10 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday December 6, 2003 E-file for summer jobs Balance iWhe key.. Find it at the YMCA o/lOakville! Summer employment with the Town of Oakville has gone electronic for this summer. This week, the Town issued a notice to all students wishing to seek summer jobs with the Town's summer pro grams. The Tow n's Human Resources Department will now accept resumes and applications for summer camp employment electronically. Unlike pre vious years, the Town will no longer be accepting fax, e-mail or hard copy resumes and application forms for sum mer work. This year all students seeking sum mer employment in programs and camp positions must apply on-line through the Town o f Oakville Web site www.oakville.ca. All summer employment opportuni ties will be outlined on the Web site under the Employment/Student section and students will be able to apply for these positions through Workopolis. All summer job opportunities with the Town will be posted by Dec. 15 and the postings will close on Friday. Jan. 30. All successful candidates must be available for the Town's annual "Strut Your S tuff' interview day on either Saturday, Feb. 28 or Sunday, Feb. 29, from 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. "Strut Your S tuff' interviews will be booked with all successful candidates in early February. For more information call Jamie Angus at 905-845-6601. ext. 3152 or email jangus@ oakville.ca. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COLUMBUS HALL -1494 Wallace Rd., Oakville (90S) 827-1854 W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 3 1,2 0 0 3 O to i-- O O NEW YEARS EVE BALL Hats, Noisetnakers, Balloons FABULOUS HOT & COLD BUFFET SERVED AT 8:00 pm SHARP DESSERTTABLE AT MIDNIGHT M q ,V W :. o DOORS OPEN AT 7:00 PM ·s- v- · -OA $50 .00/person Rec. Program s "W inter Term" January 5 - March 7,2004 Y O U T H& 9 C H IL D R E N T E E N S F A M IL IE S A D U E IS PARENT & T O T PROGRAM S Ages 18 months - 2 years GYM M INI C R IC K E T S O N EM O N T H S T U D E N T M E M B E R S H IP S P E CAIT Give the gift of health to your student this year. F o r $ 4 5 s t u d e n t s a g e d 15 a n d u p c a n e n j o y o n e m o n t h o f S w im m in g , C l i m b i n g , D r o p - i n S p o r t s , A e r o b i c s c la s s e s , C y c le f it, A q u a fit a n d th e u s e o f o u r F itn e s s / W e lln e s s c e n t r e a n d I n d o o r T r a c k . * Student rates available to full-time students with a valid student card Ages 3 - 5 years GIRLS & ROYS RECREATION Ages 6+ years l'R A M PO LIN E & T U M B L IN G Ages 7+ years C LU B IS C L O S E D ON ER T H E CHRISTM AS HOLIDAYS! "IN RECREATION AN D SPORT, C H ILD R EN LEARN SKILLS THAT LAST A LIFE TIM E " RECREATION AN D SPORT ACTIVITIES MAKE AN IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION TO HOW C H ILD R E N DEVELO P PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, SOCIALLY AND ________ INTELLECTUALLY."_________ 461 North Senice Road West, Oak\illt\ ON L6.M 2V5 Y M C A o f O a k v ille W e b u i l d s t r o n g k id s , s t r o n g f a m ilie s , s t r o n g c o m m u n i t i e s . 410 Rebecca Street. Oakville. ON L6K 1K7 » Tel 905-845-3417 I Fax 905-84 2 -6 7 9 2 E-mail: customerservice@oakville.ymca.ca VisitourW ebsite@ w w w .ym caofoakville.com Hours of operation: Monday-Fnday 5:30 a m -10:00 pm Saturday 7:00 am-6:00 pm » Sunday 8:00 am -6:00 pm (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 -7 7 4 7 F a x : 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -7 7 2 2 E-m ail: info@ oakvillegym .coin Visit us at our website: \\w\v.oakvillegvm.com YMC.A o j O a k v ille