Wednesday, July 18, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Com e e n jo y O a k v ille 's lard.'sa le s e v e n t o f the y e a rf · SKIIX VY · JU LY 20 th · r*N VJj f lo M ID M G H T ! Preview the bargains in this special feature presented by th downtown businesses inside! C O A X M A D N E S S ! Friday, July 20 th, 9 am- M idnight. Sp rin g C lo th C o ats W inter C lo th C o ats Sheepskins Leathers · Furs Best prices of the year FINE OUTERWEAR SINCE 1815 GREAT SELECTION Don't miss this sales event! 209 Lakeshore Road East, Downtown Oakville (1st lights west of Trafalgar) (905) 845-2031 m exican h a n d -p a in te d ceram ic d iih e s , bow ls, vases & m ore m exican p e w te r p ro d u c ts 1 v -- * -- » > carved w o o d ta b le s & chairs " '~ v. All Spring & Summer Merchandise e x c lu d e s B lu e W illi's m exican a n trq u e fu rn itu re hand-rn,ade iron c h a n d e lie rs ^ * J E 0 -j candle holders' Some Merchandise 70%O FF E lfie 's Fine Ladies Wear Reynolds St. at k Lakeshore Rd. E., \ Downtown Oakville | 844-2510 H Ug. -m uch m ore to see % c h o o se 1/2 Price Sum m er Sale Continues Alterations extra. W Open D aily 9:30 - 6: Thurs til 9: Fri. till M idnight: Sun 1 2 - 4 Road East, Oakville 109 Thomas Street 844*1 388 Digital Camera Specials JVC GC QX3 3.3 Megapixel 2.5-1 Zoom Lens............................................ NOV $1,099.00 $79900 Madness Priced.................................... N ikon C o o lp ix 7 0 0 2.11 Megapixel.................................................NOV $899.00 Madness Priced ................... These prices in effect only on Friday, July 2 0 lh · 6 p.m. · M idnight No other deals applicable. Limited quantities of each model Trust McCutcheon' s foto source for all your photo needs The Foot Shoppe rite impressions 222 lakeshore rd. e. - the last word in cards 226 Lakeshore Rd. E., Downtown Oakville 905-844-6991 8 4 2 -9 4 0 0 OAKVILLE 3 3 7 Lakeshore Rd. E. 9 0 5 8 4 4 -F O O T (3 6 6 8 )