3 0 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday December 6, 2003 For the latest information visit us at gmcanada.com, drop by your local Chevrolet Oldsmobile Dealer or call us at -800-GM-DRIVE. *no purchase necessa/y Contest open Canadan residents who reached the age of maioniy ptmmcs e Contest closes fernery 3. 2001 Pru-es can onfy be appted to the purchase or lease of mo6t new 2003 and 2004 vehcles purchased and dekwred on or before January 3.2004 Not a» pna» t o e tie same odds of wnmng Contest not available on 20012004 models ol CacMac. Hunmer. H2. Saturn, Saab. Isuzu, Mertum Duly Trucks. Refrilar.ExlendedCrew Cap 2500 HD/3500 Trucks (Pickup or Ctiassa Csp), SSR, Full Size Vane (Passenger Cargo and Cutaway) See your GM deeler or www.gmcanada com ot cal l-600-GM DRIVE tor full contest rules GM Employees and lamfy members. GM Suppliers GM Dealersnp employees and Basic Reel program a/e not eftgtte the Ring In & Wn actMty tut are eAgibfe lor ihe award of $75011.500 on stgfcle models Credt mdusiw of applicable taxes and win be apc*ed to relevant SmwtIease monthly paymerj. purchase price or cash purtiase price at deaiersfilp J0% purchase fnanong on approved GMAC crer* onfy Olter nol avatable on 20032004 models of Cadiac, SSR. Hunmer. H2. Corvette FiJSizeVtons (Passenger, Cergo and Cutaway) Oown payment trade and/or security deposit may be requred Monthly payment and coet of borrowing w * wary depending on amount borrowed and down peymentflrade Example: $10,000 at 0% APR. Ihe monlhfy payment« $206 339166 67 tor 46«) months Cost erf borroiMng is $0 Total obtgaoon Is $10,000 "Ofter avaiabfe on 46 month lease A oown payment or trade of $1 750*2.590*2,590*4.035 s required Annual cost of borrowing ol 1 0 V 1 .5 V 2 .5 *l1 .0 * per armun Opeon to purchase at lease end s $6.481/$9.28a$l1.388*10.116 plus applcaUe laxes Annual Uometre lm« of 20.000 km. $0.12 per excess Uometre Other lease opeons avaJaefe "T F re ^ ii iS900*900*i.000*1.025). icenoe, nsuranoe. regBtraMn. PPSA. administration toes and taxes not included TThe SunmUMt montily payment and me GMAC purchase finance rale are not availacxe wilh and are not calculated on Ihe 'Cash Puroiase Pnoe' shown The dillerence between ihe pnee ihe SmwtUaseXjMAC Purchase Fsianong ofter and tie "Cash Purchase* ofter cs deemed under protnaaJ disclosure laws to be a coet of borrowing, whether or not tie same represents actual interest and e requred to be expressed as an annual percentage which la 12 90V9.19S6.41%«.(»S H fTO fters appfy to 2004 new or demonstrator models of Cavaket Sedan VL R7E/AJero GX Sedan R7Artmpeia R7AA*nture RW8 R7B equipped as described Offers appfy to qualified retail customers in tie Ontario Chevrolet · Oldsmotue dealer Martetmg Association area only (including OutaouaB and exc*idng Northwestern Ontano) Dealers are tree to set ntvidualpnoes Deeler trade may be required Limned nme ofter which may not be comtxned weh other ofters See your dealer tor concfuons and details. ^Tesang conducted by tie U.S, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) based on 2003 model Identical performance expected tor 2004 modef ' Graduate Program ofter subject to rules and is not to be used in conjunction with $1.000 GM Student Bonus Ofter ^Registered tademartc of General Motors Corporation. TD Canada Trust licensed u6er of mark A Visa International Service Assoaaton/TD Canada Trust and GM. kcensed users of matte «Trade-mark of The Totonto-Domoon Bank · 1 * > « for a nature w a it to t to t IS s " </><