4 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday A ugust 8, 2003 OPA 198 secondary plan could still end up at OMB (Continued from page 3) be developed over the next 15 years. Following the approval of the agreement on OPA 198, Town Council directed staff C o b b le S lO N E m b e r S " Masonry & Fireplace Design Specialists" All types of masonry work & restoration: · chimneys · stairs · walkways · patios · planters · tuck pointing Q U A L IT Y BR A N D N A M E S GAS Nou.' featuring M AJESTIC Vermont Caring* V ERM0NT Btirbecues & E L E C T R IC F IR E P LA C E S A V A ILA B LE z 3 5 S T \ WIT fi rtrt Design & installation of gas, electric & conventional fireplaces: · stone & brick facings · built-in · wood surrounds cabinetry · cast stone mantels to hire a consultant to begin work on the development of a secondary plan for the lands west of Sixteen Mile Creek. The secondary plan work for the lands east of the creek is already underway, with a public consultation process to begin next month. Despite this week's nego tiated settlement of OPA 198, there's no guarantee that the secondary planning process may not see the town back in front of the OMB. In fact, that is what an Oakvillegreen press release issued Wednesday morning predicts, as the group explains why it decided to negotiate the deal. The release says O ak villegreen opted to settle because it was made clear by the OMB chair that the group could not simply argue against the urbanization of north Oakville. As well, it said the group was concerned that the sec ondary planning process would proceed even while the hearing was taking place. "We believed we could be more effective if we focused our attention on the planning o f north Oakville," said the press release. "We need to be at the table when those plans are being made." Finally, it suggested, "It is likely a future OMB hearing will be necessary, based on the results of the secondary planning process. Such a hearing would not be restrict ed to policy only, as this one was, but will be based on the science of the natural fea tures, such as the function of the Trafalgar Moraine. "It is our hope that at that time, residents of Ontario would be able to work within a reformed, OMB process." In the meantime, Oak villegreen is urging its sup porters to look to upcoming local and provincial elec tions. "It's up to all of us to make sure the environment is front and centre, especially at the local level, and that can didates know what the public will expect of them, if elect ed," added the press release. And for anyone who was breathing a sigh of relief that the OPA 198 process was finally over, the Oakvillegreen press release ends on a chilling note. "Please stay tuned, there's lots more to come." 4 0 6 S p e e rs RcL, O a k v ille 905-337-2066 (across from Rona Lansing) VISIT Tin: SPECIALISTS IX) SEE TIIE DIFEEREKl E £ OUT O ^flG EJRYB jH E tW W S M R g l (selected areas) D is c o v e r H o w a B a la n c e d D ie t C a n B e n e fit Y o u r D e n ta l H e a lth ! Choosing foods that w ill help your body stay strong and healthy can make a big difference in the way you feel and perform, but did you know that your choice of foods and your eating habits may also affect your dental health? Teeth, like the rest of your body, need a balanced diet. If you do not eat a balanced diet, you are more likely to experience tooth decay. The developing teeth of young children can also be affected by poor diet, such children are also more likely to have dental problems as they grow up. 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