C4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday February 4, 2004 /> » THE OAKVILLE BEAVER BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm Classified houses for sale houses for sale oakvillebeaver.com Circulation: 905-845-9742 The site your community clicks on! E-mail: classified@ haltonsearch.com ·Real Estate 100-135 ·Business to Business 140-169 Rentals 170-196 ·Leisure Living 200-239 ·Community & Public Notices 240-299 ·Merchandise 300-385 ·Auto 400470 ·Help Wanted 500-570 ·Services 700-795 Ad subm ission by m ail o r in p e rso n : O akville B rav er, 467 S p e e rs R d., O akville. O N l.f»K 2S4. D e ad lin es: M on., f» p .m .. fo r W ed. p u b lic a tio n . W rd ., * > p .m .. for Fri. p u b lic a tio n . T lu irs ., 5 p .m .. fo r S un. p u b lic a tio n , Spocial ial F e a tu re d e a d lin e s m av vary. Paym ent: W e a cc e p t c ash , c h e q u e , In te ra c , V isa. M aste rC ard . A m e ric a n E xpress. B usiness a c c o u n ts c an Ik* o p e n e d w ith a n a p p ro v e d c re d it a p p lic a tio n av ailab le fro m y o u r Sales C o n su lta n t. C H E C K Y O U R AI) T H E F IR S T DAY IT R U N S to e n s u r e th e in fo rm a tio n Is c o rre c t. C o n ta c t y o u r Sales C o n s u lta n t w ith in 2 4 -H o u rs if a n e r r o r a p p e a rs . A n e r r o r in a £ri. p u b lic a tio n m u st Ik* r e p o rte d n o la te r th a n M on., 5:30 p.m . legal notice legal notice LA N D LO R D S & HO USING S EEKER S Landlords - fre e a d v e rtis in g ! WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area E ither involved w ith printing and p u blish in g o r d e p e n d a n t up o n p ro m o tio n and publicity or delivery to homes in area. In te re s te d in b u s in e s s c le a rin g m o re than $200,000 in annual profit. All inquiries treated in confidence. Please forward information to: Box 2133, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 ·Free ad on the Internet! 'Free ad on H ousing Boardl ` Free Referrals! Housing Seekers - fre e s e a rc h I1-BEDR00M SUITES D o w n to w n B u rlin g to n AVAIL. NOW! I C A L L TO D A Y W W W . P R E M I E R E * S U IT E S .C O M F u rn ish ed 1-3 bedroom co n d om in i um s an d to w n h ou se s throughout M ississa u g a . O a k v ille and Burling to n, 905-469-3330 BU R LIN G T O N . O EW/ Brant B asem ent apartm ent O ne prolessional non-smoker, no p ets. $550/mo. S e c u rity deposit. R e fe re n ce s. 905315-7338. NOTICE IS H ER EB Y GIVEN 13-bdrm Cumberland townhome Village 4 appls. 3270 Prospect SL Eat-in Burlington Kitchen 905 Basement 632-2601 Parking *M ove in by Feb.1 Playground Family oriented Convenient location Near schools shared accommodation B U R L O A K - C le a n town house to share. Laundry. A/ C. parking. $475/mo. inclu sive. Call 905-681-6262. D O N 'T M iss This O n e l Large bdrm w/walk-in clos et. upscale Walkers/ Upper M iddle tow nhom e. All am enities clo se by S u it able to working profession al. or student. S ale , quiet, a place to call home $475/ mo utilities Call Robert 905-319-3834 Available Now D O R V A L/ R e b ecca- share 2-bedroom ap artm ent in clu d e s parking. $400/mo. Available immediately. Prefer male. Call alter 6pm, 905337-9413. O A K V IL L E place, bedroom and livingroom in dean quiet non-smoking house. $550/ m oindusive 905-338-0938 B U R L IN G T O N . S h a r e 3bedroom to w nhouse with part-time dad No parking $400/mo.+ 1/2 utilities. 905331-0057, leave message ROOM in townhouse. $380. mo Full use ol facilities Near Burlington Mall Non-smoker preferred. March 1st. 905637-0010. W A L K E R S Lin e south of Upper Middle- Unfurnished bdrm. quiet tow nhouse to share plus full house privi leges Laundry, cable, util ities includ ed . A v a ila b le im m ed iately $475/mo. Call D anny or W en d y 905332-2029 Leave message. L O O K IN G F O R roommate to share 2-bedroom house, fully furnished . $500/mo. utilities included. Call Mary 905-483-5963 B U R L IN G T O N East- share to w nhouse with single professional, furnished, very clean, non-smoker 905-6392799 that under the repair & storage liens act, port III, that U-Haul of Ontario, 3476 Moinway, Burlington, Ontario will sell by audion, the stored effects of all parties which goods are located in each respective locker listed below, for storage, warehousing, moving & transportation charges owing. DAVID HUTCHINSON 960 Heodon Forest Dr. #21 639-8583 I'Doubie a s s is ta n c e ! ·Rental Vacancy Listings! ·Inform ation on Tenant Rights & R esponsibilities! 'F o llow up & Support! For m ore inform ation p lease contact: The Halton Region Housing Help Centre 905-825-6000/1-866-442-5866 EXT. 7142 www.region.halton.on.ca Z L ftj Ia s i O A K V IL L E 2 bedroom apartments Immediate o c cu p an cy. 2-blocks w est of Oakville Place Near ameni ties $875/mo H eat, hot water, parking included. 905847-1138. A L D E R S H O T (w e st Bur Iington) new ly re n o vated b a ch e lo r apts. with full kitchen, a v a ila b le Im m e d ia te ly $595/mo. 4 up 905-633-8547 N O RTH SH O RE T o w ers 142 bedrooms, Feb./ Mar./ Apr. (^$33 parking) Utili ties includ ed . No P e ts Quiet Building Diane. 9am7pm 905-681-1307* B u r lington B U R L IN G T O N So u th e ast Bright, spacious 1-bedroom basem ent apartment Park like setting, close-to G O Sep arate entrance. C/A. C / V, laundry, parking. Mature person. $800/mo inclusive 905-333 4562 S P A C I O U S 2-bedroom, 2 baths. A/C. 5 ap p lian ce s, b a lco n y. underground parking, storage. W alker's/ Upper Middle. Burlington Close to Q EW / 407. $1150/ mo.+ utilities. Im m ediate. 905-632-3844 B U R L IN G T O N . Lakeshore/ M aple. S p a cio u s bright 2bedroom . 2 baths, dining room/ hom e o lfic e . 5 appliances, locker, parking. $1400/mo 905-335-9490. LA KESH O RE 4 M aple Ave. lux. l -bdrm s o l. Bay view , good am enities, all in clu siv e . $1050/mo 905336-1431 1 - B ED R O O M den, Grand Regency. 5-appliances, msuite laundry, lamlnent and tile throughout. G ym , un derground parking. (Utilities included, cable) $H25/mo. No p ets, a v a ila b le im m e diately Mike 905-632-4672 G R O U N D floor, ravine, 1bedroom plus den. UpperMiddle/ Walkers Une.$l000/ mo utilities A vail-ab le Immediately. 905-336-5936 B R O N T E Harbour- G o r geous 2 bed.. 2 bath exec utive, sp e c ta c u la r view (harbour, lake). Corner unit, gourm et kitchen, new a p pliances/ broadloom. m ar ble entrance. 2 b alconies, pool, sa u n a s , workout... $1800/monlh. Non-smokmg M arch 1st S a lly O 'S h e a . S a le s p e rs o n , Century 21 Miller R e al E s tate Ltd. 905-845-9180 GLENWOOD PARK TOWNHOUSES 3-BEDROOMS With fu ll basement, a ll units refurbished 1-1/2 baths. $999/mo. +utilities ASK ABOUT MANAGER SPECIAL Burlington, ON Room #532 ELIZABETH FRIEND 3097 Palmer Dr. #301 Burlington, ON Roam #545 LESUE COOPER 753 Dynes Rd or 2393 Ne* Street, #403 Burlington, ON Room *5 1 3 UNOA INNES 955 Wonrick Crl. Burlington, ON Room #635 JOSEPH TAYtOR 50 John St N. Apt. 411 Waterdown ON Room #140 LARRY TRAVIS 24 Acodemy St., Amoster, ON Room #510 ELIZABETH RYBACKI 3259 New Street Burlington, ON Room #144 JEFFREY MATSCHKE 2030 Cleaver Ave., Burlington, ON Room #410 Quality Living in Oakville Affordably priced 1. 2 & 3 Bedrooms W E O FFE R .... Clean, well-maintained, secure home lor you; Large suites with balconies; Laundry & parking Easy access to QEW,GO, shopping & schools; On-site mgrs Call today - No appt necessary /M arlborouuh C rt lOUSING : IELPCENTRE ~ ( ) 905-639-9212 O A K V IL L E 344 Bed room townhouses available Immediately through March. 4 a p p lia n ce s H o p e d ale Mall area Lakeshore M an agement. 905-876-3336 A P P L E B Y Lin e N ew S t., 3-bdrm. 1.5 baths. R e c room, g a ra g e ex ce lle n t condition A v a ila b le Mar 1st. $ 1 175/mo. utilities. 905-637-9580 B R O N T E $995/mo 2.5 baths. 3-bedroom s, 5 a p p liances. family room, im m ediate p osse ssio n N ear lake. Call 905-847-6030. B U R L IN G T O N Brant Street North. Im m acu late 2or3 bedroom townhouse. fenced yard Feb./Mar $825/mo. No dogs. 905-339-2471. B E A U T I F U L R A V IN E LotNorth Burlington, pristine 2bedroom , 1-1/2 baths, up grad ed , bright eat-in kitchen open to family room, C/A, 5 appliances, gas F P . private yard, garage drive. F u lly m ain tained F e b 1st $l350/m o. A lso, a v ailab le march. 1st acro ss from the Appleby GO. Marcella. 905208-0681 N E W Executive townhomes. North Burlington quiet Street, larg e 3-bedroom s. 2-1/2 baths. 5 ap p lian ce s. A/C. g a ra g e . From $1400/mo utilities. 905-332-3542. 905-315-0590 www.rentcana da.com/burlington LU XU R Y 3 4 bedroom to w n h o u se s. fam ilyroom . basement, backyard. From $ 1099/mo parking 4 h y dro 905-639-0950 www linwood.com W A T E R D O W N E x e cu tiv e 4-bedroom to w n h o u se w/ b ase m e n t and g a ra g e a v a ila b le M ar.1. 4-ap pliances. close to all am en ities $l400/m o utilities C all after 6pm 905-6897805. or 905-690-0044 B U R L IN G T O N - large 3bedroom In family complex w/pool. Freshly painted/ up dated Finished basement, gara g e . 5 ap p lia n c e s No smoking/ pets $1150/mo. utilities. 905-631-8660. D U N D A S / T rafalg ar N ew 3-bedrooms. 2.5 baths. 2 ca r g a ra g e (w /op ener). 5 ap p liances, c/vac.. $1350/ mo +utilities. 905-826-2118. 3 - B E D R O O M to w nhouse 1.5 baths, garage, parking, fridge 4 sto ve, a v a ila b le immediately $1297/mo. No deposit required. 1150 G a ble Dr.. O a k v ille . O p en H o u se 11-2pm 905-8295294 E X E C U T I V E Tow nhom e So u th B urling to n. B ra n d New. 2-bedrooms, granite co unter tops, en su ite . hardwood. C/A. 5 applianc es. g a ra g e Lo a d e d with luxury Landscaped B a c k ing onto s p e cta c u la r lake front trail, conveniently lo cated across Irom Appleby GO . Available immediately $ 1550/mo. M arce lla . 905208-0681 ________________ L A R G E 3-bedroom. 5 a p p lian ce s. g a ra g e Apr 1st From $1229/mo. utilities. Longm oor Dr.. Burlington 905-681-0070 w w w pm onhneviewtt.ca L A R G E , 2-bedroom, newly renovated, hardwood lloors. 4 a p p lia n c e s , a v a ila b le immediately, park-like sett ing. Arlington Blvd.. Burling ton. 905-681-0070. www pmonlmeviewit ca Luxury Living. J Extremely large suites, www renters.news.ca/go/ 1297marlboroughcourt Auction Date is: February 19, 2004 1 lam "First Time Buyers* Why rent when you can own? Free list ol homes available with little or no money down, under $1300/mo. Free recorded message 1-888-624-8419 ID/1051 Burloak Real Estate SErvices Ltd. B U R LIN G T O N - 243 bdrm ap artm ents, cle a n , quiet, premium high rise N ear lake. Martha Terrace- 395 Martha St Phone tot appt to view 905-632-5339 F O R E S T C h a se . B u rlin g ton 1-bedroom «den. 5 ap p lia n ce s. 2 parking Mar. 1st. $900/mo. utilities. 905-826-5759 T Y A N D A G A Terrace. B u r lington. Situated on private, park-like grounds. Fresh ly painted with p rivate w a lk outs to ce d a r hedged p a tios. 243 Bedroom s a v a il ab le now at 1440. 1450 A 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive 905-336-0015; 905 336-0016 S .W . O a k v ille , huge 1bedroom. March 1st Oak throughout, va u lte d c e il ings. new appliances, sky light, balcony. 2 bathrooms, parking, laund ry $1150. 905-827-6444 BA C H ELO R apartm ent, basem ent Su its one p er son. private entrance. Nonsmoker. no pets. O akville $690/mo. 905-845-3756, B U R L IN G T O N - 2-bdrms over office, ensuite laundry $975/mo. all utilities in clud ed A v a ila b le M ar 1 Call Frank Loncanc Assoc. Broker. Royal Lo Pag e B u r loak R e al Estate Se rvice s 905-634-7755 O A K V IL L E , O E W . T ra fa l gar. La rg e bright 1 b e d room basem ent Laundry. Park in g . S e p a ra te en trance $850/mo utilities. Mar 1st 905-845-9279 C U T E 1-bedroom a v a il able. Mar/1 st. lake view s $700/mo. Excellent location Call 905-632-3793 S P A C I O U S 2 and 3-bedroom ap artm ent in quiet e x ce lle n tly m ain tained building Transit d o s e by F u lly re n o vated new a p p lian ce s. all utilities and cab le included A vailab le immediately. Feb 1. From $950/mo Call 905-639-1960 B R O N T E : loft 2-Bdrm, 14 2 Bdrms W alk to lake, pnvato entrance, gas F/P. J a cuzzi. 5 ap p liances. A C parking. No pets/ smoking, im m ediate/ Apr 1st. 416993-1622 B U R L IN G T O N 3020 G le n c r e s l Rd . U 2 bed room a v a ila b le Feb 'M ar/ Apr from $795./month Ups cale quiet building close to major shopping 905-6320129 S T E P S Irom downtown O a k v ille ` D evo n sh ire A p artm ents' . 1-bedroom. $950 April 1st. Utilities/ parking includ ed Q uiet building, w h e e lc h a ir a c cessible 905-844-1934 O A K V IL L E Bronte Newly renovated Apt 4 building 1-bedroom $930/mo inclu siv e. 1 parking included Im m ed iate 2-bedroom $l07S'mo. inclusive. Mar. 1st 905-464-7849. 905-465-3428 BU R LIN G T O N . 2-bedroom Clean, quiet, well maintained. Excellent central location. Parking. $795/mo. hydro. Feb.1. (no dogs) 905-6647713.905-536-7551 BURLINGTON- Tyandaga 2 bdrms. fireplace, ideal for executive or senior persons Quiet building. $ 1025/mo Available Apr 1st. 905-3366379 B U R L IN G T O N B ra n t' Fairview 1-bedroom, new ly re n ovated ap artm ent Near GO/ malls N ew ap p lian ce s. free parking $750/mo utilities. Mar. 1st 905-634-2495. (^ S te w a r f S tre e t^ ) V 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -4 2 9 4 y Great Value! Great Location! www.rentersnews ca/go/ 75stewartst \3 0 5 - 8 4 2 - 8 3 jjty New baskelball/tennis court & pool! www.rentersnews.ca/go/ 297queensave Oakville 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites Low Rise Condos Wall to Wall Carpet Vertical Blinds Balconies or Patios 5 Appliances WQUKE ABOUT OUR MOVE-fJ ALLOWANCE W A N T E D d a y c a re in my home For 4 yr old and 9 year old girts. Flexible hours. Please call Kathleen at 905S I 5-0017 x 446 or after 6pm 905-637-5399 R E S P O N S I B L E ch ild care provider required mid F e b ruary in our S .B u rlin g to n hom e for 3 child ren. References 905-639-2541 SN O W BLO W ER8H P X 28IN . e asy spin, manual start. Brig gs and Straton, ch a in s, good condition. $200 905-632-4929 W E D D IN G d re ss- short s le e v e , size 18/20. new $1400 sell $750: 0 B O Call 905-315-9753__________ BURLINGTON'S BEST S tu n n in g L a ke V ie w s * M in u te s to D o w n to w n F itn e ss C e n tre a n d O u td o o r P oo l * 1.2 & 3 BEDROOM SUITES C l B e l articles wanted ^ C* ^ ^ O v v O v Pilgrims Way 905-847-5043 W E sp e cia liz e in C o n d o minium S a le s 4 R entals. Call Linda Davies Real E s tate L t d . Realtor. 905-3334347 2-BDRM Condo for private sale. Glen Abbey, available im m ed iately $159,900. Call 905-616-2588___________ From only $895 360 Torrance 905-637-6701 2160 Lakeshore 905-333-9141 A Minto Managed Community Glen Abbey 905-825-332/ O LD Oakville 1 block to lin e d ining, shopping. 2bedroom $ 1 175/mo No le a s e , or last month p a y ment req uired . C a ll 905845-5787 B U R L IN G T O N Downtown S p a c io u s 2-bedroom apt Clean quiet building A vail able Mar. 1st. $856/mo 905336-1061 or 905-630-0398 B U R L IN G T O N Downtown 1-Bedroom ap artm ent. 1 Park in g A v a ila b le M arch 1st. $750/mo. All inclusive Call 4 leave message 905335-7929. IM M E D IA T E p o sse ssio n Oakville 2-bedroom b ase ment. eat-in kitchen, woodburning firep lace, 1 p a rk ing All inclusive, $950/mo 905-466-8248 O A K V IL L E 1 B E D R O O M b ase m e n t apt S e p a r a te entrance, suit quiet single person No smoking/ pets. A/C. parking, basic utilities, cab lo in clud ed W a lk to GO $650;mo 905-844-2470 All The Advantages of Condo Living 2-Bedroom Available Now! Rec. facilities, 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! "905-315-8993o TRA FA LG A R/ Q EW A v a ila b le im m ed iately. 3 bedroom. 1.5 baths. 5 a p pliances. 18th floor corner unit. Quiet, well kept build ing/ grounds. $ 1350/mo in clu d e s u tilities, underground parking. 905-842-1964 P A R T - T lm e tutor wanted. 3 5 d a y s / w eek, during d ay Flex ib le on sched ule and salary. O akville. Call 905-465-3421 W A N T E D - All C hina. S i l ver. C rystal. T e a Cups. Ro yal Doulton. Swarovski. G lass. Je w e lle ry, old toys, co lle ctib les, e sta te s C all John Tracy. 905-831-2477 WANTED- Upscale lurmture. loveseats. armoires. occa sional tables, leather, cuno cabinets, chandeliers, d i ningroom Other fine quality pieces Trading R aces 905815-1949. C f C l l l firewood PRO PERLY se ason e d 100% hardwood Ontario's targets firew ood retailer B e w a re of telem ark ers malting false claim s For m ore inform ation. M arc's Quality Firewood 905-257- k u l lots & acreages L O T for sa le Maple/ La k e sh o re . Burlington downtown. 63ftx1l5ft Call 905-637-9153 or 905-9731498. LAKESIDE LIVING! Get away from it a ll in your home by the la k e ! M into"s Prem ier Oakville addresses 1229 Marlborough Court 905-844-7332 A G E ol M ythology. King s and Myths, limited edition. 4-games. $60 G ill Certifi cate for G e n e alo g y online course, value $75. for $50 905-849-3884 C H ILD white metal bunkbed and m a ttre sse s w/ladder. double on bottom, single on top $85, obo 905-338-9719 ·403 4 Oundas 1200 sq It dean studio. W all mir rors. suitable for dance, fit ness or like classes A vail able d a ys & w e ek e n d s 905-607-1404, Leave m es sage R E C E P T IO N a re a , m ulti ple offices, boardroom . 2 w ashro om s, air co n d i tioned. parking for 5 cars, second story walk-up, in Winston Churchill and Ro y al W in dso r D rive are a $895* G ST/m onth gross rent Call 905-855-1231 O A K V IL L E Office for lease. 2-umts available. W ilson & Lakeshore area lOOOsq.ft' each Parking Reason able 905-844-4161 O F F IC E sp a ce availa b le in p rofessional building. (800 sq.ft. $1250. all in cluded). Great O akville lo cation. steps to G O station, O E W and Home Depot P la za Ideal for medical/ pro fessio n al tenants. P le a s e call 905-616-5586 18.2 bedroom Suites Priced From $995 spacious suites with large balconies Easy access to OEW · Steps to Oakville Place 2220 Marine Drive 905-825-9616 1&2 Bedroom suites priced Irom $1025 Moments to Senior Centre · Dishwashers available Short stroll to local shops. A M into Managed Community | houses tor rent V IC T O R IA . B C . co zy 2bedroom home In FairfeildGonzales B each. 5 Min to d owntown, inner harbour, cook stre e t v illa g e . F u lly furnished, monthly/ weekly re n tals 1-250-595- 4084 www.bay s*decottage org 4 - P IE C E bedroom set $300. Can deliver 905-6379481 A king pillow-top mattress set. N ew in p lastic Cost $1600 S a c r ific e $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliver B E A U T I F U L B o m b a y Co dinette- 5 Q u e e n Annie chairs, Stoney Creek glass table with Rom an stand 4 matching coffee table, one Broyhl sofa. $2500. 905S I 5-5555 B E D , all new queen o r tho p edic pillow top m a t tress/ box. still in plastic Cost $1100 sell $350 Call 905-379-3873 B E D , A m azing bargain, queen orthopedic plllowtop set. new in plastic, w arran ty. $150. 905-567-4042 BED RO O M set 8 pee, ch erryw o od B e d . chest, d re sse r, mirror, night stands D ovetail co nstruc tion N e ve r op ened C o st $8,000. S a c r ific e $2400. 905-567-4042 B E D S . New. Double. $220 Q ueen, $240. Complete w/ frame Futons. Free Delivery R e fu rb ish e d V C R s . TV s. record players, portable CD players 905-681-9496 B O W F L E X for sale $650 Excellent condition, barely used. Call 905-339-3383 B U N K B E D . solid wood, brand new. honey, d etach ab le. N e v e r used, still In box Cost $850, sell $390 905-971-3315._________ C A R P E T . I have s e v e ra l 1.000 yards of new Stainm aster 4 100 % nylon caret W ill do livingroom 4 all for $389. Includes car pet. pad 4 installation (30 yards) Steve. 905-639-2902 www.minto.com B U R L IN G T O N 3 bedroom 1 .5 b aths, m ain floor rec room with F/P. 5 appliances. A/C. garage, lenced. $1350 / month utilities 905-335-4823 N E W exectutive 3-bedroom home in Oakville Available im m ed iate ly $2500/mo. Call/page. R o ss Tollstam , S a le s R e p Re/M ax Aboutowne 905-842-7000 S O U T H Burlington- Q uiet Court. 3 years new. large 3bedrooms. 2.5 baths, 5 ap pliances, C/A.. Fenced. G a rage. N e a r Hw y S 1550/ mo utilities 905-3323542.905*315-0590 O A K V IL L E - 3-bdrm fin ished rec. room. 4 new ap p lia n ce s. a v a ila b le Feb/ Mar $ 1200/mo utilities. 905-333-5506 Ext 51 W A T E R D O W N : 4bdrm. 2 storey. 1 5 baths. A/C. 2 car g arage, $l447/m o. Im m e diate. Call Bill 905-632-6260. IM M E D IA T E M o ve ml Burlington between Hwy#5 4 Q E W , 3-bdrm, 1.5 baths, fin ish ed full b asem ent, hard w o od m am floor, 5 a p p lia n ce s, d eck single g a ra g e , d oublo d riv ew a y, p riv a te court, c lo s e to amenities/ school. $1600/ mo util. 905-466-2419 B U N G A L O W 2-bedrooms basem ent room, on C hisho lm S t W a lk to downtown Oakville. $1100/ mo. utilities. Im m ediate. 905-302-8054 A L D E R S H O T bungalow main lloor. 3^1 bodrooms, ap p liances, firep lace, a/c. parking (2), shed. April/ 1st $ 1450/mo. utilities included 905-639-3205 O W N your own home! Rent to own. 1 0 0 % F in a n cin g No M oney down Self-em p loyed H a ve good/ bad cred it. C h o o se your p ro gram . C a ll N ap o le o n to plan your home ownership strategy. N apoleon W ilson S a le s R e p Su tto n G ro up Innovative Reality Inc. 905681-2800 O A K V ILL E- Bronte Harbour area. 3-bdrm finished base ment. Attached garage. 5 appliances, large backyard. 1-2 year lease. Available im mediately $1390/mo. utili ties Call 905-845-2434 R E N T to own options Or free d ow np aym ent to buy your home now' O.A.C. coll Ja y Nelhgan asso c broker 905-639-7676 Re/Mox E s carpment R e alty Inc.. Rltr or e-mail jaynetiigan@remaxescarpment.com B U R L IN G T O N : 3-bedroom split, garage, family room. F ire p lace . 1.5 baths. C/A. $ 1375/mo. C entral. 2 storey semi. 1.5 bath, recroom. fenced. $1075/mo Al bert McDonagh Ltd Realtor 905-632-5690 O A K V IL L E : 3-bodroom. $l300/m o utilities includ ed and gro und s keeping. D e c .1st. Q uiet n e ig h b o r hood. N ear all am enities. 905-510-1924 E i i l l l l cars ,or sa|e 1998 Ford W in d star G L UO.OOOkms. quads, load ed, burgundy- grey, private. $8995. After 6pm/ w e e kends 905-844-0339 1988 G rand M arq uis LSS ilv e r, loaded . E-tested. first time driven in winter 95000 m iles only. $2475 obo Call after 4pm 905847-0186 1992 Po n tiac B o n n e ville , w hite, grey interior, S S E . 195K. e xcellent condition $4500. C a ll after 5pm or le a v e m e ssag e 905-6895613 1996 G ran d AM auto , white. 4-door, great condi tion. fully loaded, certified, e-tested. $4500 obo. 905849-3992 1993 Topaz- 2 dr.. red. auto., like new. lemate dri v en sin ce new. carefully maintained. 128K. cold air, E-tested/ C ert $3450 905-827-6256 1997 Cougar. V8. P W . PL. 110,000km. RW D . Excellent condition, certified, E-test ed $8500 O.B.O . 905-6172492 ____ 1989 Po n tiac B o n n e v ille SSELo ad ed , leather. $2500.obo 905-815-1561 1995 Je e p G .C colour red L e s s than 136.000 6cyl good condition $8000.00 Offers considered 905-2577846 Trendy Burlington Neignl lbourhood 505 Locust St. (Brant & Ontario) C R A F T Vendors! R e se rve a sp ace at the E .C . Drury High S ch o o l Sp rin g Craft S ale April 24 4 25 l0-4pm. C o n tact M urray 905-8780575 http://home cogeo ca ecd.___________________ C T R r i lost & found F O U N D - Bro w n tabby cat in the Millcroft area W e call M arcu s P le a s e ca ll 905___ 637-7325 F O U N D - S e t of c a r ke ys In Cavend ish / Upper Mid dle area Total ol 5-keys on ring with rem ote car door o p ener. C a ll to identify. 905-336-5885 FO U N D : Long haired brown tabby male. Billings Crt "Bill ings" call 905-637-7325 F O U N D : O ra n g e 4 white male cat Brant 4 Fairview. W e call "B r a n t" C a ll 905637-7325 L O S T - D igital c a m e ra m or n ear A ngels R o ad H o use S a tu rd a y Ja n / 3 is t Call 905-639-0754 W O M A N 'S gold cruton watch lost in Sobey's plaza Sentimental value. 905-6329161 Walk to the lake & Spencer Smith Park Attached to Indoor mall · Central Air LARGE 1 & 2 BEDROOM SUITES From S929./mo · Avail. ImmedVFeb. Tel: 905-333-9008 C A N A D IA N A Q u iet, wallmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spaoous 1 . 2 4 3 bedroom s availab le im m e diately/ Feb./ M ar 5220 L a k e sh o re Burling to n 905-632-5486 (no dogs) G R E A T Burling to n lo c a tion. 1.243 bedrooms start ing at $875/mo C le an , quiet fam ily building 905333-9846. Noon-8pm P R IM E D ow ntow n B u r lington. U p g ra d ed su ite s 142 Bedroom N ew wind ow s M o dernized e le v a tors. S c e n ic v ie w s. 478 Pearl. 477 Elizab eth: 905634-9374______________ B R IG H T b ase m e n t suite. 6 a p p lia n ce s, firep lac e, satellite, steps from L a k e side Village Call 416-8803256 W ATERD O W N C e n tra l location, walk to everything S tu d io n /2 bedroom s Irom $695/mo.. 75 Jo h n S t 905-690-4454; w w w water downrenters.com D O W N T O W N B urling ton 1275 E lg in S tre e t. 1.263 B ed ro om s A v a ila b le N ow Freshly painted, (some with new kitchen ca b in e try ), spacious, well maintained, q uiet with up grad ed tire alarm system lor safe highnseltving- 905-637-0321 142 Bed ro om ap artm ents a v a ila b le now Sp e ers/ Kerr 905-339-0668 1 Month Free With 1-Year Lease 5200 Lakeshore On the Water Appleby & Lakeshore · Freshly painted suites · Mature treed setting · Recently renovated corridors · Galley kitchens · Sparkling hardwood · Outdoor pool & palio 2 BEDROOMS Avail. Jan./Feb. Irom $980/mo. B U S IN E S S opportunity for experienced, entrepre neurial C o ok/ C hef. Run your b u siness, offering a varied menu, from our kitchen facilities. Stan April For details call Maria. Rock Chapel Cafe & Bar at Rock C hap el G olf Centre. Waterdown. 905-689-1577 E A R N $50-$75-$100 plus d aily N e w sp ap er home d e liv e ry (d a ytim e). C all Cathy 905-616-5774 Beautiful Lakefrom 5348 Lakeshore Burlington 1-Bedrooms From $880. /mo. Avail, Feb./March Quiet building. New appliances. Laundry on each floor. Parking. Call 9am-Spm: 905-639-3301 3055 G le n c r e s l R d .. Bur* iington. C e n tra lly located, q uiet, well- m ain tained , sp a cio u s! 142 b edroom s available now 905-637-3921 F U R N IS H E D b ach e lo r C o a ch h ou se ap artm ent a v a ila b le im m ed iately Short or lono-term Dundas/ Trafalg ar N ice quiet r e s i dential area, very dean. No smoking, no pets Includes utilities, cable, local phone, a p p lia n ce s, and parking $1000/mo M ust be se e n l 905-616-2606 G U E L P H Une/ Woodward 2 bedroom apartments avail able F e b Mar/Apr $845/mo U tilities included. C le an . qu»et building 905-632-4265 D O W N T O W N Burling to n La rg e 2 bedroom , p rivate en tran ce, b a lco n y, d is h washer. ate. Call 905-842-9275 O A K V IL L E s p a cio u s r e furbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroom available Minutes from O E W . G O S tatio n , shopping, dining. U tilities included. P le a s e call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ited tim e rental in centive. 905-681-7126 Spacious and Freshly Painted 2 Bdrm Irom $635. avail, immediately I personals N E E D your help! W ould lady who purchased W ate r ford cry s ta l c a n d e la b ra Ja n .3 1 s t at S h e rw a y G a r dens Antique Show, please c a ll regard ing robberyyour ch e q u e w as taken. 905-681-7106. R E G E N C Y 4 P rin c e s s . Lovely 4 spacious 1&2 B R. S te p s to Burlington Mall. R e fin ed tenants, m arble lobby. Parking & hydro in cluded. 905-681-8115 or 639-8009 Sparkling hardwood floors. Easy OEW access, walk to schools & shopping. 4067 Longmoor Dr. Burlington 905-639-1346 R $800. Burlington Park Towers 2-BEDR00MS C O N T E N T S S a le polntm ent only SE i vllle. c a ll D arryl at 905464-3895 C O U N T R Y Kitchen; Dining set antique white, maple wood top (I0 6 cm x 146cm). leaf (30cm ). 6 ladderback ch a irs, u p holstered linen. $1400.obo D e n ise 905 525-8777 O IN IN G R O O M , 13 pee. ch e rry. 8 chairs. B u lle t, hutch, server, dovetail con struction. S till in boxes C o st $11,000. S a c rific e $3,000. 905-567-9459 F R E E in-home estim ate blinds, shutters, d rap es Com e visit our showroom. 5109 H a rve ste r Rd. B u r lington 905-336-5341 F R ID G E / S to ve Matching, beige. W estin g h o u se . e x c e llen t condition. $500/ both 905-689-5273 K IT C H E N S / V A N IT IE S Granite top included, many styles/ co lo u rs. Save $1000'SII Direct from m an ufacturer. O pen to public Fridays and Saturdays only Mississauga 905*542-9228 M A T T R E S S / boxsprings. king, b a re ly u sed . S e a ly Po s tu re p e a ic . pillow top. cream color. $400. originally, $2500 905-849-6720 M A T T R E S S E S , brand new in plastic. All sizes available. Q u ee n pillow/ top. $275. Can deliver! Days, 905-3304153; Evgs. 905-632-0282 M O V IN G S a le - Lik e new q u e en and full m attress/ boxspring set w/fram es $200-$250 Other bedroom furniture. TV converter box es. Ikea desk. 905-647-4707 P O O L table plus a c c e s s o ries. Used/ R e fu rb ish ed . Buy/ se ll. P ro fe ssio n a l service for all models 905616-5159 www.bllllardservice.com S H E R M A G children's bed room set Light maple, in clu d e s 2-d ressers, b oo k shelves. night-table, double headboard, desk and chair Excellent condition. Asking $1000. After 5. 905-844-9777 Walk to GO 2067 Prospect at Brant St. Beautiful 2-txfrm apts from $800. util. incl. · 2386 New Street at Guelph Line Tel: 905-639-5761 SURREY UNE APARTMENTS 695 Surrey La.Burl NEW MANAGEMENT NEW APPROACH Open 11-7, Mon.-Sat. O A K V IL L E 190 Kerr S t 1 bdrms $845 905-845-1777 1265 6-line: 243 bdrms from $975. 905-337-0910. www.oakviflerenters com S w im Year Round! FULLY RENOVATED Major Upgrades 1 ,2S3 bdrm. avail, G ro u n d F lo o r A c ro s s fro m Lake & Park from $740/mo. Utilities included! Up to$500 move in bonus on select units 1&2 Bdrm - Immed. $855* 1 parking Corner Suites Avail. » Gleaming parquet flooring I Over-size balconies I Undergound parking and outside parking On-site customer service.... 905-631-0033 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across Irom Burl Mall 3&4 Bdrm Irom $925. 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 F IL I P I N A nanny/ h o u s e ke e p e r. hve-ln/ out a v a il able No le e to employers Amah Inn. 416-221-3303. LIVE-IN/ out Nanny for 11 4 9-yr. old girls Lakeshore/ W in ston Churchill. P le a s e call 905-845-8775 L IV E - IN / O ut N an n y r e quired for light housekeep ing. F T Mon-Fri. $250/wk. Burlington 905-634-5372 M ID S IZ E O akville R e s i dential B uild er seekino to em ploy e xp erienced s ite Supervisor in Oakville area to supervise custom homes and executive town homes Remuneration based on ex perience. Fax resume 905849-0217___________________ BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt O F F Guelph Line- 3-bed room. 2 sto rey condo. 1.5 bath. Garage $ 1040/mo Al bert M cD onagh Ltd. 905632-5690 B U R L IN G T O N . Francis/ N orth S h o re a re a 3-bed rooms, c/air. Ireshly d e c o rated . new carp e t. 3 a p pliances. $1075/mo. utili ties First'last 905-547-8136. T R A F A L G A R R o a d Me C ra n e y . O ak ville . 3-bed room s. 5 a p p lia n c e s , g a rage. C/A, Available Mar 1st $1200/mo. Call Sandy. 905338-7482 A L D E R S H O T by R B G , 3bedroom townhouse. 1.5baths. garage. 5-appliances. $1300/mo utilities. Im mediate p ossession 905572-7013_______________ B U R L IN G T O N . 2-bedroom maisonette, onsite laundry facilities, parking. $925/mo. hydro. C a ll C h e rie . 905681-3146 F U R N IS H E D - Shorl/ Long Term e x e cu tiv e rentalsAvailable Feb.. 2 43 bdrms. F P . quiet Crescent location backing to thick trees. Call M ark Klrton S a le s R e p .. Royal L ePage 905-847-8833 B U S D river required For Trinity C h ristia n S ch o o l Morning /afternoon run To tal drive time 2hrs /day B license preferred, will train 905-634-5631 B urlington T owers 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms Individually controlled heat! 905-639-8583 www.ontim.com & Fabulous 1-Bdrm. w / renovated kits. & baths. O/D pool parquet floors from $949 C a ll L u c ille 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -8 4 3 1 B U R L IN G T O N S h ad e lan d A ve. 4-plex. 1 bedroom , includos parking. G as heat, C/A. laundry. $795/mo+ hydro. 905-523-1621 B U R L IN G T O N - Larg o. 2bedroom (825sq.ft.) C le an quiet building near d o w n town $750/mo. in clud es parking C a ll Annie. 905634-5885 O L D O a k v ille boutique ap artm ents. La ke sh o re . N e w ly re n ovated 2 b e d rooms a v a ila b le im m e d iate ly 416-270-0687. 905-842-9275 Call our On-site office 905-639-0456 wwwtiomestead.onca L A K E S H O R E / M ap le 1bedroom. Available imme d ia te ly from $825/mo Parking extra Heat, hydro included Lakefront view. Indoor pool B u s stops at door N ear M a p le v ie w H o sp ital. G re a t highw ay access. 905-632-5258 O A K V I L L E , K e rr. 142 bedroom apartm ents, b a l co ny. Feb . 1st/ M a r .1st.. $825/mo.. $935/mo In clu d e s parking. C a ll 9am6pm. 905-339-2437 O EW / Trafalg ar S p e c ta c ular views Large, bright 1 .2 bedrooms, l-bdrm den (p e n th o u se ). From $820/ mo parking O n-site management Indoor pool, saunas, ravine settings Im m ediate occup ancy 905844-1106 ___________ O A K V IL L E Newly renovated 1-bedroom, clo se to all amenities From $850/mo.+ hydro 262 Reynolds Street 905-338-8876 A L D E R S H O T . Large lovely 2-bedroom basement Near G O . $850/mo. No dogs. Mar.1. 905-637-2142, Iansell@cogeco.ca Seniors are important to us! 1-bedroom avail, immediately M O T H E R S H elp er N a n ny wanted in Oakville flexi ble hours C h ild ca re 4 household dudes required C a r req uired . 905-3393383 Lake Plus Park! Spencer Smith Park Spacious, bright suites Renovated Kitchen & baths Hardwood floors Quiet building 1 ,2 & 3 B d rm s From $ 949 steps to hospital & Hwys Call Lucille 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -8 4 3 1 1363 Lakeshore Road C E N T R A L OnHvllla & BurIington. 2 bedrooms, small, renovated buildings Parking, laund ry. Im m ediate/ F e b ' M ar.. from $788/mo. hy dro 905-631-7368. 3-BED RO O M , 2 floor to w nhouse, beautiful/ Im m aculate condition. 5 ap pliances. 1.5 baths. 2-parkmg. C/A. $990/mo.^ R e fe r e n ce s Non-smokers. P e ts ok ay North B urling ton Immediate. 905-331-4546 Irom only $830./mo. Available February Sunken livingrooms, windows in kitchens. breakfast nooks. 2 outdoor pools.,..Call 905-637-9725 511 Guelph Line, Burlington E C E , M other of 2 schoolagod. P o s t's C o rners P S b etw een Trafalgar/ Sixth/ D undas/ U p p er Middle. 905-844-6918. __ M O M of 2. h a s p/t care available. Sn ack s, meals, larg e fen ced yard CPR. first-aid. p olice ch e ck ed . Fairview/ Walkers. 905-6392981 _________________ M O M M Y 'S S e r v ic e a v a il able in your home fulltimec o m e s with p laym ate lor your child! Own transporta tion. 905-333-4163 (Bondabte Insurable) PAREN TS Lo oking for c h ild c a r e ? C a ll H alton C h ild ca re R e g istry for a freo customized list of reg istered ch ild ca re options 905-875-0235 Pro vid e rs b e co m e a m em ber ol the Registry to re ce iv e parent referrals, liability insurance, netw orking and support ca ll 905-875-0235 for a provider package Q U A LIT Y Childcare, smoke free home. Dynes/ New St Children l-yrs*. Trid a 905333-6289 www attau c tton.convtricia Seeking Individuals to till Full-Time positions. All shifts available. Apply in person at KFC: 1235 or 4145 Fairview St.. Burl. N U T R I- L A W N Law n C a re need s a FT. experienced, sales person for short termco ntract. B a s e commis sion bonus B a s ic lawn care training provided. Must have own vehicle. Fax re sum e to Don M cq ueen at 905-632-1522. or email to burlingion@nutri-lawn.ca J O I N M olly Maid, the in dustry leader in profession al hou seclean ln g . C o m petitive wage, training pro vid ed . D rive rs lice n se an asset H ours: Mon.-Fri. 830-4:30.905-681-7484 C A S H paid d aily. G u a r anteed $ 12/hr. bonuses. Oakville/ Burlington door-to door Fundraisers. Support ing people with d e v e lo p mental disabilities Ex peri enced M anager w/vehicle also required 416-5789428:416-243-9690 E X T R A large 2 bedroom suites available in beautiful Oakville building. Large bal conies. Close to schools 4 professional services Easy access to O E W 4 403. Very reasonable. 905-844-2646 N E W L Y re n ovated P e n t h ouse su ite s 142-bedL A R G E 2 bedroom b a s e room (reasonable rates for 1-bdrm). Pool, weight room. · ment apartment- Hopedale area- Oakville. 2 parking. saunas. 24 hour video sur $895 monthly e verything v eilla n c e O a k v ille . 905* included. Im m ediate p o s 815-8965 session 905-827-3105 F R E S H L Y p ainted, h a rd G O R G E O U S new ly re n o wood floors! 1, 2 Bedrooms vated 1 1-bedroom Lake available starting at $849/mo, v ie w s, firep lac e, parking. parking. Feb./ Mar C h ara cte r plus. $ 1 100/mo Clean, quiet Brant/ P r o s heat included 905-632pect Near G O & Malls 9053793 639-7805 W W W .F U R N IS H E D C O R P O R A T E R E N T A L S .C O M Gorgeous upscale 3-bdrm. 2 .5-baths. tow nhom es. M odern, fully eq uip ped Short/Lo ng term From $99/nlght 905-616-3667 T R A V E L S U I T E S . N E T ..... Log o n !' "N e w ' Co rpo rate Luxury Accommodations 1-4 b ed room s b aths F u lly lurnished! 4 8 * . locations! Daily. Woekly. Monthly t From $49.95*/ night 'Guaranteed lowest rentr V IS A M C AM EX Poge Us 905-681-7355 W A LKERS Line/U p p er M iddle N ew two bedroom townhome availab le imme diately, from $1350. utili tie s. 905-828-6767. 416821-1741 GO RGEO US E x e c u tiv e Townhome' South East Burt O p en C o n ce p t D esig n, 3barm s, 2-bathrms N e w er Home Loaded with Oualityi B e a u tifu l larg e upgrad ed kitchen. G re a t room with fireplace! $1600/mo Avail Apr 1 Non-smokers.' no pets Call Lori Van Dmther Sales Rep.. Rem ax Gard en City, 905-333-3500 S houting wanted to rent W A N T E d To w n h o u se or small house to rent In Iro q uois R id g e High S ch o o l a re a (O ak ville ) 905-8284114