CORK FLOORS at T he C o r k H o u s e (905) 257-5588 Neyagawa @ Dundas Oakvillians past and present named to Order of Canada S to ry page 5 * Elvis is in the building Sports r .o a k v ille b e a v e r . c o m TH EO A K V ILL N O R T H A M E R I C A S M O S T A W A R D E D A Metrotand Publication Vol. 40 No. 94 C O M M U N I T ' FRIDAY. AUGUST 8. 2003 40 Pages $1.00 ;..^ c s n " I S ! \ G C O M M I X I C A T I O S T O Bt U P l U I T t . R C O M ML M T I I S Everyone happy with 0PA 198 agreement By Kim Amott S PE C IA L T O T H E BEAVER It's right there in the legalese of the deal itself -- "the settlement is a win for the citizens of Oakville and for all parties." Those words actually appear in the text of the agreement completed this week between the Town, Oakvillegreen, Clear the Air Coalition (CTAC) and Residents, Association North of Dundas (RAND). That agreement has ended all but the formalities of what was expected to be a lengthy and expensive Ontario (See 'Long' page 3) ...but 0MB wants your opinion By Kim Amott S P E C IA L T O T H E BEAVER HIDE Editorials.................... 6 Worship....................... 13 ArtScene......................25 Business..................... 28 Real Estate.................. 29 Sports.........................32 Classified..................... 35 (S u p p o rt Y o u r Local C a rrier) F u lD r ih r r r : C o u i o i Tire. Shopper* D m g Mart. Lkmtmum S o h e y X L e tm v L M u m x Staples. H A M Partiri D H h n y B eu A n ; Ashety Furniture. TML Roger* M rJ ui Futuir Shop, Pharma Plus. le U en . Sean. The Bant. F ood B m k x Fomna*. Ho Lee Chow. H o n e H anU urr Keene. O fic e Depot. Outback. Super Pet. Stone* Creek Fum uurr. N o F nlb. C oven Barrie Erskine · O akville Beaver Form er Oakville resident Mike Etherington dropped into Oakville this week en route to S t John's, Newfoundland as part of his cross-Canada trek to promote cycling as an environmentally-friendly transportation alternative. Cyclist peddles sustainable transportation Cross-country trek promotes bicycle as alternative to automobile By Wilma Blokhuis O A K V ILLE BEAVER STAFF Mike Etherington is cycling across Canada to make a statement about transportation. To him, the bicycle is an alternative to the automobile. The 32-year-old environm ental studies graduate from the University of Oregon left Vancouver, where he's lived and worked in sales for the past decade, on June 8 and plans to arrive in St. John's, Newfoundland, by the end of August. To reach Oakville he cycled 4,980 kilometres. "I'm not going straight to St. John's," he said. "I'll be taking side trips, cycling through Prince Edward Island and along the Cabot Trail (in Nova Scotia), visiting a friend in Halifax and spending a week in Newfoundland. I've never been east of Montreal." Etherington, bom, raised and edu cated in Oakville - he graduated from Oakville Trafalgar High School - spent a week at home visiting his parents Bruce and K a* n Etherington, before continuing on his trek on Wednesday. "I'm cycling to promote sustain able transportation solutions," said Etherington, president o f Herban Warriors Adventure Corporation, an organization he launched to promote (See 'OT page 9) While the main players have settled their appeals of the Town's plan for north Oakville development, there's still an opportunity for members of the public to be heard. At an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing Wednesday, Town of Oakville solicitor Julia Ryan noted that a deal has been reached that will allow Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 198 to be approved and urban growth north of Dundas Street to take place. "This is a comprehensive settlement involving all the parties," she noted. "From the Town's perspective, this is a positive thing for all the town's residents." (See 'OMB' page 7) SVLC In s id e e very Friday... C m t k n PUMcamnt Mai Product AgrMmanl **35-201 DELIVERY F o rh o m ed elivery& cu sto m e rse rv ic eca ll (9 0 5 ) 845 -9 74 2 Won, fa n .. A T h in . 9 a m . - 6 p ji L . W e dAFii 9ajn. -4/m ilorSa avda y10am . -4pjn. F o rn ewsu b sc rip tio n s,ca ll(90S) 84 5-9742 o r su b sc rib eo n lin e@ onbillebrm rram P c p p c ro w i P 'Z o n c 1 fo r § Z fo r T r y th e M e a t y o r C a n a d ia n Fo r J u s t L im ite d -tim e o f f e r M o re ! OAKVILLE TOWN CENTRE I 3 3 8 * 0 3 4 4 TRAFALGAR RIDGE 2 5 7 - 5 4 3 3