Oakville Beaver, 27 Jun 2001, Classified, D05

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Wednesday, June 27, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D5 T h e O a k v il l e B e a v e r BONUS!All classified ads appear @ TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905- 845-3824 OR 905- 337-5610 FAX: 905- 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm I till] h o u s e s,o rs a le $17 9,90 0: P rice w ill in crease next week; w ill list with agent if not sold. South B u rlington. 604 Thornwood. 3-bedroom house. Great neighbourhood C/A, hardw ood, large eat-in kitchen. Assumable 6.25% m ortgage P riva te. 905639-7714__________________ l I K l Private Sales O A K V IL L E East. E xe cu tive 4-bedroom, 2.5 baths, familyroom/ den, ceram ics/ hardw ood, la rge pie lot, $348,000. (905)829-1442. .I apartments & flats for rent houses for rent BEDS, New, D ouble, $220; Queen. $240. Com plete w/frame. Futons. Free D e live ry. R efurbished VCRs. 17-25" colour TVs, p ortable CD players. (905)681-9496.____________ B E D - Q ueen, o rth opedic mattress, boxspring. head board, footb o a rd , fram e. New, in p la s tic . Cost $1225. sell $550. W ill deliver. (905)304-5573. C A N O N M u ltip a s s C 755 h ig h s p e e d fa x in g , fa s t p rin ts speeds. C a ll (905)845-7900____________ CA R P ET. I have several 1.000 yards of new Stainm aster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall tor $349. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 y ards). S teve. (905)639_________________ 2902 CA R P ETS , Hundreds of C o lours/ styles. Including "Stainmaster". Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un d erpad / in s ta lla tio n . 905510-0589._________________ CEDAR S p rings H ealth, Racquet and Sportsclub is offering a newly renovated ban quet hall. Full am e n i ties. in-house Chef, friendly staff. Seats 250+. Great for ban quets, conferences, w eddings, etc. Now book ing for 2001/ 2002. Please co n ta ct Meghan G eisler, 905-632-4800, Ext. 230 CO FFEE tab le Prism atique w a te rfa ll sty le , 3/4" glass, brass trim , 4 0 "x5 4 "x1 6 ". $450 obo. 905-844-8483_____________ DEBOER'S 8'x4' wall unit, with rosewood doors, $395; marble coffee & end tables $225. 905-689-1975 DININ G R O O M : 9-pce., solid Cherrywood, 92" dou ble pedestal table. 6 Chip pendale c h a irs , lighted hutch, bu ffe t. New. s till boxed. Cost $12,500, sacri fic e $4,750. (905)3049994.______________________ DINING ROOM Set, Bern hardt, blonde oak, antique b ra s s and m a rb le , u ltra m odern sty e , v e ry large. $1,800. (905)825-5323 EX Q U IS ITE pair Q ueen Anne settee dusty rose w/ taupe, like new, $1500 obo in clude s c offee table . (905)465-3487.____________ F A N TA S TIC S a vings! No GST! Love your furn iture , hate your colours? Sofa & m atching chair from $788. Love seats from $488. C hairs from $199. Senior d iscount. Free estim ates. Fields Q uality Custom Up holstering, 9-9, (9 05)6329090 ______ FP Barbie Jeep, white with pink trim . exe. cond itio n . $150. (905)847-9123 FREE E stim ates... Got w obbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam ? Tired lo oking wood fin is h e s ? ... then call Fields for all furni tu re repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090_____________ FRIDGE stove, washer, d ry e r all w hite, exce lle n t c o n d itio n , $ 8 0 0 /fo r all or w ill sepa rate. (9 0 5 )3 3 1 7833______________________ IKEA "N icholas" com plete wall unit, beachwood, $500 (valu e -$ l3 0 0 ). Microwave, $50. A ir cond itioner, $50. S tereo cabinet, $25. (905)631-6545 _____ A-1 King-bed; E xtra-thick pillow -top O rthopedic m at tress set. Brand new. still in plastic. Cost $1700. Sacrifice, $650. (905)971-3315. K IT C H E N fo r s a le M a hogany stained Oak, 24ft lowers, 4ft uppers, 6ft pan try full height. $3,000 de liv e re d in G .T .A . C a ll (905)844-5545____________ KR U G c o u n try d in in g ta b le and 4 c h a irs , s o lid m ap le , m in t c o n d itio n , $ 6 0 0 .; P ine fra m e fu to n , c o m p le te w ith new b e d d in g . d o u b le . $ 1 0 0 .; A p p lia n c e s : frid g e , s to v e , rin g e r-w a s h e r.; D o w n s iz ing, many more items, all in e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . (905)825-8381____________ M EN'S custom su its & jackets from Tello's in Tor onto. 160-170 lbs. 5'10", 3 4 -3 6 " w a ist. M int c o n d i tion, $60 per suit. 905-6398183______________________ MOVING S ale: indoor BBQ grill, never used $65.; Solid wood TV arm oire w/ glass door, $125.; 3 pc. patio b is tro set. w /glass tab le 1 yr. old $90. (905)331-6242____________ M OVIN G- law nm ow er 3.5 hp, $75.. Dehumidifier 2-1/2 gal capacity $100.; Heavy duty washer/ dryer. $250./ pair obo.; wheel barrel $40. all e x c e lle n t cond itio n . 905-339-3371 alter 6pm M OVING: C om plete drum set, $400.; upright Samick piano, $1300.; workout flat bench, w /20lbs barbell, p la s tic con c re te - fie lld weights, $50.; home-Nautilis c h e s t press, lat- pull down, quad extension set, $350.; hom e e le c tro n ic high-quality treadmill, $400. 3 3 -gallon aquarium , complete $250. (905)3158443______________________ O A K D in in g room fu r n i tu re , e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n , table, hutch, display case. 6 c h a irs . $ 1 ,0 0 0 . C a ll (905)845-- 4982^________ S IN G LE m attress, b o x s p ring . brass head/ fo o t boards, m attress cover, bedskirt, linens, excellent condition, used 7-8 times. $350. 905-332-7949. SO LID oak dining set, $700. S tove. $200. M i crow ave. $25. (9 0 5 )4 6 9 8048______________________ STOVE, GE. white electric, good c o n d itio n . $150. (905)332-8260_____________ STOVE, w hite. Fridgedaire Elite Convection. Ex c e lle n t cond itio n . $300. (905)333-8955, evenings TWIN Bed with mattress & boxsp ring, A d justo-m ag ic massage model, near new con d itio n , $800 obo. (905)849-4014. W OOD, pressure-treated, used, good condition, 2x10 & 2x6, Various lengths, 513'. S u itable fo r decks. (905)631-8719. W ANTED A ll-C h in a , S il ver, C rystal, sew ing m a ch in e s... D oulton, M oorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, cam era/ audio equipm ent, d o lls, paintings, c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477_____________ w V l appliances A M A N A F rid g e & In g lis Stove, good cond ition for sale. Asking $500 for both. C a ll (9 0 5 )8 2 9 -1 7 9 3 or (905)624-1101 Classified .1 Iffl l .,,wOakyillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! Circulation: 905-845-9742 * Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 4 0 0 4 7 0 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 Tallest B uilding in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) KerrI Speers/ QEW Bachelors Irom$729* 1-Bdrmj Irom $829* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 '(2% disc, included) 205 Q ueen M ary Drive. O akville . Near all a m eni ties. 1-bedroom, July, $875/ mo.; 2-bedroom, June/ July/ August, $1050/mo. (+ parking). (905)844-9670 1-BEDRO O M apartm ent, very quiet, close to every thin g in B ronte. Laundry. Parking. No pets. (905) 827-3340 G EO R G IAN A p artm ents. 1.2&3 Bedrooms. July/ Au gust/ Sept. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 905-6390456. M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:308pm B E A U T IF U L 2 bedroom on e n tire upper flo o r of hom e (1 0 0 0 s q .ft.) o v e r looking the garden. Quiet, m ature area in W est O ak ville. Ensuite la undry, c a ble, A/C, parking. No pets/ sm oking. A u g u s t.1st. $1,085. +1/2 hydro. 905845-0161________________ * _ 162 Bedroom a p a rt m e n ts - som e w ith lake vie w s! Laundry on each flo o r. B u rloak/ Lakeshore area. From $875/m o. (905)639-3301_____________ O A K V IL L E PLA C E area. 1-2 bedroom in small bldg. Near all am enities. $825$925/mo. Heat, hot water, parking included. J u ly .1st. 905-847-1138^ DOW NTO W N B u rlington, 163 Bedroom s: J u ly ; 2bedroom s, Aug.; F reshly pain te d , som e w ith new kitchen c a b in e try ! W ell maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping. Hospital, Lake! Call (905)637-0321 B A C H E LO R basem ent a p a rtm e n t, K e rr/S peers, eat-in kitchen , fu ll bath, parkin g & share laundry, $650/mo. (905)845-4027 B R IG H T base m en t suite, eat-in kitchen, 6 applianc es. fireplace, satellite, steps from Lakeside V illage. (905)637-5467.____________ 2-BE D R 00M basem ent, Burlington. A ug.1st. Sepa rate entrance. $845./monthparking, laundry, cable, CA, u tilitie s . N on-sm okers. Work- 905-639-6005 (leave message)__________________ O A K V IL L E large, brigh t, 1-bedroom basement. Non sm oking, no pets. Cable, parking, laundry. $625+. July 1st. 905-337-0092 SOUTH Burlington: 1 large bedroom basem ent apt. Bright, spacious; furniture available. Utilities included. No smoking/ pets. $800/mo. 905-634-3705. 1-BE DRO O M $ 7 9 4 ./m o .$93 1./m o .; + 2-bedroom . Sunken living roo m , eat-in kitchen. Quick QEW access, Guelph Line near New St., Burlington. (905)637-9725 EAST Aldershot triplex for le ase. 2-bedroom $875/ mo.; 3-bedroom $975/mo.; large 3-bedroom $1150/ mo. +hydro, c o n ve niently located. William Black Real E state B roker (9 0 5 )6 3 9 5272; (905)679-3111. LU XURY 1 bedroom apartment in Oakville. Heat, hydro & cable in clude d + access to laundry facilities. Own priva te entrance. Available August 1st. $975/ mo. 827-7386 3020 Glencrest Road. Bur lin g to n . 1&2 bedroom apartments. Available July/ A u gust. From $895/m o. (905)632-0129._____ O A K V IL L E . QEW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $799/ mo.; 2-bedroom from $899/ mo. Well maintained build ing. Nellie. (905)339-2028. FOURTH & Speers, 1bedroom . b rig h t m odern basement bungalow apt. on quiet street. A/C, fireplace, laundry, frid g e /s to v e , p r i vate patio, backyard, non sm oking. 3 c a r parking. $950/m onth inclusive. July 15th/ A u g .1st. 9 0 5 -3 3 9 3492______________________ O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated. Large suites. W alk to Everything. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. (905)845-1777_____________ A 2-bedroom av a ila b le A u g ls t. $945. in clude s heat, hydro & parking. Q uiet build in g on Bronte Road & Lakeshore area. C lose to everything . 905827-6783 ALD ER SH O T, Burlington. Q uiet neighborhoo d, 1bedroom basem ent, c/a, sepa rate entrance, ' nonsmoker, older person 35+, no pets. $700/mo. heat, hy dro. all appliances in clud ed. July 1st. (905)631-6866. DOW NTOW N O akville. 1bdrm loft apartment, $1500. includes u tilities and park ing. N on-sm okers/ pets. A va ila b le July 1st. C all 905-844-8581._____________ FR ESH LY P a inted: 2Bedroom s- Aug. (Single & d ou ble storey) Low -rise building. Garden like set tin g . P riva te la ndscaped patios. 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0015 ; 1460 T yandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0016 (Burlington) I furnished rentals O A K V IL L E T h re e Bed room home. 4 appliances. Fireplace side split excel lent throughout $1100 per m o n th p lu s u tilitie s (905)845-5951____________ G L E N A b b e y : 3+1 b e d room. double car garage, 21/2 b a th , fin is h e d b a s e ment. $ 1800/month. O r for sale (905)825-9917. M AIN F loor renovated 3bedroom bungalow. Guelph L ine/ U pper M iddle. S uit mature non-smoking couple. $1200/mo. utilities included. July. (905)822-2065. TH REE bdrm . C /A, C/V, a p p lia nces in clude d, F in ished basem ent, beautiful pie shaped lo t. $1,800/ month, Burlington, July. 1st. call Jerry Rom ano 905333-3500__________________ O A K V IL L E E x e c u tiv e Lakeshore & B urloak. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, main floor familyroom. laundry. 5 app lia nces. Im m ediate. $2400/mo. (905)825-2547 O AKVILLE. A detached 3bedroom . C lean, brigh t. Appliances, c/air, garage, la rge yard, Aug. 1st. $1350+/mo. (905)279-5614. N/E B u rlin g to n 3-bedroom s, 2 baths, garage, fenced yard. July 1st. Kathy C hiu, S ales R e pre senta tive, Sutton Group Results Realty, 905-332-4111 B R O N TE. 2-bdrm bun ga low. bea u tifu l Seneca Dr. Huge yard, ce n tra l air, steps to lake. $1900./mo+. 905-847-9130_____________ LA R G E 3-bedroom , w ith frid g e , stove dishw ash er, fenced yard. Brant/Plains Rd. area. $1500/m o plus utilities. 905-332-3542 HOMES to rent w/option to buy. or c reative financing availab le to fa c ilita te p u r chase of home with little or nothing dow n! E-m ail Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, R e altor. c reative opts@quickclic.net C ourt H o m eT o CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect S t · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS IMPORTANT LIQUIDATION AUCTION NOTICE ESTATES * LIQUIDATIONS * CONSIGNMENTS * * ART * DVD * STEREOS * PHONES * * DIAMOND JEWELLKY * LAMPS * COINS * * SPORTS MEMORABILIA * COLLECTIBLES * * LIMOGES * ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS * FRENCH * * CARVED MAHOGANY & OAK FURNITURE * OVER 500 ITEMS TO BE OFFERED Catalogue Sale - Will be sold in details lots by: OFFICE ADMIN. DIPLOMA ·Computerized ·Placement Assistance PUBLIC AUCTION I SATURDAY, JUNE 30 AT 7:PM (PREVIEW 6:PM) I ST. VOLODYMER CULTURAL CENTRE 1280 DUNDAS ST. WEST, OAKVILLE CiOID & DIAMOND IEWE1.I.F.RY: Fine selection o f ladies & gents 10-I4kt gold diam ond solitaire and genuine stone rings. Earrings, bracelets. Givenchy designer watches, pearls, pendants, estate I jewellery items, bangles. Diamond studs, Tennis bracelet, I baguette desinger rings, Gold & Silver Coins, etc. shared accommodation O A K V IL L E - S ingle, p ro fe s s io n a l, m ature fem ale preferred to share 2 bed room , $ 42 5./m onth +1/2 utilities. July. 1st. 905-5103223 LIT T LE Leaders P ro fe s sio nal Home Daycare provides a healthy, happy, environm ent fo r your child at a location convenient for you. 905-827-5612________ LO VIN G , c a ring daycare from one who loves ch ild ren. N on-sm oker. R e fe r ences. Reasonable rates. Fun ou tin g s , w alks, w ellbalanced meals. All ages. Palm er area. (9 0 5 )3 3 5 4171. O A K V IL L E 2511 Lakeshore Rd. W est 1 bedroom condo @ Bronte H arbour C lub. $159,000. Call (905)847-4445 WE spec ia lize in C o ndo m inium S ales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd.. R e altor, (905) 333-4347 HUGE R enovation Piano Sale, pay NO GST/PST un til J u ly 31st. Everything m ust go! 200+ pianos in stock. (905)631-9259 Halton Business Institute 905-637-3415 SPEERS/ Third. 1200sq.ft. Best in d u s tria l condo investm ent in O akville . Condo fee o nly $72/m o. O verhead door, skylig h t. Sandy: 1-705-684-8258 or ssbl@i*iet com.ca I industrial /commercial space COUNTRY retreat on Lake Consecon, Prince Edward C o unty. 3 bed roo m s, s o larium , patio , deck. W on derful fishing, 1 1/2 hours e a s t o f T o ro n to . P h o to s a v a ila b le , $ 8 5 0 /w e e k . C a ll(9 0 5 )8 4 2 -4 1 70 or (905)634-5268 S H E LL Y ' S Dog H o te lNo cages, nicet backyard to play in, walks & day sitting also. R e asonable rates. (905)331-7249_____________ FREE Guinea pig to good home includes large cage, shavings, and food. Owner m o vin g . C a ll (9 0 5 ) 8 4 4 5545 E r i T l l cars for sale 199 4 P O N T IA C S u n b ird LE. 1 4 7 ,0 0 0 K lm s. W ell maintained, excellent con dition. lady driven $6,000/ obo. C all (905)465-0551 Cert.______________________ 199 2 M E R C U R Y T o p a z GS, 4-dr, auto, w/ps, a/c. excellent condition. $2500. cert.. $2000. as is/best offer. (905)842-6612_________ 1995 Intrepid. 3.3L, 205K, E-tested, certified, original owner, green, good condi tio n . $ 4 ,900/ obo. 905827-3636 1990 Ford Taurus wagonair, power windows. As is, $800/obo. (905)335-1462 2001 Ford F o c u s - take o ver lease. $314/m o. 6500km, air. auto., cd player. (905)637-1254 J A G U A R , 1987 Vandem Plas. 69.000 kms. Only 1 ow ner. Com es equipped with 4 winter and 4 summer tires. Includes complete set of auth e n tic w ire w heels and ce ll phone set-up. Best offer! By appointment only. 905-469-8550________ 1995 FORD W ind star GL Anniversary Edition, white, excellent condition, 93,000 km s., new tra n sm issio n / tire s. $10,900. (9 0 5 )8 2 5 3894. ^ ___________ 1993 B onneville SSE, ex cellent condition, fully load ed. orig. owners, certified, E -tested . A sking $6800. obo. 905-639-1100 1997 T oyo ta T e rce l- One owner. 2 door, automatic. 90K. C ertified. E-tested. E xce lle nt cond ition. $10,900. 905-336-2801__ 1997 TOYOTA Tercel CEgreen/ beige in te rio r, 4door, 5-speed, air. 45.000 km s., w e ll-m a in ta in e d , $9,900. Call (905)631-1793. 1992 Plymouth Acclaim V6 auto., fully loaded, wellm aintained. cle an car. $3,200. Call 905-825-0790. 1975 Fiat S p id e r- $1000/ as is. R unning con d itio n . (905)336-3639 1997 P ontiac G rand AM SE. 2-dr, V6. a/c, 70.000 kms, w ell m aintained. $11,000. firm . (9 0 5 )8 2 9 5241______________________ 1988 Cam ry, pw, pi, a/c, pm, am/fm cd, remote start er, blue, 250K, $2000. 905847-2195_________________ 1990 Pontiac Tem pest LE auto., 3.1L, V6 1-owner, certified, drive-clean, 279K.. $2,000. (905)331-0302. 1993 Plymouth Sundance146,000km . one ow ner, auto, p/s, p/b. 4-door, very cle an, runs excellen t. Safety. E-tested. Certified $3.500.OBO. Shelley 905336-2481 1998 CA VA LIE R Z24 loaded, sunroof, CD. b al ance of w arranty. G etting com pany car- m ust sell. $ 11 ,900 obo. (9 0 5 )3 3 2 7812.______________________ 1993 M azda 626 ES. 155K excellent condition, certified. 905-829-9553 CAR for Sale Special. Ad vertise your car for sale in The B u rlington Post and The Oakville Beaver for as little as $30.+ gst. for 3 con secutive issues (W ed-FriSun). C all 905-632-4440. Special ends July 13, 2001 1998 Intrepid ES, cham pagne, pearl metalic, camel interior. 74K, 1 owner, fully lo aded, ce rtifie d , perfect c o n d itio n . $15,900. 905842-8340 UNIQUE COLLECTIBLES: I Tiffany glass lamps, glassware, porcelain, limoges. Royal I I Dux, collector plates, wildlife sculptures, bronze statuary, | j figural w ater fountains, Royal Staffordshire, floor lamps, | clocks, decor accent items, floor vases, M urano Clowns, | tapestries. Die Cast collection, Frederick Remingston Western bronzes, cast iron banks, unique items, etc. HOy§EHQLD.& OFFICE FURNITURE;. | Consoles, m irrors, tea cabinets, valet stands, lowboy cab, | hall tables, salon chairs, occasional tables, dining table & chairs, china cabinets, c o m e r chairs, entertainm ent stands. Oak dining table & chairs, vanity & stool, tables, I French com m odes, desks, consoles tables w / hand inlay | and marqetry. Pine furniture, table & chairs, trunks, dressers, tables, accent items, selection o f iron accents, quilt stands, ferns tables, etc. FOR rent 3,000 sq. ft. office space, separate entrance. P ric e n e g o tia b le . C a ll (905)827-2332____________ OFFICE Space A vailable. QEW / T rafalga r Rd. area. 420sq.ft. to 1615 sq.ft. Rea sona ble R ates. T ra fa lg a r (Oakville) Realty Inc., 905338-1130 C E N TR A L O a kville lo c a tion. Shared office, ground level, 24-hour access. Full wall window. Parking. Ann 905-616-6400 1999 P alom ino hard-to p trailer, sleeps eight. Fridge, table s, stove, sink, extra screened room, (905)6341956 _________________ POP-UP tent trailer, basic, sleeps 6, good c ond ition, $750 obo. Call (905)6394511. EIG H TH / U pper M iddle. B a b y s itte r needed M on., Tues., W ed. 9am -6pm . 2 children. 6 & 4. (905)8449341._____________________ HO M EM AKER fo r two school aged boys. Light housekeeping, cooking, laundry. M onday -Friday 7am-9am & 3:30pm-6:30p,. O a k v ille , Ford D rive and U pper M iddle, Joshua Creek area. 905-681-6796. M ATURE person needed fo r o c casional daytim e childcare for charming 6-yr. old boy in our home. Ste w a rt/ Q ueen M ary area. Must like pets. Non-smoker. (905)339-3578.____________ RESPONSIBLE highschool student required to babysit 4yr. old girl. Flexible hours: day/ e ven ing/ occasional Satur-days. In our Aldershot (P la in s / G orton/ F airfie ld School area) home. $5/hr. Please call (905)526-8633. WE are lo oking for som eone to com e to our W estoak T ra ils hom e to rovide an e ne rge tic, ealthy & challenging envi ronm ent for our two c hild ren (3 & 1-12 years). Ex perie nce & refe ren ces a m ust! C all 905 -84 7-01 77 (evenings only) or e-m a il mhignett@netcom.ca C.Y.W . and H om em akers required full/part-tim e (d if fere nt sh ifts ) at new and e xisting ado le sce n t re s i dential programs in Halton & Peel Regions. E xp eri ence in residential setting an asset. (C .Y .W .'s re quire Post secondary edu cation in Child Care or re lated fie ld ). Fax resum es 905-469-6127 LIMITED EDITION ART & GENERAL ITEMS: I Limited edition art o f The Group of Seven. M aster Artists | on Canvas. Rare A.J. Casson Collection o f L.E. prints, | Casson Casson Vol. II, Serigraphs, Ontarios, etc. Stereos. | TV's, B ell,* Tech. Maestro, sprint, Bell South, cordless phones. CD & DVD players, hom e theatre systems, fram ed sports mem orabilia, jerseys, collectibles, Coca Cola Memorabilia, and m ore. * NO BUYERS FEES OR PREMIUMS * * SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE * Terms: Cash, Visa, Me, Amex, as p er posted & announced, additions & deletions apply. Information: | call 4 16-298-1762 wwTv.proauction.com for mailing list. | Registration with pro p e r identification requirec GENERAL Labourer- able to lift 40lbs. Shift work. $97 hr start im m ediately. Drop off 2182 W yecroft Road, O akville or fax 905-8470522 AZ/DZ DRIVER required m ust be fa m ilia r w ith all citie s fo r deliveries (403/D undas area based) M on-Fri. Pay w eekly 1999 LUND Pro S port 1900 com ple te w /H onda 130 motor, E Z load trailer, $17,800. (905)849-0162. 16' S ta rc ra ft fib re g la s s boat, 140hp OMC in /o u t board with trailer. $4000. Call 905-632-0068. C O M FO R T cruises out of O a k v ille H a rb o u r. R e a s o n a b le ra te s . C a ll Rob (416) 822-2559____________ V f J C f t l travel SINGLES Travel to P ortu gal July 14-27! 4-S tar shared or single accommo dation. $500. Off! 17 meals & 11 excursions included. 2 tickets. (905)827-5912. I LIMITED SEATING EARLY REGISTRATION AT 6:PM I ENTREPRENEUR'S dream. Prelaunch multi-billion dollar banking industry opportunity. Make $$ now and future on powerful one card solution. _________ 905-332-1715 CASH M o n e y - assem ble products from home, 24/hr recorded m essage. (905)521-5121_____________ WORK from home. Health Industry. $1400 part-tim e; $5,000. fu lltim e . T rain ing provided. 416-631-5441 CALEDONIA New restaur ant/ cafe. F ully equipped, prim e dow ntow n location. Seats 50. Just waiting to be opened. $50,000 firm. Long lease availab le. C all 519756-5099 Call Dave (416)201-1718 FAMILY Golf, O akville requires C ashiers im m e diately. Reliable, outgoing, friendly individuals to han dle busy front cash register, answ er phones, and han dle custom er in quirie s. Ideal for u n ive rsity s tu d ents. C all Pat (905)8426120; Fax: (905)842-6122. LA R G E 3-bdrm . A u g .1st. From $11 59./m o. (+ u tili ties). 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr. Burlington. (905)-6 810070______________________ BU R LIN G TO N : 3-bedroom , 2 m in. w alk from lake, close to alt amenities. S uit m ature coup le. July 15. $1000/mo. (519)-853-- 3644 O A K V IL L E - 2&3 B e d room townhouses available Aug. 1st. 4 appliances. Ho ped ale M all area. Lake shore M anagem ent. 905-876-3336___ RIVER O aks-3 bedroom s. 5 appliances, garage. C/A., $1185. + utilities. August 1st. Call Sandy 905-3387482 GLEN Abbey, 3-bedrooms, 3-levels, fireplace, garage, backya rd, 2-1/2 baths. 5 appliances. After Aug. 15th. $1500/mo. 416-682-9028 BU R LIN G TO N la rge 2bedroom , 2030 B luefield Dr., fridge, stove, laundry, parking. $835/mo. +hydro. August 1St. 905-315-9821. GLEN Abbey. Beautiful 3bedroom , m ain bath, 2 powder rooms, master with full ensuite, finished base ment. A/C. garage. Aug. 1st. $1600 /m o.+ u tilitie s . 905844-5421__________________ B E A U T IF U L "New" B u r lington condo tow nhom e. b rig h t, open concept 3bedroom , 2-1/2 bath, g a rage, fenced yard w/patio, 5 appliances, window cover ings. Near park, lake, s choo ls, shop ping, GO. bus- core area. A u g .1st. $1300/m o.+ utilities. First/ last. References. No smok in g/ pets. Page P a tric ia : 905-312-9991 K /obey/ « Q » M ANAGER M A IN T E N A N C E Reporting directly to the Director, Engineering, Purchasing and Mainte nance you will manage the day to day maintenance and preventive maintenance programs for both store buildings and equipment. You will provide strategic planning of the de partment's long term objectives and functions, operate cost effective maintenance programs. You will be responsible for facilities management of the Ontario offices and assist in the development and updating of a Maintenance Tracking and Reporting Software Package. In addition, you will ensure compliance with Health & Safety and the Ministry of Labour procedures. You have a diploma/degree in Archi tecture or Engineering, coupled with solid technical maintenance and re frigeration knowledge and experi ence in a grocery environment. Knowledge of facilities management would be an asset. You are self-moti vated and capable of simultaneously handling multiple projects in a fast paced environment with aggressive deadlines. You have sound human relation skills and the ability to relate to all levels of personnel and man agement. A competitive salary and benefits package is available to the successful candidate. If you would like to be considered as part of the Engineering department, please send your resume in confidence to: Human Resources Department 6355 Viscount Road, Mississauga. Ontario L4V 1W2 FAX: (905)671-5158 Email: Tammy_dacosta@sobeys.net We thank all applicants in advance fo r their interest, however, only those selected fo r an interview will be contacted. VHtVl lo s t& f o u n d FOUND: black & white cat in Appleby/ Mainway area. We call Cookie. Pleae call 905-637-7325_____________ FO UN D: Black k itchen in Palmer area, we call Paul. (905)637-7325_____________ FO UN D; C a lico cat, G uelph Line/ M ainw ay area. We call "S ylvia". Phone (905)637-7325. FO UN D: la dies w atch. M aple Avenue P ark on June 24th. Call to identify (905)631-6972_____________ FO UN D: long haired cat. G uelph Line & Prospect area. C all to describe,(905)631-9872 LOST: 2-year old neutered male cat, white/ dark brown/ black tabby, w h ite tippe d tail w/kink. Brant/ Baldwin area. (905)639-6767. LO ST: G rey v in y l cargo cover, M illc ro ft area near Upper M iddle (9 0 5 )3 3 2 9753_______________ LO S T: m an's w edding ring, two-toned gold. S ky way Arena, Burlington, June21, evening. Reward. Call Steve. (905)681-7349. personals MEET Burlington S inglesl Try us absolutely free! Ent er code 4094. H am ilton (905)-319-3111.____________ SINGLES Travel to Portu gal J u ly 14-271 4-S tar shared or single accommo dation. $500. Off! 17 meals & 11 excursions included. 2 tickets. (905)827-5912. babysitting SEEKING E xp erienced a p p lic a n t to help w ith 2 p reschoo lers, two a fte r noons per week and occa s io nal even ings, $10/hr., must like pets, non-smoker, m ust have references. Please call (905)469-4994 SU M M ER TIM E e x p e ri enced care a v a ila b le . All ages w elcom e. F irst Aid. CPR. S.E. Burlington. Re ceipts. References. (905) 639-2183._________________ Y .M .C .A . B a b y s ittin g course achieved, student w ith b ro n z e m e d a llio n . M a ple G rove a re a (as I bike). Call (905)845-9639 W eekend Janitor Part-time required for Beechwood Place retirement residence in Mississauga. Exp. in building maintenance with knowledge of HVAC, drywall, plumbing, electrical & carpentry. Trade certificate & 5 yrs' exp. required. Fax resume to: Claudette Clouiter (905) 238-4926 R1 »r m mtjCiOm m m i C 11a MONEY P roblem s? G a r nishees? Too m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 I flats for rent BU R LIN G TO N , 2006 Churchill Ave., Brant/ QEW area. 2-bedrooms. July 1st. $725/mo. Parking included. _________ 905-681-7640 W A LK to dow ntow n O ak ville'. Renovated 2-bdrm . $835/mo. +hydro, July 1st. Sm all bu ild in g . Laundry. Parking. Security. 905-8255539.______________________ OLD O A K V IL L E . B e a u ti fu lly m aintained, very clean, quiet building down town. Step out to shops. Top flo o r 2-bedroom , $ 1350/m o.; 1-bedroom , $ 98 5./m o .; 2-bedroom + den. $1485./mo. (905)8458254 (leave message) HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., close to lake & Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom avail able August. $97 5./m o. + parking. (905)825-0816 W ATER DO W N: John St. W alk to E ve rythin g. New Appliances. New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1.2&3 Bdrm. U til. Incl. from $745./m o. (905)690-4454_____________ SP AC IO U S 1.2&3 B ed room s. F reshly painted, brig h t. C o m p e titive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo ca tio n . 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 . Noon-8pm DOW NTOW N O akville, 1bedroom, A/C. $825/mo.+ u tilitie s . A va ila ble August 1st. Call Forbes 416-4203952 __________________ B R AN T/ UPPER M iddle, Burlington. 2-bedroom , 2s tore y, very cle an, 1 1/2 baths. A/C. Im m ediate / September. 905-331 -0890. AIR C o nditio ner, w indow style, 8,000 BTU, $75 obo. Call. (905)335-2428.________ DISH W ASH ER , portable , Kenmore, white, good con d itio n , $100. C all (905)335-2428. `__________ FEED Trough- 1 commerical rubberm aid 150 gallon feed trou gh. Like new. $75. OBO. 905-632-2396 FISH tank, 20 gallon, with stand. 2 fish, e verything included. $75. (905)827-8768 FREE sofa bed. blue and w h ite stripe, you remove. (905)319-1220____________ PA TIO set. 4 chairs, & table , w h ite p la s tic with cushions. $100. 905-6345191______________________ TV, 20" colour G oldstar, good condition, $100. 905632-7208_________________ YORK Mega Max 3001 Gym system- 2 years old. New cond itio n . $475. C all Michael 905-332-8482 LIFESTYLE 1 et n DRIVERS Needed for Na tio n a l P o st N e w sp a p e r (O a k v ille ). $ 1 .0 0 0 /p e r month cash between 3:00 6 a.m. Delivering samples. Elastics and bags supplied, no collections. M onday to S a tu rd a y . C a r re q u ire d . Call (416)896-6032 Mehmet $8-$12/H O U R . P/T now F/T Summer. Students over 15 to take orders & deliver household products. C all 905-847-3548_____________ LOOKING for a person to assist w ith a landscape com pany in Lakeshore area of O akville. E xp e ri ence an asset but not neccesary. Call between 6pm9pm or leave m essage (905)-8 19-8933, ask for Mark. CUSTOM ER S ervice Representative- Part-timerequired for M apleview Shopping Centre. M ature person, m ust be available days and weekends. Pick up Application's from Cus tomer Service... 900 Maple Ave., Burlington. No phone calls please!!! D ISH W ASH ER / C leaner for children's centre in Bur lington, Noon-3p.m., yearround. Cooking s k ills an asset- Call (905)332-3971 EXPERIENCED Floral Designer needed at Apple by Family Florist. Tel: 9056 3 2 -6 3 0 9 or fax resum e: 905-632-6222_____________ TEACH English in Korea. M ust have university d e gree. Housing & m edical provided. Competitive sal ary + bonuses. 9 0 5 -6 3 4 1297_____________________ VETER IN AR Y Hospital in O a kville seeks a warm , friendly Receptionist. Parttim e hours, days and /or evenings. Also seeking part tim e experienced pet groomer. Please call Tere sa or Dr. Gold, 9 0 5 -3 3 8 6257._____________________ LA N D S C A PE C o n stru c tion firm (Oakville base lo ca tio n ) requires e x p e ri enced landscaped person nel. C a ll: (905)849-5555 ; Fax resume. (905)^49-5565 AS SISTA N T S u p e rin tendent for Burlington highrise apartment. Must be ex perienced in m aintenance and cleaning, understand la n d lo rd / tenant m atters and have good rapport with tenants. Salary + a p a rt m ent. Reply: Box 1830, 2321 Fairview, Burlington, ON L7R 2E3_______________ R E T A IL P e rs o n - Chocola te rie Bernard C allebaut p a rt-tim e , fle x ib le hours, mature. Drop resume: 194 Lakeshore Rd. East. Oakville. Call (905)339-2100 PERSON required to look after estate in the Kilbride C e dar-S prings area. Ex ce lle n t jo b fo r retire e. Please call Mrs. Koppe 1800-611-4433 during day. or 905-366-4025 evenings. 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Call 639-9212 B L U E F IE L D S . B u rlin g ton. 2 Bedroom townhouse. hardw ood, fenced yard, laundry. No dogs. $900/mo. Also sm all B a chelo r apt., $59 0./m o. Aug. 1st (905)336-7207.____________ FIRST 12 Days Freel North Burlington, central to all amentities. 3-bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, parking. $ 1 1 5 0 /m o .+ u itlitie s . C all Jay Nelligan, Assoc. Brok er, Re/Max Escarpment Re alty Inc.. Rltr, 905-639-5258 3 bedroom tow nhouse for rent, Brant & Upper Middle Rd. $1200/mo plus utilities. Please call (416)727-3165 LIVE IN nanny wanted for newborn and toddler, need ed fo r J a n . 200 2. R e fe r ences a m ust. C a ll (905)330-9930____________ FU LL or part tim e nanny/ caregiver required for twin 4-1/2 year old girls. Millcroft area. Own car necessary, schoo l tra n s p o rta tio n re quired. Competitive remu neration. 905-335-1051 FULL-TIME Live-out Nanny, needed. 2 c h ild re n , our hom e, M on-Fri, S tarting S eptem ber. D rivers L i cense. Oakville. 905-8440666. ____ H O U S EK EEP ER / Nanny for two school aged c h ild ren. Full-time, Monday-Friday. O akville, Ford Drive and Upper Middle, Joshua Creek area. 905-681-6796 LIV E -IN N anny/ H ouse keeper fo r 2 children, e x perienced, fle x ib le hours, must speak English and have excellent references. Leg ally in Canada only. Oakville. Call 905-469-0552 NANNY available for liveout po s itio n . CPR, First A id, 3-yrs expe rience, all ages. Call 905-628-8495. FU LL-T IM E liv e -in / out Nanny fo r 2 c h ild re n in O akville. Some evenings, overn ig h ts & w eekends. (416)994-2012. 68" w h ite Am ana fridge, freezer on bottom, like new $800. 905-257-6293 AIR C onditioners, window type. Fedders 5.000 BTU & Danby 6,000 BTU. $150/ea. or $25 0/bo th. 9 0 5 -3 1 5 7828. after 6_______________ AN TIQ U E 5-PC E. settee, circa 1885. Excellent con ditio n . G old brocade/ m a hogany fram e w /carved ja g u a r heads. O ne-of-akindi (905)332-5278. ANTIQUE diningroom set, 9-piece, cherry, good origi nal condition, must sell im m edia tely, asking $2500. C all for a p p ointm ent to view, (905)335-0369________ AN TIQ U E dresser, w/m irror, Empire style m ahoga ny, $400. obo. Antique sol id oak com m ode. $200. obo. 905-825-3800_________ AN TIQ U E H oosier, upper glass doors, tin draw ers. Light wood. $975. Call Linda 905-849-4042__________ FRIDGES + Side-by-sides w/ water/ ice; Stoves- (Saran tops, Gas, Electric); Wash ers/ Dryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 905-549-1911 ________ A Q U A R IU M S : used. 25 gal. $20. each. The Aquarim Place. 678 Guelph Line, south of Fairview St. AW N IN G , re c tra c ta b le , electric, 18'x12' light gray w/green/ burgundy stripes. 2-yrs. old, $1200 +installation. (905)469-0023.________ BED, King X -thick pillow top orthopedic mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1700. Sell $650. 416-726-9885 BED- Orthopedic mattress, boxsp ring, head/ foot board. New- still packaged. Cost $1275. Sacrifice $550. 416-521-9635______________ BEDROOM suite, 8-pce., so lid C herryw ood. all Dovetail/ metal glide draw ers. sleigh bed w/rails, tri ple dresser, m irro r, large chest, nightstands. Never used, s till boxed. Cost $8,499, s a c rific e $3,999. 905-971-1777. fc & a & a U PG R AD ED 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts w ith s ce n ic view s ava ila b le at two prim e downtown Burlington loca tio n s . B e autifu l grounds. New elevators. 478 Pearl S treet, (905)632-1643 ; 477 E lizab eth Street. (905)634-9374_____________ I trucks for sale 1992 Isuzu Trooper, mint con d itio n . New in 2001: battery, alternator, starter, brakes, rotors, exhaust sys tem . Passed e -te st June 2001. Great on gas, under coated yearly 275K (mostly highway) $9000. 905-3158674______________________ 1991 FORD F150 auto., air, CD, 105,000kms., must see! Like new. em issiontested, certified. $6495 obo. (905)630-1014. xoxox BU R LIN G TO N DOW N TOWN: 505 Locust Street: S pacious 2&3 Bedroom s from $1049/mo. All suites A/ C! (905)333-9008___________ B U R L IN G T O N .3 -b e d room large, a ttra c tiv e apa rtm e nts ava ila b le im m edia tely/ July 1st. H eat/ hydro in clude d. $870/m o. No pets. 905-632-0961 2-B E D R O O M S : $81 0./ mo. (U tilitie s in clude d). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice Open 9-4pm , Mon-Sat. (905)639-5761 B U R LIN G TO N . 2 -b e d room main floor apartment in sm all bu ild in g . C/A. A v a ila b le im m edia tely. $875/mo. 905-336-7742 O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2-bedroom apa rtm e nts available July & Aug. from $84 5/m o.$1050/m o. (905)844-9006_____________ 1-BEDRO O M S u ite. S p a cious. clean. Friendly com munity. Underground park ing. Large indoor pool. Bur lington Tow ers, 9 0 5 -6 3 9 8583______________________ AP AR TM E N TS a vailab le from $875/mo. Indoor pool. QEW / T ra fa lg a r area. (905)844-1106 BU R LIN G TO N furn ish e d room , q u ie t hom e, d ow n tow n, m ale, priv a te e n trance, cable, shared rec. room , vacant, $400/m o. (905)632-1333._____________ FU RN ISH ED b ed sitting room, walk-in closet, sepa rate bath/ kitchen/ laundry, parking, im m ediate. $550/ mo. inclusive. W est O ak ville. (905)842-8958. TE C H N IC A L S A LES R E P R E S E N TA TIV E A growing, aggressive Oakville branch office is seek ing a Strong technical person with sales experience to service the Traffic Control and Parking Equipment sectors. Computer/electrical literacy, hands-on me chanical, Independent worker and sales experience (preferable with government agencies) are key qual ifications, Travel in Ontario required. Must have own vehicle. Training provided We offer a challenging environment, competitive salary and benefits. Fax/mail your resume to: Ron W hitelock, Electrom ega Ltd., 760 Pacific R d., Unit 2 0 , O akville, Ontario L8L 6 M 5 Fax: (90 5) 84 7 -6 7 8 9 No phone calls please. LUXURY "New" 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR. 6 app lia nces, stere o. 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Pets okay. D aily, W eekly, M onthly. $1295-2995/ month. Visa, M asterCard, Am ericanEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M O A K V IL L E /G le n A b b e y, prof. seeks same for Irg. 3 b drm T .H ., p riv a te bth, prkg. office. Non-smoker. $ 7 7 5 a ll in c lu s iv e ,a v a il. A u g. 1. (9 0 5 ) 8 2 7 -8 2 2 3 , pjacob@interlog.com D O R V A L/ Rebeccashare 2 bedroom apartment with male occupant. $400/ mo, A v a ila b le July 1st. (905)337-9413. O A K V IL L E : 1-2 bdrm s, new house, furnished/ un furnished, separate ameni ties. $55 0-6 50./mo. in c lu sive. S u itable for working p ro fe s s io n a l, fem a le preferred. (905)825-3944 SOUTH Burlington, excel le nt lo cation. Non-sm oker to share townhouse. Park ing. Use of all fa c ilitie s . $425/m o. A u g .1st. 905634-4142 m shared accommodation C H ILD C A R E a v a ila b le in North O a k v ille fo r 3-yrs plus, sm oke-free, no pets, receip ts. P lease call (905)338-6226_____________ E.C.E., daycare my home, d a ily a c tiv itie s , n u tritio u s meals, near Clarkson GO/ Q EW / W inston C h u rc h ill. (905)822-4008.____________ ECE has part tim e c h ild care spaces a v ailab le. Safe, fun, educational. Ex c e lle n t refe ren ces. B ur lo ak/ Lakeshore 905-6812530.______________________ EX PER IENC ED b a b y s it ter, now mother of 17-mos. baby girl offering daycare, my Oakville home. Lots of fun, healthy food. Ages 2 1/ 2+ (905)339-2461. 1991 G rand C a ra v a n leather interior, dual temp, controls, emission certified, 200 ,000km , $1500. (905)469-0566____________ 1988 Dodge Ram 250 camper van. Auto, ps. pb, cruise, 5 new tires. $4500. 905-330-6543._____________ 199 8 FO R D E x p lo re r E d d ie B a u e r. Red w ith b eige trim . Beige le ath er interior Fully loaded. New tires, new brakes. 138.000 km. Asking $19,500. Call (905)333-9171 a fte r 6pm (or leave message) AAAAA ^ con d om in iu m s for rent motorcycles 198 2 G O L D W IN G In te r state 69,000km, great con d itio n , re p a in te d and re c h ro m e d o n e y e a r ago. $ 4 ,4 0 0 w ith ste re o or $ 3 ,9 0 0 w ith o u t. C a ll (905)825-5323 S E R V IC E A D V IS E R Fu ll tim e p o s itio n in b u s y d e a le rs h ip . R e y n o ld s o r A D P e x p e rie n c e is p re fe rre d . G o o d w a g e p a c k a g e a n d h e a lth plan . C o n ta c t S e rv ic e M a n a g e r BR O N TE: 2-bedroom + den now available. $1175/ mo. utilities included. No pets. Credit check. Refer ences required. 9 0 5 -8 2 7 1232. (905 -) 878-8877

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