" diameter, place/stove, 905-257-5461 only $50, 905-319-7383 CHRISTMAS TREE Beautiful, 48" Fibre Optic Originally Paid $159.99 Selling For Only $80.00 905-336-6311 MOVING - 2 dark stain wood book cases. $75. 905-319-2972 or 289-983-5009 CHRISTMAS TREE stand, A1 condition, $20, IN YOUR home caregiver 905-582-8840 available for seniors 20 years experience. For COAT, LEATHER black, more information please xl, elastic waist, heavy call Christine zipper, perfect cond. $55. 905-842-0029 905-319-1086 Seniors Services Articles Wanted COIN, AMERICAN silver dollar 1879. vg-ex. 89 $20. 289-337-5292 COLLECTOR DOLL, Bisque style, approx. 14" tall. $15 . 905-257-5075 after 6 CONCORDE SCARF and playing cards, vintage. $35. 289-337-5292 COVERALLS, BRAND new. 50, tan, best Canadian made. $40. 905-632-8165 COVERALLS, BRAND new 50, tan. Best Canadian made $42. Call 905-842-0029 COYOTE JACKET, ladies size medium, $100, MEN'S ROLLER skates, 289-812-0944 black. Size 12. With carry case on wheels. 3 WISE men, metal, 3 DESK, WHITE with 3 $50. 905-829-4947 Gliding Drawers, Manudimensional, 70 cm tall each, very ornate. $100 factured in New Liskeard, $100, Nonfor set. 905-570-6507 Smoking, 905-336-6311 Call John/ Darcie 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com Articles Under $100 We make housecalls Jewellery, Coins, Gold, Silver, Paintings, Diamonds, China, Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Art, Antiques Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. $ Best Cash Paid $ NEW ELECTRIC heated mattress blanket, never opened, queen or more FUR COAT, Muskrat, size, $75, 905-635-9007 good condition, $50, PORCELAIN DOLL on 905-632-4166 stand, Victorian CollecGLASS END tables, dou- tion, Limited Edition, ble shelves, gold sur- $40, 905-637-3386 round, perfect cond, 2 RECORD, 3 unopened for $100 firm, bee-gees albums late 905-635-9007 1960s - 1970s 1 led zeppelin. $45. 289-337-5292 GREEN WICKER set, 2 chairs, table & cushions, ROCKING CHAIR, $30. ideal for sitting or sun 905-257-5461 room, $99, SILVERWARE, NON tar905-864-7150 nishing, set for six, with HAMILTON BEACH 18 qt case. $75. electric roaster, new in 905-257-5075 after 6 box, $20. 905-257-0617 SKIS, CROSS country, new, $15, LADIES WHITE figure like skates, size 8, like new, 905-319-0743 $20, 905-844-9138 TEEN DRESSER, beautiful wood, $20, LITTLE TYKES kitchen clean, excellent condi- 905-632-9503 tion, $25. 905-257-0617 TIRES, 2 Dunlop all seaMASSAGER, BACK & son, 205-70-15, 90% $100 obo, seat, 5 powerful motors tread, & heat, never used, in 905-332-3973 original box, $40, TIRES, 2 Good Year all 905-319-7383 season, 90% tread, $100 obo, 905-332-3973 MEN'S LEATHER jacket brown, size 38R, good TIRES, 4 Michelin all condition $85, season, 185-60-15, $60 905-689-7021 obo, 905-332-3973 TRENCH COAT, men's, detachable wool liner plus 3 jackets large. $100. 289-230-1251 3 WISE men, metal, 3 dimensional, 30 cm tall each, crowns hold tea light candle, very ornate. $50 for set. 905-570-6507 DESK WITH 3 Gliding Drawers, White, Manufactured in New Liskeard $100, 905-336-6311 DINING TABLE, large. $15. 905-632-9503 Christmas find us online at yourclassifieds.ca 7 KIDS CD's, hundreds of nursery rhymes, $5, DOOR, STANDARD size plus screen door. $25. 905-864-7150 905-632-9503 ANTIQUE DRESSER DRYER, FULL size, original finish 4 drawer $100., excellent condilotus flower handles tion. 289-337-1328 very pretty, $75, 905-257-0617 ELECTRIC DRILL, 1/4 inch and Magnetic interBATHROOM SINK, changeable bit. $14. white, enamel, Crane, 21 905-842-0029 x 18 never used, $35, 905-689-7021 ELVIS BOXSET- images of Elvis, C.D. and 244 BATHROOM SINK/ china page book, from Parrabone clear 20x18 with gon, $75, can deliver. danze chrome taps. Like 905-681-9496, new. $70. 905-849-6229 905-847-2020. Trees Pine Spruce Colorado Fraser Balsam Cut Your Own or Pre-Cut Christmas Trees www.christmastrees.on.ca/pinedalefarms.html 1650 6th Concession West 1554 5th Concession West Open Daily 9 - 5 pm - 519-624-6891 West Flamborough R0012922820 ADVERTISE IN THIS SPOT FOR AS LOW AS PRIME ADVERTISING $ POSITION CALL 1-800-263-6480 50 Per Day Or email: classified@metrolandwest.com TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY.