Oakville Beaver, 6 Dec 2003, A36

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36 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday December 6, 2003 G UELPH Line /QEW 3bedroom home. Suits fam i ly. No pets/ smokers. Credit/ refe ren ces req'd $1050 + util. 905-634-3535 BUNGALOW . 2-bedroom s plus basement room. Oak ville- Chisholm St. south of Lakeshore. W alk to town. S1200/mo -^utilities. 905842-8681 1MONTHTREERENT For occupancy by Ian. 112004 CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedroom s · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basem ent · P layground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and the Burlington Mall LIT T LE G row n-ups- P ro fe ssion al E n glish- P o rtu guese childcare Provider. A v a ila ble in new Halton R egistered hom e located opposite Appleby GO Sta tion. Call for appointment 905-634-7741 THE Halton C h ild Care P roviders Association o ff ers support and a chance to network with other pro viders through workshops and outings. New members always welcome, free refer ral for parents. Burlington 331-9372. DECEMBER Super S p e cial! Upholster 2 livingroom or occasional chairs with a beautiful Fields fabric and receive 30% off second (or lower priced) chair! Fields Custom Upholstering. 9am9pm, 905-632-9090 DINING room set. Buffet, hutch. 4-chairs, dark wood, great shape. $650. 905639-5903 DINING RO O M . 13-pce. cherry. 8 chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail con structio n. S till in boxes. C ost $11,000. S a crifice $3,000 905-567-9459 DISHWASHER- brand new Kitchenaid. stainless steel, never used, won in contest. $1,000 Call 905-845-6575 after 5pm ELECTRIC 3-wheel scooter for senior. Excellent condi tion, 2yrs old. Paid $4500. sell for $1500. 905-332-4736 ELECTRIC Golf Caddy, new in box. $500 obo. Includes b atte ry charger. 905-3158774 £ ______ FIREPLACE, arched glass/ screen doors, 30inch wide. Accessories, wrought iron, Lyem ance chim ne y top damper 905-632-9073 FRIDGE, stove, good con dition. solid oak coffee table, microwave. $350/ all. 905829-4850 after 6:30 pm FRIGIDAIRE Gallery stain less steel dual- fuel range. Gas cook top/ electric oven, 2yrs old. $2200 new. asking $1000. 30lnch. Subzero re frigerator/ freezer, almond color. $1000. Dec 91 905628-6354 GAS fireplace insert, never used 2 1 ,000b tu's. S400. 905-637-3356 HOT Tub/ Spa. All selfcontained. all options, w/ cover. 2003 m odel, new, still in wrapper, cost $8900, sacrifice $4,100. 905-3047775. KIDS sin gle bed. $75. Snowboards with bindings, Rage 132cm $65, 125cm $65. V ision 120 w ithout bindings. $30 1-905-601 -1811 LE AFS at M ontrealJan.24 or M a r.13/ 2004. Tickets/ Hotel/ Motorcoach From $259. w w w .toursport.com 1-877-532-3746 MAPLE couch & 2 matching chairs - slats with cushions $150 905-659-3821 MAPLE sleigh toddler bed w ith m attress; maple 3draw er dresser: maple rocking chair; N oah's Ark toddler room accessories A ll in excellen t condition. Best offers. 905-525-5678. MATTRESSES, brand new in plastic. All sizes available. Q ueen pillo w / top. $275. Can deliverl 905-330-4153 MEN'S ski boots, ' Nordica TTS*. s ize 10-10-1/2. 4 buckle m acro adjustable, silver/black. Excellent con dition. $90 905-847-5769 MOVING Sale- Everything m ust go! 6 draw er teak dresser w/mirror/ 2 night ta bles; maple double bed w/ mattress; black swivel office c h a ir; off-w h ite 3 seater couch, chair; Ikea kitchen table. 4 chairs; 2 bar stools; fireplace set. mesh screen. BO 905-825-9466 NEW sofas, loveseats. chairs straight from manu facturer. All 3-pieces start ing from $950. Shop at home' 905-469-1475 O FFICE desks, chairs, counter tops, dividers, call Gord Albim 905-844-2320 ext. 221_______________ PERIGO C lassica l baby stroller. $250. White I8cuft refrigerator/ freezer $300. 905-338-9417 after 6pm. PIANO, beautiful mahoga ny. tuned annually, keys in perfect playing condition, w/ bench, tuner appraised w ith recom m endation a va ila b le upon request, priced to sell, owner gone to school. $1,985. Please call 905-845-5199 POOL table plus accesso ries. Used/ R efurbished. Buy/ sell. P rofessio nal sen/ice for all models. 9056 1 6 -5 1 5 9 w w w .billiardservice.com QUEEN size ( New) m a t tress and box spring. Paid $2000 retail. Sell for $700 905-331-9295 S C O O TE R S - e le c tric 2& 3 Wheels, folda ble, re chargeable, m obility, fun. from $230 new 906681- 5534 wwwscexscoots.itgo.com SINGLE? Try speed dating. $35 Tues.Dec.9th, 7:00p.m. Julia's 312 Lakeshore Rd. downtown Oakville. 905-3372878 or datingevents@ yahoo.com . Participants 3545yrs. Meet interesting new SO FA, 3-seater, cream , new $2300. asking $1100. mint condition. Also, other items 905-469-6200 SO FA bed, less than 1 year old. double, m ottled blue, m atching cushions Best offer Pearl mink, fur coat, exce lle n t cond tion, size 14 905-337-0303 HCV L i articles wanted 1988 Ford F150 Dually. Standard. C a lifo rn ia cap, running boards. $1200, obo, as is. 905-331-0534 ACCO UNTING cle rk re quired for Burlington Freight broker. Must be proficient in Simply Accounting, and Ex cel. Please fax. or e-mail resume to. 905-632-1605. or lpatterson@bellnet.ca RECEPTIONIST Required: R e h a b ilita tio n / P ersonal Training Clinic. The perfect person fo r th is jo b has a great sm ile, is organized, enthusiastic, and shows Incredible initiative. Microsoft Word and Quick Books Pro skills are essential Please Fax- 905-333-2798 or Email resum e to: evolution 1 @on.aibn.com ACCOUNTS payable/ Re ceivable and Bookkeeping. Small business in Burlington position. Duties will indude keeping books/ payroll/ paya bles/ co lle ctio n s. Good com puter sk ills required . Newviews, knowledge, would be a strong asset. Fax: 905-681-0688 or e-m ail: info O odellassoc.com LO OKING for fu ll-tim e cook/general help. ModayFriday lo r very busy cafe teria Lewisfoods. 905-8900708 ext. 4467 2000 Toyota Sienna- E s tate sale- 110K, im m acu late condition. 905-827-8918 1994 PLYMOUTH V o yag er re b u ilt engine 2002, transm ission needs some work, as is. best offer. 905639-9705. BURUNGTON. 3-bedrooms. 1.5 baths, finished basement. Shelter Canadian Properties Limited Garage, fenced yard. C/A, app lia nces. $1350/m o, utilities. Available Jan.1. LARG E, new ly renovated 289-259-0829. 905-631-8821 2& 3-bedroom . firepla ce (3bdrm ), 4 appliances, BURLINGTON: 3-bedroom hardw ood floors, parking split, garage, family room, 2 rooms available. $450/mo included. Available im me inclusive Share accomoda Fireplace. 1.5 baths. C/A, diately/ Dec. 1/Jan.1. Close tions with 2 single profess S1375/mo ·······C entral. 2 to all am enities, park-like io nals. Near bus route. storey semi,1.5bath, recroom, setting. A rlington Blvd., Sheridan College. January 1. fenced. $1075/m o A lbert Burlington. 905-681-0070, 905-330-7011 McDonagh Ltd Realtor 905www.pmonline.com 632-5690 shared accommodation G UELPH L ine/ New St 1 MONTH Rent Free! 2.5 bedroom s m aisonet S1500/mo. and up. O ak S300/M0. utilities included. style townhouse $ 1200/mo ville/ Burlington Available Share all facilities, close to all includes utilities. Call 905now! 4-bedroom executive a m enities. G uelph/ New 632-1941 home. 905-333-3544 area 905-333-6762 O A K V ILL E - 3+1 bedroom RENO VATED 3+1 bed $ 4 0 0 /M 0 . u tilitie s incl. TH. 4 bathrooms. Imme rooms. 2 baths. 4 applianc First/ Last. Pool table. Bur diate occupancy. Near es, A/C, garage Appleby/ lington 905-333-6762 schoo ls/ bus 2 Parking. New area, S 1550/mo. util $1395./m on th No pets. ities. Feb.1 Month-to Month A P P LE B Y / New St.. B ur 905-338-2485 905-465-2224 lington. Quiet, easy going, non-smoking male, house, W ALK E R S L ine/U pper no parking. $450/mo. inclu Middle. New two bedroom sive 905-637-7345. townhome available im me 3-BE DRO O M . Fam ily diately. from $1350. + utili SHARE A c co m m odatio ncomplex. Parking. $1035./ ties. 905-82 8-67 67. 416recently renovated. Trafal mo.+ hydro/ heat, available 821-1741 gar/ QEW. Utilities, parking Jan/1st. 3000- 3014 C en included. $375/mo. Imm e tennial Drive, B u rlington. 3 bedroom 1-1/2 bath, ga diate. P referable m ale. 905-319-1869 rage, recently renovated, 905-274-3435, leave mesfin ish e d basem ent. Near SEEKING experienced ECE and ECA's for busy toddler classrooms. Supply and flo a te r sta ff also re quired. Please fax 905338-2123 or call 905-3382273 or em ail laura635@ sympatico.ca W AN TED : Math English teacher to help software de velopment. Need excellent language skills/ teaching ex perience. Fax 905-813-2675 m LIV E -IN C a reg iver need ed for 2 boys, age 16-mos. & 3-yrs. Flexible schedule essential, some weekends/ evenings. H ousekeeping/ pet care. W alke rs/ New 905-633-9816 P/T a fte r school care re quired. 2-girls (7. 9). Maplegrove area. Oakville. Start ing Jan.5. 2-3, days per/wk. Mon.. Wed, & Tues/ or Thurs Aprox 3:15- 6:30pm. Driving required , own car. gas allowance paid. Light house keeping/ meal preparation. 905-338-5871 BR AN T St. N orth- 1 or 2 car garage. 25' deep. $125/ mo Available immediately. 905-336-7207 W A N TE D - All China. S il ver, C rystal. Tea Cups. Royal Doulton. Swarovski, Glass. Jewellery, old toys, c o lle c tib le s , estate s. C all John/Tracy. 905-331-2477 W ANTED old paintings, art, books, china, glass, toys, clocks, watches, jew elry. collectibles, estates. Karl 905-681-6939 NEED a Job? Are you un employed? 90% of our Par ticipants get employment or training opportunities. Call the YMCA at 905-681-1140 KENNEL Staff required for Dog Guide school based in O akville. Must be flexible for day/ evening shifts and have experience with dogs. Please send resum e with salary expectations to: 905842-3373. C U STO D IAN / J a n ito ria l duty person required fu ll tim e fo r large B u rlington church. Send resume out lining previous experience to P.O. Box 1994 c/o The Bu rlington Post. 5040 M ainw ay, B u rlington. ON L7L 7G5 JO IN M olly M aid, the in dustry leader in profession al h ou seclean ing. Com petitive wage, training pro vided. D rivers license an asset. Hours: M on.-Fri. 8:30-4 30 905-681-7484 JANITOR/ General LabourerFull-Time, Tue.-Sat. 4:30pm1am. Required immediately. Contact Mark Porter at The Oakville Club 905-845-0231 Ext.201. Fax 905-845-3186. email: mporter©oakvilledub. com CLEANERS Mon-Fri Days Join our fun. team spirited atmosphere!! Car available. Call Maid of All Work 905336-7901. SHOPPERS Drug Mart. 4524 New Street Burlington, needs F/T Pharmacy Assis tant.. P/T m erchandisers and cashiers. Fax resume to: 905-639-0757 S.E. Oakville. Family of 3boys (8,8 ,10). Laundry, cooking, homework Trans portation an asset. P/T, or F/T. M id-day/ early even ings 905-338-8763 TAX C.A. 3 days/wk, less in summer Oakville mid size public co., report to CFO, special pro jects! Need C IC A InDepth Reply to: Marilyn Eddy. CA meddy@lannick.com Phone 416-340-1500 I inside sales CORNER com puter desk with hutch, office chair on casters, new cond ition $1007set; 905-844-7639 FISHER Price 3 in 1 games table, hockey/ pool/ pingpong $75. 905-319-1867 FREE- King size waterbed, bladder & hea ter (alm ost new). 905-335-9215 SCOOTER Electric. Amigo, for e ld e rly or disabled person. $100. 905-333-8976 SH ELV ES- Two 6 - S h e l f bookcases. New condition. $60 /set 905-844-7639 TUX, black, large size W aist 39*. double bre a st ed, extra pants, navy. $60. 905-337-0600 PROPERLY seasoned. 100% hardwood Ontano's la rg e st firew oo d reta ile r. Beware of tele m a rke te rs m aking false claim s. For more in form ation, M arc's Quality Firewood. 905-2576366 M ETICU LO U S cleaning A career of experience w/ fastidious clientelle Cus tom s e rv ic e - w eekly/ b i weekly clients. Louha, 905634-4871 JU D Y 'S cle anin g a v a il able to clean your home. W eekly/biweekly/occasion al. Very thorough & reliable. 905-681-2936 A V A ILA B LE now: honest, reliable Cleaner. Oakville & Burlington area. Referenc es available. Call Shauna. 905-466-7206. Open Bans* M on.-W ed.-Fri. 10-4 & S a l-S u n . 11-2 GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES s choo ls/ shopping A v a il able Jan. 1/2004. 905-7706731 SIXTH Line/Upper Middle, 3 bedroom, finished base ment. 4 appliances, corner unit. $12 5 0 ** Dec 1. 905858-3171 BURLINGTON Brant. North of QEW, newly constructed 2-bedroom townhouse. Bright in terio r, 5 appliances, full basem ent, large private backyard. Easy access to Q EW /403/407 co rrid o rs Close to amenities. January 1/2004. $1200/mo. -^utilities, includes 1 parking. Helen 905-332-0118 BU RLING TO N, B luefields Dr. Imm aculate 2or3 bdrm tow nhouse. fenced yard, hardwood. Immediate $895/ mo. No dogs 905-336-7207 BU R LIN G TO N ! Brownstones, 2-bedroom to w n house. Bright, patio, park ing, appliances. $975/mo. utilities 905-631-9087 BURLINGTON. Duncaster. Executive 1400sq.ft.. c/air, fireplace. 3-bedrooms. 2.5 baths, garage. $1325/mo. utilities. No pets/ smokers. Immedttt. 905-335-6172 BURLINGTON. Lakeshore/ Francis. 3-bedroom tow n house. 1.5 baths, 4 applian ces. C /A ir. $ 1 100/mo. utilities. Available immed iately 905-815-3312. BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom maisonette. 1140 Tavistock Dr. a vailab le nowl Sm all complex. Near Home Depot/ QEW. No pets. 1-car park ing 905-335-0636 FAMILY townhouses, 3&4 bedrooms, unfinished base ment, 1 car garage, fridge and stove. Basic cable included. Rent from $1050S i 177/mo. North Oakville. 905-842-8353 OFF Guelph Line- 3-bed room, 2 storey condo. 1.5 bath. G arage. $1040/m o Albert McDonagh Ltd. 905632-5690 BRAND new corner town house, 2-bdrm ^w alkout den, 5 app lia nces, C/A. firepla ce, close to am eni ties. Available Jan/1 st $1250/ mo + u tilitie s . Uptown Oakville 905-257-8799 O A K V ILL E - 3&4 Bedroom tow nhouses availab le Immediately through Janu ary. 4 appliances. Hopedale M all area. Lakeshore Management. 905-876-3336 611 Surrey Lane. Burl. Immaculate 2&3 BRs. with full basements! Utilities included. Rental Incentive Tel 905-632-8547 O AKVILLE/ Burlington. 2& 3 bdrm townhouses. $959$1218/m o plus u tilitie s . Please call 905-825-6000 ext. 4402 for details on lo cations and a vailab le dates. No last m onth rent deposit required LUXURY 3/4 bedroom tow nhouses. fam ilyroom , basement, backyard. From $1099/mo.+ parking & hy dro. 905-639-0950 www linwood.com BURLINGTON non-smoker to share tow nhouse, full house p riv ile g e s , near shopping, bus. Immediate. $450/m o. F irs t/la s t. 905631-7392 NEW clean & frie n d ly townhouse condo to share at Walker's & Upper Middle. S uitable for one responsi ble female student or pro fessional that appreciates space, p rivacy & a warm home $495/mo + utilities A v a ila ble im m ediately. Chris 905-580-2112________ V i l V l announcements THANK you to our C hrist m as Sale Patrons. Our Brock Shoppe w ill remain open on Dec.9th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th. 17th, 18th 9am11:30am w ith many more Christmas treasures. I lost & found ALTO Saxophone. Yam a ha. Like new! Case and extras in clude d. $1175. 905-333-6837 FREE to good hom e- 6yr. old spayed & declawed fe male orange tabby. A lle r gies 905-849-7509 FREE, 3 yrs. old. Female lab cross black, spayed and vaccinated, sweet and fnendly 905-304-1153 LA B puppies (purebred)$400. includes first needle & check 905-469-2360 days. 905-335-8010 evenings MINIATURE Dachs Hound Red. 3yrs years old. $250 O nly to good home. 905637-0692 FREE kitten to a good home. Short hair, black and orange. asaraiva4 @hotmail.com BUSY Furniture F itting s Company in Burlington re quires Inside Sales Repre sentative. Training available. Experience in the woodwork ing product line would be an asset. Must have excellent communication skills, pleas ant telephone manner and well organized. Computer knowledge essential. Fax: 905-319-4446 or bpiercyO hafeleamertcas.com. B O O K K E E P IN G / secre ta ria l Do you need some help? Give me a call to get all your business affairs in order Linda 905-826-1124 or 416-953-1124___________ [ 5 ; V I hayndes A Hand painted French country 56* round pedestal table w/6 chairs, mint con dition Unique 905-637-0671 A king pillow-top m attress set. New in pla stic. Cost $1600. S a crifice $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliver BABY Grand piano, like new! $2800, sacrific e m ovingl 905-358-7532 Delivery avail able. BALDW IN Classic upright piano. Walnut wood grain, immaculate condition. 14yrs Old. $2250. obo. 905-842-2080 BASEBALL caps, many with police logos. $5-$15, discount for multiple sales. 905-689-5743 BED, Am azing bargain, queen orthopedic pillowtop set. new in plastic, warran ty $150,905-567-4042 BED, new queen orthope dic m attress, boxspring. New in plastic. Cost $899. sell $275. Call 905-379-3873 BEDROOM set. 8-pce, cherryw ood. Bed. chest, dresser, m irro r, night stands. Dovetail construc tion Never opened. Cost $8,000. S a crifice $2400. 905-567-4042 BEDROOM suite. Palliser all In one, like new $500, Includes upper bunk: Kenmore, w asher/dryer $300/ pr.; Double bed frame $25 905-331-2909 BEDROOM suite, solid pine. Queen headboard, 2 dressers, good condition, $400. Call 905-332-6615. BEDS. New, Double. $220. Queen, $240. Complete w/ frame. Futons. Free Delivery. R efurbished VCRs, TVs, record players, portable CD players 905-681-9496 BIG Screen 52* Sony TV. Sony DVD & Cogeco digital box. $300CVall 905-331-8326. BUNKBEDS- P.ne, excellent condition. $225. York home gym, excellen t cond ition, $250. 905-631-6685 CARPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $389. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards) Steve. 905-639-2902 CH ILDREN S skis with b indin gs, ski boots, and poles. $150 or best offer. 905-257-4727 COUCH 2-wing back chairs and ottoman for sale. Sklar Peplar, winter white. Newl Sold together or separate. 905-847-9910 SALES people required: Full & Part-Time, flexible hours, vehicle required, local area. Commission based. Fax re sume: 905-639-6815 _____ COMMISSION Sales peo ple for P rin ting Com pany based in Burlington. High percentage com m ission. Info: Kevin. 905-632-4611 SLE IG H / Hay Rides. Horse-draw n. Groups. Birthdays. Fam ilies, Party Room. Uncle Porky's. 1/2Hr from Burlington. 1-800203-9093 $$$$$ C H RISTM AS Lighting/ Decorations, supply and in stall or install only. Broad way Lan dscapin g 905823-2427 LOVELY APTS. & TOWNHOUSES 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr., Burlington FO UNDS ilver locket Sherw ood Park Sunday Nov. 30/03 C all Louise 905-631-6025 FOUND: Black and white cat found Guelph Line N. of Hwy #5. We call 'Rudolph* Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND: Elderly cat. black, short hair C entral High School area. We call ` Slim *. Please call 905637-7325 FOUND: grey tabby and white cat found Woodward & G uelph. We ca ll M olly. Please call 905-637-7325 L O S T - C h ihua hua/ Jack Russel m ix. black/w hite, a pp roxim a tely 5-pounds. SuperC entre area. A n swers to Chllo. Josee 905333-6924 _____________ LO ST- December 1/03. In the M ountain G ardens area. Sm all black Schipperke dog. Fem ale, erect ears, no tail. NO collar but is m icrochipped. Answers to 'M isty*. Reward. Phone 905-332-4138 LO ST- Kitten. 6 month old grey and black Tabby. Ap pleby Line/New St. Collar w/yellow tag. micro-chipped. ·Tiger* 905-333-8171 Personals W ANTED driver/w car for transportation (8/5) at GO Station & N. Service/ King St.. 5days/ week, Rahman 416-752-0635 I nann I live-in/out Park-like setting near golt course & QEW 2 & 3 BR T .H . Ja n . F ro m $ 1 050/m o. Great 1-B d rm Apt, Im m e d . $7 50/m o . Call today to view: LADY Driven. 1993 M er cury Sable Just traded in. this car is outstanding, in side and out. 101,520kms.. with many of Mercury's op tions. in cluding buckets seat and console. $3995 as is. Contact Ron Oke at Ken nedy Ford 905-632-3578 or 905-845-1646 ext. 144 1996 HONDA Civic 4-door, standard, air, 129.000kms.. excellent condition, dealer serviced, e-tested. $6900. 416-581-8211; 905-845- 9123 1997 Ford Escort LX Sport, silver, 4-door. auto, power, new tires, keyless entry, good engine. Pana sonic C D /p layer 190km (highway) $3995 O.B.O. 905630-2731.905-570-1111 MOVING to USA. requires som eone to assum e re m aining 2 years of 4 year lease on a 2002 Honda Ci vic, 4 door, automatic, load ed. m e ta llic beige. 47,000km.. highway driven. Call 905-827-(5483 2000 C hrysler Intrepid ES fu lly loaded, tan w /black leather, new tires, excellent condition. $9800 905-8428817 1986 Toyota T ercel, 5door. 1 owner, $500 O.B.O Call 905-338-0884 1991 P ontiac G rand Prix SE air. cruise. P/W . P/L. remote entry, maos, excel lent condition, $2000. 905827-1637 1999 Saturn SL1, auto, a/c, 93,000km. New tires, excel lent condition, asking $7200 Call 905-331-2684 2002 Toyota Echo- W ant $500? take over my lease. 4 dr., less than 20K. 3 years $257/mo. 905-464-7425 2001 H arvest G old Ford Tarus SE, autom atic, v6. power everything! C/D, ex cellent condition. 72,000km. $12,500 905-257-2853 1994 Ford Taurus. 3L. Sil ver Gray. Body excellent. Motor good. E-tested. High m ileage. Needs $400. tran sm ission work As is best offer* 905-975-0535 1993 CHEV C a valier RS/V6, autom atic. 160K, CD, air, maroon. $1500 as is 905-681-6173 1992 4-door Mazda 626. 4 c yl autom atic, 157.500K. good con d itio n . $3,000 905-469-8846 EARN EXTRA **CA$H** Run your own business with early morning delivery of newspapers in Burlington. Exc. commissions. 7-days/wk. Reliable vehicle required. Call Boris, 905-333-4977 3RIVER/ Courier required fu ll-tim e to help package and deliver tim e-se nsitive pharmaceutical products in our company vehicle. Early mornings and shift rotation required M onday-Friday 3:00am -11:30am . Fax re sume with copy of driving abstract to B Guy at Amersham Health 905-8477790 KINSELLA Interiors fashion forward home furnishings store req's an exp.'d P/T SALE/ DESIGN PERSON to join our team Good people skills & positive attitude. Please lax resume ACCR EDITED M oving/ Packing/ Storage. Domestic/ Inte rn a tio n a l. Free w a r drobes/ picture cartons. Ur gent jobs welcome. 905-8291282. 866-666-1313 GOING to M ove? C all M ove-R ight M oving. Best se rvice in the area. C all Thomas. 905-847-0178 905-820-7295 905-335-3001 E-mail: tycourt® cogeco.ca for info. BRONTE $ 1 4 5 0 /m o 3bdrm , 2 baths, attach ed garage, 5 appliances, fami ly room, 1 block from lake, no pets, refe ren ces re quired. Possession Jan15 or Feb1. Call Mrs. Rogers 905-335-2655 3-BDRM. 2.5 baths. 5 ap pliances. garage. Appleby/ Fairview. $ 1300/mo. First/ Last. Available Jan.1. 905681-9626 LARGE 3-bedroom , 5 ap pliances. garage. J a n .1st. From $1219/mo .+ utilities. Longmoor Dr.. Burlington. 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -0 0 7 0 www.pm a.com HYGIEN IST required fu ll tim e fo r busy o rth odontic office to cover a maternity leave sta rtin g M arch 1, 2004. O rthodontic experi ence a definite asset. Sub mit resume to Drs. J. & R. Bozek. 2069 Lakeshore Road. Suite 7. Burlington, ON L7R 1E2. fax: 905-6396543 PHARMACY A ssistant re quired full-tim e for a B u r lington Pharm acy. E xce l lent wages & hours (MonFri. 9am -5pm ). P revious Kroll experience an asset. O utgo ing perso n a lity a must. Fax resume to 905336-8509 W ELLN ES S C entre lo o k ing for a Holistic Nutrition ist, Iridologist. Craniosacral Therapist or other related holistic practitioners. Full/ Part-time. Please call Lisa for more information 905633-8704 MILTON Dental O ffice re quires an experienced Dental Assistant for perma nent part-time position. 21 + hours/w k. Please fax re sume to 905-876-3491 FU LL-TIM E den tal a s s is tant required for Periodon tal office. Monday-Thursday HARP required Fax re sume to 905-844-4763 CARS FOR SALE To advertise your car call 905-632-4440 Ads appear in the Burlington Post. Oakville Beaver. Flam borough Post and on website www.haltonsearch.com As low as $50/weeki LOST & FOUND I salon & spa help HAIRDRESSER, part-time, approx. 2 d ays/ week for luxury retirement residence in Burlington. Previous experi ence with seniors a definite asset. Fax resum e Mary Turnbull, General Manager, 905-333-0596 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWM HOMES Across Irom Burl Mali 3&4 Bdrm from $925. 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 B EST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt GUELPH Line/ Upper Middle 2-bedrooms, fridge, stove. $800/mo. +utilities. first/ last. D e cist/ Jan. No pets. 905336-7901 9-am* 6pm Nottingham. Burlington B E A U TIFU L, large, up s cale. 2-bedroom . W alkers Line/ U pper M iddle Rd. 2 ensuite bath, firepla ce, yard, garage. $1400/m o. 905-319-9162 FA IR V IE W / Appleby walk to go on bus route Nonsm oker no pets $425/m o 905-634-9453 after 6pm $ 5 0 0 /M 0 Executive Lakeshore new home. Fur nished. A va ila ble im m e diately Call 905-847-7977 BU RLIN G TO N C entral. Large room, walk-in closet. C/Air. ensuite, cable. Share kitchen, laundry. Immedtafte. $47Vmo. 905681-0963 ROOM w a n te d - Student on a co-op work term, re quire a room from J a n .1 April 30, in Burlington area. C ontact Ju lia 519-8240022 ext. 73681 LIV E -IN N a n n y - 16-mos. tw ins & 3.5yr. old. Light hou sekeeping/ cooking. Some evenings/ weekends. Bronte 905-827-8630 AUTO Repair Shop re q uire s hard w orking li censed M echanic. R e li able, honest & fluen t in English. Custom er service skills an asset. Please call Lisa 9 0 5 -84 9-05 63 or fax resume attention Lisa: 905849-0224 Found Something? Place your ' Found"ad FREE ol charge. Burl. & Flamb. 905- 632-4440 Oakville 905- 845-3824 Fax: 905-632-8165 I offlce-clencal LO VING , ene rge tic, and fun daycare provid er has space in sm all group. 12 years experience. Debbie 905-335-8455 JAN U A R Y a v a ila b litity . Limited spots. Experienced, loving childcare. Hot meals, snacks, in door/ outdoor learning environment. Burloak/ New St. 905-631-0404 R E Q U IR E D , C u s to m e r S ervice R e presentative with a great phone manner and lo ves pets, fu ll-tim e positions availab le im m e diately in our Oakville office. B ilingual, m edical &/or insurance background would be an asset. Please call 905339-4460 or em ail PolicyAdminJobs© petcareinsurance.com PANE FRESCO Bakery & Cafe requires counter help, straight days, no evenings. A p ply w ith resum e 414 Locust St .Burtington, PLEASE RECYCLE T H IS P A P E R

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