Oakville Beaver, 25 Apr 2001, B4

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday March 7, 2001 Luncheon & Bridge for Erinoak The A ngela Bruce IO D E w ill hold its annual IO D E L uncheon & Bridge at St. D om inic's Church on M ay 10. Proceeds o f about $1,000 will be going to Erinoak at O aklands Regional Centre to purchase a fridge and stove. The luncheon and bridge will start at 12:30 p.m. at the church, 1415 R ebecca St. T ickets are $10, call G aby A ckerm an, 905-333-5485. A t its recent annual m eeting, the A n g ela B ruce IO D E elected and in stalled the follow ing executive: regent, Joan Larson; first vice-regent, M aureen Cam pbell; second vice-regent W endy C ato, past regent, G aby A ckerm an, recording secretary, Joan B eaucham p; treasurer, D iane G riffiths; education. H elen Trillia; assistant edu cation B etty G eraghty; services, Shirley Hanlon; citizenship and health aw areness, M argaret Sutherland; m em b ership, M argie A ndrew s; standard bearer and properties, Vera Persen; and com m unications and telephone, M avis D avison. C ouncillors are: Shirley K ilbum , shop convenor; Shirley M cKaye, assis tant shop convenor; Yvonne Smith, knitting; and June W hite and Peg M ason, hospitality. The m ission if the IODE, founded in 1900, is to im prove the quality o f life for children, youth and those in need, through educational, social service and citizen sh ip program s. T he A ngela B ruce IO D E runs the IO D E O pportunity Shop on K err Street. Cancer Awareness Day at Marian Montessori School In m em ory o f three w om en w ho h av e d ied o f cancer, M a ria n M ontessori S chool in G len A bbey w ill be holding a C ancer Awareness D ay on Saturday A pril 28. T h e e v e n t w ill be held at th e M arian M ontessori School. O ne w as a grandm other, and the o th er tw o w ere parents o f children w ho atten d ed M arian M ontessori, established in 1990. M uriel C hin, a grandm other, died o f lung cancer about 10 years ago; and m om s H eather M cK inley in 1994, and Preethi C hander on Feb. 17, both from breast cancer. "T hese three w om en w ere very close to m e," says M arie Silva, ow ner o f M arian M ontessori. "I've b eco m e attach ed to these three people. A ll three have touched my life in a very special way." A deeply religious w om an who runs a private C atholic school for chil dren 2 to 6 follow ing the M ontessori M ethod, Silva was m oved to organize a C ancer A w areness D ay fo r W omen. T he event, running from 10 a.m. to 1 p .m ., w ill featu re a n u m b er o f speakers: T hey include: Dr. A. M athur o f the R ebecca M ed ical C e n tre, R isks, S creening Tests a n d B reast Self-Exam inations, 10 a.m. D arlene G ustin, naturopathic d o cto r, C a n c er P reven tio n a n d A w areness, 10:30 a.m. L inda Fletcher, registered nurse, nutrition consultant and certified w ell ness educator, N utrition a n d H erbs, 11 a.m. L inda R enco, registered m as sage therapist, M assage , M editation a n d R elaxation, 11:30 a.m. N ancy N eufeld, RN A and fitness consultant, P hysical Fitness, 12 noon. N eera G andhi, beauty co n su l tant, Staying B eautiful, 12:30 p.m. A lthough designed for parents and grandparents o f children at the school, the C ancer A w areness D ay w ill also be open to the public. A dm ission is free. M arian M ontessori School is at 1265 H eritage Way. For inform ation, call the school at 905-827-8125. A F ounders Day Lunch w as held recently to celebrate the 101st anniversary o f the IO D E . Show n from left are Joan Larson, regent, A ngela B ruce IODE; guest sp eak er N oreen Salari o f M ississauga, IO D E national president; and E lsie K osatz, regent, Sybil B ennett IO D E. ^ ( S U S T O M E R ^ YOU COULD WIN! w i iiw \V C ^ APRIL 25-29 ONE OF THREE $5000 SHOPPING SPREES! ONE OF FIVE LAPTOP COMPUTERS WORTH $2000 EACH! ONE OF FIFTEEN HIGH-TECH COMBOS WORTH $1000 EACH! (DIGITAL CAMERA/COLOUR PRINTER) w PACKAGE INCLUDES; 1 5 " C O M P A Q M O N IT O R A N D C O M P A Q PRINTER PRESARIO 5008CA · · · · AM D Duron 800 M Hz processor 56 K modem · 40 GB hard drive 8X CDRW · 128 MB RAM MicrosoftTM W indows Millennium Edition Duron 455743/437561/455744 COMPAQ Our Price 1647.95 Mail-in Rebate -150.00 Price After Rebate: Giant garage sale for girls soccer at The Bam T h ree O akville girls rep soccer team s are joining forces to' raise funds for their upcom ing soccer seasons. T he u n d er-14 O akville P hoenix, u n d e r-13 O akville D ynam ite and u n d er-10 O akville Phantom s are team ing up to stage a giant 50-fam ily garage sale, M & M candy sale and barbeque on M ay 5 outside The B am at Oakville Town Centre. T h e B arn has p ro v id ed space, advertising support, food and condi m ents to help offset costs. T he garage sale starts at 8 a.m. and runs until 2 p.m. Sports equipm ent, toys, and quality clothing are only a few o f the types o f item s that will be featured in the garage sale. Soccer players from all three team s w ill be sta tio n ed th ro u g h o u t O ak v ille Town C entres 1 and 2, selling candy and looking for donations. T he barbeque runs from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. F or the u n d er-14 girls O akville Phoenix, the funds being raised will be applied to a planned tw o-w eek trip to England in 2002 to train with profes sional soccer teams. The Phoenix are also hoping to com pete in an interna tional tournam ent against girls their ow n age. The Phoenix play in the O ntario Youth S occer L eague, the highest level o f league com petition in the province. The under-13 Oakville Dynamite are hoping to offset som e o f their tour nam ent expenses including their spring trip to Pennsylvania, as well as other costs associated w ith league play. The D ynam ite play in the Elite Division. For the u n d e r-10 O akville Phantom s, it is their first year o f rep play. M oney is needed to com pete at this level both from a league and tour nam ent perspective as the girls begin to hone their soccer skills. "H aving the different age groups together allow s the older girls to m en tor som e o f the younger ones, includ· ing the Phantom s who are entering their first year o f rep soccer," said Sonya Palmer, w ho is co-ordinating the m assive fund raising effort. \a.V.e HP TRADE-IN EVENT! BRING IN YOUR OLD PRINTER OR ANY PART OF IT & SAVE UP TO $50 ON ONE OF THE PRINTERS BELOW: hpt 952C TRADE UP W PRINTER · Prints up to 11 ppm TO THESE DJ · A dditional 4 "x 6" paper tray 429198 900 SERIES Qor Price PRINTERS! 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