THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, March 23, 2001 Author optimistic about reading levels (Continued from page 27) P h o to s by B arrie E rsk in e C hris Purves works on his fictional story during a writing workshop at Linbrook Public School. 96.3 ( A n d p e o p l e s a y w e 're h a r d t o f i n d . ) Scrimger has traveled all over Canada and has made several trips to the United States to share his passion for writing with children. He is a teacher at Humber College whose biggest tip for blooming authors is to read. "There's never been a generation that didn't read." he said when asked about the computer game fad that is sweeping the nation. And despite recent provincial literacy tests conducted by the Ontario government, Scrimger is optimistic about the reading level o f students. "The kids that read today are the same kids that read back then. You're always going to have some that don't. "There's much better fiction now," he added. "Thirty years ago, if you didn't like The Chronicles o f N am ia or Charlotte's Web, you were dead." Scrimger raves of the rewards of being an author, despite the long haul to get there. "My favourite compli ments are from teachers who thank me for getting their stu dents to read by hooking them on one of my books," he said, beaming. But the best feedback comes directly from readers. "My author buddy had a kid run up to him on a play ground," he said with a chuckle, "and say his book made him laugh so hard that milk came out of his nose. That to me is the ultimate compliment. I want to make milk come out of people's noses." Scrimger has written Nose from Jupiter, and its sequel A Nose fo r Adventure, in addition to The Way to Schenectady. Its sequel. O f Mice and Nutcrackers, will be released in the near future. Oakville Girls Softball Summer Fun Qitib 6-11 Keister March 31st Trafalgar Vtttaje Matt vovovo ysa. 105 £25-58:4S r im e T H E A T R E S Changing The Way Canada Sees Movies SS.OO MOVIES FROM (4 -6 P M ) EVERY WEEKDAY A T TW H ITE BSolus { / STODENTrw TtCtf£TS\y -actunH EN otions AUIAYS SS.O OW HfH Y O U SH O WYO U R STUDENT I.D C A R O A T TIM EO FP U R C H A S E WINSTON CHURCHILL 24 CROUCHING TIGER. HIOOEN DRAGON (PG) (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) FR11:50, (4:25), 7:15,9:55 SAT 1 :50 ,4 :25 .7 :15 .9:55 SUN 1:50 ,4 :25 ,7 :15 ,9:4 5 MQN-THU 1:50, (4 25), 7:15,9:45 0 BROTHER. WHERE ART THOU? (PG) FRI 2:15, (5:00), 7:25,9:55 SAT 1 2:1 0,2 :35 .5 :00 ,7:2 5,9 :5 5 SUN 12:10, 2:3 5,5 :0 0,7 :2 5, 9:45 MQN-THU 2:15. (5:00). 7:25.9:45 HEARTBREAKERS(AA) (2 SCREENS) (NO PASSES) FR11:40,2:35. (4:25). (5:15). 7:10. 7 :55.9:55,10:35 SAT 12:00,1 :40 ,2 :35 ,4:25 ,5:1 5, 7:10, 7:55.9:55,10:35 SUN 12:00.1 :4 0.2 :3 5 .4 :2 5 .5 :15 . 7 :10.7:55,9:50 MON-THU 1:40.2:35, (4:25), (5:15). 7 10, 7:55,9:50____________________ SAY IT H P T SO (AA) (NO PASSES) FR11:00.3:05. (5:15), 7:25.9:40 SAT 12:40. 2:55,5:10, 7:25, 9:40 SUN 12:40, 2:55. 5 :10,7:25,9:35 MON-THU 1:00.3:05. (5:15), 7:25,9:35 THE BROTHERS (AA) (NO PASSES) FR11:05.3:25, (5:45). 8:10,10:30 SAT 1:05,3:25, 5:45. 8:10,10:30 SUN 1:05.3:25. 5:45,8:10.10:25 MON-THU 1:05,325, (5:45). 8:10.10:25 GET OVER IT (PG) (2 SCREENS) (NO PASSES) 111:10,2:30,3:25, (5:00), (5:40), 7:25,8:05, 9:45,10:25 SAT 12 :3 0 ,1 :10 ,2 :45 .3:25 .5:00 . 5:40. 7:2 5.8:0 5,9:4 5.1 0:25 SUN 12:30,1 :10 .2 :45 .3:25 ,5:0 0, 5:40. 7:25, 8:05. 9:30,10:10 MON-THU 1 :10.2:30.3:25. (5:00). o 40) 7 2 5 .8 0 5 9 30 1010 CH0C0LAT (PG) QEW & Winston Chruchill Blvd. (905) 829-0915 And the Academy Award® Nominees a r e . FRI 2:20, (5:10), 7:40,10:15 SAT 12:05.2 :40 .5:1 0,7 :4 0,1 0:1 5 SUN 1 2:0 5,2 :4 0 .5 :10 ,7:40 ,10 :05 MQN-THU 2:20, (5:10). 7:40,10:05 BILLY ELLIOT (AA) FR11:50, (4:25). 7:10,9:40 SAT 1:50,4 :2 5 ,7 :10 ,9:40 SUN 1 :5 0,4:2 5,7 :1 0 ,9 :30 M0N-THU 1:50, (4:25), 7:10.9:30 THERE'S ONLY ONE JIMMY GRIMBLE (PG) FRI 2:30, (5:00), 7:30,10:00 SAT 12:0 0.2:3 0.5:0 0,7 :3 0.1 0:0 0 SUN 12:00,2:30. 5:0 0,7:3 0.9 :5 0 MON-THU 2:30. (5:00). 7:30,9:50 SEE SPOT RUN (PG) FR11:00.3:10, (5:20), 7:30,9:45 SAT 1 2:4 5,3 :00 ,5 :15 ,7:3 0,9 :4 5 SUN 12:45,3:00,5:15, 7:30.9:35 MON-THU 1:00.3:10, (520), 7:30,9:35 : (PG) (NO PASSES) FRI-SAT 7:15,9:30 SUN-THU 7:15,9:20______________ SWEET NOVEMBER (PG) FR11:55, (4:40). 7:25,10:10 SAT 1:55,4:40, 7:25.10:10 SUN 1:55,4:40, 7:25,10:00 MON-THU 1:55, (4:40), 7:25,10:00 RECESS: SCHOOL'S OUT (PG) FR11:15,3:15, (5:15) SAT-SUN 1 :15,3:15,5:15 MON-THU 1:15,3:15, (5:15) SAVM6 SILVERMAN (PG) FR11:05,3:15, (5:30), 7:40,9:50 SAT 1 :0 5 ,3 :1 5 ,5 :30 ,7:4 0.9 :5 0 SUN 1:0 5,3:1 5,5 :30 .7:40 .9:4 5 MON-THU 1:05, 3 15. (5 30). 7 4C. 945 FRI 2:10. (4:50). 7:35.10:20 SAT 2:10.4:50. * 3 5 .1 0 2 0 SUN 2 :10 .4 50. 7:3$, 10:10 MQN-THU 2:10. 4:50). 7:35.10:10 102 DALMATIANS (f FR11 00. 3:05. (5:10) SAT-SUd 12:30, 2:40.4:50 MQN-THU 1:00. 3:05. (5 101 CAST AWAY (PG) (NO PASSES! FR11:20. (4:20). 7 20,10:20 SAT 1 20. 4:20, 7:20.10:20 SUN 1:20, 4:20. 7:20.10:15 MON-THU 1:20, (4:2(5), 7:20.10:15 THE WEDDING PLANNER (PG) 2 SCREENS FRI 2:05.3:05. (4:35). (5:35). 7:05. 8 :0 5 .9 :35.10:35 ' SAT 12:35.2 :05 ,3 :05 .4:35 .5:3 5. 7:05. 8:05.9:35. 10:35 SUN 12:35, 2:05. 3:05. 4:35.5:35, 7:0 5,8 :0 5,9 :2 5 ,1 0:2 5 MOfJ-THU 2:05,3:05, (4:35), (5:35). 7 :05.8:05.9:2$. 10:25_____________ THIRTEEN DAYS (PGJ FR11:10. (4:10), 7:15.10:20 SAT 1:10.4:10, *1 5 ,1 0 :2 0 SUN 1:10.4:1 (j, 7:1 & 10:10 MON-THU 1:10. i 4 16). 7:15.10:10 THE GIFT (AA) FRI-SAT 8 m 10:35 SUN-THU 8:00.10:25______________ MISS CONGENIALITY (PG) FRI 2:00. (5.25). 7:50.10:15 SAT 12 :3 5,3 :(fa 5:25J 7:50,10:15 SUN 12:35,3:0(5.5:2$, 7:50,10:10 MON-THU 2:00. (5:25). 7:5(1 10:10 FR11:20, (4:10), 7:05,10:00 SAT 1:20,4:10. *0 5 .1 0 :0 0 SUN 1 2d, 4 1(j 7:0$. 9 5 0 MON-THU 1:20. (4 10). 7:05,9:50 VERTICAL UMIT1PGJ FR114 0 15 : 0 0 ) . /4 ? 10:30 SAT 1:40,5:00, *4 5 ,1 0 :3 0 SUN 1:40,5:0(1 7 :4 ^ 10:20 MON-THU 1 40. (5:00). 7 45.10:20 You know th a t radio station you search for w hen you're trying to navigate th e com m ute from hell, survive the post-school/pre-dinner arsenic hours or locate th e perfect background music for your dinner party. You know, the station th at plays th at soothing, calming, relaxing music w ithout lyrics, played by large groups o f musicians called orchestras. W ell th a t music is classical music. T he station is 9 6 .3 . A nd now th at you know w here to find us, please drop by for a free sample absolutely any tim e you "feel the need. 96.3 Classical M usic. P L E N T Y OF FR EE P A R K IN G /D O / , TM in all auditoriums