Oakville Beaver, 1 Dec 2004, B03

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Contact: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 email: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com P lease fo rw ard an n o u n c e m e n ts o f n o n -p ro fit an d fre e ev en ts fo r C om m unity U pdate to W ilma Blokhuis, O akville B eaver, 467 S p e e rs R d ., O akville, O nt. L6K 3S4; Fax 905-3375567; e-mail blokhuis(n haltonsearch.com o r call 905-845-3824 Ext. 250; BEFORE N O O N MONDAY to be inclu d ed . Free BULLETIN New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance Knights o f Columbus Marian Council 3881 will host iLs festive annual fundraiser with proceeds to local charities. Tickets: $55 each. Price includes buffet "din n er with prime rib, grilled chicken, baked potato, four salads, coffee, tea and dessert. Cash bar. DJ will be playing until 2 a.m. Last year, this event sold out early. To book call the Knights o f Columbus Hall at 905-827-1854. Does' som eone's drinking b other you? Call Al-Anon - Alateen. 41&410-3809. AMC movie tickets, $10 each", call Grace H ouse group hom e and save almost $4 per ticket. Proceeds to resident activities. Call 905-8444772. Santa and the Kids tickets now on sale for child's visit with Santa at TV Cogeco. Cost $5 plus non-perishable food item for Salvation Army. Two shows to be taped, Dec. 7 at 6 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. (illI Lisa, 905-3335343 ext. 7612. VON Alzheimer Services offers support groups for family caregivers. Spousal group meets every other Monday from 2 - 4 p.m. at St. Paul's I'n itcd Church, 454 Rebecca. Family group meets second Tuesday o f each m onth, 7 - 9 p.m., at Sunrise Assisted Living, 456 Trafalgar at Cornwall. New m em bers welcome, call VON Alzheimer Services. 90>847-9559. Oakville Big Sister needs Gift-Wrap vol unteers at Oakville Place between Dec. 1 and Dec. 24. Shifts available, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., 1 - 4 p.m., 4 - 7 p.m., and 7 - 1 0 p.m. Si orients are welcome to participate and use their hours toward their community service goal (two students per shift). Contact the Big Sister office at 905-3384)238. Zonta Gift Wrap Centre opens Dec. 1224 at Hopedale Mall, near Zellers, during mall hours. Volunteers needed, call Wendy 905-82.7-8405. Students welcome for com munity service hours. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings every night. Call 416-487-5591 or 905-631-8784. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1 A ndrea Lothian and Kim-Cora Zapp are holding a free Childfind event. Night o f fun and prizes, 5-9 p.m.. at C entury 21 Miller Real Estate. 467 Speers, 905-845-9180. BPW Halton, 6:45 - 9 p.m., RatdeSnake Point (*>lf Club, 5407 Regional Rd. 25, Milton - 9K north o f QEW. Speaker: C orporal C atherine McCrorv, Milton Commercial Crime, RCMP, Identity Theft 101. RSYP Pat Dunwoodv, pdunw oody@ ifdsgroup.com o r 416-5068057 by Nov. 26. Cost: S 10 for pre-registered members, $15 for non-members. Family C am pers and RVers - T he Meandering Mohawks, Burlington chapter holds its monthly m eeting 7:30 p.m. at Appleby U nited C hurch 4407 Spruce, Burlington. Following a b rief business meeting, discussion on GPS navigation. Call 905-335-9248. Abuse Support G roup with Dona Reid, a confidential group for women who have experienced abuse, to receive support and encouragem ent. O ngoing eight-week ses sions every Wednesday, 6 - 8 p.m . at The W omen's Centre, Ste. 210, H opedale Mall. To register o r for m ore inform ation, call 905-847-5520. THURSDAY DECEMBER 2 Oakville Firefighter Calendar sales and signing: Dec. 2, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital lobby, Dec. 8 T h e Oakville Club, lunch; Dec. 11-12, Oakville Place 14 p.m.. Dec. 18-19, Oakville Place 1-4 p.m., Jan. 8. Philthy McNasty, 7 p.m. - midnight, Jan. 12, Sherdan College Pub; Kelseys Jan. 27, Tip a Firefighter Day, noon -2:30 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Celebrate Christmas with Sue Warden. 7 - 9 p.m.. T h e Kensington, 25 Lakeshore W. W arden decorates Christmas tree with m ore than 800. lights, an d dem onstrates holiday decorating. Support Halton W omen's Place by donating unw rapped gift for child o f any age. D oor prizes and refreshments. RSVP 905-844-4000 Retired Women Teachers o f Ontario. Oakville b ran ch , C hristm as luncheon. Oakville Golf Q u b . Coffee, 10 a.m., business meeting, 10:30 a.m., lunch at noon, and Dynamic Duo, skit by talented m em bers and carol singing. 1 p.m. Call Joan Bowvcr, 905339-1038. HAPPEN - Linking P eople and O pportunities networking support group for unemployed business professionals, 8 a.m., in Mississauga. Speaker Peter dejag e r. Managing Change During the fob Transition Process. Members $10, non-m em bers $15. Call 905-3394)268 o r www.happen.ca. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation C entre, 263 Kerr St.. 1 4 p.m. Cost: $20. By appointm ent only, call 905-815-5966. Women's Caring and Sharing Circle with Patricia Hurst, 1 - 3 p.m.. T h e W omen's Centre, Hopedale Mall, Ste 210. Spend an hour in the warm, accepting atm osphere of other women like yourself. Share your chal lenges, life experience and wisdom. Call 905-847-5520 Bronte Legion Euchre - games every Thursday at 7 p.m., at 79 Jones St. Everyone welcome. First Oakville Toastmasters is a non-profit group dedicated to helping its m em bers develop public speaking skills. O n the third Thursday o f die m onth, m eet at 7 p.m. at Quality Inn, Bronte Room, 754 Bronte Road. Guests and new m em bers are always welcome, visit www.firstoakvilletoastmav ters.org o r call Pat at 905-337-7575 for m ore information. Women's Employm ent N etwork with Tina T urner. U nem ployed, laid off o r returning to the workforce? Meet with other women and hear about employm ent related topics - true colors, resum e and cover let ters, job search strategics, dress for success, make-up, hair an d interviewing. O ngoing six-week sessions every Thursday, 9:30 11:30 a.m ., T he W omen's Centre, Ste. 210, H opedale Mall. To register o r for m ore inform ation, please call 905-847-5520. FRIDAY DECEMBER 3 ROAR - River O aks Residents Association C hristm as Tree Lighting Cerem ony. 6:30 p.m . C hristm as carols, Santa, snacks, tree lighting and m ore at Sixth Line Fire Hall at U pper Middle. Candy canes for die children. Hot drinks and snacks provided. A local resident will be chosen to do the honours and help light the tree. Bring non-perishable food donation. Interfaith Candlelight Service, St. John's United C hurch, Dunn and Randall, 7:30 p.m. T h e N utcracker - Oakville Ballet Company presents The Nutcracker with guest d a n c e r E tien n e Lavigne, soloist with National Ballet o f Canada, Dec. 3, 7:30 p.m.: Dec. 4. 2 and 7:30 p.m.; and Dec. 5. 1 and 5 p.m.; at Oakville Centre for die Performing Arts, 905-815-2021; a n d at Meadowvale T heatre, Dec. 11,2 and 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 12, 2 an d 7 p.m., call 905-615-4720. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 4 Appleby C ollege's C hristm as H ouse Tour, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. featuring 11 beautifully decorated downtown Oakville homes. Tickets cost $30 per person and must lx' purchased in advance. Please call 905-845-4681, ext. 321 for a list o f local retailers selling the tickets. Com plim entary refreshm ents arc included at the school's festively decorated dining hall where there will also lx- a bake sale and a raffle table. Portion of the proceeds will I k - directed to the H alton/P eel chapter o f th e CNIB. Old-Time Christmas Bazaar. St. J o h n 's U nited C hurch, 262 Randall (at Trafalgar), 9 a.m. -- 3 p.m. Treasure table, silent auc tion. original art, prints, sewing, knitting, baking, jams, jellies, soap, jewelry, quilt raf fle. Breakfast with Santa, 9 - 10 a.m., face painting, write letter to Santa and get a reply, kids shopping table - S3 for children, $5 for adults, lunch available 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. for $5 each. For inform ation, call church office. 905-845-0551. Christmas Bazaar. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.. Marian M ontessori School. 1265 H eritage Way. Students will sing Chrisunas carols and Santa will visit. Sale o f arts and crafts. G lenburnie School 12th Annual Christmas Fair, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. - photos with Santa, 50 artisans, `Gifts from the Kitchen' sale, light lunch, raffle, auction, children can make crafts in Gingerbread House, visit Santa's Workshop, play die Cake Walk G am e. G lenburnie at 2035 U pper Middle Rd. - QEW and Ford Drive and Ninth Line. Call 905-338-6236. Cookie Walk - Walton Memorial United C hurch holds 32nd annual Cookie Walk, 1 p.m. Fill a box for $8. C hurch at 2489 Lakeshore west of Bronte Road. Call 905827-1643. H ealing Your Life, Releasing the Obstacles to Love with Dr. Michael Mirdad, Oakville Library, 120 Navy, 1-4 p.m. Learn techniques in self-awareness, how to prevent self-sabotage, develop love and forgiveness and transform traum a into healing. Dr. Mirdad is a master teacher with an extensive background in psychology, parapsychology an d metaphysics, a u th o r o f The Seven Initiations of The Spiritual Path. Cost $15. To register call W omen's Centre, 905-847-5520. Festive Holiday Sale, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.. Unitarian Congregation o f Sloutli Peel, 84 South Service Rd., Mississauga. Baked goods, preserves, arts and crafts. ( -.ill 905278-5622. The 1st Filipino Oakville Scout C roup (mainly based in Glen Abbey North) holds first Christinas Party/Inform ation Night 6-9 p.m., 2021 M erchants Gate, Recreation R(K)iii. Fun, entertaining, and informative n ig h t... m eet o th er Filipino families engaged in scouting activities in your com munity. Call Marion Malixi at 905-469-0996 or Joan Militar, 905-469-0363. Parents Without Partners O pen Dance. B urnham thorpe Community Centre, one block south Burnham thorpe, one block east Dixie. Members $12. guests $15. Christmas diemc. Buffet. DJ is FJ. Door prize, Dance 8:30 p.m. -1 a.m. Tickets available for New Years d in n e r/ dance $50. C.CARE (Canada Central America Relief Effort) Membership O utreach meeting, 34 Little Norway Cr,, T oronto (Badihurst and Q ueen's Quay, 7 - 9 p.m. CCARE has made difference in life o f Mayan Chorti natives in M erendon M ountains o f Guatemala, and work continues in villages o f Titnushan, Pena Blanca and Valcancito. Call 416-2602279 or 905-849-8350 or e-mail hrossi@cogeco.ca. SUNDAY DECEMBER 5 Canadian Mental Health Association Halton Region Branch annual charity auc tion at the Burlington Convention Centre, 1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington (QEW & Buiioak). Viewing sta ts at 1:30 p.m. and the auction starts at 2 p.m. Several hundred items will lx- available to bid on, such as: DVD players art work from Robert Bateman. Douglas Laird, Jam es Lumbers, and other limited edition prints. Danier Leather Items, golf sets and golf passes, spa and massage therapy gift certificates, Shaw tickets and overnight accommodation in Niagan.t-on-the-I.ake, Ottawa weekend accom m odation certificates and m ore plus art by local politicians. Call CMHA-Halton at 905-6934270. COMMUNITY UPDATE United W a y o f O afeviC C e w a y t o < z \o F o r d M o to r C o m p a n y o f C a n a d a , L td . a n d CAW L o c a l 7 0 7 m e m b e r s C o b b le S lO N E in b e r S j Masonry & Fireplace Design G R A N D O P E N IN G F R I D A Y D I C K M B I R I7 lh To d a te, F ord M o to r C o m p a n y o f C a n a d a , Ltd. a n d m em b ers of C A W Local 707, of th e O ak v ille A ssem bly P lant, h av e raised an 2 ROOMS 2 D JS 2 SOUNDS TH U R S D A Y PUB MGHT TO P 4 0 ANYTHNG GOES F R ID A Y TO P 4 0 DANCER&B W ITH Z103 S A T U R D A Y TO P 4 0 ROCK N RO Ll^RETRO SPFC1AL EVENTS - LIVE MUSIC o u ts ta n d in g $402,569 for U nited W ay. A p p ro x im a tely 30% of the fu n d s w ill be d ire c te d to U n ited W ay of O akville. Special th a n k s to c an v a sse rs S u e T eepell a n d S teven G a rd in e r (p ictured above), W o lfg an g R u sch p ler, Ken Sm all, P aul T aggart, M ike T in n erm an a n d D onna W arren. T h a n k y o u F o rd a n d CAW L ocal 707! Enjoy the nostalgia o f yesterday in elegant Victorian styling. Without you, there would be no way. 406 Speers Rd, Oakville 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -2 0 6 6 eiecdraflame H e a r t hla ia n tMI k >o > »> m v is i t s k i; rut: s r h x i a i j s t s t o rim d i f f e r e m as T h e T e r f e c t Christmas Tree Fresh from our farm in Nova Scotia 3 i Balsam Fir I Fraser Fir AScotch Pine & Spruce DIRECT FROM THE GROW ER PRICE Notice o f Liquor Licence A pplication Grow Your Money Faster Than Real Estate! Time is running o u t ... You m ust act before Decem ber 1 5th /04 Ontario The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission o f Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: A pplication for a Sale Licence Saw -W het G olf C ourse 1401 Bronte Road Oakville (including outdoor area) Any resident o f the municipality may make a written submission as to whether the issuance o f the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than D ecem ber 26, 2004. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If petition is submitted to the Commission, please identify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant copies o f any objections. Anonymous objections arc not considered. The personal information gathered is collected under the authority o f the Liquor Licence Act. The principal purpose of the collection is to assess eligibility for the issuance o f a liquor sales licence. Copies o f all objections are given to the applicant. The information may also be disclosed pursuant to the Freedom o f Information and Protection o f Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Manager. Licensing and Registration. Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario at the address, telephone numbers or e-mail address listed below. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing an d R egistration, Alcohol and G am ing C om m ission of O n tario , 20 D undas S treet W est, 7lh Floor, T oronto, ON M5G 2N6. Tel: 416-326-8700 O R Toll-free in O n tario : 1-800-522-2876. Fax: 416-326-5555. E-m ail: licensing@ agco.on.ca LOOK FO R A ls o . . . HOLIDAY SUPERSTORE PACKAGERS Ask us about 5 other easy and proven ways to save income tax this year! flg ff T oy*- 5 M K J, s-M jsjaJjS m delivered to select homes

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