Oakville Beaver, 15 Aug 2001, B05

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Wednesday, August 15, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B5 BLAIR LASER & · COS METI C CENTRE LightSheer laser hair removal Liposuction for body sculpting Leg and facial vein removal Glyderm skin care line ( jJ r Facial contouring and lip augmentation - Botox - Collagen - Hylaform - Artecoll C 02 laser resurfacing DR. C YNTHIA M. D. C . C . F . P . Helping you improve your self-image r. C y n th ia Blair has been practising prim ary health in Oakville for the past 15 years. In that tim e, she has delivered over 2,000 babies an d has concentrated her tim e in w om en's health care. Dr. Blair also offers cosm etic services as p art o f her continuing objective to help w om en achieve their physical and em o tional goals. W h y every w o m an should have her ow n will M aking a will is a sensible and worthwhile task that everybody, whatever their age orfinancial status, should do. However, there are some special reasons why Canadian women should be sure to make a will of their own. 1. Women usually live longer than their husbands. It' s a good idea for each of you to have your own will when you' re both alive. After the death of one spouse, changing circumstances may mean you want to write a new will, but having a will in the first place is an important step. 2. Planning for children or other dependents is something that women usually want to pay special attention to. 3. Taxes and legal concerns (especially if there was a previous marriage or other dependents) should be looked at. 4. Many women will want to make special arrangements for the distribution of family heirlooms, jewellery, items of historical or sen timental value, and their own property. 5. Continuing the support for groups and organizations that many women generously support during their lifetimes may be a consideration in preparation of a will. D BLAIR 905-842-5533 1 0 6 0 SPEERS R OA D, OAKVI LL E OA KV ILLE HEALTH C EN T RE "W om en feel it inside w hen they don't like w hat they see outside," com m ents Dr. Blair. "N ow we have medical help to im prove their self-image." As her client base is aging, she has noticed th a t there is less need for her obstet ric services, an d has m ade m ore services available. O n e o f w hich is th e new LightSheerTM D iode Laser for hair removal needs. Now, there is a b etter solution for unw anted hair... as a w om an, you m ay be surprised to learn th a t ju st about your entire body is covered w ith hair. Because m ost o f the hair is fine an d pale, it usually isn 't visible to the naked eye. In fact, you m ay be surprised to know th a t the largest n u m b er o f hair follicles is actually on your forehead. B ut w hen darker, coarser hair appears in places we d o n 't like o r expect - like on the face, neck, abdom en, breasts, or arm s --or prevents us from wearing a high-cut bath in g suit, shorts, or even a sh o rt skirt, it m ay be tim e to consider hair removal w ith th e LightSheerTM D iode Laser.The new LightSheerTM D iode Laser, a state-of-theart system specially designed to remove unw anted hair faster, less painfully, an d m ore reliably th an electrolysis. U nderstanding laser treatm ent: T h e light em itted by the LightSheerTM D iode Laser is absorbed by the pigm ent located in hair follicles. T h e laser pulses for a fraction o f a second ju st long enough to vaporize the pigm ent, dis abling several follicles at a tim e to elim inate or signifi cantly im pede the hair's regrowth. Im p o rtan tly , L ightS heer's special co n tact-co o lin g hand-piece is perfect for a w om en's sensitive skin. It directs the laser energy to the hair root w hile protecting an d cooling th e surrounding skin. W h a t you can expect: T h e length o f a laser session may be a few m inutes to an h o u r or m ore, depending on the size o f the area being treated. Because the laser tends to treat hair follicles th a t are in an active grow th phase, more th an one treatm en t m ay be required to disable hair folli cles th at subsequently enter this grow th phase. Laser treatm ent itself m ay cause a slight tingling sensa tion. M ost patients tolerate the procedure well. But because som e areas o f the body are m ore sensitive than others, topical anaesthesia is always available. T h e appearance o f the treated area im m ediately after a laser session will vary from patien t to patien t depending on the extent o f treatm ent an d skin type. Im m ediate after effects, if any, are m inor. T h ey m ay include redness and swelling, w hich disappear in a short tim e. M ost people return to norm al activity right away. Dr. Blair an d her staff w ould be happy to answer any questions ab o u t your laser hair removal treatm ent. Call today 905-8 4 2 -5 5 3 3 for your consultation. A w ill lets you decide With a properly prepared will you can ensure that: · property will be distributed exacdy as you would have wished and not on an arbitrary basis; · you can name your own executor to administer your estate; · guardians of children will be named the way you want; · personal items such as jewellery and antiques will be handled the way you intend; · individuals, organizations and good causes such as health char ities and human rights organizations like Amnesty International, will receive the support you had always intended for them. Prepare a w ill now! If you do not have a will, now is the time to prepare one. While a will does not need to be a complicated document, it is always advisable to contact a lawyer or trust company to help you. The peace of mind that comes from ensuring there are no small mistakes or omissions which will cause difficulties in future years is well worth the cost of such services. What to do 1. Renounce any previous wills to avoid possible confusion later. 2. Name an executor-the person who will carry out your instruc tions as you would wish. 3. Make preparations to take care of your dependents-provide for your immediate family first. 4. If you have children under 18 years of age, consider naming a guardian. 5. Consider whether you want to include specific gifts to friends, relatives or charities. 6. Decide who to give whatever remains of your estate after all other family and friends are taken care of. 7. Leave instructions for your funeral arrangements. f ~ frompetite to full figure A. B, C, {), E ,[ ,G H 845-1210 ^OT^fevnolds^SCjJoorAat^k^jor^R^Ej^DownrojroOAJOfl^^ S p id e r-V e in R e m o v a l O n -site tre a tm e n t by a Registered N urse Can I change my will? Yes, you can always change your will, either completely, or by means of a codicil, which is a document that adds to or alters your existing will. You should seek legal advice to do this as legal require ments vary from province to province. Pat Scott, RN A n Effective and C o st Efficient M eans o f Rem oving Spider-Veins Saturday and evening appointm ents available Should I leave money to a good cause? The tradition of leaving money to organizations that benefit society and your community is many centuries old. Today, people at all income levels support charities and non-profit organizations through their wills. Such bequests are a vital source of funds for a number of organi zations and stand as a lasting memorial to the deceased. For indi viduals who feel they cannot afford to make a large donation to a cause they support during their lifetime, a bequest in a will can be a good way to make a lasting contribution . -- Call For a Free Consultation -- Dr. Stephen Brown, M .D ., F.R.C.S.C. is pleased to offer sclerotherapy (removal o f spider-veins) at his Briarwood Cosmetic Surgical Centre. BRIARWOOD COSMETIC SURGICAL CENTRE S t e p h e n C . B r o w n 4 0 8 North Service Rd. E., Unit #1 (9 0 5 ) 849-4282 Is your body giving you warning signals which you keep ignoring? Chiropractors detect and correct spinal faults causing nerve stress. These areas can interfere with your ability to get well. Call fo r a complimentary consultation. Maybe chiropractic is just what you need! To receive a free information package on wills and bequests, please write to Amnesty International, 214 Montreal Road, Suite 401, Ottawa, ON K1L 1A4. Network Yourself... 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