Oakville Beaver, 4 Apr 2001, Classified, C04

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C4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, April 4, 2001 T h e O akville B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. C lassified houses for sale oakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! Circulation: 845-9742 · Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 400-465 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 tm EliTi] houses for sale B u rlin g to n Towers The Hotel Alternative FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES Come, Home, 7~o CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited Estate Antique Auction F or the estate o f Cyril Crysler o f Jordan Saturday April 7, 2001 at 10 am. Preview 9 am Milton Optimist Hall, 311 Commercial St., Milton, Ontario ~ PRIVATE SALE ~ 212 Pinecove Road, Burlington, Near Lakeshore Rd Custom b u ilt, brick, 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, 2,5 baths. Large lot 60'x161'. Main floor family room with gas fireplace, double ga rage. June closing $289,000. call Rick Solwicki at 905-632-6252 or cell # (905) 541-9777 DREAM Home: M illcro ft, golf course com m u nity in Burlington. Arthur Blakely 2800 sq. ft. C u m be rland hom e. E xq u isite kitchen and upgrades galore. Pri vate sale. View by appoint ment only. 905-331-2360. No agents please._________ COM PLETELY renovated 3 bedroom , 2.5 baths, in Waterdown Village. Beauti ful hom e in clude s 6 a p pliances. Asking $235,000. 9 05 -68 9-76 31, c e ll# 905975-7631________________ A 4-bedroom ce n tre hall G eorgian , 3326 sq. ft. Campbellville/Moffat 2-acre 419K. (519)837-0499. view a t www.dickmarvin.com 3-BE DRO O M sem i, 135 Chudleigh St., Waterdown. O pen House Sunday 2-4 p.m. Call 905-689-9831 BURLINGTON: furnished 3-bedroom home, short or long term leases. $2200/ month. 905-332-3542 apartments & flats for rent BU R LIN G TO N . A v a ila b le May 1 s t 1-bedroom. $630/ mo.; 2-bedroom , $705/mo. u tilitie s in clude d. Q uiet, near lake. (905)634-8089 (3pm-6pm)_______________ O N -TH E -LA K E : B ronte: 1-bedroom plus la rge loft. $1450 all in clu s iv e , p a rk ing, cable. Single execu tive non-smoker. 905 -82 72266____________________ O AKV ILLE. Q EW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $799/ mo.; 2-bedroom from $899/ mo.; 3-bedroom from $989/ mo. Well m aintained build ing. Nellie, (905)339-2028. · · · · Furnished Designer Apartments Fully Equipped Kitchens Magnificent Indoor Pool Sauna & Fitness Centre 1285 Ontario St. Partial L ist o f Features Excellent Mission Oak Dining room Suite, Lg Oak Pawfoot Sideboard, Oak Bowfront China Cab W/claw foot, Gorgeous Satinwood BR Suite, Walnut dinette, beautiful inlaid commodes, French style chairs, exc chintz fabric setee, Victorian hall stand, French desk, Spinet Desk, LOTS of exc furnishings, PLUS: Huge Moorcroft Orchid Vase, Cranberry Epergne. pickle castor, oil cruet, sugar shaker, Wavecrest lg Ferner, Dresser box, small pin dish, Flow Blue Pitcher and Bowl, footed platter, (2) platters, etc, Chintz Canoe, (2) Spode dinner sets, silver service, silver serving pcs, Crystal, lots of Fancy!!!, PLUS Violin in case, Masonic Lite bulb, 500 Tea figurines, 6 Royal Doultons, fancy linens, Beautiful spelter cast lamp, Lots of Books, 4" Staffordshire dog, Spool Cabinets filled with costume jewelry, Plus: 1992 Chevy Lumina W 130,000k, New Scooter. J u s t soo m u ch good stuff!!! 639 · 8583 Open 7 Days per W eek w w w .ontim .com · btow ers@ lara.on.ca Q UIET, Convenient, W ellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. Very spa cio us 2-bedroom s. May/ June. (905)637-3921 2-BEDRO O M apa rtm ent, St. Paul Street, Burlington. J une lst. $791/mo. includes u tilitie s & parkin g . Ca.ll (905)639-7072_________ NO RTHSH O R E Tow ers, 1&2 Bedrooms. June/ July. $750/mo. Utilities included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Di ane, 9am-7pm. 681-1307* Burlington articles for sale 370 pets, supplies lE T il . a townhouses I J torrent NEW R e n o v a tio n s - 3bedroom tow nh ouse m a i sone tte. 1 parkin g , from $800/m o. + u tilitie s . midApr./ May/ June. North Burlington. (905)319-9104. NEW LY R e novated k itc h en, bathroom, hardwood. 3bedroom, appliances, A/C, garage. Im m ediate. $1,200/mo.+ utilities. North Burlington. (416)989-9200. G UELPH Line/ Upper Middle. 2-bedrooms, fridge, stove. $800/m o. ^ u tilitie s , firs t/ la st, ava ila b le M ay/ June. (905)336-7901. O A K V IL L E - 3-Bedroom townhouses available June 1st. 4 appliances. Hoped ale M all area. Lakeshore M anagem ent, (905)8763336 ______ OAKVILLE- Upper Middle Rd./ Grosvenor- 3-bdrm 2.5 baths. 4-appl., a/c, garage* May 15th. $1450. 905-8291762____ ______________ BU RLIN GTO N: 3-bdrm from $1050./m o.+ utilities, A v a ila b le M ay.1st. 3 ap pliance s, 1.5 baths. One outs id e parkin g. Near schoo ls, shop ping. Parkllke setting. (905)333-1190. NORTH O ak v ille . 3-bedroom tow nhom es. 3 b a th rooms, 4 appliances, Water, cable. $1.2 2 5 ./m o. A v a il able May, June. (905)3311987____________________ LARGE 3-bedroom . J u n e ls t. From $1129./mo. (+ utilities). 5 appliances, ga rage, p a rk -lik e setting. Lo'ngmoor Dr, B u rlington. (905)681-0070 ________ M APLEVIEW M all Area: 2+2 bedroom bungalow w ith w a lk-out, dou ble g a rage. $1950/mo. (905)3357078 AN TIQ U E/ UPSCALE new furniture: cam el-back custom sofa, d o w n -fille d , cream ; Duncan Phyfe M a hogany diningroom table; o val m ahogany coffee ta b le ; ru s tic C hinese red chests; one -of-a-kind O ri ental leopard print carpet, silk/ wool; cream leather 3seater sofa; art, lamps, etc. (905)451-2511.___________ A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e . 2 door; S tove; M aytag au tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 BARBELL set. $25; heavy pun ching bag w /gloves $40; g irl's 10-speed bike, like new $40; 4-man nylon dome tent w/fly $40; sleep ing bags, like new, $10/ea. (905)637-6023.___________ BA RITO NE (S ilv e r) new w/case; Yamaha trumpet w/ case, like new. Best offer. W ill sepa rate. (9 0 5 )3 3 5 9492.___________________ BED, King X -th ic k plush o rth o p e d ic m attress set. New in plastic. Cost $1700. Sell $650.416-726-9885 BED- Orthopedic mattress, boxsp ring. head/ foot board. New- still packaged. Cost $1275. Sacrifice $550. 416-521-9635__________ __ BEDROOM set- 8 piece, s olid C h erryw o od. all Dovetail, metal glide draw ers, sleigh bed w/rails, tri ple dre s s e r, m irro r, large chest, nightstands. Never used, s till boxed. Cost $8,499, s a c rific e $3,999. 905-971-1777____________ BEDS, New- C o m plete: Double. $220; Q ueen, $240. C o m plete w /fram e. Futons available. Free Delivery. Call (905)681-9496. B E D - Q ueen, o rth opedic mattress, boxspring, head boa rd, fo o tb o a rd , fram e. New, in p la s tic . Cost $1225. sell $550. W ill deliver. (905)304-5573 BEST offer. 4-pce. walnut bedroom set, double size. 60 years old. needs some TLC. (905)849-0545. BLUE patte rne d velour sofa and large armchair, in good condition $140. (905)634-9538 ___ BOKHARA rug. 14x12, lik e new. C all 9 0 5 -6 3 4 7013 C A RP ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainm aster & 100% nylon ca r pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 CO NTENTS of house: teak diningroom suite, ta bles, end ta b le s , chairs, lam ps, good cond itio n . Moving. (905)336-2608. DIN ING RO O M : 9-pce., solid Cherrywood. 92" dou ble pedestal table. 6 Chip pen dale c h a irs , lighted hutch, bu ffe t. New. s till boxed. Cost $12,500., sacrifice $4,750. (905)304-5883. DINING RO O M table w ith 2 leafs 6 highback chairs, china cabinet, good condi tion, $600. (905)639-1157. FRIDGES, Stoves (Gas & Electric), W ashers/ Dryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 549-1911 FUTON fram e, new, pine w/arms, 11" mattress. $300; K irby u p rig h t vacuum c le a n e r $90; Danby m i crow ave 1.2 c u .ft., new $100. (9 0 5 )6 8 1 -9 4 9 6 ._ _ GOLF clubs, mens, bag & cart, good condition. $150; table tennis table w/equipment. $50. (905)681-1055. HO USEH O LD FU R N I TU RE Sale: R oxton d i ningroom with corner hutch, bedroom , living roo m and m any m ore item s. M ust sell. Moving out of country. (905)-69Q-0472__________ KING bed- p illo w -to p , o r th o p e d ic m attress, box spring, frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell $675. (905)304-9222 KITC HEN set, so lid oak, 48" round table , pedestal base, 5 W ind sor arrow back c h a irs , $1500. (905)338-8066.___________ L A D IE S Engagem ent Ring. Pear shaped, S o li ta ire w ith D ia m o n d s on sides. Appraised at $8,000. w ill s e ll fo r $ 2 ,0 0 0 . C a ll (905)331-5412___________ MAKE 30LBS D isappear Fast! Free Sam ples. Re sults Guaranteed. All Natu ral. Doctor Approved. Call Now (416)208-3163_______ MOVING: Kenm ore dryer, $65. Solid p ull-out couch. $50. Children's playhouse, $40. A sso rted toys, etc.(905)639-8919________ M OVIN G: M aple round leaf kitchen table. 4-chairs, corner cabinet, $600; rattan lo veseat, couch, coffee ta b le , ca c tu s flo o r lam p. $900; pine harvest table. 2chairs. 2-bench es, $500; c o lle c to r's s ta tu e "La Traine" by Alexander Danel, bronze Limited edition, valued $2500, sell $1000. (905)632-8225. Y a rd SN O W B LO W ER, man, 11-HP 30" cu t, fo r w a rd / reverse, like new. used 6-times. Cost $1600. s a c rific e $1000. M oving. (905)632-8225. AM ER IC AN E skim o, 7 month, m ale, neutered, all shots. $100 to good home. 905-336-2267____________ W* 1I I I I cars for sale 1986 Honda Prelude, runs good, E-tested, as is $1800 obo. 905-690- 6 0 4 7 . ____ 1990 P lym outh H orizon112,000km. original owner. Well cared for. Minor cer tific a tio n w ork required . $750. 827-0437__________ 1991 Honda A ccord EXR, re tire d te a c h e r o rig in a l ow ner; "C a paccin o", su n roof, 2-door, new brakes, stere o. E -tested , perfect running c o n d itio n , eco nomical on gas. Best offer. (905)-332-8770___________ 1994 G rand A m - auto, 2dr, 4 cyl., spoiler, 99,800km. 1 driver, $5200. (905)3331105 ______ 1998 M ALIBU LS 3.1-V6. auto., loaded, c ustom -fin/ rims, non-smoker, 1-owner, im m acuate, 83,000km s., $12,900, certified. (905)3310258.___________________ 1996 Plym outh Voyager SE- p.s., p.w ., p.I., dual s lid in g doo rs, rear A /C, 115,000km; $10,000. 905334-4657________________ 1998 NISSAN M axim a GXE auto., beige, loaded, c o nve nience package, 59,600 kms., $21,500. Certified. (905)844-1536. 1988 Toyo ta C e lica GTS (twin cam), white. Sporty 5speed. 2-door, drives well, e m is s io n -te s te d (2000), good body, $2600. Dennis. (9 05)335-8888 (leave message) Don't miss this event. We are taking 3 sales to sell this whole estate. Approx. 400-500 lots Call for details: Invitation Only: Crysler Miniature Collection April 13 at the Estate 10 AM Directions: Hwy 401 to 25 at Milton, follow 25 to Main Street turn right, follow signs to Commercial St. N O R M W E B S T E R - Central Ontario Auctioneers Inc. For Details call: Heather Friesen 905-704-8519 or email hea39@aol.com careers careers 510 general help wanted general help wanted CAREER FAIR S aturday, April 7 , 2001 10 a .m . - 3 p .m . DRIVER WANTED For our truck washing facility in Missis sauga. Must be able to drive tractor trailer units into wash bay and assist in washing units. Apply in person to: in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW Bachelors irom S 729* 1-B drm strom S 829* ^B drm s $949' Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 '(2 % disc, included) B R IG HT base m en t suite, eat-in kitchen, 6 app lia nc es, fireplace, satellite, steps from Lakeside V illage. (905)637-5467. FRESH LY P a inted: 2B e d ro o m s A p r./Jun e. (S in g le & dou ble store y) Low-rise building, Garden lik e s e ttin g . P riva te la n d scaped patio s. (B u rlin g ton). 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905 )3 3 6 -0 0 1 5 ; 1460 T yandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0016____________ G EO R G IAN A p artm ents. 1.2&3 Bedroom s. M ar./ Apr./ May. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington. 639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm Downtown Burlington Torrance Street 1 4 2 Bdrm Apts. with lake views. Freshly painted, new windows, hardwood floors, Outdoor pool! From $869./m o. (9 0 5 ) 6 3 7 -6 7 0 1 PR O S PEC T/ BRANT. Immediate: 1-Bedroom from $740/m o. 2-Bedroom from $840/m o. C lean, q u ie t b u ild in g . C a ll Sandra (905)631-0033 ______ BU RLOAK/ Lakeshore. Bachelor basem ent apa rt m ent. S u it m ale nonsm oker. $55 0/m o. in c lu sive. Available immediately. 905-631-5884 evgs. CE NTR AL B u rlin g to n Spacious. carpeted 2-bed room. quiet low-rise. Avail able May 1st $840/m o. all inclusive 905-466-6032. 2-B E D R O O M S : $81 0 ./ mo. (U tilitie s in clu d e d ). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice O pen 9-4pm , Mon.-Sat. (905)639-5761 LeBlanc Ltd. x 461 Cornwall Rd. Oakville, ON L6J 5C5 Near QEW & Trafalgar Rd. A w orld le a d e r in s a les and pro ject implementation for telecommunications and broadcast systems, including the design, manufacture and installation of com m unications tow ers, and related transmission and broadcast equipment, is building for the future. Resumes/Applications for the following career positions will be accepted: Stru ctu ral Civil E n gin eer, S tructural Steel Detailer, Welder, Machinist, CNC M a c h in is t, S h op S u p e rv is o r, A erial Technician (T o w er Installer), Project M anager/C oordinator, Picker/P acker, and Shipper/Receiver. No Phone Calls Please LeBlanc is an equal opportunity employer G JOHN / / RANT/ -- f - f a u lc w e ^ Lro 2111 Lakeshore Road West MISSISSAUGA, Ontario B U R LIN G TO N - Luxury 3 & 4 bedroom luxury townhouses w ith fa m ily room and 3 appliances, 1300 & 1600 sq.ft. plus basement, fenced in backyard. $1135 & $1235 plus utilities, park ing $40. (905)639-0950. GLEN Abbey. Executive 3bedroom s, large eat-in kitchen, ceram ics. Custom Levelor window coverings. M any upgrades. Backs onto greenspace. $168,900. (905)469-9932. condos for sale PALACE: 2-bedroom condo. 5 appliances, tennis court, pool, exercise room. First time home buyers..no money dow n. $12 5,50 0. (905)- WOODHAVEN C U S T O M IN SPI RE D HOMES Weekend Hostess Required FOR LEADING NEW-HOME SALES PAVILION IN OAKVILLE Working closely with the public: must be personable, outgoing & knowledgeable. New home sales knowledge would be an asset. Must be available Saturday and/or Sun day afternoons. Immediate placements. 1992 A rro w sta r- 4L longbox passenger van. Very clean. C e rtified . $4,500. 905 -84 2-46 21, 905-3308682 Ask for Colin 1985 ASTRO Van, 4.3 en gine, autom atic, runs well, as is. (905)845-6140. I career training 6 A2 ~ 5 ® 9 ? ______ ffff LUXURY "New" 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 app lia n ce s, stere o. 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Pets okay. D aily, W eekly, M onthly. $ 1295-2995/ month. Visa. M asterCard. AmericanEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M HEALTH AND SAFETY SALES EXECUTIVE SafetyCare Inc. is an international com pany w hich produces and distributes its own range of Safety Training Videotapes and Manuals. W orking out of o u r B u rlin g to n o ffic e , w e p ro v id e c o m p a n ie s throughout Canada w ith quality aids to help train th e ir staff in health and safety. We are looking to add one m ore sales person to o u r s u c ce ss fu l team . The p o s itio n in v o lv e s se lling o u r pro d u cts to e xisting cu stom e rs as w ell as developing new business. All the sales activity is done over the phone. The person we a re lo o k in g f o r d o e s n o t need s p e c ific q u a lific a tio n s , b u t ra th e r s h o u ld be a b le to dem onstrate a stable h isto ry w ith a personal or business background th a t indicates persistence and determ ination. W e o ffe r a basic salary, plus co m m iss io n s and health benefits, w ith potential firs t year earnings o f $30,000- $ 40,000. If th is position interests you, please call: Ed Aasman at SAFETYCARE INC. (905)631-6070 Please fax work experience to Claudia Mittelstaedt: (905)257-7238 WE sp e c ia liz e in C o ndo m inium S a les & R entals. Call Linda Davies Real Es ta te Ltd., R e altor, (905) 33-4347 K kb] lots & acreages SCENIC: 10 acres, fenced estate building lot. Milton escarpment with stable. 905878-3486 or homesellcanada.com #2204. H W T industrial /commercial space UPGRADED 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts w ith s c e n ic view s ava ila b le at two prim e downtown Burlington loca tio n s. B e a u tifu l ground s. New elevators. 477 Eliza beth S t., (905)634-9374 ; 478 Pearl St. (905)632-1643 BRONTE: W alk to laj*e 2bdrm s. M ay1, $860/m o. + u tilitie s ; O a k v ille Place area, 2-bdrms. Apr./ May $925/m o. Heat, hot water. Parking. (905)847-1138. ONE bedroom basem ent. C e ntral B u rlin g to n core. A p pliances. C /A, parking. May. 1st. $525/month. 905637-0223 after 6pm________ O A K V IL LE: 190 K err, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. Walk to Everything. 2-B ed roo m From $925. (905)845-1777____________ DOW NTO W N B u rlin g to n . 1&2 Bedrooms: May/ June. Freshly painted, some with new kitchen cabinetry! Well m aintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call (905)637-0321 1&2 Bedroom apartm ents w ith lake vie w s ! B u rloak/ Lakeshore area. From $950/mo. (905)639-3301 AAA BRONTE: Lake front, 2bedroom condo. Pool, ten nis. gym , in d o o r parking. $1300/mo. June 1st. 905465-0873 or 905-567-1646 KILMER Dr., Burlington. 2bedroom s, 2 baths. 5 ap plia n ce s, May 1st. $1150 in clude s cable TV. (905)333-5506, Ext.73. Active Management__________ | ) L i houses for rent LA RG E 3-bedroom , w ith frid g e , stove dishw ash er, fenced yard. Brant/Plains Rd. area. $1500/m o plus utilities. (905]-332-3542 LUXURY Tow nhom e. Love ly 3-bdrm , w ith a p le th o ra of extra s & up grades. $1650 /m o. C all (905)-528-4944___________ G A R D EN ER 'S D e light. O ak v ille . G reat n e ig h b o r hood. U pper 2 -le v e ls of s id e -s p lit. 3-bedroom s, 5 appliances, large driveway, fu rn is h e d o p tio n a l. Near schools/ shopping. Mature couple preferred. $1,400/ mo. + u tilitie s . No pets/ sm oking. References. Jun^1st. (905)827-9551 NOW or May 1st. 4 -b e d room s, fire p la c e , 5 a p pliances, $1350/m o.+ u t ilities. References. (905) 8475095, E xt.72 (O thers too) Active Management ORCH AR D Road/ U pper Middle (Burlington)- large 3 bedroom, fridge & stove. $1150 + u tilitie s . (905)332-0935 2-BEDROOM condo. Third Line/ QEW, also 2-bedroom exclusve home, downtown Oakville.Call (416)936- 1263 FU RN ISH ED houseB u rlin g to n W est. 4 b e d rooms, 2 bathroom s, open concept in kitchen/ dining room. $1600/mo. (905)5289392____________________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or c reative financing a vailab le to fa c ilita te p u r chase of home with little or nothing dow n! Jay N e lligan, Assoc. Broker, (905)639-5258 Re/Max Es carpm ent R ealty, Realtor, creative opts@quickclic.net FURNISHED room in ex ecutive hom e. W ell m ain tained and clean, inground poo l, m any e x tra s . R e sponsible Individual . $400 T r a fa lg a r/U p p e r M id d le . (905^338-5956.________ LA R G E room , B rita n n ia / Trafalgar area, share house w ith tw o p ro fe s s io n a ls . $50 0 /m o . C a ll (9 0 5 )6 9 3 1387 for appointment. W ALKING dis ta n c e to S h eridan C o lle ge. $400/ mo. (905)-339-1523 W ORKING fem a le to share beautiful immaculate 4-bedroom home, parking, pool, own bedroom . M ay.1st., $450/m o. First/ last. Burloak. Must see! 905-632-3645.____________ I condominiums torrent · M S O FF IC E COMPUTER TRAINING Angel's View NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR 2001 SEASON SEEKING ENTHUSIASTIC, CUSTOMER SERVICE ORIENTED PEOPLE FOR: · F u ll / p a r t-tim e · M 0 U S C e rtifie d IN EX P E N S IV E W AR EHOUSE or lig h t in du stria l space Oakville, near QEW 45,000 s q .ft. or less. Sprinklered, overhead doors, overhead crane, truck level doors. Joe Luyk, E xt.242, (905)845-7597 HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 637*3415 THE CENTRE FOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Will be at the HALTON JOB & CAREER FAIR, on Apr. 17,2001 to discuss your training options for a brighter future! www.thecentre.on.ca "Career Training & Skills Upgrading Computerized Programs" To ensure your future success see us at The Halton Job & Career Fair on APR.17 HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE T R AINING p o s itio n - sta rt immediately. 16-Wk Live-in program . Minimum 18-yrs. Exposure to all aspects of V e terin ary H o spital. M ust be motivated with a love for anim a ls. Fax resum e to: Esther, (905)844-7351 BE Your Own Boss. SEAS e lf- Em ploym ent A s s is tance program. Orientation: April 9th, 1:00- 4:00pm at the Enterprise Centre, Ho pedale Mall. For more info call (905)825-2345 Cooks · Kitchen Staff Wait Staff · Pro Shop Clerk Golf Course Maintenance Shop Staff M ust be available from Apr. to end of Oct. Applications & Resum es m ay be faxed to (9 0 5 ) 8 7 6 -1 3 4 6 or dropped off at 4 4 1 4 Fourth Line, O akville - T e l : 8 7 5 -3 9 3 2 O FFICE S pace ava ila b le Q EW / T rafalga r Rd. area. 865 sq.ft. & 1090 sq. ft. Reasonable rates. Trafalgar (O a k v ille ) R ealty, (905) 338-1130 O A K V IL L E H o p e d a le Mall house. Female w ant ed , k id s o k a y . S o m e re s p o n s ib ilitie s . fa ir re n t. (41 6 )5 6 2 -1 1 7 0 (905)4691096.___________________ NORTH Glen Abbey- May 1st. No smoking/pets. Own bathroom , cable, in ternet access, parkin g, laundry, kitchen privileges. Call Liz (905)469-6066 after 6pm m W o ttd n A . shared accommodation EVENING SUPERVISOR & GENERAL HELP We offer competitive wage & benefit. Experience not necessary. Willing to train. A pp ly in person o r ca ll: Luke or M aryLou, M-F, 9am - 5pm , at Chartwells (Beaver Foods) at Sheridan College, 1430 Trafalgar Road N. Oakville · Tel: (905) 8 4 4 -8 53 2 $35,000 investment makes you $10 0,00 0+ / years. Residual reoccurmg revenue fo r 20 years. N a tional residential alarm company needs dealer for this area. Proven, unique m arketing/ PR program s, tra in in g / o ng oing su p p o rt. W ill dominate market place. Call Grand McDonell 1-800-9648805, 204-798-0570. email: tsgrant@autobahn.mb.ca IF you are in the party plan in d u s try doing in-hom e presentations and making com m ission on sales only we can show you a new. innovative opportunity. Call (905)332-6587_________ LOOKING fo r e n tre p re neurs fo r e x c itin g o p p o r tunity. Guaranteed risk free investment if you are willing to w ork. Not MLM. C all (905)572-3410____________ I [jU l mortgages, loans Retirement Residence Administrator Lifestyle Retirement C om m unities Ltd. requires a dedicated professional with a genuine empathy for seniors to oversee the administration of The Kensington Retirement Residence in OAKVILLE. Custom er-service oriented and highly motivated, you have expertise in the areas of budgeting, cost control, labour relations, and retirem ent residence standards and services. Energetic and self-motivated, you have proven people and problem solving skills, exceptional analytical, team building, and communication capabilities, com puter proficiency, and, preferably, 5 years' management experience in the retirement industry. We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits, and a management performance bonus plan. Please apply in writing, by April 12, 2001, to: Director of Operations, Lifestyle Retirement Communitiei Fax; (905) 270-9331 e-i debbie.doherty@lrc.ca H A LTO N H ELPING H A N D S URGENT · Burlington Area - Do you enjoy cleaning? (Max. 20 hrs/ week) - Want flexible part time hours? (Mon.-Fri.) - Enjoy working with seniors/physically challenged? RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION REQUIRED PAID TRAINING · TRAVEL ALLOWANCE Call Pam or Nancy, (905) 844-0252 Fax: (905) 844-5656 250 Wyecroft Rd., 42, Oakville L6K 3T7 BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court Bachelor, June, $550. 1- Bdrm, May, $700. Includes utilities. Parking Available 1998 Johnson 4HP short shaft outboard motor. Low hours. Call (905)633-9144 BOAT tra ile r, sm all $100. Viewing Sat/Sun. Apr. 7/8. 359 Rosslyn Drive, Burling ton^_____________________ (905)690-1896 AIR M ILE S® C o lle c to rs Wanted. Points awarded for rental d o lla rs - 1.2&3 Bed room S u ites on one year leases. Call for availability: (905)639-8583____________ O A K V ILLE. Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary D rive: 3 -bedroom s a v a il able June 1st. $1275/mo. (+ parking). (905)844-9006 $61 5/M O . Im m aculate 1bedroom in 5 -p le x , F airview/ Brant. Walk to GO. No sm oking/ pets. Heat, parking included. (905)528-7520 B U R L IN G T O N - Large 3BDRM end unit m aissonette. new ly renovated, $990/m o. in c l. hydro/ 1parkin g. frid g e & stove. A va ila b le im m edia tely. (905)332-0118.__________ BU R LIN G TO N - Large 2 bedroom apa rtm e nt (825 sq.ft.) in clean quiet build ing. Parking. $750/mo. Call Beverly, (905)634-5885. SPA C IO U S 2 bedroom . 1.5 baths in clean, quiet 5plex w ith backyard. H ard wood throughout. June 1st. No smoking/pets. Conveni ent parking w/safe access. $850/mo + hydro. Rent may be a d justed in retu rn for m aintena nce dutie s. (905)637-3243____________ SP A C IO U S , b rig h t 2bedroom , Lakeshore Rd.. B u rlington. B e au tifu l lake view ! P a rking. May 1st. $1 ;000/mo. (905)333-9088 DOW NTOW N B u rlin g to n , Large 2-bedroom . A/C. parkin g . May 1st. $9 9 5 ./ m o.+. C all Forbes. 416420-3952________________ EM PLO YM EN T O PPO R TUNITIES... Skills Upgrading C o u rse s.... H ourly Seminars... Prize Draws... All at The H alton Job & C a reer Fair on A p ril 17, 2001, at The B u rlington Convention Centre k {|r J items under S100. AR TO G R APH A rt p ro je c tor, p rofession al lightbox, Artec com puter scanner, Koh-lnoor pen set, all $90. Qbo. 339-2647____________ DOG crate, large 32"lx23"w x23"h "Furrarri-350" model. $100. (905)634-4075 FISH tank- 45 gallon, with black wood stand. Includes g ra v e l and rocks. $100. 339-3891 LAW NM OW ER, "Law nboy" brand, gas. 2-stroke m ower, $75. P rice d for quick sale. (905)842-1738. LOVE seat, powder blue & taupe. Good con d itio n . $100. 9905)-633-9743 RATTAN ch a ir, w ith m atch ing ottom an, m int c o n d itio n . $50. C all a fte r 6pm (905)-335-6066 SIX patio pool chairs, 5 re c linin g positions. M ade in Sweden. E xce lle n t condition. $100. 632-6968 _ _ SW ING set, "H e adstrom " m etal, w /garden sw ing & slide, exce lle n t cond ition, $100. (905)634-2944. W ATE RB ED , Q ueen-size mattress, liner, heater, ex c e lle n t c o n d itio n , $100. (905)336-0829. CLEANERS REQUIRED Full and part-tim e positions are available fo r both day and evening sh ifts. Previous experience an asset. M ust be bondable and flexible. We offer a com petitive com pensation and benefits package. Please forw ard yo u r resume and cover letter to: THE M ORTGAGE KILLER F R E E SEMINAR April 12th 7:00pm. in Oakville -save thousands $ -pay less monthly -save years of mtge payments Call to Register (905)274-5976 AIC Limited · Human Resources 1375 Kerns Rd, Burlington, ON L7R 4X8 Fax: (905)319-1985 Email :resumes@ aicfunds.com We thank all applicants lor their interest, however, only those under consideration w ill be contacted. general help wanted Stevens Associates HAVING tro u b le gettin g your business to w here it should be? Maybe we can help to rem ove som e o b s ta c le s ...it's w hat we do. Synergy B u siness D e ve l opment 905-466-3343 ^ business services / personals PARK like setting. 2-bdrm, June 1st. N ear Tyandaga Golf Course, Burlington. 11/2 baths, fin is h e d b a s e m ent, hardw ood flo o rs , 4 appliances. (905)335-3001 3-Bdrm 2-Level HEART of Bronte. 50 East St.. close to lake & Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom avail able im m edia tely. $975/ mo.+ parking; 2-bedroom s availab le A p ril and June. Call (905)825-0816________ B U R L IN G T O N . P a rk -lik e setting. P re stig io u s area near Tyan daga G olf Course. 2-bedroom , June 1st. Utilities/ appliances Induded. (905)335-3001 BRANT/ UPPER M iddle. Burlington. 2-bedroom , 2storey, very cle an, 1 1/2 baths, A/C. Immediate. Call (905)331-0890.___________ APARTM ENTS ava ila b le from $875/mo. Indoor pool. QEW / T ra fa lg a r area. (905)844-1106. Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. C a ll 6 3 9 - 9 2 1 2 BRONTE 2 bedrooms.11/2 b a th s , fire p la c e . a ir $1.125/month plus utilities, no pets. Available May 1st. Call (905)844-6152 NEW 3 b e d ro o m T o w n ho u se . T h ird L in e /U p p e r M iddle Rd. 4 appliances. C lo s e to a ll a m e n itie s . (905)827-9584 JOHN DEERE CREDIT CANADA Visit us at the Halton Job & Career Fair on Tues. April 17 at the Burlington Convention Centre Free admission PRIMERICA Visit us at the RBI help wanted DISTRIBUTION CENTER SERVICE CASHIERS Busy General Motors Dealer requires (lum ber) Yard/Production Supervisor Warehouse or production supervision experience required. Shipper/Dispatcher Delivery scheduling and load planning experience required. Forklift O perators Outdoors, 9000 to 30000 lbs. 281 Alliance Rd., MILTON Call: 905-693-9663 ext.3 Email: bcam pbell@ peellum ber.com ONE F/T & TWO P/T SERVICE CASHIERS Must be dedicated, hardworking team players who enjoy customer service and able to multi-task. Computer literate and mathematically inclined. AN TIQ U E Show Sale. City of Guelph- Centennial Arena, corner College Av./ Hwy.6.; April.6,7,8. Fri.-1-9. S a t.-10-5, S u n .-11-5. 40 E x h ib ito rs , D a ily Draw. Adm.$5. 905-335-0511 · Contact D ale Cogsw ell (905) 845-1681, ext. 228 or fax (905) 845-4394 Halton Job & Career Fair on Tues. April 17 at the DRIVERS ~ CLASS AZ TV/FILM AUDITIONS ACTORS WANTED Adults & Kids (2 & Up) needed for TV & Film Assignments. No fees, No Courses. Call (416) 221-3829 Dry bulk experience preferred. Must have current ab stract and medical to run U.S., excellent wages and benefits. Apply in person, no phone calls please. G johh / / FREE Estimates..Got wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired looking wood finishes?. Then ca ll F ields for all furniture repairs and custom w ood fin is h in g , 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090 W AN TED A ll-C h in a , S ilver, C rystal, sew ing m a c h in e s ... D oulton, M oorcroft.Quilts, Glass. Watches, cam era/ audio equipm ent, do lls , p a in tin g s , c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 Burlington Convention Centre Free admission RANT/ -- f la u Z O M .T o 2111 Lakeshore Road West MISSISSAUGA, Ontario l

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