Oakville Beaver, 6 Dec 2003, A34

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34 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday December 6, 2003 Employment Opportunities T O P LA C E Y O U R A d C a l l 9 0 & 6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 OR FAX 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 M O N. - FRI.. 9AM - 5PM Holiday help wanted special: TH U * ecrrrtc ; ^ T Save 50% _ Licensed Industrial/ Commercial Electrician Applicant m ust have the ability to work unsupetvised. P LC knowledge an asset W e offer a competitive wage and benefit package, and a com pany vehicle. Please send resumes to: E L U mobility- S CAREER FAIR Wed. Dec. 10; 2:00-8:00 p.m. Monte Carlo Inn 374 South Service Rd. E. Oakville Data Sales Professional Business-to-Business Sales Reps Outbound Call Telemarketers Apply in person with your resum e & references E-mail: amccarthy@marrek.coin Fax: 905-876-3903 Email: info@arthurelectric.com On your ad in the Careers/Help Wanted section of any Metroland Community Newspaper the second week you run it. Bookeeper/ Project Support Permanent Part-time R e q u ire d for clie n t im m e d ia te ly. In -d e p th e x p e ri ence w ith Q uickbooks, W o rd . Excel, Pow erP oint, e m ail, etc. Fax or e-m ail resume. N o ohone calls Find th e rig h t LOCAL em ployee. "It's local, It w orks!" Call 905-632-4440 Fax 905-632-8165 Email: classified @haltonsearch.com Classified Department Burlington Post. Oakville Beaver Milton Canadian Champion Flamborough Review www.haltonsearch.com please refer to Ad#8812 Authorized Dealer Some restrictions apply. Offer expires Dec. 3 1 .2 0 0 3 ^YMetroland f l r Mrank? rtrolunri M John C. Werynski, C.A. Fax:905-338-1162 e-mail: JCWerynski@aol.com SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS^ WANTED Now training New Drivers · N o Evenings · N o W eekends · M orning and Afternoon runs · Free for other activities & hobbies ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** MODELING & ACTING * * For upcoming Film. Commercial Print, Runway STalent (Acting, Principle & Extra Work) It agency sees potential, we corer M l portfolio cost S admin, fees for 20-45 20-45 year old ACT** * looking lor MEN, WOMEN, TEENS & KIDS (3-70yrs.) } ` Community Notices Tender Deaths Contracted Caterer For Dining Room 2004 SEASON Respond with briel description ol experience and qualifications. Additional information will be provided by club via e-m ail or fax. Please call 9 0 5 -3 3 2-5 1 11 ext.23 or 24. Form al proposals to be submitted by January 1 9 .2 0 0 3. Send proposals to: MillcroR Golf Club, 2155 Country Club Dr., B u rl. ON L7M 4A8 e-m ail: tom d@ m onarchgroup.nel m w vm .m illcroftgolfclub.com M o n a rc h )· ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ M | n j B y s R u n s p ,u s * Call MTM Inc. 905-848-6731 Member o f The Casting Workbook · Extra m oney fo r Christm as b ills · Bring your own children N o Baby-sitting cost Free Training Competitive wages O n site training Extra W ork available "SAFETY IN MOTION' , 3 5 Passenger Available For m ore inform ation call LOOKING FOR WORK? We need to fill these positions ASAP: · Clerical / Customer Service ·Shipping/ Receiving ·Childcare Internship · Restaurant Services · Retail Sales If you are 16-24 and out of school/work, the Job Connect Program can connect You to real jobs. Call the YMCA at 905-681-1140 905-855-7771or 1-888-749-1515 for Mississauga & Brampton TRANSPORTATION INC. ATTRIDGE 905-333-4047 for Burlington and O akville only. I ^ | ^ I Say You Saw the ad in.,, 1 The Aakuillp beaver. Classified Gets Canadian Therapeutic College Looking for a fast paced. fun, friendly environment then we want you to be part of our team\ F/T & P /T S TO R E F R O N T & B A K ER P O S ITIO N S We otter: flexible schedules, above average w ages, Birth PATTERSON - Ryan & M ic h e lle P a tteiso n are d e lig h te d to a n n o u n c e the e a rly a rriv a l of th eir beautiful daughter on Novem ber 2 5 ,2 0 0 3 ^ B a iley E lise » Weighing 6 pounds 7 and a half ounces. P ro u d G ra nd p a re n ts are Pat & N o rm a n Patterson of Oakville and Florine & Dwane Ow ens of Tu rk e y Point. Delighted Great Grandfather Charles Part of M ontreal and the late N a nn y Parr sh in n in g dow n on us. W elcom ed by m any Aunts, Uncles and Friends. S p e cia l Th a n k s !o D r. S h a rm a , D r. S ta n to n , D r. Reynolds and the w onderlul nursing staff at O .T .M .H S p o rts In ju ry T h e ra p y R e g 'd M a s s a g e T h e ra p y Diplom a Program s Thurs. Dec. 1 1 , 2003,8 PM Call 905-632-3200 Financial Assistance Available (If Eligible) w w w .c a n a d ia n th e ra p e u tic c o lle g e .c o in p aid breaks, paid training, free uniform s, benefit p ro g ram a va il., staff incentive p ro gra m s, regular perfor m ance reviews. C areer Sem in ar 1 J OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT Apply in person to: 5 0 5 1 Harvester Rd.,Burt 1 Located at corner of Appleby Line & Harvester Rd.. ph/905-681-1841 Burlington Square. 760 Brant St., Burlington Tim n o tte m . Deaths R E S T A U R A N T A N D S P O R TS BAR O p e n in g this Ja n u a ry at G u e lp h Line & Q E W A NEW Telephone Directory in the Halton Region requires N O W HIRING FOR ALL POSITIONS SALES REPRESENTATIVES - Salary +comm + car allowances - Sales experience required Send resume to: c/o Oakville Beaver, Box 2140, 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville. O N L6K 3S4 JOB FAIR Sat. Dec. 13 & Sun. Dec. 14 9am - 5pm Mon. Dec. 15 5pm - 9pm Holiday Inn Burlington 3063 South Service Rd. at G uelph Line or fax resume to: 905-544-5220 www.bostonpizza.com ESPINOLA, Manuel Passed away suddenly at his residence on Wednesday, D e c e m b e r 3, 2 0 0 3 at the a g e of 78. B e lo ve d h u sb an d of M aria C h e rishe d father of Ruben and his wife Judi. Nelson and his wife Laura and Lawrence and his wife Roxanne Will be remembered by his grandchildren Melissa. Marcus, Andrea and Jeremy. Friends may call at the Oakview Funeral Home. 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr St.) Oakville, on Friday December 5 from 7-9 p.m. and on S a tu rd a y from 11 a.m . - 1pm . Funeral M ass. le a v in g at 1:15 to St. J o s e p h 's Portuguese Church (Hwy 5 and Bronte Rd.) for Mass at 2 p.m. Entombment Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens. ` Blessed are the peacemakers, lor they shall be called the children of G o d ' Matthew 5 9 FERLATTE, Claude - (P a s t G ra n d K n ight. G o o d S h e p h e rd C o u n c il # 8 3 4 0 , T h o rn h ill, and cu rre n t m em ber ot M arian C ou n cil #3881). W ith trem em dous sadness and loss, we announce the death ol our dearly loved h u s ba n d , father a nd grandfather C la u de , at Ham ilton's Henderson General Hospital (W ard 3 9 5 ) on Tuesday, Decem ber 2. 2003, of com plications due to Lupus and Cancer. Born M ay 1 ,1 9 3 3 in Dalhousie, New Brunsw ick to the late Jean C . Ferlatte and Yvonne Labelle: Joseph Charles Claude cam e to Toronto as a young m an. where he met his 'g ir l', his beloved wife Anne (nee Fitzpatrick) w ith w hom he spent forty-six wonderful years ol marriage. A tirelessly devoted Dad to Yvonne (G lenn Locke), ol Oakville and Jacqueline (M a lco lm G urle y) ol Ajax A proud, doling, devoted ` Papa" to Diana. Angela. B randon and Jo h n G urley: Sarah a nd Yvo n n e (V o n n ie ) Locke. C la u de leaves m any fam ily and frieg0s from Ontario. Quebec. Nova Scotia, N ew Brunsiw ck and P rince Edw ard Island to m ourn and m iss his w arm th and kindness. Claude w as a peace lo vin g, talented, sweet gentlem an w ith deep faith and deep loyalties, w ho devoted himself to those in need, both in North York, his hom e ol m any years, and O akville w here he and A n n e de cid e d to retire. O ur thanks to the m any caregivers from Oakville and Ham ilton, devoted to Dad's needs at this difficult time. Donations reflecting Claude's love ol anim als and people m ay be made to your local S P C A , Catholic M is s io n s in C a n a d a . G o o d S h e p h e rd C e n tre s (H a m ilto n and To ro n to ), Lu p u s S ocie ty of C anada, W ar Am ps of Canada or the Juravinski Cancer Centre in H a m ilto n . V isita tio n w ill be held at the K o priva Taylor C om m u n ity Funeral Hom e. 64 Lakshore Road W e st, O a k v ille (9 0 5 -8 4 4 -2 6 0 0 ), o n S u n d a y and M on d a y Irom 2 -4 and 7 -9 p .m . w ith P arish Prayers S u n d a y e v e n in g at 8 p .m . K n ig h ts of C o lu m b u s C erem ony ol Condolence. Rosary and Fourth Degree Cerem ony, M onday evening at 8 p.m Funeral M ass w ill be held at St M ic h a e l's C atholic C h u rch , 181 Sewell Drive, Oakville on Tuesday, Decem ber 9, 2003 at 11 a.m . Interment to follow at Holy Cross Catholic C e m e te ry, T h o rn h ill. A re ce p tio n w ill fo llo w the in te rm e n t at 10 B a n q u o R o a d , T h o rn h ill. E m a il condolences m ay be sent to k op riva@ e o l ca. please place F E R L A TTE on the subject line. -600 BLESS AND KEEP Y0IT

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