Oakville Beaver, 11 Sep 2002, D5

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday September 11, 2002 auctions, sales auctions, sales P IT staff required for post office, pharmacy and front cash fo r evenings and/or weekends. Experience an asset, but will train the right cand idate. A p ply or fax: Shoppers Drug M art, 520 Kerr Street, Oakville, 905845-3407 A S SISTA N T required part-time for afternoon shift. (W ill lead to more hours). M ust be m inimum 18-yrs. C all Love + Learn C hild C entre, B u rlington. 905336-8648_________________ M R .S U B -C o u n te r w anted. Night s hift, Apply in person: 585 St., B u rlington (No Plaza) help $9/hr Brant F rills D5 HALTON REGIONAL POLICE AUCTION 1151 Bronte Rd, Oakville Saturday, Sept. 14th, (Indoors) Viewing & registration 8:30am-9:30am OFFICE ADMIN Diplom a · Computerized · Placem ent Assistance ' Licensed Maintenance Mechanic/Millwright Required for the afternoon shift, with a minimum of 5 years experience with the ability to run machine shop equipment, welding, fabrication, press set up, die change and PLC experience, good troubleshooting skills. Strong Team Player with exceptional communication, organizational and problem-solving skills. Submit a detailed resume to: " SLTaddmore office furniture- S A L E S /A S S T . MANAGER · Excellent salary + bonuses · Comprehensive benefit package · Professional In-house training program · Career advancement opportunity · Team oriented workplace AUCTION STARTS 9:30 AM AUCTION SALE OF FOUND BICYCLES AND ASSORTED UNCLAIMED PROPERTY cars for sale 1 9 9 3 Saturn SW2 Wagon. N a v y . A ll o p tio n s . Runs great. A sking $4800./obo Call (905)844-8013 1 9 8 8 Buick LeSabre. as is, body good, needs TLC, $ 80 0/ob o.; 1982 Yamaha T rim oto 3-w he eler, runs great, $500/obo. 905-3338841______________________ HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 905 · 637 · 341 5 Dana Corp. Long Mfg. Human Resources Department 1400 Advance Rd., Oakville, Ontario, L6L 6L6 Ea MANPOWER Will be accepting applications at The Halton Job & Career Fair on Sept. 18th Oakville Conference Centre "Store Management & careers professionals Ontario's largest chain of office furniture stores has an opening at our Hamilton location. Please fax resume or write to: Brad Simpson 2783 Barton St. E., Hamilton, ON L8E 2J8 Fax: 905-5 73-3 51 0 905-825-8425 (fax) No phone calls please. We thank all applicants, those selected will be contacted. OPEN HOUSE S atu rd ay, S ep tem b er 14th, 1pm -4pm at W est O ak V illage. 2 3 70 Third Line (off Dundas) in Oakville. Light Assembly/ General Labourer required immediately. FOREPERSON Injection Moulding Plant, West Oakville 3-5 years injection moulding experience with Engel machines. Must be fluent in English, both written& verbal Rotating shifts- afternoons/ nights. Forappt. call 905-847-3121 between 10am to 3pm, Mon to Fri or fax resume to: 905-847-3126 A u ction C ertification C en ter C o o rd in a to r V ehicle Insp ector R em ark etin g G ro u p o f a m a jo r E u ro p e an b ased A u to m o tiv e M a n u factu rer h as an im m ed iate o p e n ing fo r an en e rg e tic , tech n ically sk illed in d iv id u al in the M ilto n area. P rim a ry resp o n sib ilities w ill in clu d e v eh icle in sp ec tio n and sele ctio n , co o rd in a tio n o f v eh icle ce rtific atio n p ro cess, an d sale p rep a ratio n . Id eal c a n d id ate w ill h av e Im p o rt au to m o tiv e serv ic e in d u stry e x p e rie n c e an d ex c elle n t co m m u n ic atio n an d in terp erso n al skills. I retail sales P/T position in Waterdown la dies w ear shop. Days, occasional even ings/w ee kends. Please fax resume 905-689-2539 W C S t w h w h i Account Representative W est of the City magazine ACURA 1.6 EL Pre m ium , black, loaded, 5speed, heated le ath er seats, CD, keyless remote, air, 153K. $14,500. 905337-1142 1998 905 - 469-3294 We're back and we are growing! M agic Lantern Communications Ltd, the lar gest learning video content provider in Canada has relocated back to O akville, and we are growing to meet the needs of Canada's educators. We are look ing for team players, which are comfortable working in a fast-paced environment, with a blend of technolo gies and are excited about how technology can assist young Canadians succeed today and tomorrow. We currently have the following full time positions: RECEPTIONIST: duties include welcoming guests, answering telephones and some clerical duties. You are able to get the most out of M icrosoft Office to help the management team. Bi-lingualism an asset. MARKETING ASSISTANT: duties include strategy and tactical employment of m ultiple marketing tasks to support education-related opportunities. B i-lin gualism is an asset. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: to support the CEO and COO who travel, work in multiple environments and are multi-tasking. A challenging opportunity for the night person. Magic Lantern Communications Ltd encourages all qualified persons to respond to these opportunities, as we are an equal opportunity employer. Please forward your resume to: Magic Lantern Communications Ltd. Attn: COO Fax: 905-827-2655 Grand M arquis. As is. Motor drive train excel lent. 5L, FI, 152k, fenders/ tire s good, $1200. 905335-7970______________ 1989 $9.50 / hour Day/afternoon shifts available. Oakville/ Milton Please call Christine 64 7-274-5877 GOLF C ourse in O akville requires F ull-tim e M ain tenance help. C all Gary 905-825-9457_____________ PRODUCTIO N persons required. Full-time. Able to lift and carry up to 60lbs. $8.00 hour to sta rt plus benefits. Apply in person to: Royal Mattress. 5041 Fairview St. Burlington, Mon-Fri 8am-4pm or fax resume to 905-681-2294 1998 V o yager Van140Km, Bobby O rr signa ture series, all power, TV/ VCR, c e rtifie d , $12,999. 905-319-7964_____________ 1998 ^ o n d a A ccord LX white 4-ioor, auto., air. p/ windows, piocks. p/mirrors, AM/FM cassette, $13,995. 905-335-02-7. 1 9 9 2 Buick Lasabre LTD fully loaded, highway mile age, excellent v inning con dition. passed e-#»<if. easily certifiable. $2250 Q.B.O. 905-849-5722 1 9 9 5 Ford W indstar GL. Green/ silver, grey .nside. Alloy, new tires. Nonsmoker, empty nester. ev.t.ca clean. Cert/E-test. 3.8L, air, new m otor (24k), AM/FM, stereo/cass. 194k. W ell m aintained. $5300 obo. 905-825-0511_____________ 1988 M azda 323 DX, standard, manual transmis sion looks/runs good, many new parts cert./e -te ste d $1150/obo 905-580-1958 Customer Service" Accepting applications at The Halton Job & Career Fair on Sept. 18th RPNs (WITH MEDS) Vistamere Retire ment Residence requires RPN's (with Meds) for part-time & casual relief. Must have experience work ing with seniors & be able to work independently. Please apply at We are looking for a self-motivated, energetic and positive advertising sales professional with a sound work ethic. Ability to quickly establish customer rapport, prospect new business and negotiate contracts is essential. Must possess the ability to prepare individual presentations fo r advertisers and agencies w hile w orking independently. The ideal candidate will possess strong communication and organizational skills. A minimum of 3 years sales experience and magazine/production knowledge is an asset. Torstar Media Group, is the exclusive publisher of W est o f the C ity m agazine. A lifestyle publication serving the communities of Oakville, Burlington and Mississauga. Interested ca ndidate s sh ould send th e ir resumes and cover letter by E-mail only to: careers@westofthecity.ca prior to September 2 0 , 2002 . ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE BLOCKBUSTER Sheridan College See us at the Job fair Wed. Sept 18 Oakville Convention Centre KELLY S E R V IC E S Visit us at the W endy's Restaurant Will be at the Halton Job & Career Fair Wed. Sept 18th at the Oakville Conference Centre All qualified applicants may subm it resume by fa x to Paul H ickm an a t 248-754-5029. A utom otive T echnician P o sitio n Available M ajo r E u ro p e a n a u to m o tiv e m a n u f a c tu r e r b ased U sed V ehicle C e rtific a tio n C e n tre , in th e M ilto n a re a , is s e e k in g a U sed V ehicle C e rtific a tio n T ech n ician . P rim a ry re s p o n s ib ilitie s w ill in c lu d e in s p e c tio n , d ia g n o sis a n d r e p a ir o f v e h ic le s to be so ld a t a u c tio n . Ideal c a n d id a te w ill h ave a m in i m u m o f 3 y ea rs im p o r t a u to m o tiv e re p a ir serv ic e in d u s try e x p e rien ce . E x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d in te rp e rs o n a l sk ills. 380 Sherin Dr. Oakville Oakville Ortho office requires: TREATMENT COORDINATOR F/T for maternity leave. Start October. Ortho experience required. H alton Job & C areer Fairon W ednesday S ep t 18/02 "P/T Sales Assoc. & P/T Tailors" Accepting applica tions The Halton Job & Career Fair on Sept. 18th Mr. Big & Tall Mens W ear/ George Richards Big & Tall Mens Wear I salon & spa help ES TH ETIC IAN needed at w ell esta b lish e d upscale day spa in downtown Bur lington. Please call 905333-1555__________________ JUNIO R and Senior H air s ty lis t and A ssista nt re quire d fo r Salon Venere. T rain ing a v ailab le. Call 905-847-1222._____________ RE C E PTIO N IS T/ M ake up Artist wanted Part-time for O akville Salon. Retail experience an asset. Drop off resume at "Woman" 128 Reynolds Street or Fax re sume to: 905-282-9954. All qualified applicants may submit resume by fax to Paul Hickman at 248-754-5029. PDA F/T for maternity leave. Start November. Ortho experience required. Tel: 905-845-8411 We are an established Publishing Company with an opportunity for aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales this could be the position for you. We have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. We offer salary plus commission, car allowance and benefits. We also offer a great opportunity for advancement. Please send your resume to: Box # 2 1 1 6 , c/o The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario L6K3S4 office-clerical at the Chev B lazer Tahoe LT power upgrades, leath er, excellen t cond ition, 175,000kms., $6500. Must see! 905-257-5235.________ 1993 |5 2 5 l O akville C onvention C entre Mastermind ... Educational toy stores, famous for selection & cus tomer service, is looking for Full-time and or Part-time retail sales staff for our store at Upper Oakville Shop ping Centre, 8th Line and Upper Middle Road. We are looking for people from the neighbourhood who enjoy children, quality toys and understand what excellent customer service is. Company benefits and a generous employee discount available. Unique oppor tunity for Assistant Manager also available. Call The Manager: 905-338-7779 or drop resume off at store general help wanted Free admission An exciting opportunity for an individual looking for employment with a progressive and rapidly growing im port/distribution company. We are currently seek ing 2 bilingual candidates for the following positions: RIVI's/RPN'S (Attractive Rates) Immediate openings on all shifts at upscale LTC Facilities and Retirement Homes in Oakville, Burlington, & M iss issau ga.F/T & P/T. Weekly pay. Fax to: Endeavour Personnel Ltd. 905-272-4276 Registered Nurse required immediately for established Burlington family practice to work independently with patients, physicians, and other staff, 2-4 days per week. Low staff turnover. Full training provided. Please fax your resume, copy of registration, and covering letter to: 905-632-6932, Attn: Administrator No later than Friday, September 13,2002. hotel restaurant hotel restaurant career training THE CENTRE FOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Will be at the HAL TON JOB & CAREER FAIR, on SEPT. 18, 2002 to discuss your trainingoptions tor a brighter future! www.thecentre.on.ca "Career Training & Skills Upgrading Computerized Programs" To ensure your future success see us at The Halton Job & Career Fair on Sept. 18 HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE TERRA GREENHOUSE Come Wor1< with our Growing Team! B IL IN G U A L C O LLEC TIO N S & A D M IN IS T R A T IO N Responsibilities include: accounts receivable, custom er service, order entry, invoicing and general adminis tration. Must be fluently bilingual in French & English, with a post-secondary education and minimum 3 years experience. If you are a team player with strong com munication skills and are proficient in Microsoft Of fice, please forward your resume to: Box 1928, c/o The Post 2321 Fairview St., Burlington, ON L7R 2E3 Dept. Heads Floor Associates Cashiers Fax your resume to: Burlington location 905-332-0640 Waterdown location 905-689-1770 AUTO BODY R epair P e r son & Preppers required full-time. Good wages. Fax resume to: (905)-875-2222 or call (905)-875-1111 ____ CHILDCARE centre, (Bur lington), requires energetic. frie n d ly staff for occasional relief work. Various days/ hours. 905-332-3971 ETT 1 general help wanted COMCARE HEALTH SERVICES hiring PSW's, HCA's, HSW's Level 2 & 3 Visit us at the Halton Job & Career Fair Sept 18th, 2002 540 SATURN OF MISSISSAUGA SAYS THANK YOU' It has been a good year, and we are now ex panding to better serve our valued customers. If you possess a positive attitude, good work ethic and want to become part of our dynamic team contact us if one of the positions below intrigue you. Experience preferred. CASHIER-RECEPTIONIST PERMANENT PART-TIME Mon.-Thurs. 5om-9pm and Sat. 9am-5nm Required for busy automobile dealership. Must have cash and phone experience and be eager to learn. (Previous applicants need not apply.) Fax resume and handwritten covering letter to: COMPASS GROUP provides cafeteria service at various locations in Burlington and Oakville. Due to rapid expansion, we required the following: Cook Supervisor · F/T Experience essential. Kitchen & Counter Staff · F/T & P/T Experience an asset but will train. Fax resume: 905-632-1332, Attn: Cafeteria. AUTO Body Technician for busy Burlington shop. Mini mum 10 years experience l-CAR tra in in g preferred. C all 905 -3 3 5 -1 0 9 4 for an appointment or fax resume: 905-335-0666______________ BR AK E Press O perator and industrial Spray Paint er for the Oakville/ M issis sauga area. $15-$19/hr. Apply to 533 Brant St., Su ite 201, B u rlington. Fax: 905-333-0912. T el: 905333-2692_____________ SERVICE Technician: Competitive pay and bene fits avail, for full-tim e, ex perienced, C lass A busy shop, good work c ond i tions, exc e lle n t product. Some shifts. Apply to Serv ice Manager. Halton Honda of Burlington. Fax 905-6810098; em ail service@ haltonhonda.com CERTIFIED Reach/ Forklift O perator required for Oakville/ Mississauga area. $ 12-$ 14/hr. Apply to: 533 Brant St., Suite 201, Bur lington. Fax: 905-333-0912. Tel: 905-333-2692 BURLINGTON TOYOTA (1993) INC.. Attention: L. Neville Fax: 905-335-4048 If you are interested in a career in sales with a progressive Ford dealership then w e are in te reste d in you. DIETARY MANAGER Oakville location Immediate Full-time contract position L.T.C experience Qualified F.S.S. & member C.S.N.M. Fax resume to: 505 careers professional Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre Will be at the Halton Job & Career Fair on Sept 18th! Come visit our Recruiting Team! at Booth 132 W AN TED - Student with counselor or other relevant experience, to supe rvise Youth R e crea tional P ro gram. Alternate weekends. Car required 905-335-9459 ACCOUNTEMPS Recruiting For Accountants Senior Accountants F u ll Charge Bookkeepers Accounts Payable Clerks Come and see us at the Job Fair Sept 18th, 20002 W AN TED -EXPERIEN CED s e c re ta ry o r law c le rk in fa m ily -la w . P ro fic ie n t in fa m ily -la w c o n tra c ts , litigation. Wills, estates. Ereg filing for residential real e s ta te and a s s e ts . W e ll established law firm. Reply with CV- box 1011 Upper M id d le Rd. S u ite 1489, Oakville, ON L6H 5Z9 Customer Service Liaison Parts Counter Person Automotive Detailer Please e-mail resumes, RED LOBSTER HIRING All Positions Full & Part-time Apply at our booth at the Halton Job & Career Fair on Sept. 18th, Oakville Conference Centre Thistleoaks Child Care Centre Permanet P/T positions in School Age, Nursery School & Preschool programs avail, immed. Supply teachers also needed. SPECIFYING POSITION OF INTEREST to: ncarter@satummississauqa.com AUTOMOTIVE SALES/ LEASE CONSULTANTS This position offers a career with: >- Strong management support; >- Professional training: Company Demonstrator >- Monthly bonus levels; »- Health and dental plan; »- Opportunity to grow with us; »- Blue Oval Certified Dealership; > IS09001:2000 Registered Dealership. Ford experience is preferred but not necessary. Submit your resume to: Lorenzo Continisio 5?aKGeneral Sales Manager K.rtuno*. 570 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville, L6J 3J2 shofman@oaklandfordlincoln.ca · Fax: 905-844-4472 We thank all applicants in advance, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Sandtron Automation specializes in sensor 905-845-9950 RPIU'S REQUIRED P/T EVENINGS for Oakville retirement home F A X resum e: IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN OAKVILLE O ur client seeks serious m inded individuals to join their production team. Duties would include m anual assem bly and inspection of small safety components. If you are interested in a future with a growing company, please call us today! We are currently recruiting for A F T E R N O O N shifts only (3:30-midnight). Fax Resume 905-842-3197 PHILTHY McNASTY'S (Burlington) now hiring F/T & P/T PRIMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES Visit us at the Halton Job & Career Fair on Wed. Sept. 18 at the Oakville Conference Centre 905-842-8410 o r E -M A IL to: tlandry@cplodges.com R .P .N .'S H e arthstone By The Lake is a G orgeous C ondom inium Com plex, catering to older adults. We seek excellent R.P.N.s who are team oriented. Experi ence in retire m en t field preferred, but all applicants welcom e. Please fax re sume to G eneral M anager Je ff D onovan. 905-3339646______________________ CERTIFIED Dental A ssis tant (m aternity leave) for O akville endodontist prac tice. Seeking an excep tiona l team m em ber with e xce lle n t com m unication skills. If you are enthusias tic, caring, dependable we have an excellent position for you. All inquiries kept confidential. Fax resume: 905-849-8428. _____ ACTIVITY Aide, P/T. Suc cessfully completed cert, in Recreation & Leisure &/or G ero ntology. Long term care experience an asset. Reply in confid ence to: C laire C ollison, Alexander Place, PO Box 50, W aterdown, ON LOR 2H 0, Fax: 905-689-2625______________ DOCTOR'S office looking for a part-time nurse/ office assista n t (1- 1.5 days a week) Please reply with CV, salary e xpe ctation s and refe ren ces to Dr. K. Voon, 672 Brant St. Suite 402, B u rlington, O ntario L7R 2H3. No Phone Calls Please! PDA required for M issis sauga Pediatric Dental Of fice. Sealants experience preferred. Send resume to: Box 4658, C/O The Missis sauga News, 3145 W olfedale Rd., Mississauga, ON L5C 3A9_____________ FU LL-TIM E re ce p tio n ist required for busy orthodon tic office . E xp erience an asset. Apply in person to Drs. R. & J. Bozek, 4300 Upper Middle Road, Suite 5, Burlington or fax to 905331-7702__________________ CERTIFIED D ental A ssis tant/ Treatment Co-ordina to r required for O akville dental office. Please fax re sume: 905-842-6296. N U R S E S - US$$ urgently needed MED/ SURG/ TEL EM ETRY/ CCU/ OR/ ICU/ ER/ NICU. Top pay. Fax re sume: 416-699-6891. 'Teachers" Accepting applications at The Halton Job & Career Fair on Sept. 18th COOKS Apply in person to: Brant and Mount Forest Dr. Plaza CEDAR S p ringsH e alth Club requires W aitstaff. Evenings, w eekends, op tional days, 1-3 shifts/w k. Experience with people & com puters p refera ble. Please fax resume to: 905632-4041 att: Ang Malec EM M A'S B a ckporch. Full & part-time Cooks, Servers & Kitchen Help, W ill train! Be part of the busiest kitch en in B u rlington! Apply: 2084 Lakeshore Rd. E., Burlington. TH AI Chef, m in. 5 years com m ercial cooking e x perie nce to prepare au thentic Thai cuisine. Salary $36K. Fax resum e: 905896-7573 and 905-631-1916 W ENDY'S hiring fu ll/ parttim e staff. Days/ nights til 1am. $75 sig n-u p bonus. Apply in person: 5051 Har v e ste r Road; 145 Plains Rd East; 2387 Fairview St. DISH W ASH ER S. C ounter Help, E xp erienced S e rv ers... required part-tim e even ings and w eekends. Apply: First Choice Kitchen, 2405 Fairview. Burlington TH IR STY Penguin Sports Bar (Oakville): Line Cooks, W ait Staff, Full and Parttime, all shifts, immediate. C all 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -4 9 2 6 ; fax 905-845-6054______________ EASTSID E M AR IO 'S. Burlington Now Hiring: Line, Pizza & Prep Cooks, fulltime day w ait staff. A pply in person at 2000 Appleby Line. BENNY'S Deli, full or parttime help. Must be available weekends. Apply 8am-3pm, Lakeshore R d .(at Brant). Excellent wages! NIGHT Auditor, part-tim erequired. Must be available to work weekends. Apply in person: Motel 6, 4345 North Service Rd.. Burlington. EXTREME Pita- T rafalga r V illage- Hiring Full-time or P a rt-tim e days. C all 905339-8728 Fax resume 905502-0435________________ BAR & Kitchen Staff need ed. 1-yr experience. Apply in person: The D ickens, 423 Elizabeth St., Burlington JUDGE & Jury. 1222 Walker's Line. B urlington requires experienced Cooks. Apply in person to Scott or Kevin. A u to m o tive Detailer Fast paced body shop needs self motivated detailer. Automotive knowledge & valid driv ers license required. Good wages & benefits Call 905-689-9812 SUBCONTRACTORS required im m e d ia te ly for postal sorting and delivery. Early m orning. R e lia ble vehicle required. Forward resume: SCV Contracting, R.R. #2, Burlington, L7P-4X9 I general help wanted Adventure House Travel Home based Travel Consultants re quired. We will train you. See us Sept. 18 at the HaltonJob & Career Fair at Booth #107 P le a s e ca ll fo r an a p p o in tm e n t: A d e c c o - O a k v ille 90 5 -8 4 2 -5 1 7 3 M ust have steel-toed boots and own transportation. ONTARIO COLLEGE OF TEACHERS O A K V ILL E m usic studio looking for talented,' enthu siastic drum teacher. Call James 905-845-1227______ ECE & Assistant Teacher required for S outhw est O akville childcare centre. Call 905-825-8893 F I T r 1 1 is e v e r y T H IN G Have a flair for decorating? Hiring full time Days, evenings weekends. Drop off resume at AdeccCT EMPLOYMENT SERVICES LIMITED products fo r industrial applications and is looking to fill the following positions: INSIDE TECH SUPPORT: Entry level position for electrical/ electronic technician to work with sales people and customers. M ust be a College graduate in electrical/ electronics courses, have good English communication skills, both oral and written. Fulltim e days, $13./hr. To apply for this position you must fax your resume lo 905-8252163 or e-mail: custserv@sandtron.com INSIDE SALES REP: M ust enjoy talking on the phone with a friendly, cheerful voice. Sales experi ence required, $12/hr. Part-time or fulltim e days. To apply, call Michele at 905-827-8230 B O O K K E E P E R 'S assistant required by busy Bur lington law firm . G eneral accounting know ledge re quired. Must have a ve h i cle. 20h rs/w k m inim um . F lexible hours, 9am -5pm , M on-Fri, to suit business requirem ents. Please em ail y our resum e to dori sann@cogeco.net or fax to 905-632-9076. A D M IN IS T R A T IV E A s sistant for entry level posi tion. B u rlington. Send re sume by fax: 905-332-7614 or e-mail: sking@amhil.com Covers 275 Hays Blvd. or fax: 905-257-1128 W ARM blood bree d in g and show barn in Puslinch requires fu ll-tim e S table Help/ G room . M ust be available weekends & have e xpe rience w ith young horses. Possibility of riding for the right person. Email resume charlatan101 © hot mail.com fax: 905-332-0456 W O W H IR IN G Mature Manager Permanent Full-Time Days & Part-Time Days Downtown Oakville 4 Lakeshore Rd., W APPLY IN PERSON: B O O K S T O R E R e q u ire s m ature person with book selling experience for per m anent p o s itio n , s ta rtin g immediately. Able to work Mon. 9-6, Tues., Wed 12-9 occasional even ings/w ee kends. P u blic R e la tio n s exp. an asset. Apply/w re s u m e to B o o k e rs , 172 Lakeshore Rd E, Oakville, On L6J 1H6. Phone 905844 -55 01 Fax 9 0 5 -8 4 4 6698 ___________________ G A R A G E D oor M anufac tu rin g co m p a n y re q u ire s part time (2 days per week) in v o ic in g /p a y a b le s cle rk. W ill tra in . Pay s ta rts at $14.00/hour. Please call 905-33-1975 or fax resume to 905-339-1935 LICENSED Drive Clean In spector/Apprentice wanted fo r busy C h rysler D e aler ship. Fax resume to: 905845-9822 EMPLOYMENT Opportunity P roduction Lab ourer full time, M on.-Fri. 44+ hours, $9/hr to start. 7:30am-5pm 930 Sheldon C ourt, Burlington. Call 905-634-7751 DOWNSVIEW PLUMBING LTD. Plumbers & apprentic es required, hourly or peace work, Truck provided, union rates. Full-Time position Call Frank or Tony CLEAN IN G lady required every second week to clean, vacuum, laundry. 3bedroom O akville house. Immediately. 905-845-9176. Armor Personnel in Partnership with Canadian Tire will be accepting applications for over 100 Material Handler positions Apply at The Halton Job & Career Fair, Sept. 18th. Booth t1 19 AC CE PTING A P P L IC A TION S- National company seeking 12 in dividuals for full-tim e em ploym ent. A p plicants must have custom er service experience. Pay $350-$750 per week. For in tervie w s ca ll R ita 416621-0585. No telem arket ing, no door to door. G EN E R A L Lab ourers re quired fo r the B u rlington/ O akville areas. $9-$11/hr. Day, afternoon shifts. Car an asset. A pply to: 533 Brant St., Suite #201. Bur lington. Fax: 905-333-0912. Tel: 905-333-2692__________ SU PE R IN TE N D E N T for smaller building in Burling ton. Pays $400/m o. Usual du tie s in c lu d in g rent c o l lections, disputes handling, cleaning of common areas, lawn watering, trash neat ness, etc. Extra paid for painting and special re pairs. 905-730-6501 B A K E R / A ss is ta n t Bread Baker, F ull-tim e. Secure position. Some experience. Serious only. B u rlington. Fax resume: 905-336-3059 LA N D S C A PER and m aintenance people with experience required for es tablished company. Excel lent wages . Apply in per son at: 3077 Guelph Line or fax resume to: 905-3352316._____________________ CR U ISE SH IP jo bs: T ra v el, Adventure, $$$. Imme d iate & upcom ing op e n ings. Interviews. Call 613744-6209. 416-675-6215 I office-clerical OFFICE Help for research firm near O akville GO sta tion. Quiet, responsible, in dependent person for data entry, proofreading & filing. E xce lle nt keyboard s k ills required. F ull-tim e days, fax: 905-338-5237 or email: gskene@ AdDynamics.com Only those considered will be contacted. DOMESTIC h e lp - e xp e ri enced cleaning lady available. Call 905-560-5603 O NE or tw o E u ropean cle anin g ladies will clean house/office. The best mops, powerful vacuum, referen ces. Call Urszula (905)8669437, (905)822-2636 K T i £ i T l volunteers VOLUNTEER EFL Teach er required to teach adults Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm. Please ca ll Halton M ulti C ultural C ouncil 905-842-2486 Sophia/Maria B. "TCBV." g ---Local Logistics Company requires YMCA C f OAKVLLE HOME decorating & fabric store looking for qualified deco rators to co n su lt on behalf of our store. Com m ission to be discussed. Please fax resum e: 905338-8937 Swim & Yough Instructors, Sales & Service, Certified Personal Trainers, Housekeeping & ECE Child Care Accepting applications See us in booth #121 at The Halton Job & Career Fair, Sept. 18 W ORK from home. GOS seeks motivated, teachable individuals to distribute and recruit for a growing health & nutritio n com pany. w w w ..d ire c ts u c c e s s fro m home.com 1-800-297-5768 OWNER OPERATORS with straight truck to travel within 200-mile radius. Also. SALES REPS req. Fax resumes to: 905-876-3975 F O R K L IF T S ales Rep fo r G TA 26-yr. old O akville Co. ·base salary ·lucrative commission »car allowance *full benefits. Fax resume: Office Administrator Growing fast food fran chisor offers a career opportunity at their Burlington franchise centre. Must be dedi cated with strong com puter, grammar, people & organizational skills. Collections and some bookkeeping included. Start S42-44K. Resumes to: Box 1926, c/o Burlington Post 2321 Fairview Burlington, ON L7R 2E3 RE CE PTIO N IS T required for busy residential design firm in Oakville. General of fice duties. Good telephone m anner and MS O ffice skills essential. Fax resume to: 905-825-1365 or e-mail: h b u c h a n a n _ a n d e rc a d @ cogeco.ca R E C E PTIO N IS T/ O ptometric Assistant. Must have people and computer skills. Please forw ard resume to Box 1929, c/o The Post. 2321 Fairview, Burlington, ON L7R 2E3 "Sales Representatives" Will be accepting applications at The HaltonJob O fficeTeam Come and visit our booth at The Halton Job & Career Fair on September 18th at The Oakville Conference Centre The Flight Opportunity.. Right Now CUSTOMER SE R V IC E/ Reception. Fulltim e. Must have good telephone and ad m in is tra tiv e s k ills . C all Linda T hrashe r at Jet B usiness Form s Ltd., (905)842-5050, Ext. 226. B O O K KE EPE R /S E C R E TARY/RECEPTIONIST for s m a ll o ffic e , 5 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e , team and c u s tom er oriented, businessv is io n 32 e x p e rie n c e an asset, pleasant personality. Fax resume to: (905)2574614 & Career Fair on Sept. 18 DEPENDABLE hard work ing lady in search of a house keeping position, 2-3 days/ week. Please call Shirley 905-528-3731, after 8pm. JUBILEE Fruit Market reguires Full-time staff for use EDUCATION SAVINGS PLAN 905-849-3515 CU T/ SEW O perator re quire d im m edia tely for O a k v ille m anufactu rer of s p e c ia lty m edical e q u ip ment. Energetic, creative person, e x pe rienced w/ high-speed industrial sew ing m achin es/ precision processes such as binding/ bar tacking. Send resume: Box# 6389, O akville B ea ver, 469 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 INDEPE N D E N T P ro fe s sional Typist working from own prem ises required by O ak v ille Research firm . Programs & equipm ent re quire d w ill be explain ed, W ork schedule & contract com pensa tion to be d is cussed. R eliability, speed, and high quality of output is m andatory. Phone 905845-9176 "Administrative Assist., General Labour, Accounting Personnel. Skilled Trades, Receptiaists, & more!" Accepting applications at The Halton Job & Career Fair on Sept. 18th RANDSTAD NEED Extra Cash$$$? Try T e le m a rke tin g . W ill tra in D ays/E venings. Students welcome. Start $9./hr. Flexi ble hours (905)849-8335 or (905)849-8525(0akville) Produce Department Apply with resume to: 104 Allan St., Oakville, JUBILEE Fruit Market, 104 Allan St., Oakville, requires F u ll-tim e C a s h ie r/ C lerk and P/T Produce C lerk Please apply with resume. DO G GY D aycare in O ak v ille are lo oking fo r parttime help with potential to go full-time Must be flexible M o n d a y -F rid a y fro m th e hours 7:30am -6:30pm for different shifts. 7:00/hr. to start. Experience with dogs an asset but not necessary. Please fax resumes: 905338-5204 FULL-TIME & PART-TIME SALESPEOPLE required PLUMBING Repairs, New Insta lla tio n s, alteration s. Basement drains, bathrooms, drywall, framing, tiling. No Job Too Small. Frank, 905639-3874. I handyman HAND YM AN S ervices: ju nk rem oval, hardw ood flooring, ceramics, painting, light moves, carpentry, dry w a ll, etc! Joe, 9 0 5 -6 3 1 7361. Sales experience would be an asset. Good wages and working conditions Apply in person with resume W A LK IN G ON A C LO U D or C H E S LE R SH O ES Mapleview Centre, Burlington C HAPS O akville Town Centre II requires full/part tim e kitchen su p e rviso r/ help and waitstaff. Apply in person: M onday-Friday, 9am-5pm. STAFF re q u ire d - W ait staff and Kitchen staff. Ex perience preferred. Apply in person: Sotiris Restaurant, 437 Plains Rd.. Burlington. 905-634-8813 A L L p a in tin g jo bs. Free estimates. Reliable service. Best offer, you can trust. Call 905-466-5850. URGENTLY required ECE to do befo re / a fte r school program & p re school afternoons & an As sista n t. M ust drive. Also. Supply Staff for 2 Oakville centres required. Marlene. 905-849-3878 ext.1 CUSTO M -M ADE dra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / chair co-ordina tes, fabrics, installation. 10yrs exp. Sherry- 905-634-6706

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