A2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 9, 2002 Everything under the sun a c c e s s o rie s e x tra v a g a n z a ! up to 5 0 !" on se le c t m e rc h a n d ise Let style shine on your home. Save on alluring accents including pillows, decorative accessories, wall decor, lamps, foliage, ready-m ade bedding ensem bles, clocks and select area rugs. We have h u ndreds of finishing touches-- beautiful pieces that w'ill change ordinary room s into extraordinary rooms. The YMCA celebrated its open house Sunday and the public had a chance to tour the new facility located at 410 Rebecca St. Clockwise from left: Michael Purcell, age 2, gets help dunking the ball from his dad George. Sarah Butt, age 6, Luke McCulloch, age 7, and Michael Butt, age 8, try the climbing wall. Juliana Rebelo, age 5, spins a hula hoop. Kaitlin Saxton, age 3, gets her face painted by YMCA staffer Jackie Rebelo. ETHAN ALLEN' designed fo r your life *Off manufacturers suggested retail price. Prices as marked while supplies last. Applies to orders placed from October I through October 31. 2002. Quantities may be limited. Excludes c u sto m orders. See desig n co n su ltan t for fu rth e r d etails o r co n d itio n s o f sale. B U R L IN G T O N , O N MISSISSAUGA, O N 3225 Fairview St. 905-633-9507 2161 Dundas St., W 905-828-2264 T H O R N H IL L , O N P IC K E R IN G , O N 8134 Younge St. 905-889-7761 1755 Pickering Pkwy. Brock Rd. at Hwy 401 905-426-3599 TORONTO, ON 1819Y ongeSt. South o f Davisville 416-545-0090 Sale ends O c to b e r 31, 2002. w w w .e th a n a lle n .c o m © 2002 ethan alien m arketin g corporation P h o to s b y B a r r ie E r s k in e '( / O r v y C ' tZ t f c S- M I / ^ P R E - O W N E D VEHICLES a k lA n d FORD LINCO1* ^ FALL INTO FALL SAVINGS SALE NO A R AOMIN. F E ES 2002 2001 Focus X-service loaner7low low km., auto, air, P/S, P/B, CD & much more. SE Sedan Auto., 4 door, A/C, P/L, dual air bags, AM/FM CD, P/S, P/B, 115 hp, seat adjuster, keyless entry, X-Daily Rental. ^ _ _ _ _ _ 0%F i n " n t in 3 SALE * 1 6 , 9 9 5 SALE S1 1 , 8 8 8 D pen House 20021 2001 Focus SE Auto., air, P/W, P/I appointed. X-Daily AM/FM CD, fully Ford Mustang Convertible's SAVE! 6 cyl., auto., air, P / f P/W, P/L, P./M, alum, wheels, keyless entry, AM/FM CD low km, & much more. . . . -- sale S a tu rd a y . O c to b e r if). 2 0 0 2 . 1 0 a m to 1 p m P le a s e ·t jo in u s ! COMMUNITY SPIRITED sale $1 5 , 8 8 8 $2 2 , 9 9 5 r 1 4 m i/ .U % w A D E M IG A L L Y V IT A L Explorer XLT Sport Auto., air, 6 cyl. 4x4, P/L, P/M, P/W, tilt, cruise, AM/FM CD, sunscreen, keyless entry & much more. Ford Taurus Auto., air, P/S, P/B, P/W, P/L, 6 cyl., P/M, PA, fully optioned. STARTING FROM $1 9 , 9 9 5 STARTING FROM $1 2 , 9 9 5 PLUS TAXES A N D LICENSE. ? t ^ ELy GLOBALLY INQUISITIVE ENGAGED m m m i C 3 F O R D L IN C O L N (r^ n TECHNOLOGICALLY INNOVATIVE % ¥ <D s . 570 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville A TT H EQ .E .W . a h u . | 273 X I 540 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville Tel: 905.845.4681 ext. 252 www.appleby.on.ca A P P LE B Y C O LLE G E R eflecting the P ast, S h a p in g the Future & En jo y A l l T he C o m fo r ts O f H o m e TR A FA LG A R LO D G E 299 Randall St., Oakville Trafalgar Lodge Retirem ent Residence, nesded in the heart o f Oakville is unsurpassed for it's w arm th and charm. H ere you will find friendship and care in a stimulating environm ent to enrich your retirem ent years. Call us today for a personal guided tour! A ffo r d a b le m o n th ly ra tes sta rtin g as lo w as $1500! (9 0 5 )8 4 2 -8 4 0 8