8 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday September 6, 2003 Q > O A K V I LLE T O W N O F O A K V IL L E v j* T r a n s p o r t a t io n M a s t e r P la n S t u d y O AKVILLE N O T IC E O F S E C O N D P U B L IC C O N S U L T A T IO N S E S S IO N The Town of Oakville has initiated a town-wide Transportation Master Plan Study. The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) will establish transportation policies and infrastructure plans for all travel m odes (vehicular, transit, cycling, walking) in Oakville for the next 20 years including requirements for the North Oakville Secondary Plan. The Oakville TMP will be completed in compliance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Class Environmental Assessm ent process. The Town has retained the services of ENTRA Consultants to lead the study. Study Area: The study area includes the entire Town of Oakville. Study C om ponents: The objective of the Oakville TMP is to provide a comprehensive and integrated transportation strategy that will guide Council, staff and stakeholders regarding transportation requirements for the Town of Oakville over the next twenty years. The Oakville TMP study consists of three major technical com ponents. Part 1 will provide forecasts of future travel volumes for both people and goods movement and develop preliminary transportation network alternatives. Part 2 will provide a refinement of the transportation network including both a road network and transit strategy. Part 3 will provide a financial analysis of the transportation network. The transportation assessm ent for the North Oakville Secondary Plan will lead to recommendations for appropriate short and long term transportation and transit management strategies including transit service delivery types and service levels and major road network com ponents. The work plan activities, including the public consultation component, are being integrated with the North Oakville Secondary Plan. Where possible, the Town's work is being coordinated with a similar Region of Halton study on their Transportation Master Plan. Public In p u t Public consultation is an essential com ponent of the preparation of the Town's Transportation Master Plan. Public consultation is planned throughout the study to receive input from the public and agencies on the development of the transportation network. Information as it becom es available will be posted on the Town's website at www.town.oakville.on.ca. The first public consultation session for the Oakville TMP study was held on June 17, 2003. This session provided an overview of the Oakville TMP objectives and process, and gave the public the opportunity to review and provide input early in the study. S eco n d Public C onsultation S ession: The public is invited to attend a public open house and workshop as follows: Place: Date: Time: Oakville/Trafalgar R oom , Town o f Oakville M unicipal Offices, 1225 Trafalgar R oad W ednesday, S e p te m b e r 17, 2003 O pen H ouse &00p.m. - 7,-OOp.m. P resen tatio n s 7:00p.m. - 7:30p.m. W orkshop 7:30p.m. - 9:00p.m. (for p re-registered participants) PETER C. MCCUSKER O a k v ille B eaver Halton Police Constable Vince Williams shares updates with concerned residents Bruce Grant, Lori Faultless and Darlene Burnham and son Blake at Brookmill Bridge. Clearview-Maplegrove residents fight vandalism Residents of the ClearviewMaplegrove area of Oakville, along with the police, are painting a clear picture for vandals: destructive behaviour will not be tolerated. Following an increase in serious inci dents of vandalism earlier this year, Community Consultation Committee (CCC) members vowed to put a stop to the problems. In coordination with the Halton Regional Police Service, they created the Joshua Creek Project, which will see increased patrols of the area during the times when residents believe trouble is taking place. Problems started along with the warm weather this year, and the bulk of it hap pened over the course of the spring, between mid-March and mid-May. Walls under the bridge which many people pass while walking the Joshua Creek trail system were spray-painted with vulgar words and pictures. There was also a large amount of junk dumped in the creek during the spring garbage pick-up, leaving the creek lit tered with propane tanks, computers and furniture. There was even a case of peo ple beating spawning salmon to death and throwing the carcasses onto the road for cars to run over, said CCC member Lori Faultless. Theft from front yards also increased around that time, with landscape lighting and patio furniture being stolen. The most worrying instance came when a boulder was thrown through the back windshield of a car. The CCC suspects that the people involved with these incidents are high school students on their lunch breaks, which is why they want to get the mes sage out now, as schools re-open and the weather remains warm. The hotspots for these activities are around the four bridges over Joshua Creek. The trouble begins down on Lakeshore Road and Ford Drive where there are fewer residences near the bridge - unlike Brookmill Road, where backyards flank the creek, making it the least affected bridge. The Constance Drive Bridge, near Maplegrove Village, is one of the worst bridges, and even though it only re-opened the week before, there is already graffiti on it This is of concern to the Town, since the municipality has to foot the bill to clean off the bridges. The budget for graffiti removal for this year is $15,500, with $13,000 of that already spent, with four months left to go. They expect, said Constable Vince Williams, to be $5,000 over budget. The next meeting of the ClearviewMaplegrove CCC is on Sept. 22 at 7:30 p.m. at Oakville Trafalgar High School. For more information about the CCC, call 905-829-9648. NOTE: To p re-reg ister for th e w orkshop and reserve a se at, p lease sen d an e-m ail or fax to o n e of th e c o n ta c ts n o ted below. P urpose: This second public consultation session will present the Vision articulated by the public at PIC #1; key findings from the initial data collection phase of the study, including future transportation needs in conjunction with the development of the North Oakville Secondary Plan; refined transportation interests to be addressed by the study; a Preliminary Problem/Opportunity Statement; and alternative transportation planning solutions and evaluation criteria for consideration and comment. This public consultation se ssio n is being held in conjunction with th e Halton Transportation M aster Plan stu d y being carried o u t b y th e Region o f Halton. C om m ents on th e T ransportation M aster Plan: If you are unable to attend the public consultation sessions and wish to com plete a comment sheet, provide information with respect to the work on the Oakville TMP, or be added to our public contact list for future meeting notification, please contact either of the two representatives noted below. Details regarding future public sessions will be advertised a s the study progresses. If you wish to participate in the study, or if you have any com m ents or questions, please contact either of the following individuals: C ontacts: Ms. A n g e la Ia n n u z z ie llo , P.Eng. M r . D a v e B l o o m e r , P.E n g . President A c t in g D ir e c t o r ENTRA Consultants Town of Oakville Public Works Department 2800 Fourteenth Avenue, Suite 210 1225 Trafalgar Road Markham, Ontario, L3R 0E4 Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6 Tel: (905) 946-8900 Tel: (905) 845-6601, ext. 3303 Fax: 905-946-8966 Fax: 905-338-4159 E-mail: asi@ENTRAconsultants.com E-mail: dbloomer@oakville.ca C L IP T H IS C O U P O N & S A V E arcade sound systems ^ 7 Parts W -- BliiietD riint Oakville P l a n n i n g O a k v i l l e 's F u t u r e 1225 T R AF A L G AR R O A D · O A K V I L L E , O N T A R I O · L6| 5A6 (905) 845-6601 www.oakville.ca / -- 1 2 7 2 S p e e rs Rd. j 847-9131