Wednesday July 11, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B1 BASIC Lawnmower Service CURRENT POWER MACHINERY INC. 1661 Lakeshore Rd. W. Mississauga S3SK5"1 1822-4211 OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR OF THE OAKVWJE WATERFRONT FESTIVAL Focus FOURTH LINE AUTO Jo a k v d le y y e ittv c H GOODYEAR For All Your Car's Needs Drive Clean Emission Testing Governm ent Safety Inspection Tune-Ups · Brakes · Exhaust · C ooling Systems C AA A pproved Shop Wot&rfront b * 559 Speets Road (9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 -3 0 0 1 Oakville Beaver Focus Editor: WILMA BLOKHUIS 845-3824 Ext: 250; Fax: 337-5567; Email: Students Brenda VVestcott and Michael Bromilow work on their paddling techniques during a recent lesson given by Huron Kayak in Bronte. Photo by Ron Kuzyk Kayaking in Bronte By Wilma Blokhuis BEAVER FOCUS EDITOR lide yourself into a sleek * kayak, and forget about life for a while. You paddle i alm ost effortlessly along the ^-i f water, and view wildlife from a w hole new perspective along the w ater's edge. Instead o f looking dow n on nesting geese, you see the goslings alm ost eye to eye as you silently glide along. A light mist rises from the w ater's surface as the late afternoon sun sets behind the trees lining the river. Little white fluffs o f seeds from dandelions and m ilkweed float on top o f the water. A turtle splashes into the water. Frogs croak and birds chirp. It's hard to believe yo u 're paddling upstream in Bronte Creek between the Lakeshore Road bridge and the new one under construction on Rebecca Street. The w ater is calm, with a light sum m er breeze. You forget this is a kayak lesson. This is the second spring Huron Kayak & Natural Fitness has offered kayak lessons in Bronte. The instruc tors are kayaking enthusiasts Wendy Peters and Darryl Billy, a high school horticultural teacher and firefighter respectively, who after years o f canoe ing switched to kayaking and haven't looked back. Peters, a teacher at W hite Oaks Secondary School, is an experienced outdoor educator and a kayak trip guide. Billy, an outdoor adventurer, teaches first aid, CPR, em ergency response techniques and rock clim b ing, in addition to sharing his love for kayaking. Peters got involved three years ago "when my paddles crossed" with M aks Zupan o f H uron Kayak in Killamey. "Turned out he was needing a guide for a Federation o f Ontario Naturalists trip," explains Peters, "and he hired me two days later." Huron Kayak, which offers lessons and excursions, has been in existence for 15 years. Peters is given the use o f a num ber o f kayaks for the Bronte lessons in M ay and June, and w orks as a trip guide during the summer. Peters and Billy plan to be back at Bronte Creek at Lakeshore Road and West River Street in September, offer ing more local kayaking lessons. Private lessons can also be arranged. "All o f our spring lessons were booked through w ord o f m outh," says Peters. The lessons have attracted people o f all ages, from teens to seniors. "M ore people are getting involved w ith kayaking. W e've had people com ing back for more lessons two or three times to learn more advanced skills," continued Peters. "The purpose o f these lessons is to give people an opportunity to try the sport, and to have a lesson before leav ing on a trip." ( S e e `K a y a k in g . . . ' p a g e B 5 ) Photo by Ron Kuzyk Instructor Wendy Peters of Huron Kayak gives student Michael Bromilow a few tips. Instruction is given on getting in and out of a kayak on land before going into the water. The BodyShaping Fitness Studio ForWomen. Dirk Gebhardt Maria Kinlough M ana and Dirk have created Oakville's most exciting fitness studio for women. Its a sparkling, brand new, 10,000 sq.ft., state-of-the-art facility', featuring; cardio theatre strength machines stretching area fitness classes personal training weight management massage therapy fully equipped free-weight area pnvate showers towel service individual make-up vanities relaxing hot tub and sauna plenty of free parking The Kids Qub - a fantastic naturally lit child minding centre (ECE supervised) visit our healthy cuisine bistro accented by our tranquil fountain Certified wine technician (enologist) taking o f your wine Autom atic, no hassle, corking system O ak aging in fine, H ungarian O ak barrels (No O ak chips & N o O ak flavouring) Full line o f all natural, fresh, grape juices Full line o f vintage 2000 freshly crushed grapes to brew from Full line o f concentrate kits to choose from Fruit wines & wine coolers available Brew your own sparkling wine Offer valid till July 31/01 " From the Vineyard to you" We've researched every equipment manufacturer in North Amenca and Europe and chose the very best, from each, to accommodate a woman's.body. Your needs are our priority. WINERY 206 Kerr St., Oakville call 905-338-8511 and ask for Donna or Pat Regular Hours: Tues + Wed: 1 lam - 7pm Thurs + Fri: 12 noon - 8pm Sat: 9am - 5pm £ nr La Cantina QEW S P E E R S RD. B O N D ST. Store Renovation SPECIAL Brew one 23L batch of wine and get the second 23L batch A T N For more information please call (905) 849-1919 183 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, Ontario L6K 1E7 (Between Kerr St. & Dorval Dr.) uj * REBECCA FREE!