Oakville Beaver, 9 Oct 2002, Classified, D 4

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D4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 9, 2002 T he O a k v il l e B e a v e r L A -Z -B O Y » E S o f a s Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Starting From Uncompromising Quality and Style. A a a a am A n Extraordinary Selection D l] of the Finest Custom Fabrics. y V U U iU ll Imagine, Genuine La-Z-Boy at I I J l prices that will Delight you! W W W fo r Less! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am 5:00pm houses for sale $234,000 W ATERDOW N Great financing available! Beautiful detached 3-bed room. P rivate sale. 24/hr InfoLine: 905-515-8515 www.hom esellcanada.com #2916 C lassified fe'k'k 'k 'fa 'k'k'k-k 'k 'k '& 'k Rivers of Money last year alone over 39 billion dollars flowed through our industry. Why not get a bucket & join in! Learn how to turn a secured investment of $19,000 into a lifetime potential income of up to $2000 cash/week working only P/Thours being your own boss. A ll you do is stock & collect cash. Please call only if you can be your own boss, have the time & the investment to start earning a cash income right away. Call Now for info pack. 24/hrs 1-800-661-6250 1/2 BDRM, Kerr St. (Oakville) Close to GO. 5775$900/m o. in cl. u tilitie s . Parking extra. 905-845-4615 CE N TR AL O ak v ille lo ca tio n - 1& 2 bdrm units. $800-$1000/mo. Includes cable, u tilitie s , parking. 905:842-5095____________ OLD O akville. B e au tifu lly m aintained, very clean, q uiet build in g dow ntown. Step out to shops. Bachelor from $750/m o. 1-bedroom from $985./mo; 2-bedroom from $1185./mo. No lease. 905-845-8254 (leave mesREFINED Tenants for 1&2 bedroom s uites in luxury buildings close to B urling ton M all. C all the "P rin cess", 905 -63 9-80 09 or "Regency" 905-681-8115 O A K V ILL E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. W alk to everything. New security system. 1&2 bedrooms from $845/mo. 905-845-1777______________ O A K V ILL E . Q EW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $829/ m o.*; 2-bedroom from $939/mo.* Well maintained b uilding. N ellie, 905-3392028. ( ` in clude d 2% prompt payment discount) 1 and 2-bedroom a p a rt m ent a vailab le for im m e diate occupancy. Hixon and N elson area. C lose to all am enities, parking in clud ed. Call 905-847-5505 B u r lin g to n P o w e r C e n tr e · Q E W & B ra n t S t. * 9 0 5 - 3 3 1 - 7 6 0 0 Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 W alk to G O 2067 Prospect St a t B rant St. B u r lin g to n T o w e rs T h e H otel A ltern a tive SHORT-TERM ACCOMMODATION · Tastefully Furnished Suites COMEHOMETV... CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 B edroom s · 4 ap p lian ces · E at-in Kit. B asem ent · P lay g ro u n d · P arking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington M all Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited H U M ID IF IE R - Air King model, $40. 2x3ft. approx. Call 905-633-9144 KROEHLER sofa & matching sw ivel ch a ir, excellen t condition, $200. 905 -33 63265 _________ _______ LARGE office desk- 73"x35", solid, excellen t condition, $250. 905-847-5375 LE ATH ER d esigner sofa, top grade, new, dusty rose. Paid $3000, asking $750. K itch e n aid b u ilt in d is h w a s h e r, $ 2 0 0 . 4 1 6 -6 0 5 1161______________________ D E SIR A BLE com plex. Spacious 3-bedroom con do w /huge m aster bed room, 1.5 baths, livingroom, diningroom, eat-in kitchen, A/C, finished fam ilyroom , firepla ce and w a lk-out to private garden. Backs on to green belt, near m all and all convieneces $154,900 Call 905-639-1648 1 na apartments & flats for rent IfZil apartments & flats for rent C A R E F R E E L IF E S T Y L E BURLINGTON North. B e autifu lly deco rated 2bedroom 2-full bath condo. Upgraded kitchen/ carpet/ paint. Includes air cond i tioning, cathedral ceilings. Must see! 905-315-8144. WE specialize in C ondo minium Sales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., R ealtor, (905)333-4347 Huge1-Bdrm Apt. Immed. - $865/mo. H uge2-Bdrm T.H. Dec. - $1050/mo. Corner Suites Avail. » Gleaming parquet flooring » Over-size balconies » Undergound parking and outside parking » On-site customer service 905-631-0033 · Fully E quipped Kitchens · M agnificent Indoor Pool · Sauna & Fitness C entre 1285 Ontario St. (at Maple) 9 05 *6 3 9 *8 5 8 3 Open 7 Days per Week www.ontim.com F F T 1 rooms for rent & wanted 274 V. BURLINGTON TOWERS A P A R T M E N T S 1,2&3 B e d ro o m S u ite s With on-site Maintenance EXCELLEN T lo c a tio n Brant/ Lakeshore. 2 bdrm, quiet building, parking, Dec. 1st. $775/mo. + hydro. 905662-8558._________________ WwM furnished rentals EXEC UTIVE C o ronation Park re n ta l- 3bdrm , fu r nished split-level home. 2 fu ll baths, inground pool, large property w/m ature trees, near lake. Rent ne gotiable on maintenance of swimming pool. Credit ref erences/ employment letter required Non-smoking/pets. $2850/m o. Steve Kolbuc, Royal LePage 905-845- 4267 FURNISHED Bu rlington Luxury! 1&2 bedroom s. From $1295. 24-hr. securi ty. Pool. Immediate. Short/ lo ng-term . 905-632-8354; 905-632-6189______________ FU RNISHED Room for rent- East Burlington. Suite w orking p rofession al. A v a ila b le im m ediately. $600/mo. 905-333-6726 N .BU R L. Lovely b righ t 1bedroom. Walk-out to land scaped yard, · in ground pool, separate entrance, C/ A, gas fire p la c e , 5 ap pliances, $1250/mo. inclu sive. Dec. 1st. L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347_____________ SHORT-TERM. North Bur lington. 4-bedroom house, 3-baths. Non-smokers. No pets. A v a ila ble N o v .1st. $1200/mo. -futilities. 905335-3783._________________ T R A V E LS U ITE S .N E T ... Log on! "New" Corporate Luxury Accom m odations. 1-4 bedroom s/ baths. All am enities. 40++ locations. D aily, W eekly, M onthly. From $49.95* per night. (Visa M asterCard/ AmEx). Leave mess: 905-681-7355 C LEAN and private home East Oakville, non smoking professional commuter pre fe rre d , in c lu d e s p riv a te bath and p a rk in g . C a ll (905)845-6374 shared accommodation NURSERY C a re g ive r for our church nursery S un days from 9 -1 1am. Send resume to Church of the In carnation: fax 905-825-9185 e-mail incamation@tap.net D E PE N D A BLE & lo ving caregiver required in Bur lington home for 2 boys (2 &5). M onday-Friday 8am5:30pm. Light housekeep ing, own tra n sp o rta tio n . Days: 416-947-4651, even ings/ weekends: 9,05-3192215 SITTER (Prefer w/own car) 2-3 afternoons/ week. Take kids to lessons. Excellent pay. Lon g-term . River Oaks. 905-257-6888 B A B Y S IT T E R nee ded in my hom e, s tu d e n ts w e l com e 4 -6 p m . M o n .-F ri. Bronte area 905-827-7031 R C T S private tuition J /schools TUTOR a va ila b le fo r all subjects up to grade eight. Call Shelli 905-467-4850 LE ATH ER sofa and love seat, navy with 2 matching arm chairs, (fa b ric) navy/ gold $1500 905-319-9698 MOVING Sale All to go! House filled with stuff! Fur nitu re , stereo, clo the s, kingsizebed, dresser 905639-7570_________________ M OVING Sale! Teak d i ningroom table , 6 chairs $500/obo; teak bedroom suite $400; w h ite nightstand, chest, bookcase, desk $150; 2 sin gle beds $75.; double bed, $100; couch $250; exercise bike $50; rowing machine $75; chest fre e ze r $150. 905842-1073_________________ MOVING sale: alm ost eve ryth in g fo r sale! lu g gage, furniture, golf clubs, toys, (Thomas Tank), lot's more..905-634-5306 NEED a Computer... Don't Have Cash? The O rigina l IBM PC, just $1. a day., no m oney down! U nlim ited AOL & in te rn e t free for 1 year! The Buck a Day Com pany, call 1-800-772-8617. www.buckaday.com OFFICE furniture, two sixshelf legal file cabinets in excellent condition; desks, chairs, sm all office items. Call 905-844-5000________ PIANO- Apartm ent size w/ bench. G erhard Heintzman. $1000. Easy access, e xce lle n t cond ition. 905689-4066______________ ___ P O O L - Leaf Net, 40'x20', $75. Water bags 2.50/each. W ine m aking equipm ent. 905-332-3703 POOL table, 4x8 Dufferin, w ith a ccesso ries, good condition, $1200. Call 905315-9476._________________ SNOOKER table, D u ffer in, 4'x9 ', e xce lle n t co n d i tion, $1400. Call 905-6398187._____________________ SEC U R ITY Cam era S ys tem , 4 B/W Indoor C am eras, 1 (4 x ) m ultiplexer to show all cam eras on screen, 1 12" B/W Monitor C all Greg $275 or sa il guy500 @hotmail.com SOLID bench w/vise; illu minated sign w/letters; 4'x8' plyw ood table ; 20' c a ta m aran; tandem tra ile r fo r Bobcat. Best offers. 905334-0820 ____________ W EDDING dress, size 7. lace, off shoulder, cocktail length, perffect for a "beach" wedding. $300/obo. 905-6900889 evenings W EDDING Gown, size 7, lace, straight cut, detach able train. $450/obo. 905689-5613 evenings W AS H ER / dryer, frid g e & stove all in excellent condi tion. W ill separate. 905335-2059 C fl h i articles wanted TRAFALGAR (OAKVILLE) REALTY INC. REALTOR 1. River Oaks: 3-bdrm semi-detached, 5 appliances, fireplace, $1450/mo.+January 1st. 2. Sherwood Heights: 4+1 bdrm Executive, fin. bsmt, 2900+sq.ft., $2500/mo. Immediate 3. S/E O akville: 5-bdrm , fresh paint, finished basement, trip le garage, $3300/m o.+ Immed. Possible short-term. 4. Westoak Trails: 3-bdrm detached, fin. bsmt, C/A, F.P., 2-1/2 baths, $1695/mo.+ Immediate. 5. Falgarwood:. 3-bdrm condo T/H, 5 appliances, rec.room, wood floors, 1-1/2 baths, $1375/mo.+ N ov.lst 6. Glen Abbey: 3-bdrm F/TH, 2000 sq ft., 2-1/2 baths, 5 appls., C/A, tam.rm with F.P., $1725/mo.+ Immediate T e l: 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 5 8 3 www.ontim.coM FRESHLY renovated- 2 store y, 3 bdrm condo to share w ith 1 responsible female. Smoke free $650/ mo. Inclusive. 905-338-1154 R O O M M A T E w a n te d to s h a re 22 0 0 sq. ft. hom e that's got everything you'll need! P e rfect B u rlington lo cation. $550 in clusive. First & last. References. Fe male preferred. Nov. 1st. 905-315-8810 W A T E R D O W N , w o rk in g fem a le p re fe rre d . Private bath, TV, 3-room s, share kitchen, $650/mo. inclusive. Message 905-690-0366 ^ in d u strial /commercial space C A R E F R E E L IF E S T Y L E $200 CASH BACK + FREE.... Utilities, Cable & Parking (for 12-mos,)! APARTMENTS STARTING AT ONLY $900. Convenient location near GO Stn · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites We will give you $200 cash back to help you pay for moving costs etc., on every new lease of a 1-bdrm apt. signed before Oct. 31st. SPEERS/ Third. 1200sq.ft. O verhead door, skylig h t. October/1 st. Call Sandy: 1705-684-8258 or Shane/Jay 905-332** 234 SENIOR'S RESIDENCE Rentals from $275/mo. (+ up) Heat/ hydro included. BONNIE PLACE B u rlin g to n O A K V ILLE Downtown. Retail space approx. 1,000 sq.ft. $1400/mo. plus. 1400 sqft. $1475/mo. plus. Call 905-337-7135._____________ DOWNTOWN O akville o f fice space. 1000 sq.ft. Available. R easonable. Parking. Lakeshore Rd near Harbour 905-844-4161 PRIME B u rlington office space, 1200 sq.ft. ground floor. Commerce Crt. FairView/ W alkers Line. Call 905-336-1950. BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 Brant St. (a t G h ent A ve.) Call us a t 9 05 -6 39 -4 67 7 Other Homes & Townhouses Available TEL: 634-0046 905-338-1130 EXECUTIVE PENTHOUSE VERY SPACIOUS EXECUTIVE DUPLEX PENTHOUSE on 20th floor. Spectacular views, private patio, 5 appliances, excellent security. A m e n itie s in c lu d e in d o o r p oo l & sauna. Rental: $ 1 850/m o. (Includes u tilitie s, cable & free undercover parking for 12 months) DOW NTOW N O akville, Lakeshore. Open concept, large 2-bedroom , 2 baths, Jacuzzi, C/A. N o v .1st. $1475/mo.+ 416-997-0687, 905-842-9275______________ O A K V IL L E D o w n t o w n . Large 1&2 bedroom apart m ents (D uplex), natural pine flo o rs , deck, C/A, stove, fridge, dishwasher, w a sher/ dryer. Includes parking for 2 cars. $1100$1200/mo. -futilities. After 2pm 905 -330-9449 or leave m essage, 905-6395405.___________________ __ O A K V ILL E Downtownspacious 3 bdrm , 2 bath a pa rtm e nt in clean quiet b uilding. $1350/m o. in clu ding u tilitie s / parking. A v a ila ble Im m ediately. 416-814-0620______________ DOW NTOW N B u rlington, 1275 Elgin S treet. 2&3 Bedroom s, N ov./Dec. F reshly deco rated, sp a c ious, w ell m aintained & q uiet w ith upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise liv in g . C all 905-637 0321 _______________ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur ling to n . 1&2 bedroom s available Oct./ Nov.; 3-bed rooms available Dec. $845$1095/mo. 905-632-0129 CAFE, Seats 30, licensed, in M ilton. E n trance from building and stre e t. Must sell. 905-279-5732__________ [ | i | l mortgage, loans C A LL Sinclair- Cockburn, 1-866-357-0471 1-yr 4.10; 5-yr 5.30, ARM 1.99. Also equity mortgage programs, re g a rd le ss o f in c o m e or credit. SSS A Q uick M o rtg a g e below bank rate, 1st and 2nd new, renewal, residen tia l or com m ercial m o rt gages. Past, poo r credit, bankrupt, self em ployed. Equity financing. Mortgage arrears and power of sale help. Q uick approval. Guaranteed financing. Call 416-410-0629 (7 days/ week) RENT Alternative. Rent to Own optio ns or 0 Down Program with credit & earn ings verification. Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/ Max E scarpm ent Realty, Realtor, 905-639-5258 email: ucanbuy2 @hotmail .com O A K V IL L E : B e au tifu l 3 bdrm, home w/ensuite, 2 eat-in kitchens, 2 gas fire places, double garage, la rge drivew ay, finished basem ent, 5 appliances in cl. Near all am enities. $1700/mo. +utilities. 416676-4177__________________ EIGHTH Line/ Grand Blvd., Oakville, 3-bedroom sem i, C/A, finished base ment. $1500/mo.+ Mr. Setlur, 905 -849-7614; 416410-3279 L/M______________ FORD Dr/ QEW 10year old' im m aculate semi, on-suite bath, suitable for AAA pro fessionals $1600/mo. Call L illia n C leary S ales Rep Re/M ax. D irect line: 905339-4877________ _ EXECUTIVE h ou se- 3000 sq.ft, 4 bedrooms, finished basement, large yard, near schools, S.E. Burlington. No pets, $1800/mo. Immediate. 905-639-2674_____________ S 1550/M 0. B e autifu l 2storey detached home, 3bedroom s, 2-1/2 ba th rooms, 5 appliances, wind ow coverin gs, C/A, C/V, fenced yard, quiet Oakville area. No smokers or pets. Immediate. Call Victor Saric, Re/Max Aboutowne Realty, 905-842-7000_________ GLEN Abbey. $2800/m o. approx. 3100 sq.ft, 4-bed room s, 2-1/2 bathroom s, main floor den, big fam ily room, mature fenced back yard, large deck. Long lease prefe rre d . D e c .1st. C all V icto r Saric, Re/Max A boutow ne R ealty, 905842-7000____________ , APPLEBY Mall, 3-bedroom sem i, new broadloom , $995/mo. Guelph Line area. 4-bedroom townhouse, 1.5 baths, recroom, garage, $1030/m o. C all 905-6325690, Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor. CENTURY Home- 3 bdrm, Dundas area near Greens ville, very private. $1200/ mo. +utilities. 905-689-6280 LO O KIN G for an ex e c u tive rental? $1500- $5000/ mo. C all 905-847-5095, Ext.29, Active Management, w w w .theactiveoffice.com / rent SP AC IO US brick bun ga low, 3-bedroom s, living & diningrooms, kitchen, bath room, attached garage, fin ished basement, large lot, backs onto creek, quiet lo cation, near schools/ buses/ shopping. Rebecca/ Fourth Line area. $1500/mo. +utilities. 905-845-3118. O A K V IL L E E xecutive. River Oaks, Pelee Blvd., 5 bfedrooms, 4 baths, double garage, 5 appliances, C/A, new lower level suite or of fice. Maple Leaf HMC Inc., $2400/m o.+ u tilitie s . 905842-8383 RANGER 333V bass boat, 2 fish finde rs & auto livewells, 140HP Evinrude o/b w ith 24V/ 32LB e le ctric tro llin g m otor on Ranger easyload trailer and factory w in te r/tra ve l cover. Mint C o nditio n. C all B ill 905SI 9-8763 EVENFLO carseat c a rrie r plus Snap and Go stroller base. $60 905-332-5453 FA M ILY stered matching condition. 0668 Room: up h o l c h e s te rfie ld & arm chair. Good $100. 905-632_______ BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 B rant St. (a t G h en t A ve.) Call us a t 9 0 5 -6 39 -4 67 7 C A N ADIANA. Quiet, wellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1,2&3 bedroom s a vailab le Im m ed./ N ov./D ec. 5220 Lakeshore, B u rlington. 905-632-5486. A LDER SH O T (W est Bur lin g to n ) Newly renovated bachelor with fu ll kitchen, ava ila b le O c t./1 s t, $625+ hydro 905-633-8547 BR O N TEnear lake. Beautiful, 2 storey 1 bed room apartment. Nov. 1st. Own driveway, non-smoker, no pets, first/ last. $990/mo. 905-827-8397_____________ OPEN House. Sunday, 11am-3pm, 1375 Stephen son, #24, South Burlington. 1-year new end unit, 2bedrooms, loft, minutes to GO, 5-appliances, gas fire place, Jacuzzi, C/A. hard wood floors, fu lly m ain taine d grounds, security. G arage+ drive. No sm ok ing. Immediate. $1525/mo. M arcella Kam m erer, 905208-0681 FOUND: black cat in the V illage Square area. We call Rudy. We call 905-637__________ _ 7325 FOUND: keys w /le a th e r key chain in the shape of cowboy boot. Park behind Bruce T. Lindley PS. 905____________ 332-1327 $50. Reward. Orange male cat, microchipped. Missing S e pt.19. 223 Linden Ave., Burlington. 905 -63 7-33 88 anytime YOUNG fem ale black & white cat. Surrey Lane, we call "Magic". Call 905-6377325 IK E A desk- black 24" by 48" $35 Call 905-637-2220 Msg Brenda MAZDA /Ranger box liner, Reg. box $100 C all 905637-2220 Msg Mike________ N IN T E N D O 64, 4 c o n trollers, 1 game, expansion packa ge, o rig in a l boxes. $50. 905-337-2923_______ O SCAR Schm idt A u to harp. Good condition. $50. 905-639-2069_____________ P LA Y S TA TIO N 1 & 2 , x box mod-chip for sale, $30. Call 905-541-4094._________ Q UAD R A SO U N D Record Player, 2 la rge speakers, e xce lle n t con d itio n . $75. 905-639-2069 QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-BEDROOMS M AG N IFIC E N T View! Large 3-bedroom a p a rt ment, 2 baths. Downtown B u rlington. N o v .1st. 905681-2650, before 9pm 174 Felan Ave., Oakville 1 bedroom $700/mo. -i-hydro. A v a ila ble Nov.1, Parking. Call 416-407-3556 3-BEDRO O M basem ent apt for rent available Nov. 1st. in c lu s iv e $900, no sm oking /pe ts 9 0 5 -8 4 9 1946 after 6 pm BRONTE H a rbo ur The Lighthouse- 1 bdrm avail. Nov.1 $825/m o. Linda 416-741-2786_____________ CE N TR A L B u rlin g to n Spacious, carpeted 2-bedroom with balcony. Nov. 1st and Dec/1 st $85 0/incl. Q uiet lo w -rise. 905-4666032_________________ _ ____ P LAIN S Road (B u rlin g ton). 2-bedroom , newer sm all building. Parking, laundry. S e curity. Im m e diate/ Oct./ Nov. 1st. $823/ mo. -t-hydro. 905-631-7368. 1 and 2-bedroom apartm entt availab le for im m e diate occupancy. 2-blocks w est of O ak v ille Place. Close to am enities. Heat, hot water, parking, included. 905-847-5575 ________ FOR R ent- 1-bedroom apa rtm e nt, clo se to all am enities. 262 Reynolds Street, O akville. 905-338___ 8876 Rental Bonus LIMITED TIME OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking $ 1.00 (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW. Bachelor Irom S759* 1-Bdrms fro m S859* 2-Bdrms from S979* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 '(2% prompt pay. disc.) Beautiful Lakefront O A K V ILLE , S.E. - Luxury furnished 1-bedroom apart m ent. No sm o k e rs / pets. $1425/month, parking/ util itie s incl. S h ort/long term (905)845-3924_________ S IN G L E m a tu re te a c h e r re q u ire s fu rn is h e d a c c o m o d a tio n fo r (a p p ro x ) N o vem b er 23 to m id D e cember. Could also housesit. 905-849-5860 $999./mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. 905-639-921 2 O A K V IL L E - 3-Bedroom townhouse available Dec. 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, 905-876-3336 ·3 BDRM, 2.5 bath, brand new townhome in west up per Glen Abbey. 905-8476432______________________ B U R LO A K / Lakeshore. Im m aculate 3-bedroom , $1,200/mo. ^utilities. Avail able O c t.1st. References. No dogs. 905-333-5506, Ext.75 __ GUELPH Line/ Upper Middle. 2-bedrooms, fridge, stove, $800/mo. +utilities, first/ last. Available immediately 905336-7901, Please call 9am6pm. NORTH Burlington. Nov.lst. Executive 1400 sq.ft., air, fireplace, 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, garage. $1375/mo. +utilities. No pets/ smokers. 905-335-6172______________ KING'S Village, Aldershot. O nly 3 years- in fabulous condition! 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, C/A, hardw ood, ceramics, attached garage, 5 app lia nces, priva te yard. $1595/m o. December. L.Davies R.E.. 905-333-4347 BURLINGTON 2-bedrooms available October/November. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outsid e parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 905-333-1190. BRONTE. Im m aculate 3bedroom, 2 minute walk to lake. Underground parking. Dec. 15th. $1250/mo.+ utili ties. 905-827-8983 EXPER IENC ED live out nanny, non -sm oker, E n g lish spea king. M on-Fri 7am -5pm V e hicle p re fe rre d . 2/kids. $900/m o 416-880-0572______________ LIV E -IN Nanny, B u rlin g ton. $9/hr. 42 hours/ week. M ust be fle x ib le . E xp e ri ence with premature infants and nursin g background required. 905-523-7427 M ATURE reliable live-out Nanny required full-time for 4 children, South B urling ton. Car required . R e fe r ences. 905-333-0053. P IT c h ild ca re required 5 a fte rn o o n s/ week in East O akville. D river a m ust. 905-845-6991, after 6pm.___ EMPLOYER wanted to hire / sponsor Caregivers/ Nan nies. Call Maria at Bluesky Horizon (416) 782-3893 AIR Conditioner. Like new paid $430 sell $350 used 1-sum m er, m icrow ave, carpets. Moving 905-6318838____ AN TIQ U E solid cherry French P rovin cia l d in in g room suite. C hina/ b uffe t/ table (extends 8ft. 6") 2 arm chairs, 4 side chairs, pad ded backs. 905 -689-3042 after 5pm/weekdays A P P LIA N C E S : Like new, Frigidaire Stove, W estinghouse 18cu.ft. fridge, 2-yrs old. Both w hite. Asking $1100/obo. W ill separate. 905-315-8522_____________ BABY equipment: strollers, high chairs, car seats, gates, playpens, bed rails, crib. E xce lle nt con d itio n . 905-467-4522._____________ BEDS, New, D ouble, $220; Q ueen, $240. Com plete w/frame. Futons. Free D e live ry. R efurbished VCRs, 17-25" colour TVs, portable CD players. 905681-9496._________________ BIG Screen TV, Sony KP53S35C 53" TV, 4 years old, mint condition, $1795. Call 905-633-8546_________ CAR P ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $389. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 C H ES TER FIE LD , $200; coffee & end tables, light oak, $300. All in excellent condition. 905-319-3723. CH O ICE of two bed room s- 6pcs., black marble look or bleached oak Paliser, $450/each. 9 0 5 -2 5 7 3245____________________ CO M PLETE Palliser bed room suite for sale, excel lent condition. Please call 905-257-3812_____________ COUCH & m atch ing upholsered ch a ir, captains chair, lamps, fem ale adult bike, +m isc. item s, lawnm ower. E venings. 905842-5242 ____________ C R IB / m attress- white wooden. Excellent condi tion. $150. Call 905-6343784______________________ DANBY 12.2ft cubic freez er, $250. Maytag washer & dryer, $400. Antique buffet, so lid wood, needs re fin ishing, $550. 905-315-8008 DO W NS IZING D ining table w/6 chairs, glass pa tio tab le w /6 c h a irs, 3 desks, gas lawnm ower. W eber BBQ. & much more.... 905-332-1756 ENTERTAINMENT Armoire, cherry w/pocket doors, $900. 46x24x74. New from model home. 905-336-0786. EXEC UTIVE Home on the Lake m oving Oct. 28. Maytag washer/ Dryer, Bar rymore living room couch & ottoman & 2 love seats like new, antiq ue arm oire, chaise lounge, ice cream set w/corion top, area rugs, telesco pe & much more. 905-842-8092 _________ EX EC UTIVE O ffice Set, Desk (72"Lx37"W ), Credenza, Hutch sell as a set at $1200 Pictures available. Call Greg 905-465-0482 or sailguy500@hot mail.com FRIDGE/stove good work ing condition, cream colour, 3 0 'x2 4 'x6 0 ` $350 for both O.B.O. 905-829-1126 after 5pm FU TO N d o u b le h u n te r g re e n w ith fra m e $ 1 8 0 ., box & m a ttre s s (q u e e n size ) brand nam e, o rth o p e d ic $ 4 2 5 ., bo th brand new , w ill d e liv e r 905 257-3743 BRONTE- 2220 M arine Dr, lakeviews, freshly reno vated, quiet building. Start ing from $1100/mo including parking. 905-825-9616 O AKV ILLE. 2-bedroom in triplex building. All ameni ties, laundry, parking, available Nov. $925/mo. + electricity. 905-845-9088; www.places4rent.com BU RLO AK2-bedroom basem ent, 4 appliances, parking, $675/mo. Kerr/ Lakeshore, Oakville- 1-bdrm second flo o r, parking, $695/mo; Mapleview, 2-bdrm condo/apt., indoor pool, sauna, exercise room, cable, parking, $875/incl. 905-632-5690 A lbert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor LA KES H O R E/ M aple, B u rlington. 2-bedroom , $950/m o., ava ila b le Dec. 1st. 3-bedroom , $1150/ mo., availab le N o v.1st. + parking. H eat/ hydro in cluded. Lakefront view. In door pool. Bus stops at door. Near M apleview / hosp ital. Hwy. access. 905-632-5258______________ BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom apartment, $725/mo., Dec. 1st. U tilitie s included. Quiet building, near lake. Call 9 0 5 -63 4-80 89 (3pm 6pm) LAKES H O R E/ Appleby. Luxurious newly renovated suites w ith picturesqu e landscaping and beautiful lake view. S ta rtin g at $1025/mo. Includes 3 ap pliances, A/C, outdoor pool, sauna, partyroom , b illiard room. Please ca ll Stella, 905-333-6968 for fu rth e r information BURLINGTON, Brant Street, 2-bdrm m aisonette townhouse, fenced yard, hard wood, laundry, $895/m o.+ util. Also, im m aculate 1bedroom apt. $700/m o. O akville, Trendy 2bdrm apt., downtown near lake, hardwood, laundry, yard. No dogs. $960/m o. 905-339-2471______________ LAKEFRONT Burlington! Large clean 2-bedroom apartment available imme diately. 2338 Lakeshore Rd. Call 905-637-3447. BURLING TO N C entral. Spacious 2-bedroom, clean, quiet building. Available December 1st. $814/mo. Call (905)336-6690.____________ PRIME Downtown Bur lington, Upgraded 1,2&3 Bedroom Apartm ents. S cenic views. Beautiful grounds. 477 Elizabeth, 905-634-9374; 478 Pearl, 905-632-1643______________ BURLINGTON Lakeshore/ Brant. Large, bright, completely renovated, lots of storage. Clean, quiet build ing. 1&2 bedrooms starting from $899/mo. Call Stella. 905-681-8506._____________ 1/2-BEDROOM apartments available Dec. 1st from From $795./m o. C o nveniently located Woodward/ Guelph Line, Burlington. 905-6324265______________________ BU R LING TO N. Upper Middle/ Brant. 1-bdrm base ment, separate entrance, utilities included. Suit single fem ale. $595./mo. F irst/ Last. Nov. 1st. 905-336-8208 905-335-2358 after 5pm W ATER DOWN: John St. W alk to E verything. New Appliances, New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1, 2& 3 Bdrms starting at $770. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647, 905690-4454 N E W LY R enovatedfor rent 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apart ments. Close to all am eni ties. $1050 to $1275./mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occupancy. 205 Q ueen M ary D rive 905844-9670 ________________ C E N TR ALLY located, well- maintained, spacious 1&2 bedroom s, Nov./Dec. M ust see to app reciate. 3055 Glencrest Road, Burlington, 905-637-3921 2-BE DRO O M S : $870./ mo. (U tilitie s included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. R ental O ffice Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761__________________ BU R LIN G TO N . 383 St. Paul S treet: 3-bedroom , $930/m o. Includes heat, hydro, parking. For ap pointm ent, 905-634-6903. Well- maintained by Jordan & Williamson . ' A -k 'k 'k " EMPRESS" across from Burlington Mall. Near QEW/ GO. Im m aculate 1-bed room, ensuite laundry, 24-' hr. security, underground parking, 10th floor balcony, lakeview. $1100/mo. inclu sive. Immediate. 905-6348678. .__________________ W O O DB RIDG E- 1 bdrm, almost new, 5 appliances, C /A, exercise room, club house. Nov.1 $900/mo. + utilities. 905-336-1022 BU R LIN G TO N - The P a l ace. 1 bdrm condo 3 ap pliance s, under ground parking, walk to downtown. $950/mo. utilities incl. Available Nov.1. 905-536-8987 NORTH B u rlington Upper Unit c o n d o - 2 bedroom , 3pce. ensuite, 4pc. bath, c/ a. single garage. Spacious diningroom & livingroom w/ fireplace. Patio and balco ny, 5 appliances, excellent condition, no pets. Nov. 1§t. $1350/m o. Call Brad 905690-1364_________________ TA N S LE Y G ardens, B u r lington. 3-yrs new. 2bdrms, 2-baths, air, 5 ap pliances. Underground park ing. Non-smoker. $1175./mo. Nov.lst 905-333-1289 c* p* y www w w W AN TED A ll- Jew ellery, C hina, S ilver, C rystal, sew ing m achines... Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Moorcroft, Quilts, Glass, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy, 905-331-2477__________ ___ WANTED: All Teak/ Retro/ 60's or 70's modern fu rn i ture or chrome, up to $500. 905-387-9087 W AN TED : Judo uniform s ize 10/12 C all 905-6394694 I auctions, sales 5348 Lakeshore 1 & 2-Bedroom Available Nov./Dec. Quiet building. New appliances. Laundry on each floor. Parking. Call 9am-5pm: 905-639-3301 FREE First Month with ap proved c re d it! G eorgian A p artm ents. 1,2&3 Bed room s. O c t./ N o v ./ Dec. Heat/ hydro included. Park ing extra. (No pets) Burling ton, 905-639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm LU XUR IO US 1-bedroom basement apartment. $950/ mo. all inclusive. Oakville Place area. A v a ila ble Dec.1st. References. 905849-4152;416-457-4130. O A K V IL L E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2 -b e d ro o m - $1040/m o., ava il. Sept. 1st. 3 -b e d ro o m - $1375/m o., avail, im m edia tely (+parking ). 905-844-9006 DOWNTOWN O akville. Renovated 1-bedroom apartm ent, sm all building, very nice, $795/mo. +hydro. Nov. 1st. 905-469-0894. 2-BEDRO O M availab le Dec. 1st. $995/mo. includes heat, hydro & parking. Quiet build in g on Bronte Rd. & Lakeshore area. Close to everything . C all Steve, 905-827-6783______________ O A K V ILL E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated 1&2Bdrm. New app lia nces, w indow s. From $ 84 5./mo 905-844-5474 _____________ O AKVILLE: 392 Pine Ave. at C o rnw all & T rafalga r. R enovated, large suites. W alk to E verything. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. 905337-0910__________________ O A K V IL L E . Steps from dow ntow n. 1-bedroom , $950/m o. D e c.1st; 2-bed room, $1250./mo. Nov.I'St. U tilities/ parking included. Q uiet building, w heelchair accessible. 905-844-1934 SPAC IO US, new ly re n o vated 2-bedroom flat, yard, 2 parking, quiet downtown B u rlington. Non-sm okers. $950/mo.+ utilities. Dec. 1st. 705-739-0578_____________ LARG E A ttra c tiv e 3 -b e d room av a ila b le N o v .1st. Heat/ hydro included. From $925/m o.+ parking. No pets. Burlington. 905-6320961__________ ____________ DOW NTOW N O a k v ille - 2 storey, 2 bedrooms, wood floors. 1 parkin g space. Nov. 1st. $ 1 100/mo. 905975-4580_________________ DOWNTOWN O akville, Lakeshore. C om pletely renovated, with parking, 2bedroom , $1250/m o. Im m ed./ Nov. 416-4203952, 905-842-9275 B U R LIN G T O N - St. Paul . Street- 2-Bedroom, Dec. 1st. $823/mo. (in-cludes utilities, LARG E 1-bedroom in parking). Call between 5building near lake (Bronte). 9pm, 905-639-7072.________ Heat, hydro, laundry, park ing included. Im m ediate. TY AN D A G A Terrace 905-827-9153. ________ A partm ents: 1 two bed room, 2-storey, Nov./Dec. BRONTE 2-bedroom $1050/ Situated on private, park mo. 1-bedroom $950/m o. like grounds. Freshly deco Dec/1 st. Small quiet building, rated 1&2 storey with w/o to includes heat, hydro, parking, private cedar patio. Tyanlocker. 905-827-8228. '4 daga Terrace, 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr., 905-336BRONTE 1-bedroom base 0015; 1460 Tyandaga Pk ment $870/mo. includes heat/ Dr., 905-336-0016__________ hydro/ parking/ locker. Small quiet building. A v a ila ble BU RLING TO N- Basement suite- Guelph Line/ Dundas, Dec. 1st. 905-827-8228. spacious, 1 bedroom apart O AK V ILLE . Renovated 2m ent, separate w a lk-out bedroom with new kitchen, entrance, parking, laundry, 12' ceilings, Kerr St., Imme newly renovated, available Nov 1st, $800/mo includes diate . $950/m o. 905-257utilities. 905-335-3761 1669______________________ O A K V ILL E W est. 1-b e d room basement apartment, p riv a te entrance, deck, stove, fridge, gas fireplace, shared laundry, $900/mo. in clude s u tilitie s . Dec.1. 905-847-9246 evgs.________ BR O N TE- Loft 2 bdrm , 2 full bath, private entrance, gas fireplace, jacuzzi, 5 ap pliances, parking, A/C, walk to lake. No pets/ smoking. $1500/mo. +utilities. Nov. 1st. 416-993-1622________ O A K V IL L E . Free in door parking. O versized reno vated suites. Bright eat-in kitchen, new fridge, stove, dishw ash er, ensu ite s to r age. Lake views from great balconies. Treed grounds. W alk to GO, bus. Easy QEW access. Near Sheri dan. Lim ited tim e. 2-bedrooms from $999./mo. utili ties included. Kathy, 905844-7356 _________ RENO VATED 2-bedroom , from $999. in clude s u tili ties, one in door parking, new frid g e , stove, d is h w asher. O versize suites, steps from bus, GO, m inutes to Q EW / w alking trails. Gleaming hardwood & ceramic floors. Fabulous views from balconies/ large w indow s. Huge storage space. Sandra, 905-844-7355 QUIET brigh t, bach elor basement, parking, laundry, separate entrance, BBQ., private patio, non-smoker, no pets. First/ last. N ovlst. $725/mo. all inclusive. 905631-9237._________ _ O A K V ILL E , K e rr S t.Nov. 1st. 1-bedroom, $830/ mo. B a chlor apartm ent avail. Nov/1 $700/m o in cludes parkin g. C all b e t ween 9am-6pm, 905 -33 92437 BR AN D new upper du plex, Burlington Mall area, for single professional. 1bedroom, office. Skylights. $1090/m o. in clusive. No pets/ sm oking. Im m ediate w w w .3 6 0 re v o lu tio n .c o m / duplex. 905-637-8181 SP AC IO US 1,2&3 Bed room s. F reshly painted, brigh t. C o m pe titive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation . 905 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm_________________ NEWLY renovated, freshly painted! 1&3 Bedroom, N o v .1st.; 1-Bedroom , D e c.1st. 1363 Lakeshore, B u rlington across from Spencer Smith Park, 905637-8431, 7-days, 9am" im, (Ring Apt. #101) AFTER School helper. G len Abbey, T hird Line/ Upper Middle. Busy family needs a fun, energetic per son. Homework, make fam ily dinner, fam ily laundry, some driving required, Boy12, Girl-9, hrs approx. 3:306:30 flexible, Mon-Fri. wag es $11 -$13/hr. Non-smoker preferred. Daytim e 416359-7502. E venings 905847-9849. A C h ild 's P la ce - licensedagency has spaces. Third Line/ U pper M iddle. Liveout Nanny available. Cathy, 647-222-1604.____________ EXPER IENC ED C h ild care provider in Bronte has F u ll/ P art-T im e spaces available. Reasonable rates. References/ Receipts. Call Vicki 905-825-5529________ EXPERIENCED daycare provider, New St./ Burloak. All ages . First A id / CPR, n u tritio u s m eals/ snacks. Sm oke-free home. R e fer ences. Receipts. 905-639-6216. FORMER Nurse/ English Nanny sta rtin g new d a y care in Brant H ills area. Please ca ll Ju lie at 905332-9613_________________ H.C.C.R. home daycare, 2 fu ll-tim e spaces. Near Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC, lunches, crafts, fenced yard. CPR/ references/ receipts. 905-319-3826._______ LITTLE Scholar Preschool & S choolaged Fall Open House W elcom es you, T hu rsda y O ctobe r 10th, 6:30pm -8:00pm . Location: 186 M orrison Rd., East, Oakville Offering preschool (mornings& afternoons) af ternoon drop off & play pro gram s, ages 2-5yrs. and schoo laged program s. Transit to various schools 905-849-3878______________ UPPER M iddle/ W a lke r'sexpe rienced, caring , re li able. CPR, fire, health, po lice checks. N u tritiou s meals, fenced yard, smoke/ pet free. 905-332-7220 D A Y C A R E a va ila b le , my home. Hot meals, snacks, playground. Holy Fam ily School area. French/Eng lis h s p e a k in g . V e ry e x perienced. Excellent ref erences. 905-849-8119. L IV E -IN C a re g iv e r from C h in a , sp e a k s E n g lis h . P ro fe ssio n a l exp e rie n ce , c o m p a s s o n a te ca re fo r ch ild re n , e ld e rly o r d is a bled. Helen 416-708-8686 COIN SHOW Brant Hills Community Centre, Burlington Sat. Oct. 12 9 am - 4 pm FREE Adm./pPrking 2300 Duncaster Dr. BURLINGTON (off Brant between Upper Middle/Hwy. 5) I firewood G UAR AN TEE D dry 100% hardw ood. Properly sea soned. O n ta rio 's la rge st F irew ood re ta il. M arc's Quality Firewood, 905-2576366 All The Advantages of Condo Living 1-Bdrm Suite Avail. Nov.lst with solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! · b-905-31 5-8993-a- ROUNDTREE MANOR T0WNH0MES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt FRESHLY Renovated! Brant/ QEW, Burlington. 1bedroom, fenced yard, Oct., $720/m o; 2-bedroom + den, Nov., $900/mo. (u tili ties extra, 1 parking included) 905-319-9769__________ GEORGIAN Court Estates, King/ Plains Rd., Burlington. Large 2&3 bedroom tow n houses, full basements. Call 905-632-8547 I houses for rent 3-BEDROOM, 2 washroom, separate laundry. Available November 1st. $ 1 100/mo. +70% u tility or $1400/mo. A ppleby/ S heraton. Near Appleby GO. 905-632-0920; 905-631-8453.___________ __ ALDER SH OT, Burlington. Nice area sem i. 2 -b e d room s, near am enities, $960/mo. ^-utilities. No pets. Call 905-681-0262 BU R LIN G TO N : deluxe 3bedroom townhome many extra s in c lu d in g d in in g room, familyroom, air, fire place, 5 app lia nces 905528-4944. $1575. $1495./MO. Oakville Place, renovated 4-bedroom , 3 levels of 4, appliances, large lot, Realty Systems 75. 905844-2023__________________ GORGEOUS sem i $1395/ mo. 3-bedroom s, 3 baths, m ain flo o r fa m ily w /fire place, garage, air, 5 appl iances. Nov. 1st. Pat 905849-7381_________________ BURLINGTON, 3-bedroom bungalow. C/A, new kitchen, frid g e , stove, m icrow ave, dishw asher, w/o to large deck, Non-smoking. No large pets. References. Owner occupies separate basement apartment. $1100/mo.+ 5Q% u tilitie s . Im m ediate. 905469-3402, Ext. 3171; Cell. 905-320-9962 O A K V ILL E . 1 acre in town. 4-bedroom s, double garage, ju s t redecorated, availab le N o v .ls t. $1750/ mo. Call 905-257-1669. AP PLE M E AD C oopera tive Hom es, 23B -3000 D riftw ood , B u rlington. 3bedroom s, 2 app lia nces, eat-in kitchen, basem ent, $825/m o.+ u tilitie s . Nov./ Dec. Play areas, parking, near schoo ls, shopping, bus routes. (No subsidy available). A Family Com m unity W orking Together! 905-332-1-919. em ail: skittson37@yahoo.ca OAKVILLE: 3 bdrm, quiet C o urt, large fenced yard, finished basement. A vail able Nov.1 $1420/m o.+ 905-338-1348________ NEW R enovations- Avail able Nov.15th, 2 & 3-bed room, parking. From $850/ mo. + u tilitie s . North Burlington. 905-319-9104 BURLINGTON North, 4 yr new Freehold Townhome, reverse rent to own, $1400/ mo.. Michael Wan Realty Inc., Broker 416-379-2288 BU RLING TO N W est. Ex ecutive end unit overlook ing Bay, 2+1 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 5-appliances, $1500/ mo. +utilities. 905-634-2628. TRAFALGAR/ White Oaks, Oakville. 3-bedroom, 3-bath rooms, 4 appliances, Water, cable. $1,275/mo. Available Nov./Dec. 905-331-1987. 3-BE DRO O M . Fam ily com plex. G arage. $1100/ mo.+ hydro/ heat, available D ec.1st. 3000- 3014 Cen tennial Drive, B u rlington. 905-319-1869 AN TIQ U E w hite, w rought iron lawn furniture. 4-piec es, num bered. E xce lle nt condition. $1200 905-3317804 BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! BURLOAK PLACE m m m em B On The Lake FREE to good hom e 1ye a r old pure golden re trie v e r. G reat w ith kids. Needs a home with lots of love. M oving 9 0 5 -3 3 1 5613 905-631-5865 ask for Kelly______________________ G ERM AN Shepherd pup pies C ham pion line. All black, sables and B lack/ tan Family raised. Call 905648-7998._________________ RARE breed V a lle y B u ll dogs for sale. M ales/ fe males. F rindles and Brindles $1000. Call 905-257-5927. SU N C o n u re fo r sale: $800. obQ. Fam ily pet or b re e d in g q u a lity . 905825-2760 ____________· ___ W AN TED . Sm all breed well behaved dog, Bichon, Shih Tzu e tc., approx. 2 years old. Good hom e as com panion to elderly cou ple. 905-637-1872 Edith Court 1-Bedroom Apts. Available Oct./Nov. Includes utilities. Parking Available 2-storey, 2-bedroom ·unit with 4 appliances! From$1075./mo. ^parking. 4 1 6 -921-9812 905-690-1896 CLEAN bachelor basement apartm ent Appleby/ Upper Middl§, separate entrance, p a rk in g , ca b le and A/C included. No smoking/ pets. $ 5 7 5 /m o , fir s t/la s t. Immediately. 905-315-8964 O A K V IL L E : N ovem ber 1st. small 2-bedroom, main floor, cable all utilities, ap p lia n c e s in c lu d e d . $900. F irs t/la s t. 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -1 5 9 2 , leave message.___________ 2-B E D R O O M apa rtm e fit, K e rr/ R ebecca area. No pets. Available N ovem ber 1st. $ 1 100/m o. C all 905842-9505 LO VELY fu lly-fu rn ish e d bedroom/ sitting room, very clean; w ashroom , share kitchen/ laundry. Parking. $600/mo. New/ Drury. Suit profe ssio n a l or student. Non-smoker. Nov/1 st 905681-3402. _ O AKV ILLE: Bright, sunny bed roo m , s o u th e rn la k e vie w e xp o s u re . M odern kitchen & laundry facilities. $ 4 0 0 /m o . in c lu s iv e . Im m ediate. S uit m ature fe m ale n o n -s m o k e r. 905 339-0375 LO V IN G , n u rtu rin g c a re giver required Dec. 2/02 for 1 & 5 year old, JK (St. Jo s e p h 's S c h o o l, B rid g e / W a rm in s te r a re a ). Y o ur home or ours. References required. 905-827-6589 R O LLIN G Stones tickets (Toronto) O ct. 16 & 18. "This could be the last time" 905-847-8009_____________ SA BR E T ic k e ts - 5 game p a c k s - Row 3, $46US each. Includes VIP passes. Call 905-330-1962

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