C 4 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y D e c e m b e r 11, 2002 HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD COMMUNITY NOTICE INFORMATION ON SCHOOL ATTENDANCE BOUNDARY REVIEW FOR OUR LADY OF PEACE, ST. ANDREW AND ST. JOHN CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS NOVEMBER 2002 At the April 2, 2002 meeting, trustees of the Halton Catholic District School Board approved a senior staff recommendation to proceed with an attendance boundary review process to consider the redirection of a portion of the Our Lady of Peace School catchment area to St. John Catholic Elementary School and St. Andrew Catholic Elementary School. Board staff with be meeting with the respective school councils in the immediate future to outline the review process and establish a School Boundary Review Committee (SBRC). The SBRC will develop options and interim recommendations with respect to preferred boundary revisions. These will be presented to the Our Lady of Peace, St. Andrew and St. John School Communities at an open house at which time input will be requested. It is expected that final recommendations will be presented to the Board for its approval no later than February 2003. Any Board approved boundary revisions will be implemented for September 2003. Information on the school boundary review process and future meetings will be forwarded to the school community. As well, this information will be available by accessing the Board website at: www.haltonrc.edu.on.ca. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Giacomo Corbacio, Superintendent of Facilities at (905) 632-6300. Managing Editor: Rod Jerred Phone: 905-33 7 -5 5 5 9 Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: rjerred@haltonsearch.com BU SIN ESS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11. 2002 · B\GE C4 We Ship Anything, Anywhere. IM K /H 4 IL HOLIDAY HELPERS We W R A P Your GIFTS, PACK them, B O X them , & SHIP them AN YW H ERE. 233 Cross Ave. issfir 905-337-7447 Peter C.McCusker · Oakville Beaver I A1 Bailey Chair Lou Piovesan Director of Education Patrizio DelBianco, of M for Men Wear, and Anna Rea, of Tocca Finita. celebrate the recent opening of the high-end store for men. Located on Lakeshore Road East in downtown Oakville, the business promises fashion for men that best suits their lifestyle. In addition to quality, M for Men Wear ensures service and attention to detail are key to its day-today operations. U n ib e d W ^y of Oakville W a y to G o I Store offers style by design M for Men Wear is tailored to meet needs o f clients By Liz Campbell S PE C L \L T O THE BEAVER CanAmera Foods The Oakville Beaver joins United Way o f Oakville in saluting CanAmera Foods for its outstanding United Way fund-raising campaign. __ 2 Q 0 2 $ U n ite d W 3 « p» ! £ £ --------oiO '* * * atrizio DelBianco is in the busi ness of making men look good. And, after 29 years, he knows what looks good. In fact, when he left Toronto to move to Oakville a few months ago, many of his customers fol lowed him. M for Men Wear dresses men in casual and sports clothing from such well known European names as Trussardi, New Man and Pal Zileri. In a relaxed setting, DelBianco offers his customers coffee from the cappuccino bar, then helps them to find the style that best suits their lifestyle. In the background satellite television offers the latest stock quotes or perhaps an overseas game. The store, at 340 Lakeshore Rd. E., also maintains a file of the customer's purchases so future buys can be co-ordinated to fit into his wardrobe. This is P real service. "Everyone provides serv ice or they wouldn't last long in busi ness," says DelBianco. "But at the end of the day it's the attention to detail that really makes it good service." Those extra touches include such niceties as the finishing of the bottom of the cuff, the detail on the jacket, replac ing the button holes on suit jackets and even moving the placket on the sleeve when it's shortened so it sits well. It's old-fashioned tailoring that looks after the details so that when your new slacks are shortened, the original bottom is put back on so they look as if they'd come straight from the designer. "We carry the fashion basics because every wardrobe has to have those," says DelBianco. "But it's all about balance. A good wardrobe should also have that great suit and power tie for business, funky jeans for weekend casual, a cashmere jacket for dressing it up, and a tux for those special occasions." In fact, DelBianco has been known to visit the homes of his clientele to help them to co-ordinate their wardrobes. "You're the same guy, but today's lifestyle means that you have to dress for the occasion. You don't wear the same clothes to the opera that you wore to the office," he says. "And that's what we give our customers. We're not leav ing him in the mainstream. It's all about style." Although the store has only been open for three months, M for Men Wear has already made an impact, and built a steady clientele of men who like the modem classics and attention to detail they offer. Plans for the future include a line of hand-finished suits from Pal Zileri whose designs and refined fabrics appeal to the man who embraces classi cal yet up- to-date with fashion trends. In fact, this is a store for men who like to look good no matter what they're doing, says DelBianco. And his job is to make them look good. Canamera Foods is to be congratulated on a successful campaign. Kicking off with a BBQ, the campaign had good participation and support throughout. Led by ECCs Bernie Drover and Jim Francis and supported enthusiastically by staff members, the employee campaign raised a fantastic $44,335. C ongratulations CanA m era Foods! GIC RATES 6 m o n th . ...2 . 95 % 1 y e a r... 3 .00 % 2 y e a r .. ......3 .40 % 3 y e a r... 4 y e a r... 5 y e a r... 3 .80 % 4 . 15% 4 .40 % R a te s s u b je c t to c h a n g e G IC 'S A R E C D IC IN S U R E D Please call (905) 847-7830 t j J y y fz b u The Financial C entre i==nrn Securities C orporation QQQQ M em ber W ith o u t y o u , th e re w o u ld b e n o way. In vestm en t D e a le rs A ssociation 1075 North Service Rd. W., Suite #16, Oakville, ON L6M 2G2 35.6 30.7 25.8 G L U S K IN S H E F F P R E M IU M IN C O M E P O R T F O L IO G L U S K IN S H E F F VALUE P O R T F O L IO % G L U S K IN S H E F F RRSP P O R T F O L IO e W. actual y q u it e YOU CAN AS W E L L . At G lu sk in S h e ff w e 've b een m anaging p o r tfo lio s o f one m illion d o lla r s or m ore sin ce 1984. C all J e ff M oody at 4 1 6-681-6040 or Marla Schw artz at 416-681-6065. lik e if;m s m a r k e t I Strategies for Wealth. One y ea r retu rn from O ctober 1, 2001 to Sep tem b er 3 0 , 2 0 0 2 . P a st retu rn s are not n ec essa rily in d ica tiv e o f fu tu re p erform an ce.
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