B6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday June 13, 2001 O A K V IL L E C H A M B E R o, c o m m e rc e The Oakville Chamber o f Commerce has a new Mission Statement; which is... `To be a leader and innovator that promotes the growth and prosperity of business." 170 Country Squire Lane, Oakville, ON L6J 4Z3 · Tel: (905) 845-6613 Fax:(905)845-6475 Website: www.oakvilkchamber.com E-mail: info@oakvillechamber.com Thank you to all of our Volunteers who worked their magic this year! Iain Anderson - Ontario Racquet Club Brian Barrington, ADR - Alliance for Dispute Resolution Liz Behrens - Bronte Village BIA Liz Belford - Rosewater Spa of Oakville Inc. Art Birchenough - Birb Management Inc. Rick Booth - EN-TECH Associates John Breakey - Unis Lumin Inc. Ronnie Brown - The Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts Dr. David Brown DDS Janet Buccino - Oakville Waterfront Festival Alex Bystrin - Oakville Hydro Keety Cambridge - Ramada Inn & Conference Centre Oakville Cecil Canteenwalla - HIEC Cathy Carson - White Oaks Secondary School N. Campus Brenda Charters - Retired Staff Member! Gerard Chiasson - Mysys Limited Linda Coghlin - Indexonly.com Loretta Costigane - Sheridan College Susan Coyne - Halton Trauma Centre Judy David-Wilson - Iroquois Ridge High School Anne Dav - Community Connections Todd Deiemere - Trafalgar Ridge Chiropractic & Acupuncture Cesare DiDonato - Halton Roman Catholic School Board Patricia Dillon - Lassonde. Mineeral Engineering Vince Ditta - Business Development Bank of Canada Bill Dodge - The Oakville Beaver Charmaine Driver; Psychotherapist Sonja Ennis - Iroquois Ridge High School John Evanson - Wal-Mart Bob Fenwick - Tomkin Communications Ian Flemington - J.J. Bamicke Ed Foster - The Advisory Dawn Frank - Country Inn Barbara French - Royal Botanical Gardens Alan Georgeson - N.A. Cusitar Associates Josie Giovenco - Instantaneous links Suzv Godefrov - Oakville Museum Bill Goodbrand - Goodbrand Graphics Andrea Grebenc - CompuStep Lorraine Green - Lorraines Pantry Bob Griesbach - AMEC & C Services Edith Gwynne-Keaney - Cogeco Mike Haines - Data Protection Group Roger Hall - BDC Vicky Henderson - Brand Management Karen Hewson - Canadian Golf Hall of Fame & Museum Elisabeth Hibbert, Chiropodist-Foot Specialist Susan Howard - Howards Second Generation Bill Hurley - Royal Bank Business Banking Ctre. Doug Hynek - Lifequote Canada Scott James - Union Gas limited Janice Joyner - Mary Kay Cosmetics Robert Krizman - O'Connor MacLeod Hanna Laura Kupfeischmidt - G. Kupferschmidt Consulting Services Ltd. Astrid Lakats, MBA, CA Bill Lamb - Secon Canada Anne Lawrence - Alternatives Market Peter Lewis - Holiday Inn Oakville Centre Don MacDonald - MacDonald Specialties Ltd. Dan MacPherson - St. Thomas Aquinas Glenn Marshall - Perspective Marketing Stephanie Martin - Ramada Inn & Convention Centre Oakville Mike McCulloch - McCulloch Health & Wellness Jennifer McIntyre - TD Private Client Group Dennis Metz - Edward Jones Investments Mary Jo Milhomens - Town of Oakville/Parks & Recreation Jane Morandin - Royal Bank Laurie Morrison - Tne Enterprise Centre Sheila Morrison - Basket Designs Janice Movnagh - Downtown Oakville BIA John Muldoon - Bedford Communications Intl. Mayor Ann Mulvale - Town of Oakville Alan Oalvie, CA Deborah Parker - Blood-Link Joanne Podzamecki - Mind' s Eye David Pollard - ADR - Alliance for Dispute Resolution Inc. Wendy Powell - Telus Integrated Communications Anne Quick - Holiday Inn - Mississauga Trudy Reading - The Oakville Beaver liana Renwick-Palmerio - Wellness Counselling Group Mari Reynolds - Mari H. Reynolds Financial Samuel Saintonge - PetCare Insurance Brokers Ltd. Robert Sanders - Mainstay Fatima Santos - The Enterprise Centre Diana Saulez - Huttons Images Elaine Scrivener - OEDA Pat Shand - Shand Food Care/Reflexology Sally Shelley - Country Inn Susan Sheppard - Bronte Butterfly Foundation Joe Sinkovie - Canadian Wholesale Lease Outlet Gail Smith - Oakville Galleries Joe Smith, Artist Chris Stadnick - Oakville Massage & Wellness Centre Sasa Stevanovic -1-2-1 Personal Trainers Inc. Sheri Stewart - Krg-a'tiv Publishing Sue Suess - Junior Achievement of Halton Beatrice Ten-Thye - Madex Corporation International Bianca Trno - Tmo-Gaetani & Carusi Peter Tosh - Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites at Bronte Oliver Vadas - Novel Digital Images Frank Vismeg - Royal Connaught Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel Margaret Vokes - Global Reach Enterprises Michael Walshe - Regal Capital Planners Doug Watson - Charles Havill Chartered Accountant Bill Weis - The HRD Group Sheila Wiebe - Bronte Creek Provincial Park Clint Williams - Regal Capital Planners Ltd. Tamara Wilson - ISYS Global Works Wanda Williams - CDA Business Development Councillor Janice Wright Photo by Brent Foster WALK FOR IAN ANDERSON HOUSE: Walkers participating in Sunday's lan Anderson Memorial Walk/Run included from left Bud Donovan, Sally Jackson, May Lynch, Sandy Allevato, and Michelle Mailloux. About 160 walkers participated in the event which raised about $25,000 from pledges and corporate sponsorships. Tleld Over Again! j One more successful year of Spring Clearance by popular demand, Victorian Treasures from the Past! We've had to extend our Sale Days to Fri. June 15th, S at June 16th S Sun. June 17th, 2001. Four OTHS teachers retiring A retirem ent celebration is being held at O a k v i l l e T h e B u s in e s s A d v is o r y PROVIDING SOLUTIOnS TO BUSIN ESS PROBLEM S AND ID EA S FOR S A L E S GROWTH TO SH A LL AND HOME B A SED BUSINESS SINCE 1983 Three Days Only Left! You won't want to miss this Lo o kin g F o r Solu tion s F o r Your B u sin ess P rob lem s? Call Us. We D o n 't Charge F o r Phone Calls. W E W IL L A D V ISE Y O U O N A L L A S P E C T S O F Y O U R B U S IN E SS a n d · b eco m e a m em ber o f you r A dvisory Team · p re p a re you r b u s in e s s an d m a rk e tin g p la n s · provide you with effectiv e personal and co rp o rate incom e tax planning ED FO STER · in s ta ll and/or b a ck -u p y o u r c o m p u te rs ·d esig n and im plem en t com p uterized rep o rtin g sy ste m s to effectiv ely m o nitor y o u r C o m p a n y 's o p e r a tin g r e s u lts ·o b ta in fin an cin g fo r you r o p e ra tio n s · in co rp o rate new c o m p a n ie s · p ro v id e p r o fe s s io n a l, p e r s o n a l fin a n c ia l p la n n in g a t n o c o s t to y o u Spectacular Sale! All mens, short & long sleeved golf shirts 100% silk -- just in time for Father' s Day --50% off. And doesn' t he deserve it! Only >$45 and $29.00. All little girl' s Victorian Clothing dr matching < (< sets also 50% off All garden products and florals also 50% off everything for your garden! A ll Victorian Furniture and Antique Furniture 40% off. All Victorian Giftware Accent Pieces, Paintings 30% off A ll lighting, Victorian Stationary, etc.! Stock up now for Christmas! You won' t want to Miss this Sale! C A LL n o w FO R AM A PP O IN TM EN T (9 0 5 ) 4 6 9 -8 7 7 7 2 3 2 0 Q u ild s to n e C re s ce n t, O a k ville , O n ta rio L6M 3 Y 8 TH E N EW JIG E IN D IGITAL PRINTING >rinf ] ir e e j 110 l l t h C oncession East, RR#1 Freeiton (905) 6 5 9 -3 8 2 8 n s --'x Summer Hours; Tues.-Sat. 10-9; Sun. 10-6 V isit ou r w eb site for u pdates w w w .v icto ria n trea su resfro m th ep a st.co m Electronic Printing High Resolution Typesetting Reports Manuals Stationery flyers Booklets Newsletters Carbonless Forms Full Colour Posters Desktop Publishing Colour Copies Laminations Drilling Folding Cutting Stapling Collating Cerlox Binding Shrink Wrapping LOTS OF PARKING _______________A _________________ Trafalgar High School today, starting at 3:30 p.m., for four retiring teachers. They are: Judy Foster, 32 years - 18 of them at OTHS; N eil M cLaren, who spent 27 years of his 29year career at OTHS; Gary M erritt, who taught for 27 years - 26 at OTHS; and Gillian Hewitt, 33 years - 23 of them at OTHS. The school is at 1460 Devon Rd, call 905845-2875. FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY 2 2 0 W y e c r o ft U n it 1 OO O a k v ille , O n t a r io L6 K 3 V 1 T e l: 8 4 2 - 4 6 6 4 F a x : 8 4 2 -1 181 E m a il: fe r g u s o n @ v is io n o l.n e t f 4TROPHIES LIMITED "Serving Halton for over 20 years" The 60 Day Turnaround. 775 Pacific Rd., Unit 26 CORPORATE AW ARDS O ACADEM IC AW ARDS =£> SPO RTS AW ARDS PLAQUES & M EDALLIONS O SUBLIM ATED PR INTING ON PLAQUES &NAM E BADGES =£> ENGRAVING ON G LASS STEINS & M UGS O 9 0 5 .8 4 4 .1 0 1 8 High Quality Large Format Digital Printing* for All Your Needs: · Posters & Banners · Trade Show Graphics · Floor Graphics · Vehicle Graphics *1 4 4 0 DPI fo r p h o to g ra p h ic cla rity 905-847-1956 Corporate & Commercial QUALITY HOTEL & SUITES Built in a park-like setting, overlooking beautiful Bronte Creek, our hotel will provide you with comfortable accommodations and banquet facilities to suit you. ^ OAKVILLE DODGE T O T CHRYSLER LTD. 646-4TH LINE AT SPEERS ROAD OAKVILLE We'll m ake you feel right at home 754 Bronte Rd. Oakville, Ont. (905) 847-6667 TEL. (905) 845-4211 FAX (905) 845-5772 www.oakvilledodge.com Elisabeth H ib b e rt B.Sc., D.Ch. Chiropodist Foot Specialist I.T. Xchange specializes in the sale and distribution of new, end-of-line, discontinued and refurbished computer products. Our focus on name brand products including IBM, Compaq, HP and Toshiba allows us to service a large customer base of wholesalers, value-added retailers and corporate end users. With more than 100 years of Personal Computer industry experience. I.T. Xchange can offer unique insight into the management of your Information Technology assets. Contact us today for more information on our comprehensive offering of products and services. I.T. 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