Oakville Beaver, 1 Dec 2004, C03

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday December 1, 2004 - C3 T IS THE S E A S O N Right: Taylor Black and Alexander and G ahrielle Bowman watch the festivi ties at the Downtown Oakville 'Frer+ tghtin#Ceremony. M em bers of the Oakville C hildren"s C hoir lead the Bronte crow d in singing christm as carols. From left are Melisa G aetani, Amie Mitzel, Jacquie Cloudt, Kate G urnham and Eve Charette. Bottom: O akville's Town C rier lan B urkholder in Bronte. Photos by Ashlea Wessel and Karen Newman · Special to the Beaver 2 ROOMS 2 DvJS 2 SOUNDS TH U R S D A Y PUB MGHT TOP 4 0 ANYTHING GOES FR ID A Y T O P 4 0 DANCER&B WITH Z I03 S A T U R D A Y TO P 4 0 ROCK N ROLL/RETRO SP EC IA L EVENTS - LIVE MUSIC I 1 " Visit Santa a t the following locations Oakville Place DECEMBER HOURS: Monday to Friday 10a.m .-8p.m . Saturday 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday · December 24 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Hopedale Mall DECEMBER HOURS: Thurs. Dec. 2 Fri. Dec. 3 Sat. Dec. 4 Thurs. Dec. 9 Fri. Dec. 10 Sat. Dec. 11 Thurs. Dec. 16 4 p.m.-8 p.m. 3 p.m.-7 p.m. 10a.m.-4p.m. 4 p.m.-8 p.m. 3 p.m.-7 p.m. 10a.m.-4p.m. 3 p.m.-7 p.m. 1 o a k v iu e Fri. Dec. 17 Sat. Dec. 18 Mon. Dec. 20 Tues. Dec. 21 Wed. Dec. 22 Thurs. Dec. 23 Fri. Dec. 24 3 p.m.-7 p.m. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 3 p.m.-7 p.m. 3 p.m.-7 p.m. 12 p.m.-4 p.m. 12 p.m.-7 p.m. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. F S 1 8 5 W / T R A IL E R M S R P $ 2 2 ,6 4 4 N O W $ 1 3 ,3 8 5 .5 2 L1436 M S R P $ 1 ,5 7 1 .6 3 N O W $ 8 3 3 .0 7 E vm m o e Johnson J1 5 R 4 5 R M S R P $ 2 ,8 7 5 N O W $ 2 ,4 0 0 Is your carpet having one of those days? ServiceMaster Clean can help. HONDA m nm nE BF15D4SHC M S R P $ 3 ,2 8 9 N O W $ 3 ,0 2 6 .8 0 N IS S A N M AR IN E N S 9 .8 B 1 M S R P $ 2 ,4 1 6 N O W $ 1 ,9 4 4 .6 5 Save $10 on your purchase of $100 or more with Is ad. Limit 1 per person. ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 -4 3 8 4 w w w .p ls c e s m a r ln e .c a 6 6 9 T h ir d L in e , O a k v ille Financing available on your purchase of $5,000 or more. " · d f r SerinceMASTER Clean 1W ** W e except o n site Visa/Mastercard/American and tnterac 'AM ERICAN ThecJean you exjiect. ' he sen-iceyou desertv. (905) 847-9216 servicemasterdean@sympatico.ca free quotes over the phone or by e-mail at: www.servicemaster.ca Have your next event catered ADVERTORIAL The Union Energy Furnace Tune-Up Get in tune with winter today Tin Make your next holiday event one to remember. Plum Catering and Event Planning is an innovative full-scrvice catering company that "caters" to your needs. Whether it is a wed ding, corporate lunch, or private function. Plum Catering goes beyond the basics to provide a hassle-free event and satisfying meals. Everything from cinnamon rolls to hearty soups, deluxe sandwiches and hot food items like oven roast ed chicken and pasta. Plum Catering provides it all including all of the extras like forks, knives and plates. Every menu item can be customized to please your guests, including vegetarian and allergy requests. Owners Tara Badger, executive chef, and Deanna Olechno. event coordinator, decided to start the company earlier this year. "We saw the way things were done and knew what customers were look ing for. We knew we could do it better," said Tara, who has worked as a chef for 12 years and is a grad uate of Stratford Chef School. Plum Catering is located at 467 Speers Rd. unit 15.905-844-7110. Decem ber 15th, get a furnace tune-up for only No frustration. No worries. Guaranteed OUR G UA R A N TEE: If- your e x is tin g fu rn a c e b re a k s d o w n th is w inter, th is tu n e -u p is FREE B E N E F IT S O F A T U N E -U P : · A w e ll-m a in ta in e d s y s te m is m o re e ffic ie n t a n d h e lp s s a v e on m o n th ly u t ility b ills . · R e g u la r fu rn a c e m a in te n a n c e c a n e x te n d th e life o f y o u r H o m e C o m fo rt S y s te m a n d h e lp e n s u re s u d d e n b re a k d o w n s d o n ' t o c cu r. · A tu n e -u p in c lu d e s c a rb o n m o n o x id e te s tin g to e n s u re b o th y o u r fu rn a c e a n d fa m ily a re s a fe . y . www.umonenergy.com O inion energy

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