They say that a picture is worth 1000 words. This one, is thousand plus. Your perspective of this picture was well taken. The large rocks in the foreground draw the eyes to the horizon where the Lake and the sky meet each other. The figure of a person slightly below the horizon, The lighthouse separating the land from water, and sky is a well framed composition. As I look at this picture my eyes are drawn to this Black silhouette of a person beside the lighthouse, and I wonder.? A picture like this, not only speaks volumes of 1000 words, but it also makes you think and wonder, which in turn sets off an emotional response to the viewer. I read your comments on how this picture came to fruition, you really have truly captured a moment in time that evokes an emotion that you were able to convey and share. An excellent way of looking at life, through your eyes, and sharing it through a lens. Life makes the most interesting subject and always stays in focused. Shutterbugg Guy
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They say that a picture is worth 1000 words. This one, is thousand plus. Your perspective of this picture was well taken. The large rocks in the foreground draw the eyes to the horizon where the Lake and the sky meet each other. The figure of a person slightly below the horizon, The lighthouse separating the land from water, and sky is a well framed composition. As I look at this picture my eyes are drawn to this Black silhouette of a person beside the lighthouse, and I wonder.? A picture like this, not only speaks volumes of 1000 words, but it also makes you think and wonder, which in turn sets off an emotional response to the viewer. I read your comments on how this picture came to fruition, you really have truly captured a moment in time that evokes an emotion that you were able to convey and share. An excellent way of looking at life, through your eyes, and sharing it through a lens. Life makes the most interesting subject and always stays in focused. Shutterbugg Guy
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