The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday December 1, 2004 - C l GRAND OPENING DECEMBER 11, 2004 Opening Soon. A ren't W e Naughty is proud to reveal Mississauga's naughtiest new store. Come and discover the very latest in sexy Lingerie, Leather, Oils, Games,Toys and so much more. '!% Na o c w THE STORE FOR COUPLES AT PLAY 2525 HAMPSHIRE CATE I 905.829 1977 W INSTON CHURCHILL AND DUNDAS WWW.ARENTWENAUGHTY.COM Ashlea Wessel · Special to the Beaver GET CRACKING: T he five perform ances of the Oakville Halfcl C om pany's annual Nutcracker production Dec. 3-5 at the O akville C entre for the P erform ing A rts a re sold out, hut tickets are still available for four perform ances at the M eadowvale T h eatre in M ississauga on Dec. 11-12. Perform ance tim es are 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Dec. 11 and 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Dec. 12. Tickets can he purchased at the M eadowvale T h eatre Box Office at 905-615-4720. This year, Etienne Lavigne soloist with the N ational Ballet of C an ad a will dance the lead role of The Prince u n d er the direction of the A rtistic D irector A m anda A nderson. Above, students at the O akville School of Dance rehearse for the upcom ing perform ance. At left, a scene from last y e a r's production. MEET SUNDAY NIGHT SEX SHOW STAR TH E N A U G H TIN ESS BEGIN S SATURDAY D ECEM BER 12 * 1PM SUE JO H A N S O N David Hou · National Ballet o f Canada GLENBURNIE SCHOOL'S Christmas Fair Saturday, December lo-.oo a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Vendor M arketplace, Tea Room, S ifts From th e Kitchen, Fun Photos, Santa's Workshop, R affle, Silent Auction, Gingerbread House, . . . and more! % '4 h FREE ADMISSION Fun for the Whole Family! 2 0 3 5 Upper Middle Rd, E. Oakville (403/QEW/Ford Dr.) Our f / R eceive a FREE C h e m ic a l Peel w ith evety w rinkle injection of Botox®, Restylane, Perlane o r Juvederm Value $120.00 Offer expires December 31. 2004 Experience Shopping Until Midnight on Dec 3. J o in u s o n th e e v e n in g o f F rid a y D e c e m b e r 3 rd fo r liv e C h ris tm a s m u s ic , G ift G u id e s th a t p ro v id e th e p e r fe c t g if t s o lu tio n s a n d g r e a t s h o p p in g u n til m id n ig h t. W a tc h fo r o u r S a n ta 's h e lp e r s a n d y o u m a y b e o n e o f 100 s h o p p e r s to re c e iv e a fr e e g ift. G r e a t H o l i d a y G i f t I d e a s at t h e f o l l o w i n g The Skin Klinic Dr. Sylvia G arnis - Jones MSc, MD, FRCPC Dermafologisl 84 Lakeshore Rd. Wesl Oakville: 905-849-4564 GARAGE O E W T R A F A L JACOB G A R R D W W W . O A > T io aStR hOo use. RTS V I L L E P L A C E . C ROOTS O M K