Oakville Beaver, 4 Apr 2001, C03

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Wednesday, April 4, 2001 Photos by Erin Riley LET THE BIDDING BEGIN: Oakville artist Joe Smith can be seen above through a sculpture by Ester Marikanskas, titled Habitue. Sm ith's watercolour. Barn, #1 Sideroad. top right, along with Marikanskas' Habitue will be up for auction on Saturday at the Oakville Art Society's 35th annual Art Auction. Michael Young's limestone piece, Last Dance, and Marguerite Broten's stoneware piece, Eruption, right, will also be among the over 100 original works of art that will be on the auction block in Oakville Galleries at Centennial Square, located in Central Library at 120 Navy St. The artwork can be previewed during library hours until April 7 at 7:30 p.m., when the bidding begins. Doors will open at 6:30 for last-minute previews. Admission is free, and refreshments will be served. Juried show seeks artisans Leam to hand colour photos The May Court Club of Oakville invites artisans to par ticipate in its fourth annual Art.and Artisans by the Lake show and sale on Saturday, May 5 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. All entries are juried. To qualify, all work must be high quality, handmade and sold by the creator. In the past, this show and sale has attracted over 70 tal ented artisans, who display and sell their original artwork in the arena at Appleby College, 540 Lakeshore Rd. W. Booths (8' by 10') are $75 and covered tables (6` by 8') are $10 each. For exhibitors entrv forms or more information, call 634-0641 or 842-3752. Oakville Art Society member Dawn Angela Seeley is offering workshops on How to H and Colour Black-andWhite Photographs. Participants will learn how to colour their family's old photos with oil paint, for a cost of $90, which includes materials, photographs and refreshments. These workshops will take place on April 5 and 19, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., or from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. in Seeley's home studio. For more information, call 849-7966, or e-mail fineart@ total.net. W IN E FOOD BEER Juno nominee Kelita will perform in town Five-time Juno nominee and gospel singer Kelita will perform at Pilgrim Wood Public School on Sunday April 8. This Oakville concert is sponsored by Grace Chapel. A former country music star, Kelita has turned her career into an evangelical music ministry after a near fatal tragedy changed her life. During her country music career, Kelita shared the stage with Glen Campbell, Reba McEntire, and Jim Carrey. Shania Twain sang back-up vocals for one of her albums. As part o f her music ministry, Kelita has performed in churches of all denominations as well as for retreats, pris ons for women. Women Against Violence, the Canadian Cancer Society, homeless projects, and the YMCA. She is a regular guest on 100 Huntley Street, and works closely with Campus Crusade for Christ, and World Vision Canada. She has also toured with Susan Aglukark. Kelita, who overcame the tragedy o f childhood sexual abuse, lost her alcoholic father to suicide, her mother to breast cancer and an older brother to a heroin overdose - all when she was between the ages of 11 and 17. She was also addicted to alcohol and drugs herself while seeking fame and fortune in the country music business. And to top off her tragic experiences, her 10-year-relationship with her husband and manager ended in divorce. Kelita sings about her personal life, after having been healed and saved from one last tragedy - a near fatal auto mobile accident. Today, Kelita is happily remarried and has a young son. Her Oakville concert will be held at 10 a.m. in the school at 1551 Pilgrim's Way. For more information, call Grace Chapel, 827-5011, or visit www.kelita.com or www.gracechapel.ca. Fri., A p ril 6 ,2 0 0 1 · S at., A p ril 7 ,2 0 0 1 · S un., A p ril 8 ,2 0 0 1 Treat Your Taste Buds! Complete 4-Step Lawn Care Programs or $2.00 OFF PER PERSON at the all new Each program is unique and guaranteed to save you time and money while ensuring you a beautiful and healthy lawn. Get great results every time. H e re 's W h a t M a k e s O u r F e rtiliz e r The Best. FR EE P A R K IN G RESTRICTED TO PERSONS 19 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER No cosh value. Not valid with any other promotion or otter. Redeem lha invitation at the door. One coupon per person/couple. 1120 Burloak Drive, _ _ B ^ U ^ G T O N _ C O N V E N T IO N C E N TR E j C o m p a re B e fo re You B u y... N o Surge G row th just even feeding and greening. · 3 sources of slow release nitrogen. · Very low risk of burning your lawn. H *Jag Team to Lean! Feel slim en ergized &con fid en t · Lose 2 to 7 IbsJwk. · Guaranteed results · Don't delay...call today 'Based on full program. Exdudes product. Not vtfid with any other offer. Expires Apr. 1I/D I. W " f * Based on 450 m1 per application. t t Y o u r fe ty 1 5AI/E! Lo o k fo r m o re G re at Specials in o u r Easter Flyer in to d a y 's new spaper. ARE YOU ON THE BETTER SIDE OF ^ / ^ V & shopping for a I n ew hom e to fit your lifestyle? Explore all your options... ATTEND THE U J eg u a r a n te ey o uc a nlo se a ll th ew e ig h ty o un e e d !(a ll u ;n o w ! [ 905) OAKVILLE 469-4532 [905) 637-6019 B U R U N G TO N Festival encourages choral music (Continued from page C1) ||| ROYAL BANK % iJ r u jL tz d the 35th Annual to Retirement Housing Forum at the 50+ Lifestyle & Travel Show Presented by U ROY AL B A N K B S W ^ D U N G A K V IL L E L O C IE T Y Although these things may seem small to most, Craw ford says they acknowledge the participants' work at the festival and recognize their support for choral music. And this year, eight choirs - six from Oakville - are participat ing in this vocal learning experience. "We try to give as many kids a chance to sing as possible," says Crawford. "Hopefully, in the future we will be able to commission a song especially for the event," she adds, obviously enthu siastic about the mass choir performance and the growth of 'this day that is dedicated exclusively to choral music. "Part of my mission as the director of the choir is to pro mote musical education. We want to encourage choral music in the school system." 4 R T Oakville Galleries in Centennial Square, 120 Navy St. April 7 at 7:30 p.m ., doors open 6:30 p.m. for preview and Silent Auction bids. LlftS m ITfi va SHOWis? fl Q 50 PLUS FRIDAY, APRIL 27 & SATURDAY, APRIL 28 METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTR NORTH BUILDING, 255 FRONT ST. F R E E S E M IN A R S W ITH $ 2 . 0 0 ADM ISSIO N T O T H E 5 0 + L I F E S T Y L E & T R A V E L SHOW U < % ^ / INCLUDE M E /U S IN THE FOLLOW ING SESSIONS: FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 10:30am -l 1:30am SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 10:30am -l 1:30am 3 indoor riding arenas. Classes available for children, teenagers and adults all year round. BERTIN STABLES a n ^u sm & n a o j 'Z x c u t m i z n t ^ n tz x ta b m iz n t as you add to your corporate & private art collections from some of these artists: R o b e rt B a te m a n : lim ite d e d itio n litho. Timber W olf p o rtra it E rica B a rre tt: o il · M ic h e lin e Lik a s : p o ttery D a w n A n g e la S e e le y : oil-co lo ure d black <S white photograph T h e la te Tom C h a tfie ld : a crylic · J o y c e K e llo c k: o il Ja c k R e id : w atercolour · M ic h a e l Young: stone sculpture "SELLING YOUR FAMILY HOME" This comprehensive workshop deals with all issues that mature consumers must consider when selling their family home. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 11:45am-12:45pm Presented by SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 11:45am-12:45pm & K « ^ D U N G · Weekday Lessons 4/5107 or $3(VLesson · Friday Hoof-Pick Club 6pm-8:30pm $35 (Children 5-10 yrs.) · Saturday at Farm 10am-3pm $40 (Children 5-12 yrs.) · Summer Day Camps $195AVeek or $5Q/Day Canada's Largest · Summer Overnight Camps $401.25AVeek English Riding School 3445 Dundas W. (Hwy. #5) Oakville I I 1/2 mi. W. of Hwy. #251 905-827-4678 website www.bertinstables.com e-m ail: bertin@webtv.net "RETIREMENT HOUSING OPTIONS" Explore the many options available: Active Adult Communities, Land Lease Properties, Condo Living and much more! Presenter: PJ. Wade, Forever Young Housing Expert. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2:00pm-3:00pm Presented by SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2:00pm-3:00pm ROYAL BA N K "DO YOU DREAM OF A FINANCIAL SECURE FUTURE" Let the special ists from Royal Bank help you bring together all the pieces of your financial picture and tailor a strat egy to your circumstances, comfort level and retirement goals. O DeNmeT ours H - A rle n e S a u n d e rs : watercolour · Karen Walker: o il M a rg u e rite B ro ten: stonew are · Jo e S m ith : watercolour L ila h L e w is Irv in g : a crylic · S u s an B la c k a d a r: m ixe d m edia D ia n e A very: w atercolour · G a il E. K . M o w a t: a crylic P e ri J o lle y : m ixe d m edia mono print. AND OVER 70 MORE. Are you interested in participating in a Forever Young Discovery Tour of these Retirement Properties? Elliot Lake Starw ard H om es Wellington On T he Lake O ther P roperties DEXMLS WILi. B E PROVIDED. O i Britain & Europe - FREE a d m is s io n · R e fr es h m en ts SILEN T AND LIVE AUCTION Preview showing: March 31 to April 7 during main Centennial Library hours. For m ore info call: 827-5711 w w w .oakville-art-so ciety.com 1 800 668-6859 Call for a free brochure. Reg. # 21032991 N am e___ Address. Phone _ # of people in your party to attend:. Mail or fax this registration form to: FOREVER YOUNG NEWSMAGAZINE, 467 Speers Road, Oakville L6K 3S4. Fax (905) 337-5571 - Attn. L Warren

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