Oakville Beaver, 9 Oct 2002, Classified, D 5

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 9, 2002 - D5 cars for sale 1992 M azda 3 2 3 - au tomatic, a/c, sunroof, am-fm cassette, as is, $1250/obo. Call 905-527-7345 or 905689-9547___________ _____ 1995 Hyundai A ccent Sport. Purple. Lady driven. Auto, A/C, C.D. Good run ning condition. $3,000/obo as is. 905-331-7598 ______ 1995 Ford Taurus WagonE xce lle nt con d itio n . Rust free, good tires, new ba t tery. E -tested / c e rtifie d . $4900 obo. 905-634-8210 1997 Acura CL 2.2- 90K, green, spotle ss in side & out. $14,900. C a ll Jim _______ 905-333-3473 1992 Ford A e rostar XLT, 4.0L, 300K, tra ile r hitch, new transm ission, running condition, $1500/as is. 905849-4653 ____________ 1988 Sunbird. Good co n ditio n . $600 O .B.O . 905335-3192_________________ 2000 Nissan X terra 55km silver, auto, ARB bull bar, 31 "tires, Seat-covers. Show room con d itio n . $25,900 O.B.O. 905-338-1943 _____ 1993 M azda, 5-speed, standard, dark green, A/C. PW, no rust. 158,km. W ill c ertify. $3900 9 0 5 -8 4 2 4104 1995 Toyota C am ry- 4cyl., auto., air, loaded, certified, E-tested, excellent cond i tion, 156,000Miles, asking $8,900. 905-815-9171 1995 Ford Escort- 4dr se dan, auto, A/C, P/W, am/fm. C ertified/ E-tested. 185K. $3000. 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -5 9 5 7 Evngs. 905-672-2101 ext.1372 Days_____________ 1995 Toyo ta C o ro lla beige, 169K, manual, new tires, $6000/obo. 905-4694962______________________ 1992 S A B LE P /W , P/S, P/B, power mirrors, P/doorlocks. Certified, $4,500/obo (905)319-6642____________ 200 0 P o n tia c S u n fire , auto, air, 2-door, white, CD p la y e r, 15` w h e e ls , 54K $11 ,200 . C a ll 416 -60 55152._____________________ 1997 P o n tia c S u n fire , b la c k , 2 -d o o r, M int. Loaded, enhanced stereo, new tires. Certified, e-tested. $6875. 905-844-0855 LINCOLN · (Town car '95). Mint condition-loaded, con vertible roof line. Execu tive dark green. B/o over $12,500. Must sell 1-905662-5227, leave message. 1990 V o lvo 740 G LE, 16 V o lv o , a u to , p o w e r s u n roof, c/w four w inter tires, s te e l rim s and fa c to ry wheel covers. 218,500kms, certified, clean air, excellent c o n d itio n $ 4 ,0 0 0 . 9 0 5 845-9147 1990 Lincoln C ontinental, 204K, good working condi tion. E -certified. Q uality Michelin tires. Leather in te r io r $ 1 9 5 0 as is. 905 825-4205_________________ 1989 BUICK C e ntu ry V.6 A /C , pow er equ ip, M ech. sound, not certified. A sk in g $.600.00 G e rry 9 0 5 842-9975 ____________ R O LLS RO YCE, 1 9 8 4 S ilv e r S p u r, to p o f lin e . Exec, pearl white, loaded, mint condition low mileage. S e llin g due to h e a lth $49,000, partial trade con sid ere d. 1 -9 0 5 -6 6 2 -5 2 2 7 leave message. EfiTi] career training OFFICE ADMIN D ip lo m a · Computerized · Placement Assistance o a k v ille JOB O P PO R TUN ITIES NOW H IR IN G fo r BURLINGTON, OAKVILLE and HAMILTON lo ca tio n s HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 9 0 5 · 637 · 341 5 careers professional E jj careers professional Su n r i s e A s s is t e d L iv in g EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR W e a re search in g fo r an individual w ho really w a n ts to d o som eth in g w o rth w h ile w ith th e ir career. Sunrise A ssisted Living is cu rren tly search in g fo r tw o E xecutive D irecto rs to oversee o u r residents a n d T eam M em b e rs a t o u r B urlington a n d O ak v ille locations. In this key p o sitio n , th e selected ca n d id ate w ill be directly responsible fo r e n su rin g th a t all residents a re com pletely satisfied w ith th e services a n d th e en v iro n m en t provided b y o u r team ; d ev eloping a n d ad h e rin g to financial a n d m a rk etin g plan s; p rep arin g rep o rts; a n d bu ild in g stro n g em plo y ee/cu sto m er/co m m u n ity relations. E xperience m a n ag in g an o rg an izatio n o r business u n it is req u ired . A d ed icatio n to seniors, a high energy level a n d th e ability to h an d le m ultiple p rio ritie s are also necessary, A BA/BSc is preferred. If y o u w ish to be a p a rt o f a unique, rew ard in g en v iro n m en t, w o rk in g closely w ith residents a n d th e ir fam ilies we en c o u ra g e you to ex p lo re th is o p p o rtu n ity . W e offer a co m p etitiv e c o m p en satio n benefits package. P lease em ail y o u r resum e in confidence, by O c to b e r 10, 2 0 0 2 , to : m arie.m ccam m ont@ sunrise-al.com W e th a n k all a p p lic a n ts, o n ly th o s e selected fo r an in terv iew w ill b e c o n ta c te d . The Oakville Public Library is a progressive system within the Town of Oakville, a thriving community of 149,000 people, within 30 kms of the City of Toronto. It has 166 employees, an annual operating PUBLI C budget of $7M, and four tiers of service: a Central Library, four LIB R A R Y community branches, extension services and e-library services. We are currently seeking highly motivated individuals to fill the following positions: Library Information Technology Specialist- #02-24 The Library Information Technology Specialist manages all aspects of technology implementation and support for the Oakville Public Library. The position leads a small team of I.T. staff and is the lead project manager for a wide range of complex automation and E-Library projects, some of which are achieved through key cooperative partnerships. The candidate requires a University Degree in Computer Science or equivalent, 5 or more years of computer operations, network and systems administration. Public library experience and ability to work with partners are definite assets. Online Resources Librarian- #02-23 Reporting to the Manager, Central Branch, the online Resources Librarian is responsible for the promotion and teaching of online resources to the staff and public; the testing and evaluation of these resources before purchase; providing adult reference services and co-ordinating the Youth Online initiative, an outreach program with Grades 11 and 12. MLIS preferred with extensive knowledge of print and electronic library resources and services. Webmaster-#02-19 Reporting to the Director of E-Library Services/technology Planning, this person will assist in maximizing the value of Web access to library services and to the catalogue for users and for staff. You will input, edit, and maintain the currency of core library content on the Oakville Public Library's website and provide training and education to staff. You Will also function as a key player on our Public Services team providing information services to the public. You possess an MLIS or equivalent library degree and have strong experience in web-site development. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit our website at www.nnl.nn.ca for more detailed information regarding qualifications and responsibilities of these positions. Closing Date: October 25,2002 Please Submit current resume, quoting Job Posting number to: (Mail, Fax or e-mail) Linda Forrest, Manager Human Resources Oakville Public Library 120 Navy Street Oakville ON L6J2Z4 Fax: 905-815-2024 or e-mail: resume@opl.on.ca Candidates may be asked to provide evidence of formal qualifications cited in their application. The library will require a security clearance check (dated within the last year) from an applicant as a condition of employment with the Oakville Public Library. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for interviews will be contacted. Due to retirement, Taylor Moving and Storage (Est. in 1959) currently has a position open for a Rating/Receivable Clerk The successful candidate must be hardworking and have the ability to understand complex billing instruc tions. Experience an asset. Starting pay is between $12-$13.25/hr depending on qualifications. Partici pation in our benefit program is available. Please fax all resumes to: 905-632-8130 to the Attention of Rick Taylor HAIR STYLISTS F/T & P/T Excellent wage & benefit package Opportunity for advancem ent in growing locations In-store advanced cutting/coloring classes Equipment provided · No clientele necessary Tel: 905-815-3217 skilled & technical help RECEPTIONIST Leading w h o le sa le d is trib u to r in Cam pb e llv ille is a c c e p tin g resum es fo r busy switchboard. Some adm inistrative duties. O ffe rin g c o m p e titiv e s a la ry /b e n e fits package. Own transportation required. B g QS9000 Automotive Stamping Company To fill the following position: Progressive Die Designer (F/T) Required for Tool Shop - Metal Stamper Following is required: · Minimum 5 years experience in Tool & Die Design · Autocad /Mastercam - Microsoft computer knowledge · Progressive die concept, strip layouts · Blank development & "press trouble shooting" · , Licensed Tool & Die Maker asset · Tool estimation also an asset Fax resume attn:Connie 905-854-6104 530 sales help & agents sales help & agents AUTOMOTIVE SALES/ LEASE CONSULTANTS A career with this position offers · Top commission rates · Company Demonstrator · Strong Management Team · Excellent training · Health and dental plan · Modern facility Experience preferred but necessary West Oakville location Please fax resume to: Human Resources: 905-847-8711 Submit your resume to: Rick Grainger 280 South Service Rd. Oakville, Ont L6J 5B4 FORD S A L E S LIMITED 'E L E C T R IC Requires Industrial /Commercial Journeyman and SALES PROFESSIONALS Are you used to earning in excess of $100,000 a year? Burlington based company requires 4 experienced people to sell treasury shares to accredited investors. For this opportunity call Mr. Burlin Senior Apprentice HAVE a talent for talking with people? Would like a good incom e? Have fu ll and part-time opportunities. Send resume by email: hstplan@ hotm ail.com or fax: 905-844-1699 Bayshore Healthcare has been providing home care and nursing services to our clients in their homes and in community facilities since 1966. We offer a wide range of healthcare services including nursing and home support services, dialysis, and pain therapy. Currently, we are seeking a dedicated... Competitive wages, benefits Call 905-876-2519 C hange the w orld. O ne life a t a tim e. w w w .su n rise a ssiste d livin g .co m Community Development Coordinator · O a k v ille / B u rlin g to n In this contract position, you will be responsible for implementing sales programs targeted at healthcare professionals and meeting sales objectives. Highly motivated and results oriented, you have excellent presentation and communication skills and are proficient with MS Office. You have at least two years of recent sales experience, preferably in a healthcare setting, as well as your own transportation and a valid driver's licence. Preference will be given to candidates who have a degree in a healthcare field and a solid contact network and a geographic familiarity with the Oakville/Burlington area. r~ < 0 \ U c iV o L lU ....... , MECHANICAL ENGINEER We require a Professional Engineer with working knowledge of ASME & API standards for the design of pressure piping & pressure vessels. Familiarity with IS09001:2000 an asset. Remuneration based on experience. Please forward resume to: Sure Flow Equipment Inc. 3179 Mainway Burlington, ON L7M1A6 or FAX: 905-335-2991 905-639-9100 EXPER IENC ED Dental R eceptionist required for Oakville Dental Office. Parttime (Mondays, Fridays) to start. May lead to Full-time. Please fax resume to: 905524-2121.________________ BUSY B u rlington Dental Office seeks Hygiene coor dinator for evenings/ wee kends, approx. 25hrs/wk. Please call, 905-639-5592 RN/RPN An opportunity exists for a part-time RN / RPN (night shift). The ideal candidate will possess advanced assessment skills with at least 2 years experience in long-term care facility. Responsibilities include maintenance of nursing records, administration of medication, dealing with resident & family concerns as needed & performing other duties as required. The successful candidate must be currently registered with The College of Nurses of Ontario & must have completed a recognized medication administration course. Candidates must be CPR certified. Please fax resume to Velma Collver: 905-842-9229 C o n n e c t in g b u s in e s s Burlington a n d life s ty le CITY OF ^ _ _-- Sure (lo u i equipment Inc. No Telephone Calls Please! w w w .b u r lin g to n .c a Part-Time Job Opportunities Part-time maintenance, concession and banquet staff required to work in a variety of community facilities. Hours vary and may include days, evenings and/or weekends. Interested individuals who are 18 and over, hard-working and self-directed can apply to: lC Please apply to: A n n e M. Hardy, Area D ire cto r Bayshore H ealthcare F a * : (9 0 5 ) 8 9 6 -8 3 5 3 We are currently looking lor some enthusiastic people to add to our team ! Positions Available 2 Full-time Licensed Technician to work in our busy Sen/ice Dept. Product training provided. We offer competitive wages, bonus and benefits. Please contact Peter Evans r r iF ^ r j? HULmCAH-SoCWMSAKTt , ................ e m a il: ahardy@ bayshore.ca O u r reputation is built on excellence in d ie nt centred care. [ general help wanted www.bayshore.ca 4 ^ 0 SATIRN Phone 905-632-6333 Fax 905-632-3571 RBI general help wanted RBI general help wanted 814 Guelph Line at Fain/iew St., Burlington, ON L7R 3N6 W* 1 I I I trucks for sale ASSUM E Lease... 2002 Dodge Dakota Ext. Cab 4x4. Black. CD, air, $440/ mo. (tax in). 905-637-4991 A.I.S. Couriers requires BROKERS with own van to sort & deliver mail for Canada Post in Oakville and Burlington. Mon.-Fri.,6a.m. to approx. 2 p.m. Call 9 a.m.- N oon C ity o f B urlington c/o C ath y Lam b 42 6 B rant S treet, P.O. B ox 5013 B urlingto n, ON L7R 3Z6 For further information call anc;_T5£;_7K nn o v t i Purchase/ Sales Order Entry Person Required for busy crane attachment manufacturer. We are looking for a person with a solid working knowledge of MS Office applications, preferably with experience in order entry and or purchasing. If you would like to become part of our team, Please fax your resume to: We are currently looking for an enthusiastic person to add to our te a m ! RECEPTIONIST Required by growing Foot Care Clinic in Downtown Burlington. Looking for an energetic Receptionist to grow with the Clinic. Basic computer & typing skills required. No medical experience required. Work week Tuesday to Friday. 8:30 - 5:30 p.m. Wages based on experience. Please fax resume to: FULL-TIME PARTS PERSON to assist in our counter sales, parts orders and deliveries. Previous automotive or parts experience a must. Competitive wages and benefits Please contact Mike Fines 1993 M ercury Villager- As is, needs some mechanical work. Good body. Auto, A/ C, PW. $1800 obo 905847-8483 After 6pm________ 1991 Dodge Caravan SE. 2 1 5 K , new tire s , new brakes, passed recent emm is io n te s t. E n g in e & transm ission rebuilt 1-1/2 year^ago. Very good run ning order. Body and in te rio r in d e c e n t s h a p e . Asking $3,000 firm. Call to vie w a n y tim e . 9 0 5 -8 2 7 1799 P K u I motorcycles 2001 Suzuki Katana 7 5 0 7800K, m int, dea ler se rv iced. all records. $6800/ obo. Call 905-528-6442 or 416-709-2082 , 905-335-7888 ext. 3 We thank all applicants and advise that only those to be interviewed will be contacted. A n equal opportunity em ployer 905-338-2069 tm S 5ATLRN AM IS U Z U ZE2227 905-827-3665 Phone 905-632-6333 Fax 905-632-3571 905-632-2893 PDA NEEDED 814 Guelph Line at Fairview St., Burlington, ON L7R 3N6 P/T TELLER OAKVILLE/ MILTON LOCATIONS No exp. req'd training provided. Excellent written/ verbal English skills.Varied shifts including weekends. Forward resume: MONEY MART 198 Speers Rd., Oakville, L6K2E8 fax: 905-338-7719 HIRING fu ll-tim e m ature e ne rge tic R etail Sales/ C ustom er S ervice Person Needed for our Burlington store, Fax resume to: 905332-7899__________________ JOIN the Molly Maid Team Full-time, Mon-Fri 8:30am4:30pm, DL an asset, ben efits, transportation, training provided 905-681-7484____ LA N D S C A PE C om pany required Full-Tim e experi enced construction &maintenance worker +labourer. Pay -i-benefits based on ex perience. Fax resum e to 905-639-7412 PLUMBING 1545 teaching opportunities FULL-TIME office-clerical PARTS COUNTER PERSON required for busy retail outlet. Successful candidate must be a team player, dedicated to customer serv ice. You will enjoy working with a dynamic group of people and having fun in a professional atmosphere. Experience an asset, but we will train the right can didate, Hiring Now for the 2002/2003 school year! As North America's largest provider of food services and facilities management we are seeking an: SCHOOL AGE CHILD CARE Supervisors & Assistants Responsible/flexible individuals required to work in our before and after (sftt shifts) school age child are programs in the Hamilton/Burlington area schools. Programs provide care for children aged 5 to 12 years, before and after school on M days, Christinas holidays and March Break. Requirements: Must be 18 years of age & have previous IS&T DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATOR Located in our Burlington offices and reporting to the Director IS&T your overall responsibilities will include user account setup and maintenance, end user sup port and acting as a backup to the Director IS&T and Manager IS&T. Daily activities involve maintaining Sodexho's telephone, security and email systems, in clusive of asset management, network management, depreciation verification and training. The successful candidate w ill have the following qualifications: Post-secondary academic qualifica tions in Business Admin or Computer Sciences. Knowledge of PC platforms, including hardware, communications, operating systems (Windows 95, NT, 2000 and XP). Knowledge of applications in cluding cc:Mail and Microsoft Office is an asset. Your credentials will be rounded out by superb cus tomer service, problem solving, analytical and organi zation and exhibit effective interpersonal communica tions abilities with technical and non-technical people. In view of our highly decentralized operations, travel within the GTA and periodically to Montreal is re quired. The ability to operate in the French Language (written and spoken) is an asset. Send your resume to: Fax: 905-681-3021 Email: vincent.meehan@sodexboca.com Fax resume to: 905-639-3581 Attn: Robert Woodstock TELEMARKETERS needed. Good in centive program , salary up to $11.50. Call between 2-6pm 905-842-3797 b e e t Personable, self-starter for a progressive orthodontic office. We offer a challenging career .opportunity in a team oriented environment. Car needed for various locations. Fax resume to: 905-281-8188 P A RKVIEW C h ild re n s Centre, Burlington, requires a cre a tive , enthusiastic teacher, part-tim e with ex tended hours as needed. M ust have ECE. C all the Director, 905-634-3141 HOUSEKEEPER re quired, full-time hours, Bur lington area. No childcare required . W ill include housekeeping, la undry & cooking. 416-230-9139 CERTIFIED C ustom s Specialist required in Bur lington. Em ail resum e to: ccc@customsconsultants.on. ca coaching/supeivisoiy experience, ie. Lunch room Supervisor, girt guide/boy scout leader, sports coach. ECE. Child & Youth or Recreation diploma applicants welcome. L !I s a lo n& s p a h e lp A S S IS T A N T w ith experience needed for salon in Mall. Part-tim e or full-tim e. 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -1 9 7 7 , ask fo r Frank or Cosmo. JUNIO R and Senior H air stylists required for Salon Venere. Training available. Fax resume: 905-847-3847 or drop off: 1122 D orval Drive, Oakville. Health Centre requires 540 hotel restaurant ^ general help wanted Training Available. Resumes to Lynn Golfi Front Desk Staff This is a maternity leave position with possible part-time hours in the future. Computer skills neces sary. Approx. 20 hr/ wk. Must be able to work day, evening, and Saturday mornings, start immediately. 905-845-1665 BU RLING TO N O ptom etry O ffice seeking applicants fo r part-tim e Front O ffice/ Retail sales position. Re quired skills: Computer, fil ing, good phone m anner, custom er service, reta il sales competence. Pertin ent expe rience includes trainin g in m edical office. C o nta ct lens or optica l k n ow led ge/sa les e x p e ri ence. Fax resum e: 905319-1194. FU LL-TIM E Legal S e cre tary required, prim arily liti gation, to start immediately. E-m ail resum e to: rbishop @cassbishop.ca B ILIN G U A L (E nglish/ French) Customer Service Expanding Financial Serv ice company requires Bilin gual C ustom er S ervice Rep. Insurance or banking background an asset. Re quired im m edia tely. Fax resume 905-338-0977 O FFICE Assistant. Family run business looking for in d iv id u a ls ) with good work ethic and strong com puter s k ills . F/T & P/T. Fax re sume: 905-845-4665, Attn: Tony F U L L -tim e T e le m a rk e te r re q u ire d by le ad in g s u p p lie r o f te le p h o n e / c o m puter systems in Oakville. Excellent w orking c ond i tions. To start immediately. Fax resume: H.R. at Tomkin C o m m unications 905469-1202 or email to: in f o @ t o m k in c o m m u n i cation s.com . O nly those q u a lifie d w ill be in te r viewed. I inside sales T E LE M A R K E T IN G / Inside sales M itsubish i lifttruck dealer, requires fu ll tim e, s e lf-s ta rte r, base + com m ission + benefits. Phone: 905-823-5222 ex104 F/T & P/T Kitchen Staff (Days & Nights) For flexible scheduling, competitive pay, fun times & great food. Call Claudio to arrange interview 905-634-1815 EUROPEAN cleaning lady avail, own transporta tion, expe rienced. References. 905-844-0821 HAVE your home cleaned the way you would like by extre m ely clean, hard working ladies. Reasonable rates! Call 905-634-2646. $20-$25/HR National company with lots of work looking for: REMODELLERS RENOVATORS HANDYMEN 500 Drury Lane, Burlington, ON L7R 2X2 Tel: 905-632-5000 · Fax: 905-333-1767 e-m ail: lynn_golfi@ymca.ca Own vehicle/tools. +10 years experience Call Mr. Arthur 905-578-4405 GENERAL help required part-time private school ca feteria in Burlington. Start immediately. Call Maggie, 905-321-1795_____________ O AKV ILLE M oving C om pany requires full/part-tim e movers. Own tra n sp o rta tion. Experience an asset. Start $10-12/hr. C all 905257-6683, fax resum e: 905-847-6690 ____________ ^ Y YMCA We bu ild stro n g kids, stro n g fam ilies, stro n g c o m m u n itie s. F/T & P/T DZ DRIVERS Open House TPI in Partnership with Halton Recycling is now recruiting DZ DRIVERS. We offer permanent full-time work. 0/T & bonus, above average pay. We need: clean CVOR / ABSTRACT Min. 2 years experience. Must be physically fit. T H U R S . O C T. 1 0 T H - 10am-2pm 1122 P ion eer Rd. B urlington 905-5 49-6 25 9 CASHIERS Apply in person: WOOD W orker- FT/ PT Small but growing Oakville shop requires wood worker w /a b ility to work indepen dently from drawings. Cab inet making experience an asset. Drivers license nec essary. Fax resume to 905847-6352__________________ M EAT-C UTTER C ostco Burlington requires an ex perie nced part-tim e M eat C utter. Benefits available. Fax resume: 905-336-2509 1225 Brant St______________ W E require a T ra c to r/ T ra ile r d riv e r (S em i-R e tired) w /A-Z License to m ove Storage T ra ile rs w/ our tractor (approx. 20/hrs w eek) M ainly lo ca l work (GTA), Knowledge of area an asset. C lean driving record a must along w/current ` Driver's Abstract*. Call 905 -331-1128 w eekdays I V l l l office-clerical R E CEPTIO N IST required fo r B u rlington w holesale com pany. D uties include m anaging 15-line s w itc h board, greeting guests, or der entry and m ail duties. The ideal cand idate has exce lle n t com m unication skills, is courteous, punctu al, and has the a b ility to m ulti-ta sk. Fax resum e: 905-335-3366._____________ F U LL-TIM E O ffice Help required for General office duties including typing, fil ing, posting AR. Familiarity w ith Business Vision pre ferred. Salary com m ensu rate with experience. Call Peter @ Shipw ay S tairs 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -1 2 9 6 , ext. 231, Fax: 905-336-8643, email: peterh @ shipwaystairs.com BU RLIN G TO N M anufac turing Company requires a FT/PT Custom er Service person. ACCPAC e xpe ri ence in invoicing/ AR & in ventory m odules required. Good data entry & commu nication skills. Fax resume to Frost Products 905-332-7105 E X PER IENC ED C o rpo rate secretary to start im mediately. E-mail Resume to: pcass@cdssbishop.ca MZSSfao, MMSTAUHANT 1 M oving / Packing. Do m estic/ International. Free wardrobe while on site. Ur gent jo bs welcom e. 905829-1282, 1-866-666-1313 Oenninger's 699 Guelph Line Burlington The Body Shaping Fitness Studio for Women is seeking Kickboxing & Aerobic Instructors F/T Receptionist 2pm-10pm, Mon.-Fri. Exp. Child Care 5pm-9pm, Mon.-Fri. F/T Kineolonists Apply with resume: Sodexho At Sodexho, we value workforce diversity OPPORTUNITY for e nter prising person(s) or caterer who likes to cook and op erate th e ir own business. Rock Chapel Cafe & Bar, C o nta ct M aria, 905-6891577 evenings, 905-6899996, days SERVERS, fu ll-tim e (w ill train), part-tim e bartender. Applicants must be enthu siastic! Join our great team. Call 905-637-9797 or drop in Q B's, 4460 Fairview , Burlington ETCETERA, E tc .- Fine dining in Bronte, hiring ex perienced fu ll & part-tim e Cooks, Bussers, Wait Staff. Call Eddie 905-827-4121 C O O K / Sous chef re quired fo r fin e dinnin g in downtown Oakville. Please Call 905-844-0300 C U STO M -M AD E dra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / chair co-ordina tes, fabrics, in stallation. 10yrs exp. Sherry- 905-634-6706 CUSTOM drapes, a lte ra tions, balloons, 30yrs. ex perience. Interior Decora tors welcom e. Enza 905542-8230 ft -ft FRESH Faces W anted! Fall/ Winter 2002. All ages/ sizes fo r m ovies, fashion shows, ca talo gue work. $20-$90/hr. 905-336-5455 BRANT C hildren's Centre requires fu lltim e cook/ housekeeper. E xperience preferred. Call: 9 0 5 -6 3 4 5518 Fax: 905-634-5510 MERCHANDISERS required full-time, part-time &seasonal for S hoppers Drug M artOakville Place. Fax resumes to 905-842-5598, Attention: Haig Pinsent ACCESS to a com puter? Put it to work! $1500+ parttime, $3000- $5000+. fu ll time. Call 1-888-420-6147 www.speedupsuccess.com REQUIRED- Special Sen/ice Worker a retired gentleman w/jpDodworking sk ills to assist a young man w/special needs w /w oodw orking projects hourly pay. Contact Lois or William at 905-333-9913 TUTOR Time Child Care is currently seeking a parttime bus driver. Q ualifica tions include: C lass E Li cense, CPR /First Aid, gen uine adoration for children. Forward resume to: Aman da Trim m er, Tutor Time Child Care 1500 UpperMiddle Rd Burlington ON, L7P-3P5 Fax 905-331-1331 SAW W h e t G o lf C o u rse lo oking fo r m a in te n a n c e help. Full-time until end of season. C o nta ct Mike, 905-825-9457 Lexsys Networks Inc, the owned authorized distributor products in Canada, currently Corporate Head Office (Oakville) largest independently of NORTEL Networks has an opening in the for: CREDIT AND COLLECTIONS The successful candidate must have MS Office skills, communication, interpersonal and teamwork skills. Persistence and Negotiations skills are among the most important assets. Two-year college certificate or one to two years experience required. Please Forward your resumes in confidence, to Sandra Beatty at: sbeatty@lexsysnetworks.com or fax to 905-338-5446 V k te ira c e fo rd Im co ln SA LES INC. 900 Walkers Line, Burlington SN O W BIR DS rest easy w hile you're away. Profes sional couple w/2 children (5&7) lo oking to housesit w hile renovatio ns under way. Dec.-March. 905-6311362. LOT DETAILER PERSON · Fulltim e Duties include rustproofing, detailing new/ used vehicles, etc. Must have valid drivers license. E xperience an asset b u t we w ill tra in enthusiastic, hard working individuals. Benefits available. Resumes in confidence to: Wes Olsen: 183 Lakeshore, Oak. Tel: 905-849-1919 Fax: 905-849-1913 Must be well groomed & fitness minded. FU LL-TIM E M erchandiser required. Retail experience an asset. Will train the right candidate. Please fax re sum e to: Shoppers Drug Mart. 520 Kerr St 905-8453407______________________ J U N IO R C u s to m e r S e rv ic e / Light In d u s tria l. Oakville Company has im mediate opening for ener getic individual to perform c u s to m e r s e rv ic e / lig h t warehouse duties. The righ individual is a team player th a t d o e s n 't m ind getting th e ir h an ds d irty ! G reat hours/w eekends off. Fax resume 905-337-9711. GROWING in te rn a tio n a l com pany is lo oking fo r a young, energetic self moti vated individual for ground floor opportunity. Must have good telep hone m anners and computer skills. Willing to take on res p o n s ib ility . Fax 905-829-9505 More Employment... CARRIERS W A N TE D IM M E D IA TELY FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS. Wilson Drive Hemlock Drive Beaty Trail Ramshaw Gowling Terrance Kearns Drive Trudeau Drive Tuxford Drive Maxted Crescent White Drive Bronte Street Also looking lor carriers in New Mattamy area. Fax: 905-632-1876* Tel: 905-632-6252 We thank all applicants. Only those candidates who qualify for interviews will be contacted. More information is available at: www.lexsysnetworks.com/careers.asp Lot Person/Driver Fulltime, Mon.- Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Responsible for lot cars. Truck/ trailer and motorcycle driving experience an asset. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Burlington, Ontario Full time position in company's head office. Responsibilities include the following: · Preparing cash deposits and posting payments. · Credits and collections · Setting up new customers and credit limits, · Performing bank reconciliations · Performing some accounts payable functions · Assisting with analysis and special projects Qualifications: · Minimum of 2 years exp. in accounts receivable · Excellent computer skills on Word and Excel. · Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Please forward your resume by Fax or E-mail to: Fax: 905-681-1535 E-Mail:dale.mccoubrey@atc-chem.com Call Sandy in Milton: 905-878-5947 f c titig h a m p io n ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are an established P ub lishing Company w ith an op po rtun ity fo r aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales this could be the position fo r you. We have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. We offer salary plus com m ission, car allowance and benefits. We also offer a great opportunity fo r advancement. Please send your resume to: Box # 2 1 1 6 , c/o The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 Shipper Receiver Parts Counter Person Parts experience required. Successful applicants: Possess excellent communica tion skills: Have the ability to prioritize and meet deadlines: Enjoy dealing with the public: Are detail oriented and are neat in appearance. Excellent benefit package. Deliver resumes to the Reception desk between 10am-4pm: B u d d s ' B M W o f O a k v ille 2400 South Service Rd W., Oakville, L6L 5M9 No Telephone Calls Please

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