14 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday March 12, 2004 ,%P U R C H A S E ' F IN A N C IN G D O N 'T AND PAY FO R (O N S E L E C T E D M O D E L S ) A L L NEW 2 0 05 S P E C T R A LX A r r ivin g N o w ! · 2 .0 L D0HC engine · 5-speed manual · Dual fro nt airbags · Available air conditioning · AM/FM/CD stereo · 4 speakers · 6 0 /4 0 sp lit-fo ld in g rear seat · 15" wheels V L , « T j I m W L m M 60 m os. DELIVERY AND DESTINATION INCLUDED p e r mo - le a s e EX-L m cctei show n: | I . J Only $1,995 Down Payment $0 S E C U R IT Y D E P O S IT OR 0 % PURCHASE FINANCING fro m PURCHASE ANY NEW 2004 RIO OR SPECTRA AND GET j L M IT E D T IM E O N L Y H IG H EST S A FE TY RA TIN G PO SSIBLE' EX-L model shown' MSRP $25,595** LS model shown' MSRP $12,650** RX-V Convenience model shown' MSRP $16,250** 2004 SED O N A LX World C lass S a fe ty · 3 .5 L V 6 DOHC engine · 5-speed automatic · Front & rear A/C · Cruise control · Power windows, locks & heated mirrors · Remote keyless entry · AM/FM/CD stereo · Rear privacy glass · Dual airbags · Wiper de-icer · Dual sliding doors · Tilt steering · 7-passenger seating · 10 cup holders · And more 2 0 0 4 R IO S T h e #1 Value Leader · 1.6 L DOHC engine · 5-speed m anual · AM /FM /CD stereo · Dual airbags · 14 " wheels w ith fu ll wheel covers · Steel s id e -im p a ct door beams · D river's seat lu m b ar su pp ort · Dual va nity m irrors 2 0 0 4 R IO R X -V Fun to Drive WITH AIR CONDITIONING · 1.6 L D0HC engine · 5-speed m anual · AM/FM/CD stereo · 14" alloy wheels · Power steering · Fog lam ps · Rear hatch w ing spoiler · Tachometer · Tilt steering · 6 0 /4 0 s p lit-fo ld in g rear seat · Rear cargo security cover · Driver's seat heig h t a dju ster · And more LEA SE FROM $249 PER MO./6O MOS. $0 S E C U R ITY D EPOSIT OR cb-l I-- ^ - V ^ s 0' v p I J M DELI VERY AND DESTI NATI ON I NCLUDED Only $195 D o w n P aym ent $ 0 S E C U R I T Y D E P O S IT LEASE I FROM -- 0 % P U R C H A S E F I N A N C I N G FO R $ -I C\CLEASE FROM I I V ^ I v M , -J k M DELIVERY AND DESTINATION INCLUDED O n ly $ 3 9 5 D o w n P a y m e n t $ 0 S E C U R IT Y D E P O S IT O R 0% P U R C H A S E F IN A N C IN G O R 0% P U R C H A S E F IN A N C IN G 6 0 MONTHS · 5 -Y E A R /1 0 0 ,0 0 0 KM C O M P R E H E N S IV E W A R R A N T Y c o v e r in g t h e e n t ir e v e h ic le f r o m b u m p e r t o b u m p e r a n d v i r t u a ll y e v e r y t h i n g in b e t w e e n , K ia 5 - 5 -5 E x t r a C a r e W a r r a n t y In c lu d e d o n E v e r y K ia 4H o u rR o a d s id e V e h ic le o w e rtra in 2 M a n u fa c tu re r C o v e ra g e Y R /K M P W a rra n ty A ssista n c e 5 y rs/1 0 0 ,0 0 0 k m5 y rs /1 0 0 ,0 0 0 k m + M C5 y rs/1 0 0 ,0 0 0 k m 5yrs/100,000km A d d itio n a lc o st 3yrs/60,000km Honda 3yrs/60,000km 5yrs/l 00,000km 5yrs/l 00,000km 3yrs/60,000km 3yrs/60,000km Chevrolet' 3yrs/60,000km THE BEST W A R R A N T Y IN T H E B U S IN E S S · 5 -Y E A R /1 0 0 ,0 0 0 KM P O W E R T R A IN W A R R A N T Y · 5 -Y E A R /1 0 0 ,0 0 0 KM E X T R A C A R E R O A D S ID E A S S IS T A N C E M a jo r c o m p o n e n t s ( M C ) : S t e e r in g , s u s p e n s io n , b r e a k s , e le c t r i c m o to r s , c o o lin g s y s t e m e t c . L is t m a y v a r y . V is it w w w .k ia .c a o r y o u r lo c a l D e a le r a n d y o u c o u ld d r iv e a w a y a w in n e r! Enter the Kia Perfect Drive Contest for your chance to win a Kia Sorento and more! Kia is a proud sponsor of MikeWeir.com Oakville Kia 616 York S t., O a kville , ON (9 0 5 ) 847-1511 W | GRAD Other lease and finance options available. See dealer for details. ` Leasing plans OAC provided by Kia Canada Financial Services. Available on 2004 Rio S (R05414)/2005 Spectra LX (ST5415)/2004 Rio RX-V (R05524)/2004 Sedona LX (SD7524) [the " Featured Models" ]. Based on a 60/60/60/60 month lease rate of 0.42%/4.50%/1.15%/5.05%; and a down payment or trade equivalent of $195/$l,995/$395/$4,850. First month's lease payment of $159/$199/$199/$249, plus $0/$0/$0/$ 1,150 delivery and destination, and a $350 acquisition fee, due upon delivery. Total lease obligation for the Featured Models based on an MSRP of $12,650/$15,895/$16,250/$25,595 is $9,735/$13,935/$12,335/$19,790 and the option to purchase at end of lease for $4,093.50/$5,235.90/$5,550.40/$9,664.20 plus applicable taxes. Lease has 20,000 km/year allowance (other packages available) and $0.10/km for excess. " 2004 Rio S MSRP from $12,650, 2004 Rio RX-V MSRP from $16,250, 2005 Spectra LX MSRP from $15,895, 2004 Sedona LX MSRP from $25,595. Licence, registration, insurance, delivery and destination, and taxes are not included, unless otherwise stated. MSRP of the Featured Models is shown above. Prices subject to change without notice. Dealer may sell/lease for less. + " Don't Pay for 90 Days" offer applies to selected 2003 & 2004 models. §0% purchase financing is available for a maximum of 36/48/60 months for 2003 & 2004 vehicles, depending on vehicle. All purchase financing offers exclude delivery and destination, licence, insurance, administration fees and all applicable taxes. Purchase financing example: $10,000 at 0.0% purchase financing equals $277.78 per month for 36 months; C.O.B. is $0 for a total obligation of $10,000. Offer varies depending on vehicle model. Monthly payment and cost of (sorrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed, the term,and down payment/tradp. Certain restrictions may apply, tfeatured rfiodels are pot e^actly.as. illustrated. ttNHTSA (fJatiopal,Highway Traffic Safety Administration).test results. Visit vvww.nhtsa.d0t.g 9v/ncap for full detail^. ¥ " 500L Free,Gas" offer applies only-to-riew-2003/2004"Rib o'r Spectra vehicle purchases, not including demonstration vehiclesorsfleet-purchases. k $375 gift certificate fo r gas purchase at Petro CanadaTM will be ·awarded to the purchaser. Gift certificate is based on 500 litres of gas at $0.75*per litre. See your participating Kia dealer ie wletails. KIA is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.`The=GM TOTALTM Warranty requires no deductible except for Duramax 6.6 L diesel engine components that are subject to a $100 deductible after the 3 year/60,000 km up to 5 year/160,000 km. Regular maintenance is not included. See your dealer for terms of this limited warranty.