Oakville Beaver, 4 Apr 2001, C02

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C2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, April 4, 2001 African rhythms beat against cancer Trev John will be beating the drums for can cer research this month, which is Cancer/Daf fodil Month. To complement the Canadian Cancer Soci ety's (CCS) fund-raising efforts, Trev John will be giving one concert only, on Friday, April 6 at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, with net proceeds going to the Oakville unit of the CCS. "We have to do everything to help find a cure," John said. "I hope the community will come out and fill every available seat in support of cancer research." The Oakville singer's concerts last November garnered a rave review from The Oakville Beaver , which referred to John as "an excited child eager to show off a `gift', dancing around the stage, his sincerity and delight affecting not only the audi ence, but the other musicians as w ell...T he band's combined talents were amazing, from the flying fingers o f lead guitarist Leighton Matthews to the flicking wrists and amazing vocal skills of drummer Michael Shotton. The band really made the 14 songs o f John's debut CD, Standpoint, come to life." John's unique music blends the sounds of South Africa with those o f the west, focusing on the heavier rhythms that are inherent in the work ing songs o f rural South Africans, mixed with what he calls "a Pink Floyd influence". And the Oakville performer guarantees a case o f homesickness to anyone from South Africa who listens to his songs either live or on the CD. His concert this week will include musicians from bands such as Bad Company, Boston, and Dire Straits. Five dancers from Oakville's Fleming School o f Dance will also be part o f the show, as will O akville's singing group Dream, and mega musical performer and ballet dancer Astrid Sher man. Tickets are $34.99 and are available by visit ing or calling the Oakville Centre box office at 130 Navy St., 815-2021, weekdays from noon to 5 p.m. or two hours prior to a performance. John's CD, Standpoint , is available for $16.99 at HMV. For more information, contact the Oakville unit of the CCS at 845-5231. Photo by Barrie Erskine Trev John is ready to help beat cancer with research money from his concert this Friday night. John received rave reviews for his per formances last fall and is prepared to wow the audience with his hybrid music this week. Oakville Galleries Volunteer Association ART RENTAL AND SALES & THE GALLERY SHOP present Canadian Orpheus Male Choir gives benefit concert The Canadian Orpheus M ale C hoir (COMC) with guest soprano M onica Ling Lin and the Oakville Christian Youth Choir, conducted by Christel Kirstein, will perform in Oaklands Regional Centre on Saturday, April 7 at 7:30 p.m. This benefit performance is being held to assist Community Living Oakville and Oak lands Regional Centre, both of which provide service to developmentally handicapped citi zens o f Oakville. The Canadian Orpheus Male Choir, now under the baton of Stephane Potvin, was founded in 1977 by Lyn Harry, conductor emeritus, and was originally known as the Hamilton Orpheus Male Choir. The Choir has grown significantly from its original nucleus o f seven to over 80 mem bers. Based on the Welsh male choir tradition, this Canadian choir now reflects the multicul tural nature of Canada, with members from various ethnic backgrounds. Their repertoire is varied, including opera choruses, spirituals, hymns, popular music, songs from musicals, ballads and folk songs. The COMC has performed over 440 con certs in venues that include the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto and Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral and the Royal Albert Hall in Lon don, England. Major concert tours have taken the choir across Canada as well as to the U.S., Europe, England and Ireland. In addition to producing 11 recordings, the choir has appeared on television in Britain and Canada on numerous occasions. The O akville C hristian Youth Choir, which consists o f 30 boys between the ages o f 13 and 17, was formed in March, 2000, and is conducted by Kirstein, a native of South Africa. The choir performs rhythmic and South African original pieces. Tickets for this charity event are $15, $13 for seniors over 60 and juniors under 15. Tickets are available at Community Living Oakville, 1108 Speers Road, 844-0146, or at Oaklands Regional Centre, 53 Bond St., 8447864. SHADES OF SPRING An Exibition of New Paintings and Sale of One of a Kind Crafts Created by Local and Regional Artists and Artisans April 6, 7, 8 and 12, 13, 14, 15 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Gairloch Gardens 1306 Lakeshore Road East, Oakville Art Rental & Sales 905-338-0117 The Gallery Shop 905-844-3460 SE W IN G M A C H IN E STO R E Sears stores close to you, close to home Major Appliances are available at the following Greater Toronto locations: REPAIRS TO SINGER a n d a l l o th e r m a k e s d r m o d e ls EX PE R T P IN K IN G SH EA RS & S C IS S O R S H A R P E N IN G 198 SPEERS RD. 842-2033 In s id e O a k v ille V a c u u m North Bolton Dealer Store (905) 857-4390 Markham Furniture, Appliances & Home Improvements Store Don Mills & Steeles (905) 881-6600 Markville Shopping Centre (905) 946-1866 Promenade Shopping Centre (905) 731-3388 Richmond Hill Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 7 and Yonge St. (905) 762-0870 Upper Canada Mall Newmarket (905) 898-2300 Woodbridge Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 7 & Weston Rd. (905) 850-6406 A P K 1L 2001 T H E B EST O F T H E S E A S © !* Bookers Bookstore, 172 Lakeshore Rd. EL, Oakville * 844-5501 · bookers © sympatkx>.ca East Oshawa Shopping Centre (905) 576-1711 Pickering Tom Centre (905) 420-8000 Scarborough Furniture & Appliances Store Kennedy Rd. & 401 (416) 332-8577 Scarborough Town Centre (416) 296-0171 BEST FICTION FOR SPRXNCi THE DARK VIRGIN, bv Oakland Ross (Brunch Event, Abril 29) WHAT WE ALL WANT, by Michelle Berry (Brunch Event, April 29) MARTIN SLOANE, by Michael Redhill (Brunch Event, April 29) Central Fairview Mall (416) 502-3737 Gerrard Square (416) 461-9092 Woodbine Shopping Centre (416) 798-3800 Yorkdale Shopping Centre (416) 789-1105 Allen Rd. Furniture & Appliances Store Allen Rd. & Sheppard Are. (416) 398-9947 4. WE WERE THE MULVANEYS, byJoyce Carol Oates NO GREAT MISCHIEF, bv Alistair MacLeod SOUL MOUNTAIN, by Gao Xingjian CAPE BRETON ROAD, by D. R. MacDonald BURNING GROUND, West Ancaster Furniture & Appliances Store Golf links Rd. & Legend Crt. (905) 304-1440 Bramalea City Centre (905) 458-1141 Brampton Furniture & Appliances Store 535 Steeles Ave.E (905) 455-1255 Erin Mills Town Centre (905) 607-2300 Georgetown Dealer Store (905) 877-5172 Hamilton Centre Mall (905) 545-4741 Limeridge Mall Hamilton (905) 389-4441 Mapleview Centre Burlington (905) 632-4111 Milton Dealer Store (905) 8784104 Mississauga Dealer Store (905) 848-8882 Mississauga Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 5 & 403 (905) 820-6801 Oakville Place (905) 842-9410 Shetway Gardens (416) 620-6011 Square One Shopping Centre (905) 270-8111 bv Pearl Luke 9. 10 THE CONSTANT GARDNER, Peter Carey . by by John Le Carre TRUE HISTORY OF THE KELLY GANG, TAXES AND FINANCES MONEY MACHINE by Daniel Stoffman WINNING THE TAX GAME 2001, bv Tim Cesmick HOW TO REDUCE THE TAX YOU PAY 2001, by Deloitte and Touche CHAND'S WORLD OF MUTUAL FUNDS 2001, bv Ranga Chand 6 'P a y in 1 8 e q u a l m o n th ly paym e nts, in te re st free, until O c to b e r 2 0 0 2 . 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SAINT SAUL, by Donald Harman Akenson THE BATTLE FOR GOD, by Karen Armstrong Use your Sears Card and pay no interest 'til October 2002* on all major appliances Sears O akville Place Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am-9 pm. Sat. 8 am-6 pm. Sears Furniture & Appliance Store Mississauga Mon.-Fri. 10 am-9 pm. N P 0 4 10601 9. THE HISTORY OF CANADIAN GARDENING, by Carol Martin SEARS. SELECTION. SERVICES. REWARDS 10. LANDSCAPING YOUR HOM E by Lee .Anne White Sun.11 am-6 pm. Sat. 10 am-6 pm. Sun.12 am-5 Copyright 2 0 0 1 . Sears Canada Inc. B e s t Bets p ro v id ed cou rtesy o f BookERS o o o k s to r * « « o « o ic

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