Oakville Beaver, 4 Sep 2002, D03

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday S eptem ber 4, 2002 - D3 Daytime Pool Instructor/G uard · Parks & Recreation Department Team oriented, attentive, and able to promote water safety in an enjoyable and safe manner, you will enforce pool regulations, provide emergency services if required, and communicate and demonstrate effectively in a class environment. As well, you will complete evaluations and maintain records for each student and perform maintenance duties. At least 16 years of age, your current certificates include NLS, RC/RLSSC instructor, and standard first aid. Rate of Fun & Flexible Jobs! Loblaw Companies East, a rapidlyexpanding distributor o f quality food products throughout O ntario, is experiencing tremendous growth and as a result requires. . . Working TOWN OF together to pre ser ve and enhance our quality of life. Facility B Operator (Arenas) HALTON HILLS With a unique history and distinc tive community identity, the Town of Halton Hills is proud of its achieve ments towards the preservation of its cultural heritage and natural environment, including the Niagara Escarpment, the Bruce Trail and the Credit River Valley. A m echanically inclined individual, you w ill w ork in the Recreation and Parks D epartm ent, perform ing m aintenance and o th er facility operational duties. You m ust have class B refrigera tion certification, stationary engineer 4 th class certification o r equivalent, plus a high school diplom a and current first-aid, CPR and WHMIS training. A practical know ledge o f carpentry, m echanical and electrical disciplines is essential, as are exceptional com m unication skills and the ability to operate ice-resurfacing equipm ent. This p o sition requires a valid d river's licence and a w illingness to w ork shifts, including som e w eekends. Ice Technician certification is preferred. R em uneration w ill be paid as specified in the Collective A greem ent betw een the Town o f H alton Hills and CUPE Local 7 3. We offer a challenging, dynam ic and progressive w ork environm ent. To be an integral p art o f o u r grow ing com m unity, please send a detailed resum e and a h a n dw ritten covering letter, by 4:30 p.m ., Sept. 17, 2002, to: Ms. Jacqueline Bowles, Manager, H um an Resources, The Town Assemblers ·Part-time Energetic and physically fit, you are willing to work variable hours at one o f our three distribution centres in Mississauga. We offer $12 per hour and flexible shifts and premiums. If you're a team player, please apply in writing, to: Human Resources, Loblaw Companies East, 6100 Freemont Boulevard Mississauga, Ontario L5R3V7 Tel: (905) 712-6641 Fax: (905) 712-6644 pay: $12.68 (includes a $1.50/hr shift premium) An employee benefits package is available to part-time employees working and maintaining 28 hours per week. If you're interested, we invite you to apply by September 13th, to: Donna Cumming, Tansley Woods, 1996 Itabashi Way, Burlington, Ontario L7M 4J8 fax: (905) 336-9558 e-mail: cummingd@burlington.ca C I T Y o f H alton Hills, 1 H alton Hills Drive, H alton Hills, O ntario, L7G SG2. Fax: 9 0 5 -873-1431. E-mail: hum anresources@ tow n.halton-hills.on.ca. We thank all those w h o apply, b u t advise that only those applicants selected for an interview w ill be contacted. Personal inform ation is collected u n d e r the authority o f the M unicipal Act R.S.O. 1990, C hapter M .45, a nd w ill be used to select a candidate. We are an Equal O p p ortunity Employer. W o r k i n g T o g e t h e r * W o r k i n g for Yo u I O F BURLINGTON We thank a ll applicants and advise that only those to be interview ed w ill be contacted. HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE Due to expansion, our award winning auto dealership is seeking highly motivated individuals to join our team. Strong communication skills & positive attitude a must. M eehan's Industrial, one of the region's premier mechanical contractors, has immediate full time & part time openings in the Milton area for: hotel restaurant Come See What's B re w in g ! We're looking for World Class Employees to match our World Class Beer. Join a dynamic group of exciting hospitality leaders that love a challenge. Help us in our endeavours to bring super-premium lager beer and creative international flavours to Oakville and enjoy working in a creative, lively upscale environment. ------------------------------- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLO YER ------------------------------ w w w. b u r 1i n gt o n . c a IN BO U N D C SR /SA LE S N EED ED A S A P ! Located in Burlington. Perm $ I4 + /h r + bonus, lots of grow th potential! Shift flexibility a must, ly r related exp. required. Contact w w w o rk ic o m by ph: 416-922-3800, fax: 416-922-5643, email: resum e@wwwork.com WANTED Immediately! Ad min. Assistant for upcoming charity event, part-time con tra c t w ork, flexible hours. P ro fic ie n c y in M ic ro s o ft W ord and E xce l a m ust. Please send resume to: Fax 905-825-0563 · Used Car Sales Consultant · Parts Counter/Driver · Lot Person If you would like to join our successful team Please fax resume to (905)845-7211 or mail 1071 Speers Road, Oakville ON L6L 2X5 Certified Industrial Mechanics/ M illwrights, Pipe Fitters, Fitter/Fabricators and General Labourers We are seeking highly motivated individuals with excellent mechanical skills who will get the job done safely and efficiently to join our highly accomplished team. We offer competitive wages and a comprehensive benefits program. NOW HIRING D ETAILER required full-time Duties: detailing new and used vehicles, ambitious individuals. Please deliver resume in person to: Budds' Collision 2071 South Service Road, Oakville Attn: Steven FU LL-TIM E cook required for Appleby Place a luxury retire m e n t reside nce in Burlington. The successful c a nd idate m ust have a m inim um 3 years e x p e ri ence with a red seal certifi cate. Interested and quali fied applicants please Fax resumes attn: Diane Young, 905-333-0596____________ Servers, Bartenders, Host Staff, Bossers, Sous Chefs, Cooks, Kitchen Help & Manager. Equal opportunity employers 2081 Winston Park Drive STOP BY OUR HIRING CENTRE AT THE AMC THEATRE OAKVILLE FOR AN ON-THE-SPOT-INTERVIEW! September 7 & 8; 10am-4pm Please bring up to date references The W o r ld 's La rgest Hairsty ling Chain R e quires F u ll-tim e & P art-tim e Experienced H airstylists x Oakville, Burlington & Waterdownx WE OFFER MORE: Great commissions; Career advancement; Flex, work hours; Solid benefit program TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, please call Kym , 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -8 8 0 8 , X221 The Millside Restaurant is looking to hire experienced full & part-time cooks. We offer competitive wages based on experience. Apply in person with resume to Stan or fax resume to (905) 876-2706 Please fax your resume, including all training that you have completed, to 905-875-0092, Attention: Human Resources, or email to jobs @ meehansindustrial. com hospital, medical, dental 555 domestic help available 700 home improvements (jo rd o iB ie n d i M O V IN G / Packing. Do m estic/ International. Free w a rdrobe fo r all m oving jobs. Urgent jobs welcome. 905-829-1282, 1-866-6661313 drapes upholstery Fully Licenced Registered Nurse RE LIA B LE house keeper/ cleaning lady available MW. 905-332-8530_________ PROFESSIONAL - clean in g la d ie s a v a ila b le . 10 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e . R e a sonable prices. D isinfect house before you move in w ith e n v iro n m e n ta lly frie n d ly products. S u p e r vised, trained. References a v a ila b le , B o nded. C a ll Isabella (905)541-6484 Pharmacy Assistant Part-time H Y & ZEL'S Oakville Days, evenings, weekends. Graduate Community College. Kroll experience preferred. Apply in person with resume to: Pharmacy Manager: OAKVILLE TOWN CENTRE II. 200 North Service Road, Oakville or Fax resume to: 905-338-6822 No phone calls please. MOW HIRING GENERAL MACHINIST & CNC PROGRAMMER/OPERATOR 10 yrs. experience · Small Company · Team Player · INDEPENDANT Worker · Benefits C M M O R R IS D ESIG N LTD Mature Manager Permanent Full-Time Days & Part-Time Days Downtown Oakville 4 Lakeshore Rd., W APPLY IN PERSON: to work 5 afternoons (20 hours) per week, Monday to Friday in a busy family practice clinic. Please reply with current resume to: Box #2123c/o The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd, Oakville, Ont L6K3S4 PDA required fo r th riv in g o rth o d o n tic team , an e s sentia l fo r M ississauga / H am ilton. Some e x p e ri ence necessary. Fax resume: 905-281-8188_______ M ED IC A L C lin ic - Recep tionist, RN/RNA required for m odern c lin ic . P revious Lab. experience an asset. Full & P a rt-tim e. Fax resume to: 905-502-5219 O PTO M ETRIC A s s is ta n t/ R eceptionist, frie n d ly and reliable . O ptical e x p e ri ence preferred. Fax resume to 905-842-1738.___________ HY G IEN IS T required for Oakville family dental prac tice, Thursday or Monday, no evenings. Dr. Vrbensky, 905-829-4530.________ BUSY B u rlington Dental Office seeks part-time Reg istered Dental H ygienist. Please contact M ichelle, 905-639-5592 PLUMBING Repairs, New In sta lla tio n s, alte ra tio n s. Basement drains, bathrooms, drywall, framing, tiling. No Job Too Small. Frank, 905639-3874. RE NO VA TIO NS & Re pairs. R e novator w ith 20 years experience for home repairs and sm all renova tion jobs.. All repairs per formed in accordance with local building code. Pay by the hour & save $$'s. 905331-2426 WE fig h t tra ffic tickets. D on't plead guilty, call us first. 95% success, lowest rates. We win for less. Free consultation. Call 905-2571789. A C o m m issioner of Oaths. C LA S S IFIE D D eadlines are Monday at 5pm for Wed nesday; W ednesday at 5pm for Friday and Thurs day at 5pm for Sunday. For more in fo rm a tio n please call 905-337-5610 or 905632-4440, fax: 905-6328165. 905-878-0578, fax 905-878-0451 e-mail: info@cmmorris.com JO B W anted: son-in -law expects m oth e r-in -la w to find him a job, please help him. Call 905-847-3483 C U STO M -M AD E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / ch a ir co-o rd in a te s, fabrics, in stallation. 10yrs exp. Sherry- 905-634-6706 "TC8V." m h in iii 'jt MAIL Contractors- Canada Post. Reliable SUV or van required. B u rlington/C am bridge area. AM start. Ap prox. $30,000. Mail resume attn: P resident-6 160 Netherhart Road, Unit #7, Mississauga L5T 1B7_______ PAC K ER S Light plastics plant, West Oakville, Full time night shift. Applicants must have good eye/ hand coordination and be fluent in English. Call 9 0 5 -8 4 7 3121, Fax resum e: 905847-3126.________________ OAKVILLE C o ntractor looking for labour/carpenter helper for crew in residen tial. Must have own tran s portation. Please contact Sharon Homes C o nstruction 905-338-6523__________ DRIVER fo r B u rlington com pany. No special licence. Physical liftin g . S tart $10/hr. Forward re sume: P.O. Box#755, Waterdown, Ontario LOR 2H0 LITTLE C aesars now h ir ing all in-store, driver and managment positions, parttime, evenings/ weekends. Please apply at 2441 Lakeshore Rd., at Bronte Rd. Tel: 905-827-7778 WORK the hours you wantl Access to computer? Work online! $500+ P/T- $5000+ FT. 1-800-348-1823; www.cashtokeep.com PIZZA D e live ry Drivers needed, (Burlington). Full time & part-tim e available. C ar required . Please call 905-333-8726 to apply JOIN the Molly Maid Team Full-time, Mon-Fri 8:30am4:30pm, DL an asset, ben efits, transportation, training provided 905-681-7484 t l I salon & sPa he|p Electronics Repair Specialist B urlington based industrial d istribu to r seeks a part-time electrical/ electronics repair person with mechanical aptitude to staff our repair department. This is a parttime position, 4-5 half days per week and would suit someone semi-retired. Community Notices Deaths BENNETT, May- In her sleep at home on Monday, September 2, 2002. Loving wife of Alan. Dearest mother of Penny and her husband Ian Deeks and Tori and her husband John Peter Smit. Proud grand mother of Grant, Ryan, Emily, Jacob and Miriam. Sadly missed by her brother in law Leslie Bennett. A memorial service w ill be held at Hopedale Presbyterian Church in Oakville, (Third Line), on Friday, September 6,2002 at 11a.m. Rev. Sean Foster officiating. Cremation has takerr place, irrfie u 'O f flowers donations may be made to the Church in May's memory. FER G USO N , D orothy E. (n e e B ro o ks)Peacefully, with family by her side on Wednesday, August 28th, 2002 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in her 92nd year. Loving mother to Blair and his wife Ann and Gail and her husband Ross Johnson. Cherished Nanno to Janet, Kate, Jaime, Jeffrey and Craig. Friends were received at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville, on Tuesday from 6-9 p.m. Funeral Service w ill be held at St. Jude's Anglican Church, 160 William Street, Oakville on Wednesday, September 4th 2002 at 12 o'clock. Reception to follow. Interment St. Jude's Cemetery. As an expression of sympathy donations may be made to the Oakville Kiwanis Meals-On-Wheels and the Oakville Salvation Army. Our Company has a 25 year history of excellence and manufactures consumer plastic products in a new plant. With the addition of new shifts, we immediately require: InMemoriam LEWIS, Ted; In loving memory o f husband, father, grandfather and Qreat grandfather. Although tut smite and matte no fu ss no one misses him more than us; A n d xohen otd times zve often recalt th a t s zvhen u>e miss him most o f att. Sadty missed by urife Ida a n d f amity. Maintenance Mechanic M illw right Ideal candidates will have at least three years ex perience working in a team based manufacturing environment, preferably with a high exposure to plastics. Competitive wages and profit sharing potential. Respond in complete confidence to: Please fax your resume to 905-631-0984 525 office-clerical 525 office-clerical The Financial Centre Securities Corp. Full Service Brokerage Firm Amhil Enterprises Inc. Burlington E-mail: sking@amhil.com or Fax: 905-332-7614 Administrative Opening Transfers Dept. Experience in the investment field required. Please apply by Sept. 8th fax: 905-825-1401 or e-mail: jdellamanna@fcsc.ca VW / AUDI Dealership is looking for a P/T Busy General Motors Dealer requires LaC O S TA R e s ta u ra n ts B u rlington lo cation, re quires all kitchen positions full & part-time, (experience preferred). Fax resume to: 905-634-8158 or in person, between 2-5pm, 421 Brant St., Attn: Scott Evans. Sal ary based on experience. No phone calls please. CU LTU RES requires 3 full-tim e counter staff and kitchen help. Start Imme diate ly. A pply in person, 2pm -6pm , at 312 Lakeshore Rd.E., Oakville, or Fax: 416-946-1104 Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (4 1 6 ) 4 8 7 -5 5 9 1 (9 0 5 ) 6 3 1 -8 7 8 4 TWO PART-TIME SER V IC E C A S H IER S Must be dedicated, hardworking team players who enjoy customer service and able to multi-task. Computer literate and mathematically inclined. RECEPTIONIST to work from 5pm-9pm, Monday- Thursday and 9am-5pm, Saturdays. $8.00/hr to start. Call Mark Seibert, Monday - Thursday, 9am-4pm Contact Dale Cogswell 905-845-1681, ext. 228 or fax 905-845-4394 Oakville Volkswagen 557 K err Street, O akville Tel: (905) 844-3285 Fax: (905) 844-2719 The "Original" Chaps requires Com m um tyNotices Customer Service/Call Centre Representative We have a challenging opportunity for an independ ent, self-starter in our Call Centre who is able to work independently at self directed tasks. The successful applicant will have responsibilities for providing our customers with information related to new services, billing inquires and general service provisions. Some of the key elements of this busy and challenging position require prompt response to customer inqui ries; thorough knowledge of business practices in cluding past-due account collection practices. In ad dition to being a team player, you will be an inde pendent thinker and possess strong inter-personal and communication skills, excellent organizational and time management skills. A minimum of two years of call centre experience is essential for this position. Qualified applicants are invited to submit a detailed resume, in confidence to: Box# 1927, The Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview St., Burlington, ON L7R 2E3 OFFICE MANAGER An exciting opportunity for an Office Manager with a minimum 3 years experience. Includes prioritizing & delegating, managing a busy reception area, dealing with students, staff & suppliers, efficient with MS Office and Internet, professional telephone manner, the ability to multi-task & maintain a calm, positive attitude. Be a part of this growing team in a dynamic, private college. Only those with experience need apply. Fax: 905-632-2895 Att: Mrs. Pender or Line Cooks Dishwashers Wait Staff Top $$$ Paid to Quali fied Applicants APPLY AT 3315 Fairview, Burl. JO E Needs Help!! Now hiring all kitchen positions FT/PT com petitive wages. Fun w ork enviro nm e nt. C rabby Joe's 905-2579888 Fax-905-257-1615 C A FE T E R IA G eneral H e lp - S tra ig h t days, no weekends. Kitchen experi ence an asset. A pply in person at 40 M atheson Blvd. W. in Mississauga. RESTAURANT looking for experienced W ait Staff for lunch s h ifts . & evenings Fax resume 905-690-6396 or call 905-690-6125 W HISTLIN G M ountie now hiring cooks and kitchen help, FT/ PT. Apply within: 5353 Lakeshore Rd. East Burlington. EAST Side M arios (M illcroft Centre) now accepting resumes for full-tim e man agem ent. Fax resum e to: 905-331-5368, Attn: Jeff COUNTER help required. Day shift. Please apply in person: M r.Sub 3500 Hwy#5/ W alkers Line, Bur lington. EXCITING CAREER OPPORTUNITY with Oakville's Premier Salon & Spa I M A G E S I NT ERNAT I ONAL SALON & PAY S PA e-mail: info@canadiantherapeuticcollege.com No phone calls please. SPOTLESS DRY CLEANERS requires Now Hiring Fulltime Hairstylists Salon Assistant BOOKKEEPER/ADMINISTRATOR Must have computer skills with Simply Accounting, Excel, and Microsoft Office. Requirements; paya bles, receivables, and payroll as well as other ad ministrative duties. Must be well organized and able to work in a fast paced environment. Looking for long term applicants. Fax resume to: Cathy Commisso 905-333-6374 Estheticians Please call Judy at 905-849-9876 BR O N TE. 3 room s a v a il able to rent. S u itable for esthetics, reflexology, mas sage therapy. $500/m o. Call 905-469-8898._________ ES TH E TIC IA N needed full-time for upscale Salon/ spa. Drop of resum e at 1122 Dorval Dr., Oakville or fax to 905-847-3847________ H A IR S T Y LIS T required for busy Burlington salon. H o urly/ com m ission . C all 905-335-9050._____________ EXPER IENC ED E sthetician and reg. m assage th e ra p is t required for downtown Burlington spa. Call Cathy 905-633-6982 S A LO N 612 has chair a vailable to rent in dow n town B u rlington. Please call, 905-631-0103. Th e Burlington Post Mailroom Inserters needed Day & Evening needed Safety shoes needed CSR/Reception /Order Entry F/T. Order entry exp. an asset. Must have ex cellent phone presence, verbal communication skills & exp. on Multi phone line system. Fax resume: 905-891-1305 P A R T-TIM E R e ceptionist w/ strong customer service & computer experience re quired. M-F, Hours 102pm. Please forw ard re sume to Naylor Group Inc. fax: 905-33 8-83 69 Attn: Patti BU RLING TO N M anufac turing Company requires a full-time Customer Services person. ACCPAC expe ri ence in invoicing/ AR & in ventory m odules required. Good data entry & commu nication skills. Fax resume to Frost Products 905-3327105 P A R T-TIM E , com puter experience, AR, AP. May lead to Full-tim e. Fax re sume to 905-339-0799 retail sales hospital, medical, dental PH AR M A C IST (F ull-tim e) needed fo r p rofession al building in Burlington. Must be patient-oriented. Attrac tive hours, wages, benefits. Call Elaine/ Roxanne, 905420-7335; Fax: 905-4207342; e-m a il: info@ m edi calpharmacies.com_________ F U LL & perm anent parttime RN & RPN with experi ence for Hamilton area re tirem e nt home. C om peti tiv e wages and benefits. Fax resume to St. Elizabeth Villa 905-388-9953. Contact Laurie 4057 Fairview St. Eastside of Burlington Oakville Conference Centre 251 5W y e c ro ftR d(a tB r o n teR d .)O a k v ile Register your company today! ADULT CARRIER WANTED To deliver papers and flyers Wednesday, Friday & Saturday in O akville M ust have a reliable car Call Luis at 905-829-9564 or Cell #905-617-7228 ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE W e are an established Publishing C om pany with an opportunity for aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales this could be the position for you. W e have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. W e offer salary plus com m ission, car allowance and benefits. We also offer a great opportunity for advancement. RM's/RPM'S (Attractive Rates) Immediate openings on all shifts at upscale LTC Facilities and Retirement Homes in Oakville, Burlington, & Mississauga.F/T&P/T. Weekly pay. Fax to: Endeavour Personnel Ltd. 905-272-4276 RMT required fo r busy Oakville chiropractic office. Part-tim e. Space rental or sp lit. Phone Laura, 416525-6683._________________ DENTAL Hygienist, C e rti fied required part-tim e Wednesdays. Start Oct.2nd for pleasant Oakville Office. Please call 905-845-1630. G .P .'s office , located in B u rlington, requires RN/ RPN/ M edical Secretary. Fax resume, 905-632-4126 PRE-ENG In s ta lle rs - ex perienced w ith cla ddin g, structural and/ or blueprint reading. P o sitions a v a il able with fast growing com pany. Good compensation and tra in in g . Leave m essage, 519-465-3749 PR IM AR Y M usic Teacher re q u ire d im m e d ia te ly . T h re e day w e ek. S tro n g K n o w le d g e of O rff. P ia no/C hoirs. R e sum e s/R ef erences to: Glenbumie Pri vate School, 2035 U pper M iddle Road, East, O a k v ille , O n ta rio . L6J 7G 6; Fax# 905-338-2654; email: h r e s o u r c e s @ g le n b u r nieschool.com V O C A TIO N A L Teachers Required to Provide: Train ing Workshops · Computer Training to adults with dis abilities. Burlington Edu cational Centre, Fax: 905338-2385__________________ BR AN T C hildren's Centre requires F/T & P/T Pre school T ea chers. ECE or equivalent preferred. Call: 9 0 5 -6 3 4 -5 5 1 8 Fax: 905634-5510 905-6324440 Brought to you by DOWNSVIEW PLUMBING LTD. Plumbers & apprentic es required, hourly or peace work, Truck provided, union rates. Full-Time position Call Frank or Tony POST 1 PO ST 416- 675-6215 MAC A rtis t, expe rienced, with strong skills in Quark and Illustrator. Please no designers. Fax resum e: (905)-319-3198, or em ail: prepress777@hotmail.com Please send your resume to: Box # 2116, C/0 The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 M ATURE Sales Person required for Jewelry Store. Hours include Day, 1 even ing, every other Saturday. A pply in person M anning Fine Jew elry: 125 Cross Ave. Oakville. DOM ESTIC help required fu ll-tim e . Duties in clude general housework, cook ing, part-tim e childcare. Own car required. Please call Erin, 9 0 5 -3 1 9 -2 7 2 2 ext.215

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