Oakville Beaver, 28 May 2003, A07

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday May 28, 2003 - A7 Changes will mean more jobs: board (Continued from page A1) W hat's playing? M o v ie listings updated w e e kly fo r O akville, B u rlin g to n and H am ilton G >O A K V I L L E C O U N C IL & S T A N D IN G C O M M IT T E E M E E T IN G S Tuesday, June 3, 2003 Council Meeting Council C ham bers 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 9, 2003 Planning & Development Council Meeting Council Cham bers 7:30 p.m. the caretaking of elementary schools done by CUPE members, but that it is looking to private sources to maintain secondary schools. "We want to be able to give the Halton board an A-plus for clean, safe schools. That means having custodial services provided by permanent board employees, not a private company with the lowest bid, in all Halton public schools," said Bryant. "Everyone seems to understand the value of having board custodians in ele mentary schools because of the safety factor. We believe it is just as important at the high school level, maybe even more important, to have that permanent person in the school who is throughout the building during the day and who knows who belongs there and who doesn't." A high-ranking board administrator said she has been taken aback by the union's petition and public position. "It was not discussed with us that there would be a problem with it," said Dawn Beckett-Morton, the executive officer of human resources. She said the union knew of the board's intention for some time. Although it wasn't a condition of the two-year contract CUPE signed last September, Beckett-Morton said a com mittee formed last year, comprised of board staff and CUPE custodial repre sentatives, met on the contracting out issue and came up with a plan for its implementation. "I take it there are a few people in their union in secondary schools that are affected by it," she said of the union's recent comments. Both sides acknowledge no CUPE jobs are being lost by the changeover in staffing model at the secondary level. Beckett-Morton noted though it could mean a change in job description or work venue for some custodial employees. "We're standardizing the (custodial) operations. The attempt is to get the best efficiency financially," she said. Beckett-Morton said it will actually be a case of more custodial jobs for CUPE members overall as all elementary schools must move to the new staffing model. She doesn't believe there is a student or school property safety issue either. She noted police background checks are required of all board employees, includ ing contract workers. "At the secondary level the head care taker is still there and there's also the lead hand," a nightshift supervisor who will also be a CUPE worker. M ost Halton public board high schools should have contract workers in place by June 2004, said Sheila Gore, the board's manager of human resources. CUPE Local 1011 president Bryant also raised the issue of potentially com promised hygiene in schools with the use of contract custodians. "Cleanliness in our schools is too important a job to be left up to the lowest bidder," said Bryant. OAKVlLLEBEAVEIt.COM t i l l I S T I I I t T 1 * I ( I « « f 5 I I I Tuesday, June 10, 2003 Community Services Com m ittee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Com m ittee 7:30 p.m. - Trafalgar Room Monday, June 16, 2003 Council Meeting Council C ham bers 7:30 p.m. OAKVILLE NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW Z o n in g B y -la w A m e n d m e n t H o u s e k e e p i n g C h a n g e s t o t h e E m p lo y m e n t L a n d s B y -la w File: 4 2 .0 3 .6 4 BY T h e C o r p o r a tio n o f th e Tow n o f O ak v ille TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Oakville passed By-law 2003-081 on the 12th day of May, 2003 under Section 34 of R.S.O. 1990, Chap P. 13, The Planning Act, a s am ended; AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Oakville not later than the 16th day of June, 2003. a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection together with a cheque in the amount of $125.00, for each by-law, payable to the Minister of Finance. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a zoning by law to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the nam e of an individual who is a m em ber of the association or the group on its behalf. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the land to which the by-law applies, and a key map showing the location of the land to which the by-law applies is overleaf. The com plete by-law is available for inspection at the Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville in the Planning Services Department from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Any questions may be directed to Bin Newell, Planning Services Department at 845-6601, ext. 3024, email: bnewell@oakville.ca. DATED at the Town of Oakville this 27th day of May, 2003. Cathie L. Best Town Clerk of the TOWN of OAKVILLE PUBLIC WORKSHOP J u n e 5. 2 0 0 3 , 7:00 p .m . O ak v ille T ow n Hall (O akville a n d T ra fa lg a r R o o m s) NORTH OAKVILLE SECO N D A RY PLAN EAST R e v ie w of S tu d y D e sig n The Town of Oakville is undertaking a secondary planning process to prepare for future urban developm ent. The secondary plan study area is situated between Dundas Street, Sixteen Mile Creek, Highway 407, the municipal boundary and Ninth Line. The secondary plan study team will be lead by Macaulay Shiomi Howson (Elizabeth Howson) and Duany Plater-Zyberk (Andres Duany). On April 28, 2003 Council approved the work program for this secondary plan. As part of Phase 1 - Vision Development, a public workshop is being held a s an interactive forum to obtain input into the finalization of the study design. The first portion to the w orkshop will be a presentation outlining the work program and other m atters related to the secondary planning process. A breakout session will follow. The input received at this workshop will be considered a s part of the final study design. This initial step is vital to a successful startup and in the creation of the secondary plan. The work program as approved by Council can be found on the Town's Web site in the North Oakville Secondary Planning section. RSVP: Please register with Robert Thun, Senior Planner, Town of Oakville Planning Services Department by telephone at (905) 845-6601 ext. 3029 or email: rthunOoakville ca SO that the Town can arrange for appropriate seating. When reserving, please indicate your Name and Telephone number or email address where you can be reach you, if necessary, in advance. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 21st day of May, 2003 Peter Cheatley, MCIP, RPP Director Planning Services Department Town of Oakville NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING O fficial P la n A m e n d m e n t. Z o n in g A m e n d m e n t A nd R e v isio n to D raft P la n of S u b d iv isio n W e s to a k T rails Blvd a n d B ro n te R o a d APPLICANT: MATTAMY DEVELOPM EN T (BRONTE) LIMITED File: Z. 1 4 2 9 .0 3/24T -99013 Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment and Revision to Draft Plan of Subdivision a s submitted by the above-noted applicant. This meeting will be hosted by Town Council at which time a staff report and recommendations will be presented. This meeting will take place on June 23, 2003, commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed application, describing the land to which the proposed application applies, and a key m ap showing the location of the land to which the proposed application applies can be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal(s) of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning am endment, official plan am endm ent and draft plan of subdivision to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral subm issions at a public meeting or does not make written subm issions before the proposed zoning am endment, official plan am endm ent and draft plan of subdivision are approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal(s). If you wish to be advised of the pending approval of the changes to the draft plan of subdivision please contact Mr. Peter Cheatley, Planning Director at the address noted below. A copy of the staff report pertaining to this matter will be available for review in the Clerk's Department as of June 16, 2003 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. You may direct any written subm issions and/or questions to Leigh Musson at the Tow n's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310,1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, Ext. 3371 email address: lmusson@oakville.ca. Location - The subject NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Z o n in g A m e n d m e n t & D ra ft P la n of S u b d iv is io n P a r t o f L o ts 2 6 a n d 27, C o n c e s s io n 1 S .D .S . A PPLICA N T G e n s u ir T itle c o Ltd. File: 2 4 T -0 3 0 0 1 /1 4 2 6 a n d Z .1 4 2 6 .0 9 Please be advised that a public meeting will be held to discuss a proposed Zoning Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision a s submitted by the above-noted applicant. This meeting will be hosted by Town Council at which time a staff report and recom m endations will be presented. This meeting will take place on June 23, 2003, commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this m atter are invited to do so. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed application, describing the land to which the proposed application applies, and a key map showing the location of the land to which the proposed application applies can be found below. If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the approval authority, in respect of the proposed Zoning Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, do es not make oral submission at the public meeting, if one is held, or make written submission to P eter Cheatley, D irector o f Planning S ervices D epartm ent, Town o f Oakville a t th e a b o ve n o te d a d d ress, before the proposed Zoning Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dism iss the appeal. A copy of the staff report pertaining to this m atter will be available for review in the Clerk's Department as of June 16, 2003 betw een the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. If you wish to be notified of the decision of the proposed subdivision, you m ust make a written request to the undersigned at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of.Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601. Any other questions or concerns may be addressed to Leigh Musson, extension 3371 or lmusson@oakville.ca. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. A summary of the subject proposal may be found below. Location - The subject site is located w est of Third Line, south of Dundas Street, north side of future Pine Glen Road. The land is legally described Part of Lots 26 and 27, Concession 1 S.D.S. Public encouraged to cheer on runners (Continued from page A1) "The Halton Regional Police Service is a proud supporter ' o f the Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olym pics and we are constantly impressed by the effort made by the ath letes in their training and commitment to reaching their fitness and athletic goals," says Algar. This year, the public is encouraged to come out once again and cheer the run ners on as they pass by. Halton students -- many of whom are helping the cause by ""adopting a cop" and raising funds in the name of specific officers -- plan to be out in force. "The community support shown by members of the public, and especially the participation of the local schools to assist us in our fundraising efforts in our region, is inspiring," said Algar. The torch is scheduled to reach Bronte Road and Rebecca Street around noon. It will continue east along Rebecca then south on Margaret Drive to Lakeshore Road, where it continues east then north on Reynolds Street to George's Square. Funds raised by police, fire and ambulance will go toward the Special Olympics and the Torch Run is support ed by the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police. More than 8,000 law enforce ment runners take part across Ontario. The Special Olympics were founded by Dr. Frank Hayden, a Burlington resi dent and McMaster University profes sor. Hayden originally conceived of an Olympic Games for those with mental challenges in 1965. The first games were held in Chicago in 1968 and since then over one million athletes have taken pan. Today, Special Olympics is a year-round international sports training and athletic competition program for children and adults with special needs. property is located on the east side of Bronte Road, north of Upper Middle Road. The proposals before the Town deal with the area of the current draft approved plan 24T-99013 in the immediate area of Bronte Road and Westoak Trails Boulevard. Official Plan - Figure Q, Land Use, West Oak Trails Community, designates the subject sites a s Place of Worship, and Medium Density Residential 2, Medium Density Residential 1 and Residential Low Density 1. Zoning - The subject sites are zoned P/E - Public Use/Education, R8 - Official Plan - Figure Q, West Oak Trails Community designates the subject lands as Residential Low Density 2, Medium Density 1, Medium Density 2, Open Space. Zoning -- The land is currently zoned A - Agricultural. Proposal -- The proposal involves a Zoning Amendment and a Subdivision to permit 298 residential units. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting. Mixed Dwellings, A- Agriculture. Proposal - Applications involving an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment and revision to an approved draft plan of subdivision have been submitted. The proposal relates to the reorganization of commercial, and public use, which results in am endm ents to the Official Plan/Zoning By-law and revisions to the approved Draft Plan Of Subdivision. N O TE: The proposed High Density Block at the south-east com er will be considered by Council in late 2003/eariy 2004. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting. Dated May 28, 2003, at the Town of Oakville. Bin Newell, MCIP, RPP Manager Community Planning Section Planning Services Department Dated at the Town of Oakville this 28th day of May 2003. Bin Newell, MCIP. RPP Manager Community Planning Section Planning Services Department 1225 T R A F A L G A R R O A D · O A K V I L L E , O N T A R I O (905) 845-6601 www.oakville.ca · L6J 5 A 6

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