C 8 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 10, 2 00 4 Inside! e our Guest! Join us for our 'hristm as Sneak Preview See our Flyer in Selected areas of today's Singing Priest concert Nov. 17 Father Mark Curtis is coming to Knox Sixteen Presbyterian Church. Canada's Singing Priest will be in con cert on Wednesday, Nov. 17 at the church on Dundas Street West at Lions Valley Park Road, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $ 15 in advance or $20 at the door, and are available at the church office 905-257-2770. or evenings at 905-335-3433. Net proceeds from the concert will be used to support Kerr Street Ministries in Oakville and Evangel Hall Ministries in Toronto. Both ministries give help to those in need in these com munities. Experience an inspirational concert of traditional and original' Christmas carols. Curtis will also perform songs from his newly released second Gospel recording. Reminiscing , which includes hymns such as Bringing in the Sheaves, Just A Closer Walk With Thee , What A Friend We Have In Jesus as well as modern day classics such as On Eagles Wings, are just a few of the songs from a simpler era that have stood the test of rime and are now bridges to a new gen eration. For more information, visit www.fathermarkcurtis.com. Curtis was recently honoured in Ottawa for his 25 years of recording and performing for charity, raising more than $ 1 1 million for a variety of chari ties and community causes in Canada and the United States. THE OAKVILLE BEAVER ah Friday, November 19 & C hristm as O pen H ouse 13! J?TM0TM Saturday, November 20 & Sunday, November 21. inside for details in our flyer. M is s is s a u g a (E a s t) 2069 B urnham thorpe Road E. Tel: 905-624-3722 s2 59 7 if.3 " jr · A tk in s ZQ KE j I J u g ir SV 9 T 'J Z . V j M is s is s a u g a -O a k v ille Sheridan Nurseries 606 Southdow n Rd. Tel: 905-822-0251 S? Since v 19135 www.sheridannurseries.com DRIVE IT/LOVE IT O lV ! H 2 0 o THE BIG NEWS ON 2005 ACCORD iS ; Superior safety in every model. Honda's industry-leading commitment to safety is obvious in the 2005 Accord. New for 2005 every model, from the entry-level DX on up, delivers MPG 6.4 L /1 0 0 Km Highway 0 Catch a Rising Star Nov. 21 The Oakville-Mississauga chapter of Canadian Music Competitions is host ing their annual fundraising concert. Catch a Rising Star....! on Nov. 21 at 2 p.m. at the Oakville Centre for Performing Arts. The performers are Bora Kim, 12, who will play both the piano and violin; violinist Julia Mirzoev, 7; pianists Nathan Kong, 8, and Ken Yang, 14; cel list arlen Hlusko, 12; and Deanna Hendriks, soprano. Tickets are available at the Centre box office, 130 Navy St., 905-815-2021. Tickets cost $20 for adults, $10 for stu dents. For more information call Katie Chen at 905-849-7223. All proceeds benefit the Canadian Music Competitions scholarship fund. F o r V O ; o» 55!? th e b e ne fit o f Driver and Front Passenger Side A irbags (SRS) w ith Passenger Seat Occupancy Position Detection System (0PDS). Plus New for 2005 Side Curtain Airbags and Accord' s NHTSA 5-Star Safety Rating- to augment an already impressive list of safety equipm ent. Accord Sedan DX, model CM5615E shown LEASE FOR 48 MONTHS 2005 ACCORD SEDAN DX enjoy 2 . 4 l 160hp dohc B y any standard, our most affordable Accord is feature loaded. in d ependent front and rear do uble w is h b o n e *268 WITH $4,429 DOWN E3-- P U R C H A S E FO R PER M O N TH OAC. HMCS Oakville display at Town Hall In honour of Remembrance Day, make a special visit to Town Hall this week to learn about the HMCS O akville and its role in Canadian History. O akville residents will have an opp o rtu n ity to view vintage ph o to graphs and new s clip s that docu m ent the official ch risten in g o f the HM CS O ak v ille, w hich took place at L akeside Park on Nov. 5, 1941 as w ell as C a n a d a 's success in W W II, w ith the sin k in g o f the U-94 G erm an Sub on A ugust 28, 1942. Local resident Ed Stewart, who has set up this display will also be at Town Hall on Nov. 11 from 2-4:30 p.m. Highlights also include a model of the HMCS Oakville Corvette construct ed by Rod Adam and the For Valour limited edition lithograph print; as well as the establishment o f the Royal Canadian Sea cadet Corp# 178, Oakville - which was named after the HMCS Oakville. Stewart is also co-author and con sultant in Unlucky Lady; The Life & Death o f the HM CS Athabaskan. For more information on the HMCS Oakville Display at Town Hall please contact the Oakville M useum at Erchless Estate at 905-338-4400 or visit www.oakvillemuseum.com. This entry-level Accord Sedan is anything but basic. In addition to its smooth 5-Speed Automatic Transmission, I-v t e c TM e n g in e S U S P E N S IO N P O W E R W IN D O W S & 2 -S T A G E P O W E R D O O R L O C K S K E Y L E S S R E M O T E E N T R Y C R U IS E C O N T R O L CFC-FREE a / C W IT H M IC R O N A IR F IL T R A T IO N A M / F M / C D S T E R E O NEW B U L B A N D LE N S D E S IG N R E A R H E A T E R D U C T S ...A N D M U C H M O R E . *25,400 FOR 2005 T A IL L IG H T 2005 ACCORD SEDAN LX-G . T ota lly d riv e r-fo c u s e d . Translation: fun to drive. The good-looking LX-G enriches the value of the DX with: B O D Y -C O L O U R E D H E A T E D P O W E R D O O R M IR R O R S S P E E D S Y N C H R O N IZ E D W IP E R S W IT H V A R IA B L E IN T E R M IT T E N T S E T T IN G S T Y L IS H R E D E S IG N E D W H E E L C O V E R S H E A D L IG H T A U T O OFF S E C U R IT Y S Y S T E M T W O EXTR A S PEA K ER S FR O N T M A P LIG H TS IL L U M IN A T E D D U A L FR O N T V A N IT Y M IR R O R S ...A N D M U C H M O R E LEASE FOR 48 MONTHS *288 tt PER M O N TH OAC. WITH $4,261 DOWN P U R C H A S E FO R Accord Sedan LX-G, model CM5645E shown *26,600 2005 ACCORD SEDAN EX-L T h e definition of affordable luxury. ________ leather FLOORING LIQUIDATION Under N ew M anagem ent - A stim ulating driving experience that includes a ll DX and LX-G features, plus these premium enhancements: »tr im m e d S E A T IN G W IT H H E A T E D F R O N T S E A T S P O W E R HARDWOOD MAPLE, RED OAK, WHITE ASH, BEECH 21/4' , 31/4* & 5' wide plonks x 3 /4 ' & 5 /8 ' thkk fr o m M O O N R O O F W IT H T IL T FE A TU R E 16" A LLO Y W H E E L S 6 - D IS C IN -D A S H CD C H A N G E R A U T O D U A L Z O N E C L IM A T E C O N T R O L LE A TH E R -W R A P P E D S T E E R IN G W H E E L O U T S ID E TE M P E R A T U R E G A U G E NEW L. $2.99 g iq. It. FOR 2 0 0 5 , IL L U M IN A T E D S T E E R IN G W H E E L LAMINATED FLOORING fr*. $1.49/sq. ft. IMPORTED PORCELAIN & CERAMIC TILE M O U N T E D A U D IO C O N T R O L S ...A N D M U C H M O R E & . . . M «"1cA S H LEASE FOR 48 MONTHS 2mm PEEL STICK $1.39/sq. ft. 9 colours A L LQUANTimS A R CU M IT C D h - M M M f e h v M M H * '. * 3 1 8 WITH $5,012 DOWN P U R C H A S E FO R P ER M O N TH OAC. S « tiO » M O K S a ll:O ta 4 0 0 p i L S t 3319 Mainway Dr. Burlington (betw eenG uelphIm e andW alkenline) fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n (a ll 335*0976 *30,100 Ontario Honda Dealers THE N«w every 2005 Honda cones with V IS IT A N D LO C A TE Y O U R N E A R E S T D EA LER A T: Accord Sedan EX-L, model CMS665IN shown GRADUATE PROGRAM SMARTER W AV TO BUY. www.hondaontario.com HONDA m I S 249S 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -8 2 0 9 V a lid u n til N o v e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 0 4 Lease and finance offers are from Honda Canada finance Inc.. on approved credit fBased on a 2005 Accord Sedan DX. model CM5615E (tt2 0 0 5 Accord Sedan LX-G. model CM5645E) ($2005 Accord Sedan EX-L, model CM5665JN). Lease for 48 months at $267.99 (ft$288.01) ($$317.99) per month plus applicable taxes, with 96,000 km allowance (12t/km exceeding allowance) S4.429.00 (ttS 4 ,2 6 1 .00) ($S5,012.00) down payment or equivalent trade acceptable to dealer ($0 down on approved credit from Honda Canada finance Inc.). Initiation payment of $5,453.54 (tt$ 5 ,283.36) ($$6,181.49) includes down payment, first monthly payment, registration, security deposit of SO. freight and P.D.E. and taxes PPSA is additional. t/tt/$ T o ta l freight and P.D.E. is $1,180.00. Total lease payment is $19,938.40 (tTS20.850.30) ($$23,368.85). Option to purchase at lease end for $12,700.00 (tt$ 1 3.300.00) (i$ 1 5,050.00) and taxes. Accord leases calculated with finance rate of 4.9%. Rate may change effective December 1st, 2004 and will affect down payment, security deposit, residual value and initiation figures. Dealer may lease for less. *2.9% purchase financing is available on select 2005 Accord Sedans for up to 36 months, finance example: $20,000 at 2.9% per annum equals $580.74 per month based on a 36 month term. C.O.B. is $906.64 for a total of $20,906.64. Dealer may sell for less. t / t W 0 f f e r s valid through November 30th. 2004 at participating dealers only Does not indude Accord Hybrid. See participating dealer for full details. Ofigures estimated See Dealer tor latest 2005 EnerGuide published by NRCan when available, ifle c e n t university or college graduates may be eligible for an allowance of up fo $750.00 on certain models. CIVASee participating Honda Dealers for complete details. IV is it www.nhtsa.gov for details