D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday August 15, 2001 T he O akville B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. TO PLACE AN AD CALL 9 05-845-3824 OR 9 05-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm C la ssified houses for sale B U R L IN G T O N - 2 be d room , a d u lts p re fe rre d . $730 per month. Available Im m e d ia te . O c to b e r 1st, $820. Call (905)631-2856 DOW NTOW N O akville. R enovated 1-bedroom apartm ent, sm all building, very nice, $775/mo. +hydro. Sept. 1st. (905)469-0892. _ B U R L IN G T O N W a lk e rs Line/ New St. 1 bedroom Basem ent apa rtm ent. $750./month includes utili ties. Shared laundry. Nonsm okers. A v a ila b le Sept. 1st. 905-634-7694 D O R V A L / Rebecca. 2bedroom , $785/m o. Clean quiet building. Parking in cluded. Hydro extra. Avail able S e p t.1st. 905-3379413.___________________ Q U IE T , Convenient, W ellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., B u rlington. Spacious 2-bedroom s availab le. September. (905)637-3921 B U R L IN G T O N D ow n town. Spacious, 2-bedroom apt. Clean quiet building. A va ila ble O cto b e r 1st. $820/mo. (905)336-6690. MODERN 2-bedroom basem ent apartm ent in 6p lex, G uelp h/ Lakeshore area. Parking. $850/m o.+ hydro. S e pt.1st. 905 -63 17087, leave message______ G E O R G IA N Apartm ents. 1,2&3 Bedroom s. S ept./ O ct./ Nov. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 905-6390456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:308pm CENTRAL B u rlin g to n Spacious, carpeted 1-bed room, quiet low-rise, w/balcony. Sept. 1st. $750/mo. all inclusive 905-466-6032, or 416-334-9494. ________ L A R G E 2- bedroom- close to lake, Guelph Line/ New St. area. $780./mo.+ hydro. No dogs. (905)637-7687. 1 -B E D R O O M in -law s u ite, Burlington. Opens onto la rge deck, sepa rate e n trance, parking, fireplace, laundry, cable, heat, hydro $780/mo. Immediate. 905319-9202 B U R L IN G T O N new 1bedroom a pa rtm e nt, 2 baths, main level of house, w a lk-o u t to large yard, 4 appliances, all u tilitie s in c lu d in g cable. $900/m o. Sept. 1st. 905-319-8698. N O R T H B u rlington ba s e m ent apartm ent. Shared entrance, includes laundry, parking, c/a, utiltiies. Sin gle non-sm okin g fem ale. $450/mo. 905-319-8829 or 905-632-3020. oakvillebeaver.com Circulation: 905-845-9742 The site your community clicks on! · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 ITiTil B U R L IN G T O N C ore- 3 bedroom, Main floor family room, large la ndscapped yard. 530 C lark Ave. $224,900. 905-634-9665 F A B U L O U S Private ravinela rg e lo t w ith w a lk o u t $ 2 3 9 ,0 0 0 . Q u ie t c o u rt. Glen Abbey Link, low tax es. 2200 square ft., 3 bed rooms, huge master. 3-1/2 w a shro om s. C e n tra l air, vacuum , pot lam ps. 905842-5910 ^ apartments & flats for rent WttM furnished rentals B R U N S W IC K pool ta b le fe lt over slate, 9ft, barely used with cues, balls, rack and scoreboard; also, pingping tab le overla y, net, paddles. Replacement val ue $3000, asking $1200. (905)849-9886 or email: rbrake7@ hom e.com fo r appointment C A R P E T . I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 D IN IN G R O O M s e t- T ra ve rtin e M arble pedestal tab le , brass edging w/6 chairs. Excellent condition. A rt Shoppe. $3000/obo. (905)631-8481____________ D IN IN G R O O M suite, 9pce, $2,000; livingroom & bedroom pieces. American Oak. E xce lle n t con d itio n . Call 905-319-4288________ D IN IN G R O O M : 9-pce., solid Cherrywood, 92" dou ble pedestal table, 6 Chip pendale c h a irs, lighted hutch, bu ffe t. New, s till boxed. Cost $12,500, sacrifice $4,750. (905)304-9994. D IR E C T TV Program m ing for $50 with 3 month guarantee. Call (905)333-9401 E N T E R T A IN M E N T unit, solid cherrywood, holds TV, VCR, stereo, excellent con dition, paid $3000, $1000 firm. 905-257-7731._______ F A N T A S T IC .Savings! No GST! Love your furn iture , hate your colours? Sofa & m atching chair from $788. Love seats from $488. C h airs from $199. S enior discount. Free estim ates. Fields Q uality Custom Up holstering, 9-9, (9 0 5 )6 3 2 9090____________________ F R E E E stim a te s... Got w o bbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam ? Tired lo oking wood fin ish e s? ... then call Fields for all furni tu re repairs and custom wood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090____________ F R ID G E , Maytag, 24 cu.ft., alm ond, M agic C h ef gas range, almond, 7-yrs. old, exce lle n t c o n d itio n . 905333-5913._______________ G O L F clu bs- RAMS, bag, cart, $50. Exercise bike, V oyager, EX -450, $50. Brass Etegere, $50. Desk, 2 drawer. $30. 905-333-5857 G R E E N sofabed $50; recliner, beige/ brown, free; Peg Perego s tro lle r $60; child 's easel $10; carseat $15. 905-319-4283________ K E Y B O A R D , $150; e le c tric guitar $250; kids bunk bed $300.905-337-2712 A -1 King-bed; E xtra-thick pillow-top O rthopedic m at tress set. Brand new, still in plastic. Cost $1700. Sacrifice, $650. (905)971-3315. K IT C H E N cabinets, pine, fu ll set, 8 years old, also fridge, stove, dishwasher. Good+ cond ition. Asking $3500 complete. 905-8448284____________________ M O V IN G Sale: desk, solid wood, 4 -d ra w e r w /p u llo u t $185; rattan ta b le , 42" smoke glass, swivel chairs, $1295; area carpets, 8'x6 zebra & oriental, $125/ea; bike; skiis; duvet; etc. Must sell before Aug.20th. Burlington. 905^37-7646. M O V IN G : B eaum ark s e lf cle anin g stove, $300; Beaum ark w asher, dryer $400/set; Aira range hood $25; T osh iba m icrow ave $25; Beam 355 central va cuum w/2 sets tools, $250; W est Bend gas BBQ $50; girl's bike 20" wheels $25; kitchen T iffa n y-style lamp $25. 905-331-3083 evgs. P IA N O , "H enry Herbert", made by M ason & Risch, upright, $500. Kid's jeep, Peg Perego, M ontana Off Road, 2-speed, batte rypow ered $250. 9 0 5 -6 3 7 2086____________________ P IA N O , Lesage, show room con d itio n , w /bench, $3500; tripod mounted te l escope, new, s till in box, $150. 905-335-8786. R E T IR E D T ea cher Sale! Books, te a ch e r books, children's literature, bulle tin board aids, & much more. 905-332-0676_______ S O F A - 3-seater, beige/ brown, $250. Glass table & 6 upholstered chairs, $250. Oak desk, $50. Panasonic G enius m icrow ave, $100. Exhaust fan (stove), brand new, $85. Fireplace doors, g la ss/b ra ss, $150. (905)524-1650___________ S O F A , lo veseat, cream floral, $475/set; coffee table $175; diningroom table, 6 chairs, buffet, hutch $425. 905-465-0368.____________ T R IS H A Romance fram ed "W in te r T w ilig h t", $1500, "W hite C hristm as, $1500, "Y e llo w R ibbons" $1000. 905-681-0752.__________ _ U L T R A M A T IC a d justable twin bed, remote, massage unit. $700. 905-681-0752 W A S H E R , dryer, 1-yr. old $ 80 0/set; sofa, loveseat, g re e n / cream , $200/set; portable dishwasher, $100; bun kbeds, wood w /m attresse s, $100. 9 0 5 -9 6 2 5003.___________________ Y O N G C h ang g ra n d p ia no, well maintained, excel lent condition 5 ft. 4" satin w a ln u t fin is h $70 00 firm . C u sto m m ade 6 ft C h ip p e n d a le s o fa , v e ry goo d c o n d itio n , ru s t/ta n flo ra l stripe off white background $350. Call (905) 845-5048 C E N T R A L Vac, $500. Washer & dryer, $400/both. Law nm ow er, $150. BBQ, $150. All item S 1-yr. w/ warranty. (905)632-6177 W A N T E D A ll-C h in a , S il ver, C rysta l, sew ing m a ch in e s... D o ulton, M oorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, cam era/ audio equipm ent, d o lls, p a in tin g s, c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 1998 FO RD E x p lo re r E d d ie B a u e r. Red w ith beige trim . Beige le ath er interior Fully loaded. New tires, new brakes. 139,000 km. Asking $18,000. Call (905)333-9171 a fte r 6pm (or leave message) 1 9 9 6 Dodge, 11 passeng er van, Ram 3500 SLT, 1ton, V8, auto, loaded, ex cellent condition, low kms., rear heat and air, rem ote start, w ill certify. $17,500 obo. 905-465-5387 or 90582^ 6 6 ^ ______________________ O A K V I L L E : L u x u ry fu r n ished 1 bed roo m a p a rt m e n ts , n o n -s m o k e rs , no pets, parking and utilities in c lu d e d , S h o rt/ lo n g term $ 1 ,3 5 0 and $ 1 ,4 0 0 . (905)845-3924. Com e, Home To C U M B E R L A N D V IL L A G E 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 B edroom s · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. B asem ent · P lay g ro u n d · P arking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington M all Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited 3 -B E D R O O M Tow n house, T h ird Line/ U pper M iddle Rd. 4 app lia n ce s. A v a ila b le O c to b e r 1. (905)827-9584__________ B U R L IN G T O N - la rge 3 bedroom, available im m e diately. Family complex w/ pool, 5 appliances, garage, finished basement. $1125/ mo. + utilities. (905)631-8660 B U R L IN G T O N Luxury tow nhouses, 3 bedroom s, $1135., 4 bedroom s, $1235. Family room, base ment, yard. U tilities extra, parking $40. (905)639-0950 R IV E R Oaks, Oakville, Im m acula te 3 -leve l townhom e, 3-bedroom s, 1.5 baths, 5 app lia nces, A/C, garage, w/o from finished basem ent, quiet com plex, p a rk -lik e settin g . No s m okers or pets. $14 50./ mo.+ utilities. (Oct. 1st) 416200-2539 ___________ B R A N D new 3-bedroom , 150 0sq.ft. 5 a pp lia nces, master w/ensuite. Walker's/ M ainway. October. $1450/ mo.+ utilities. Condo fee in clu ded. 416 -563-0190 leave message W A L K E R S L ine/ New St. 3-bdrm upgraded spacious unit w ith garden doo rs to large patio , c/a, fiv e ap pliances, rec. rm, garage. $1400./m o. Sept. posses sion. M ary W inter, Assoc. B roker, Re/M ax Garden C ity R ealty Corp. Inc. (905)333-3500____________' shared accommodation O A K V IL L E , 4-bedroom house to share with young p rofe s s io n a l. Im m ediate. $650/m o. in clusive. F irs t/ last, refe ren ces required. Call Rick, 905-845-6663___ B A S E M E N T , large living room, bedroom, bathroom, shared garage, fo r mature non-smoking person. $600/ inclusive. S.E. Burlington. First & last References. 905-333-1645____________ RO O M ATE w anted to share tow nh ouse/ a p a rt m ent, Burlington. Approx. $400/m o. -(-utilities. 905332-0066. Concerned About Someone Who Has A Gambling Problem? A University research study is offering free help to family members or partners of problem gamblers who are resisting treatment. Participation involves contact by phone and mail. B U R L IN G T O N : 2-bedroom, basem ent level, $685/m o. A lso 3-bedroom , ground flo o r, $85 0/m o. Each in clude s 4 app lia nces, parkin g. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -5 6 9 0 , Albert McDonagh Ltd., Realtor N E W L Y renovated V ic to r ian home in Roseland. Du plex. Two 2-bedroom a pa rtm e nts. A p pliances, parking, separate entranc es & balcony. C lose to m alls, lake & GO station. S e pt.1st. $1150/unit + hydro. 905-631-6870________ O L D E O a k v ille - 2-bdrm mainfloor in historic home. Near Go and town, livingroom w/wood FP, bath w/ heated ceram ic tile & jet tub. Familyroom, study, 3pce. bath + laundry room, 5 appliances, 3 car parking, a/c. $22 75/m o + u tilitie s . September 15th. (905)3380119 Call Toll Free 1-866-670-8866. 1 3 2 9 Treeland St. Burling ton. Beautiful 3-bedroom freehold end unit 2.5 baths, private backyard, close to everything ! $176,900. 905-632-7679 B R O N T E -Q u a lit y daycare in fa n t to p re -s c h o o l, 8 years e x p e rie n c e , lo ts of fun, nutritious meals. Call (905)825-9689___________ E A S T V IE W s c h o o l a re a b e fo re and a fte r s c h o o l care, Jr-k. & Sr-k alternate dayca re. C all (9 0 5 )8 2 5 9514 Debbie_____________ H O M E d a y c a re , q u ie t neighbourhood near Pineg ro v e S c h o o l, fu ll/p a rt tim e, toddlers/preschool, I8m + spaces available for S e p te m b e r. N u tritio u s lunches/ snacks provided. Lots o f fun and le a rn in g . ECE & first aid certificates. Karen (905)815-0673. email: armstrong1760@sympatico.ca A F T E R School daycare available Glen Abbey (near A bbey Lane & St. M at thew 's). B ilingual, in door/ outdoor activities, references. (905)465-0446_______ A V A IL A B L E : E x p e ri enced, fu ll/ part-tim e day care. O x fo rd / M cC raney area, near St. Joseph's & S u nnin gdale schoo ls. All ages w elcom e. F lexible times. Call 905-815-1338 B E F O R E & a fte r school care by ECE. 17 years ex perience. Folkway Dr. Burlington. Call 905-319-4283 B R IT IS H -T R A IN E D c a re g iv e r 11-yrs. e x p e ri ence, offering quality home daycare. CPR. First Aid. All ages welcom e. Immediate s ta rt a v a ila b le . A p pleb y/ Fairview. (905)681-3903. D A Y C A R E available Glen A b b e y - JK /S K pick-up available. Fun filled a fte r noons. 8 years experience, r e fe r e n c e s /r e c e ip ts . (905)827-9809__________ E X P E R IE N C E D c a re g iv er has two openings. Non smoking. Lots of TLC. Ex cellent references. Receipts availab le. S/E Burlington. 905-639-6028___________ G L E N A bbey: 2 spaces available, non-smoker, nu tritio u s m eals, in door/o ut doo r a c tiv itie s , bilin g u a l, firs t-a id , refe ren ces, receipts. (905)825-9099 H E A D O N F o re st/ S t.T imothy's. Experienced care giver. 2-years +. Hot meals, TLC, crafts. Receipts. Ref erences. Non-smoker. 905331-8666._______________ H O M E Away From Home! Responsible, reliable care g iver n urture s your p re cious child. Safe, stim ulat ing atm osphere. S tories, abc's, artwork, outdoor fun. CPR/ Fist Aid, nonsmokers, Burloak/ Appleby. (905)639-9580 ___ .___ S U P E R Mom of 2 looking to babysit across from Guy Brown S chool. M ichelle 905-689-8223________ _ _ L O V IN G m other of one has part-tim e spaces. Lots of activities, outings, TLC. Non-smoking environment. First Aid certified. Excellent refe ren ces. A fte r school care welcome. Brant Hills. (905)331-1422.___________ L O V IN G fam ily e n v iro n m ent in M ohaw k Garden School area, special o u t ings, educational play, bal anced nutrition, (905)3333937.___________________ M O T H E R of two (16-yrs. daycare expe rience) has fu ll/ pa rt-tim e space. Re ceipts. References. Brant/ U pper M iddle area. 905336-9586._______________ R E C R E A T IO N IS T o ffe r ing fun, educational ch ild c are F/T, JK, SK, a fte r school. B ra n t/U p p e r M id dle. Close to Paul Fisher, St. M ark's and Brant Hill's Schools. Nutritious meals/ snacks. Call (905)335-4156 R E G IS T E R E D hom e dayca re, fu ll-tim e spaces ava ila b le 1yr.-4yrs. Near Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC, lunches, crafts, ABC's, 123's, outings, fenced yard. CPR/ references/ receipts. (905)319-3826.___________ R IV E R O aks: Full tim e spaces availab le starting. September. Any age. Ref erences a v a ila b le . C all Jennifer, 905-842-0636___ T W O (ECE) moms have full/ part-time spaces available, drop-in c h ild c a re also provided. Millcroft area. 905319-0261 AFTERSCHOOL care needed for 2 girls (7&10), my home in Olde O akville starting September 4th. Ap prox. 3-5:30pm , 4 days/ week, references required. (905)845-0501__________ B E F O R E and after school care needed. Tecum seh Village/ school area. 7 year old boy. 905-632-6969 M IL L C R O F T daycare required fo r sw eet 10 m onth old boy. 2-4 days/ w eek. S tart Septem ber. (905)332-8933___________ P A R T - T IM E C h ild ca re in our home. 10-20 hours per week, very flexible. 2 ba bies, 18 m onths & 4 months. Central O akville. 905-338-5058 S H E L L Y 'S Dog H o te lNo cages, nice backyard to play in, walks & day sitting a lso. R easonable rates. (905)331-7249 I cars for sale WINDSTAR 95 -172,000km good condition, fully loaded, leather seats, capt. chairs $6,900. (905)842-4346 H O N D A O d y s s e y 199 9, 72 ,0 0 0 k m lik e new , fu lly lo a d e d , le a th e r h ea ted seats. $27,900. (905)8424346____________________ GRAND VOYAGEUR 1992 - 2 3 8 ,0 0 0 k m ru n s w e ll, captains chairs, air, $3,000, as is (905)842- 4346 1998 MAZDA Protege S.E. like new, m eta iic blue, p/ sunroof, rust inhibitor, pin stripe, 24,000kms., $12,500. 905-332-5162. ___ 1981 AMC S p irit h a tch back auto., 131K., as is, good running c o n d itio n , $500 obo. 905-336-0614. 1994 Jeep Cherokee C o untry. C lean, lo aded, 120K, black/ gold. E-tested. asking $13,100. 9 0 5 -8 4 2 2787____________________ 1994 C hevy B lazer S 1 0 4x4, green, 4-dr., certified, e-te ste d , 146K. $9000. 336-7123________________ 1998 FORD Contour Sport loaded w ith m any extras, excellent condition. $9900. 905-878-9190.___________ 1995 Caravan ES, Load ed, 145K, excellent condi tion, certified, e-tested. Ask ing $8900. ca ll 9 0 5 -3 3 5 9432 evenings/ weekends 1988 Volksw agon G olf C a b rio le t SE, very good co n d itio n - all o rig in a l. Etested , autom atic. A sking $4500/obo. 905-332-9625, 416-726-3781___________ 1999 CHRYSLER Intrepid, platinum w/dark grey interi or. Like new condition, very cle an. O nly 2 8,000 km s., $16 ,900 . 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -7 5 9 8 evgs or leave message. 1998 Honda C ivic, silver, 4-dr, ABS, air, 43,000 kms, sin gle ow ner, w a rranty. $13,900. (9 0 5 )6 0 7 -2 0 6 4 , (416)825-8410____________ 1994 Ford T a u ru s- green, a/c, cruise, am/fm cassette, 165K. $4995, certified. Etested, hitch. (905)634-7350 1987 C aravan, loaded, needs gas tank & brakes, $5007obo. 905-639-1031 1998 Suzuki Esteem- A/C, 128,000km. Excellent con dition. $7500. 905-829-9037 1995 M ercury Sable W ag on LS- power everything, A/ C, m oonroof, tinted w in d ows, CD, m int cond itio n , 115,000Km. New motor at 103,000km. $8500. OBO. 905-332-5370____________ 1989 PLYMOUTH Acclaim auto., in excellent running c o n d itio n , new tire s, brakes, spring s, $1000. Call 905-827-6503._______ 1992 C avalier (GMJ style) good for parts, (no motor/ fro n t w h eels). F irst $400/ obo hauls it aw ay! 905689-8172________________ 1997 Grand AM SE V6, auto., lo aded, excellen t condition, certified/ e-test ed, $8,500 obo. (905)3315467.___________________ 1990 Ford Taurus GL s il ver, new P ioneer CD, V6, 3.0L., loaded, runs well, as is, $1500 obo. 9 0 5 -8 1 5 4150 e x t.7495; 905-3201199.___________________ 1969 M ercury Parklane c o n ve rtib le , needs TLC $1200 obo. 1980 C adillac Sedan DeVille 143K $2500 obo. 905-333-1243________ 1997 P ontiac Sunfire, green, 2-door, great condition. $5500. 905-335-6630 1992 Plymouth Sundance, 5-speed, 2.5L, E -tested, $2000 obo. C all 905-3303134.___________________ 1997 T oyo ta C am ry CE, 56K, blue, pow er group. One owner, excellent con dition. C e rtified . $16,900. 905-849-7190 I cars wanted W A N T E D - G ood cars for $. Removal for dead cars. 7 days, 24hrs. 905-4679484 O akville , 905-8761594 Milton_______________ W *k u l motorcycles C L A S S IC 1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD, m int con d itio n . New m otor & m any new parts. $800/obo. 905 -69 06399 L O V E L Y 2-bedroom co n do on greenb elt near Up per Middle/ Walker's Line. 5 appliances, gas firepla ce, C/A. Park, schools nearby. A v a ila b le S eptem ber. $142,900. 905-335-6418 or 905-467-4198.____________ O A K V IL L E > 2 bedroom condo, ground floor, near park, school and GO. 5 ap pliances, a v a ila b le Sep tember 1st. (905)569-6682, ext. 25 or (905)315-7806 B U R L IN G T O N : 1600 sq. ft., 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, liv in g / dining roo m , eat-in kitchen . The Em press. 905-632-2251.____________ W E s pecia lize in C o ndo m inium S ales & R entals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor, (905)3334347 M A R IN A D el R ey, la rg e one b e d ro o m , 2 b a th e r, lake and city view. Corner unit. Parking, 6 appliances, health club, TTC at door. $1650. per m onth. A v a il able Oct. 1, 2001. Please call (416)252-5222________ E N N IS C L A R E Luxury 2bdrm, 2 baths, fireplace, 5 appliances, west lake view balcony. $1700./m o. Sept. 1st. 416-691-2677 S P E N C E R 'S Landing. 2bedroom +den, $1800/mo. C all Al M cC urdy, Broker, Homelife Apple Park Realty 905-681-3000.____________ L U X U R IO U S retire m en t living at Oakland Green in B u rlin g to n . Brand New, large 1 bedroom condo w/ underground parking avail. -$1000/mo. Call Frances or Don (905)690-2689_______ M A R IN A Del Rey, large 1bedroom, 2 baths, lake and city view. Corner unit. Park ing, 6 a pp lia nces, health club, TTC at door. $1650/ mo. A va ila b le O c t.1/01 Please call (416)252-5222. I condominiums for rent M U S K O K A . Executive 3bedroom lakefront cottage, week of Sept. 1-8 and other w e eks/ w eekends a v a il able in S e pt/ O ct. Bob, 905-331-8312; rsadlierehome.com_______ lost & found F O U N D : o ra n g e ta b b y , white chest, paws and tum my. U pper M iddle/ Eighth Line. (905)842-0329 F O U N D : black cat near Burlington YMCA. We ca ll "H azel". Please ca ll 905637-7325._______________ F O U N D : c a t- orange & w hite, declaw ed, with peach coloured collar w/no tag. Living in field at Apple by & M ainway since April. (905)319-9851___________ I cottages for rent/buy O IL , Lube & F ilte r, $9.95 (C ars). D isposal $1.99.; W heel balance, $2/each; Tire installation, $2.50; Un dercoatin g cars with non drip oil only $19.95 w ith th is ad; W ind shield re placed- we pay your $100. deductible. Call Windshield King, T oll-free 1-800-6671069; 905-544-5511 (H a milton)___________________ M i l l ! ] drivers I auto parts, supplies & repairs IS your child falling behind in reading, s p e llin g , w rit ing? P riva te tu to rin g by elem e nta ry teacher. 905825-9990________________ R E A D IN G Tutor for adults and c h ild re n . C all June 416-894-8325 DRIVER F/T or P/T. With G Lie. Able to drive std. & auto transmission. Able to lift 50 lbs. Must have good driving record. Will consider car & driver for local deliveries in both Oakville & Burlington W O R K from home. Health Industry. $1400 part-tim e; $5,000. fu lltim e . T rain ing provided. 416-631-5441 A T T E N T IO N ! W ork from home! Earn $1,000-$6,000/ mo, PT/FT. 1-800-6799515, www.freedom25.com L O S E up to 30lbs in 30 days! Natural. Guaranteed. Dr. Recom m ended! T opll Free: 1-866-200-337 0. www.uwillbeslim.com P S W - N u r s in g : w ith e x cellent English to care for a fra il s e n io r in her home. Duties include: planning & im plem e nting cog n itive stimulating exercises. Assist/w personal-care, meals and ADL's. Full-time, livein/out. Fax resume, CPR: 416-703-2550. Call: John Bloom (905)845-2118 Halton Auto Electric M O N E Y Problem s? G ar nishees? Too m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 B U R L IN G T O N . 2-bedroom. Clean, quiet, well-maintained. Excellent central location. Parking. $765/mo. +hydro. Sept./ Oct. (No dogs). (905) 664-2659; (905)572-7631 2 -B E D R O O M availab le September 1st. Burlington: Ghent/ Brant. Near bus sta tion, shopping, highway ac cess. $740/mo + (905)-3331799.__________________ _ H E A R T of Bronte. 50 East St., close to lake & Bronte Harbour.1-bedroom , Sept. 1st, $975/mo.; 2-bedroom, O c t.1st, $ 1 ,1 10./m o. (sparking) 905-825-0816 1 - B E D R O O M Suite. S p a cious, clean. Friendly com munity. Underground park ing. Large indoor pool. Bur lington Tow ers, 9 0 5 -6 3 9 8583____________________ W A T E R D O W N : John St. W alk to E ve rythin g. New Appliances, New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1,2&3 Bdrm. U til. Incl. from $745./m o. (905)689-1647 B U R L IN G T O N - 1-bedroom basem ent, p re fe r sin gle, sepa rate entrance. Nonsmoker/ pets. $650./month. Immediate. Near amenities, 905-336-1373 _________ B U R L IN G T O N : 1-bedroom basement apartment, in 3plex. $775/m o. u tilitie s included, a/c. Immediate. 905-631-9731____________ B U R L IN G T O N , Brant area. 1-bedroom apartm ent ava ila b le S e p t.1st. Heat, hydro, a/c, cable, parking. Mature single non-smoker. No pets. $650/m o. 905639-5398._______________ D O W N T O W N B u rlington, 2&3 bedrooms, Sept.; 1,2& 3 bedrooms, O ct.; Freshly painted, som e w ith new kitchen ca b in e try! W ell maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call 905-637-0321 2 - B E D R O O M S : $810./mo. (Utilities included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Office Open 9-4pm , M on.-S at. (905)639-5761____________ C A N A D IA N A . Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 2-bed room s a v a ila b le S e p te m ber. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)632-5486. 1 - B E D R O O M , 2 le vels, spacious basem ent apa rt ment. Parking, cable, deck. A ldershot. S e p t.1st. $750/ mo. inclusive. 905-617-6557 O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 1,2&3 bedroom apartments a v a ila b le O c t.1st from $ 84 5 /m o .- $ 1 325/m o. (+ parking) 905-844-9006 A P A R T M E N T S a vailab le from $875/mo. 1,2&3 Bed rooms. Indoor pool. QEW/ T ra fa lg a r area. 9 0 5 -8 4 4 1106____________________ F U L L Y renovated brigh t low er le ve l 1-bedroom . Parking. Laundry. $800/mo. all in clusive. C entral Bur lington, Non-smoker. 905639-5743._______________ F R E S H L Y P ainted: 2&3 Bedroom s- Sept/Oct. (Sin gle & double storey) Lowrise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (9 05)336-0015 ; 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)3360016; (Burlington) I houses for rent $2650. per month Wedgew ood C reek E xecutive 4bdrm, approx. 3000 sq. ft. w ith m ain fir. lib ra ry and fa m ily room , o v e rlo o k s park, near schools, shop p in g & m a jo r h ig h w a y s . A v a il. S e p t. 1st. L illia n S m ith , A s s o c . B ro k e r, Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp. (905)842-7000 G L E N Abbey, 3 bedrooms, 2 fu ll and 2 ha lf baths, 2 firepla ces, bea u tifu lly fin ished basem ent. S eptem ber 1st $1,600/m o. + utilities.(416)616-9060 _____ O A K V IL L E : G le n a s h to n /T ra fa lg a r, 21 0 0 s q ft. home, 4 bdrm, 2-1/2 baths, gas firepla ce, 4 a p p lia nc es, d o u b le g a ra g e , non smoker, no pets. Available Sept. 1st. $1545./mo. +utilities. (905)275-7236 M A IN flo o r, 3-bedroom bungalow. Hardwood floors, G uelph Line/ Lakeshore. N o n-sm oker, no pets, available Sept.1st. $1275/ mo. inclusive. (905)632-3360 leave message. E A S T Oakville. 4-bedroom d etached , 2-1/2 baths, 4 app lia n ce s, fam ilyroom , den, fireplace, $2,050/mo.+ u tilitie s . S e p t.1st. Chris Clarke, Trafalgar (Oakville) R e alty Inc., R ealtor, 905338-1130, 905-897-4921 E X E C U T IV E Ranch bun galow Third Line/ Rebecca 1386 S edgew ick C res., O akville. 4-bedroom s, of fice, finished basement w/ bar, over-sized double ga rage, air, 4 appliances. Call to view. $1900/mo. + utililties. Maple Leaf HMC Inc. (905)842-8383.___________ R E N T A L S - A -$1,800/m o. 2 store y detached , W est Oak Trails, 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, fenced yard, ap pliance s, 2-5 year lease. S e p t.1st; B -$ 1 ,900./m o, bungalow in SE Oakville by the lake, ava ila b le im m e d ia te ly til M arch.31/2002. C all V ic to r Saric, Assoc. Broker, Re/max Aboutowne R.E., 905-842-7000_______ O A K V IL L E N .E .- ravine lot. Q uiet s tree t. 3?bedroom. New- kitchen, bath, w indow s, hardW ood, etc. Minutes to QEW/ 403/ GO. N o n-sm okers. S e p t.1st. $1595/mo. 905-844-5553. O A K V IL L E . Westoak Trails, 3-bedroom detached, 2-1/2 baths, 5 app lia nces, C/A, fireplace, finished basement. $1700/mo.+ utilities. Sept. 1st. C h ris C larke, T ra fa lg a r (Oakville) Realty Inc., Real tor, 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -1 1 3 0 , 905897-4921________________ R E C E N T L Y renovated 3bedroom house, clo se to dow ntow n O a k v ille . Oct. 1st. $1800/mo. plus utilities. Call 905-847-5374 to view. N E A R Lake- O a k v ille e x ecutive, 4 bedroom s, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, newly deco rated, A v a ila b le immediate. 905-825-2547 H O M E S to rent w/option to buy, or c reative financing a v ailab le to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, R e altor, 905-639-5258; creativeopts@quickclic.net B U R L IN G T O N . 3-bedrooms. One parking only. A ug.1st. $995/mo.; 3-bedroom. With garage, Sept. 1st, $1050/mo.; F O U N D : CDs in case, (Hydro/ hydro heat/ water exNelson High School area. tra). 905-319-1869__________. (905)637-7408__________ NEW R e n o v a tio n s 3F O U N D : cell phone. Please bedroom tow nhouse m a i call to identify, 905-336-7785. sonettes available Oct.15th from $900/m o.+ utilities. 1 F O U N D : gold bracelet, parking. North Burlington. F o rtin o 's New St. plaza. (905)319-9104.___________ C all to id e n tify , 905-6321838, evenings___________ B U R L IN G T O N : 2-bdrm from $98 5./m o .+ u tilitie s , L O S T : Brown/ black tabby Nov.1st. 3 appliances, 1.5 w/white chest & paws, Belbaths. One outside park venia Road area. Answers ing. N ear schools, sh o p to "Boots". (905)637-7408. ping. P a rk -lik e setting. (905)333-1190.___________ B E A U T IF U L "New" core Burlington Freehold. Bright, open concept 3-bedroom , 2-1/2 baths, basement, ga rage, patio, 5 appliances, fire p la c e , French doors. Near park, lake, school, shop ping. Im m ediate. $1650/m o.+ utilities. First/ last. References. No pets/ sm okers. Page P a tricia, Sales Rep., Effect Realty, 905-312-9991_____________ B U R L IN G T O N - 2-3 bed room, up to 3 baths, from $1,195./m o to $1,595./m o Immediate. 905-681-RENT (7355) Im________________ OAKVILLE: Brock/ Lakeshore. 3 -bedroom , 1.5 baths, garage, air, 5 appl. Sept. 1st. $1290/mo. (905)803-9267. L A R G E 3-bedroom. Sept. 1st, $ 1 149/m o.; 4-bedroom , O c t.1st, $1224/m o. (+ u tilitie s ). 5 app lia nces, garage, p a rk -lik e setting. Longmoor Drive, Burlington. (905)-681-0070___________ NOVEMBER 1 s t-, sp a cio us 3-bedroom , 4 ap pliance s, near O akville Place. No dogs, $1200/mo. (9 0 5 )8 3 8 -3 3 6 5 or (416)616-5203.___________ B U R L IN G T O N - 2 storey cond om iniu m , 3-bdrm s, 1.5 baths, rec-room , c/a. $10 15./m o .+ (905)6325690, A lb e rt M cDonagh Ltd., Realtor._____________ S /W B urlington, quiet ma tu re area. 2-bedroom s, 2 parking spaces. O c t.1st. $900/m o.+ u tilitie s . 905945-2015 L O O K IN G for Burlington's #1 Telemarketer. All leads p rovid ed thro ugh C anada Post ad m ail a d v e rtis in g . Excellent wage. Call now 905-331-0112 or fax 905331-0253 Attn: Brian I general help wanted TTh i b o tto m NOW HIRING B IK E , BMX Oryx Hot Pepper, $100. 905-632-8908 F R E E Firew ood from two cut down trees. You pick up. C all 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -2 2 3 8 (Burlington)______________ G O L F B a lls. E xce lle nt c o n d itio n . Name Brands, Wilson, Titleist, Spalding. 5 dozen/ $25. 905-637-3980 L IT T L E T ikes playhouse $50. 905-319-1751________ L IT T L E T ikes pool, $30. 905-319-1751____________ L IT T L E T ikes Safari climber $100. 905-319-1751 M O V IN G Sale: D resser, chest of drawers & coffee ta b le . $10 0/ob o for all. (905)690-3600___________ N O T R E Dame kilt, size 14, like new, dry cleaned, $40. Call 905-631-0706. OVEN: $100/obo. (905)690-3600___________ O V E R S IZ E arm chair, very good cond ition, safari co lours $35. obo. 9 0 5 -3 3 3 0641____________________ S T O V E , Kenmore, almond, good c o n d itio n $50. 905631-6313________________ S T R O L L E R : Graco, HeavyDuty, navy with dark plaid pattern. Great condition. $95. 905-637-6983 ___ W A L L u nit, 3-pce. w ith glass doors & lights $100. 905-631-6313 _________ W E S T IN G H O U S E 14 cu.ft. white upright freezer, $100. (905)338-7356 ALL SHIFTS F/T & P/T premium wages benefits available paid training Apply: Tim Horton's 2316 Royal Windsor Dr (at Ford Dr.) Oakville. Fax 905-338-1966 or call 905-338-1966 F R A N C H IS E : W e lle s tablished in autom otive re pair industry. No automo tive e xpe rience required . $55K invest. Free training, continuous support. Join a w inning team ! C all 905466-5325.________________ W O R K Weekdays Mon-Fri, 8:30 a m -4 :3 0 p m .... M olly Maid is now hiring reliable dep endable people. T ra n s p o rta tio n / tra in in g provid ed, call 905-6817484 Not suitable for stud ents. Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW 1-Bdrms from $829* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. . Liz: (905) 845-9502 L I V E - I N / O ut F u ll-T im e N anny re q u ire d A S AP. 2 children,, girl 2-1/2, boy 11/2. Trafalgar/Upper Middle a re a , c lo s e to park, rec. centre. Flexible hours, no housekeeping, non-smoker, ECE preferred but not re q u ire d . C a ll S a lly , (905) 338-9080_______________ N A N N Y , live-out, full-tim e, 7a.m.-5p.m. 3 girls, 9, 8 (di a b e tic ), 4 y e a rs . P ro fe s sional couple. Good salary. Begin end of August, early Sept. Phone(905)829-2177 C A R E G IV E R required im mediately for 1-yr. old girl in Northeast Oakville. Live-in preferred. Please call 905257-8955._______________ D A D & 11-yr. old daughter need liv e -in Nanny. Most w eek-ends off. Burlington location. Call 905-336-3033. F IL IP IN A Nanny, liv e -in , a v ailab le. No fee to em ployer. Please ca ll Amah International, 416-221-3303. F U L L - T IM E liv e -o u t nan ny required for busy B u r lington hom e. ECE p re ferred, non-sm oker, car a must. (905)319-9494 F U L L -T IM E nanny required for two children ages 6&4. D riv e r's license required, s ta rtin g Septem ber. Tyandaga area. Fax resumes to: (905)572-1197 or call (905)516-0868____________ L IV E - IN C a re g iv e r re quired for two children, N/E B u rlington. Resumes to: Box 1858, c/o B u rlington Post, 2321 F airview St., B u rlington, L7R 2E3905332-8662________________ L IV E - IN nan ny/ house keeper needed fo r 3 y.o. and in fa n t. N on-sm oker, experience and references. C all 3pm -8pm . (905)6320984._________________ N A N N Y required startin g September for before & af te r school hours. Headon Forest area. C all (905)319-3489___________ N A N N Y required (live-ou t fo r S. B u rlington Home) 30hrs. per w eek. N on smoking. Please call (905) 633-8598________________ N A N N Y / Housekeeper re quired starting September, 3 schoo l-aged children, East O akville. D rive r a must. 905-845-6991 evgs. O A K V IL L E area fam ily seeking fu ll-tim e live-in nanny to care for 2 infants. Applicants must have mini mum 5yrs. experience and professional trainin g, pre fe ra b ly in ECE. Room, board and a c om petitive w age w ill be provided. Subm it resum e in co n fidence to: RButterfinger55@hotmail.com '(2% disc, included) 2 - B E D R O O M apartm ent, ava ila b le im m edia tely, Harbourview Plaza, corner of Lakeshore & Bronte Rd. (905)825-1261 (9am- 4pm) B R A N T / Upper M iddle. B u rlington. 2-bedroom , 2store y, very cle an, 1-1/2 baths, A /C. Im m ediate / September. 905-331 -0890. D O W N T O W N B u rlin g to n 2 bedroom apa rtm e nt in dup lex. B ackyard, ba se m ent, dou ble ca r park, $850/m o. A v a ila b le September 1st. (905)634-2646 O A K V IL L E . QEW / T ra fa l gar. 2-bedroom from $899/ mo. Well m aintained building. Nellie, (905)339-2028. S P A C IO U S 1,2&3 B e d room s. F reshly painted, brig h t. C o m p e titiv e rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient lo ca tio n . 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm SHOPPERS DRUG MART in Oakville Place Dispensary Assistant (approx.28hrs/wk) Fax resumes to 905 - 842-3732 attn: C.Chansavang A S S E M B L E R S R e quiredup to 5 new positions open! Hours: 7-3:30pm, full-tim e. S ta rt $ 8 .50/hr. B e nefit package available. Training provided. No heavy lifting re quire d. R equired in one W eek. P lease apply at 5320 Downey St., B urling ton for job application. S H IN G L E R S / Roofersexperience required. Stea dy year round w ork. C all Cherry & Hoyle Roofing Ltd. 905-845-1114._ _ ________ R O T H E R G L E N School in O a kville is seeking A fte r School Supervisors from 36pm who enjoy w orking w ith children ages 3-12. The hourly rate is $13-$ 15. Please fax resume to 905849-1354________________ T IM Horton- Mature person needed for night shift, good wages also full & part-time day shift needed. Call 905689-6351________________ F IT N E S S D epot, leading source fo r exercise equip ment, looking for Sales As sociates for Oakville. Must be a ded icated, positive, perform ance driven team player. Competitive wages from 25K -4 0K . Fitness background is an asset, not a must. Fax resume: 905815-9670________________ A S S IS T A N T S U P E R IN TENDENT (liv e -in ) re quired fo r dow ntown B ur lington residential highrise. Call G reg for inform ation, 416-322-4000, X4366 S U P E R IN T E N D E N T co up le req u ire d im m e dia te ly for five apartm ent b u ild in g s- 127 units- in downtown H am ilton. Ideal fo r mature or semi- retired couple. M inor repairs and som e cle anin g required. Fax resum e to 905-8229155 Downtown Burlington T o rra n c e S treet A N T IQ U E M ahogany vitrin e , ca b rio le legs. S er pentine contoured side lights. $1800. (905)631-8481 F R ID G E S , Stoves, W ash ers, D ryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 905-549-1911_____________ B E D , King X -thick pillo w top orthopedic mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1700. Sell $650. 416-726-9885 B E D - Orthopedic mattress, boxsp ring, head/ foot board. New- still packaged. Cost $1275. Sacrifice $550. 416-521-9635____________ B E D R O O M s u ite , tw in , m irro r, d re sse r, c h e s t of drawers, night table, desk. M in t c o n d itio n . $45 0. (905)827-7262___________ B E D R O O M suite, 8-pce., solid C h erryw o od, all Dovetail/ metal glide draw ers, sleigh bed w/rails, tri ple d re s s e r,,m irro r, large chest, nightstands. Never used, s till boxed. Cost $8,499, s a c rific e $3,999. 905-971-1777.____________ B E D S , New, Double, $220; Q ueen, $240. C om plete w/frame. Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VCRs, 17-25" c o lo u r TVs, p ortable CD players. (905)681-9496. B E D - Q ueen, orth opedic mattress, boxspring, head boa rd, footb o a rd , fram e. New, in p la stic. Cost $1225, sell $550. W ill deliver. (905)304-5573. B IL L IA R D table 9' B runs w ick C lassic, ..burgundy cloth, $5,000 value, asking $3,000. 905-825-9899; a f ter Aug. 16th 514-937-5516. 1&2 Bdrm Apts. with lake views. Freshly painted, new windows, hardwood floors, F U R N IS H E D room R iv e r O a k s A re a (O a k v ille ) $400/month. Females pre fe rre d . A v a ila b le im m ediate. Call (416)898-5519 B U R L IN G T O N - Brant/ 407. im m ediate, $400/m o. Own bathroom, laundry, parking, near bus route, fem ale preferred. (905)315-7584. B U R L IN G T O N . Large room available Sept., bus route, sepa rate entrance, share laundry. Female non-smoker. R eferences. $425/m o. inclusive. 905-632-5771. O A K V IL L E : Large new ly renovated furnished room w/ kitchenette, private bath, private entrance. Nonsm oker. Free parkin g, no bus access. $675/m o. (416)504-4440___________ F U R N IS H E D execu tive bed s ittin g room s. From $ 55 0.-$650 ./m on th all in clusive, weekly maid serv ice. Ensuite bath/ kitchen/ laundry. Short/ long term. Immediate. 905-842-8958 O A K V IL L E : furnished room near Sheridan College. Suit non-smoking male student. $450/mo. 905-338-8455 From $840./mo. (905) 637-6701 B U R L IN G T O N Two bed room near GO & m all. 4plex. R e cently updated. First & last. References a must! Oct. 1st. $785/m o. (905)632-4072; (905)630244 4.____________ CENTR AL O a k v ille --- upper portion of duplex, 2 bedroom, incl cable/ heat ing, Im m ediate, $750/ month, evenings 905-8292215 W *1 ( I I trucks for sale I furnished rentals B U R L IN G T O N , fu lly fu r nished executive 1&2 bed room condos. Gas fireplace & more. Short or long-term. From $925/m o. 9 0 5 -6 2 8 8861 A F T E R S C H O O L childcare re q u ire d in o u r hom e at L a k e s h o re & T h ird Line, O a k v ille . 3-5 d a y s p e r week from 4pm-6pm, start ing Septem ber. Ideal fo r m ature, responsible stud ent. References required. Call (905)847-3168_______ D A Y C A R E in m y B ronte a re a h o m e / y o u rs , fro m 7:30-1 p.m. Mon-Fri. for two c hildren ages 4, 18 mos. StartSept.4.(905)827- 1813 D A Y C A R E Needed (morn ings only) in your home in River Oaks for boy age 5. Start 8:30 a.m. until Sr. K at O.L.O.P starts in the after noon C a ll(9 0 5 )3 3 0 -7 5 0 7 leave message. A F T E R School care re quired in my east O akville home, 3-5:30pm . Mon.Thurs., 3 children. Excellent hourly rate. 905-849-0312. 1 9 8 6 Chevy S10 pick-up, lowered, Sony tape deck w/ 10-disk CD changer, TBL 5sta r rim s. $2000. as is. (905)336-9975___________ 1 9 8 9 Ford F 1 5 0 - custom , 5L, 5-spd, mint, no rust, air, boxlin e r, blue. Em ission certified, $3900. (905)8427368____________________ 1999 F-150 XLT Sport Su percab Flareside (4 door), fu lly lo a d e d , m in t c o n d i tion, very low kms, 6 pas s e n g e r, re a r s lid e r, bedlin e r, T o n n e a u , tin te d glass, Nurf bars and more. M ust be seen . $23,5000./best offer, certi fied. (905)383-6537 TTTT L U X U R Y "New" 1-3 Bdrm Corporate Condos/ Homes. TV, VCR, 6 app lia nces, stere o, 1-3 baths, health centre, security. Pets okay. D a ily, W eekly, M onthly. $1395-3995/ m onth. Visa, MasterCard, Am ericanEx. Call 681-RENT (7355) L/M O A K V IL L E p ro fe s s io n a l s e e k s sam e fo r la rg e 3 bdrm T.H., private bath, of fice, parking. Non-smoker. $775 all in c lu s iv e . A v a il able Immediately. (905)8278223 I shared accommodation E X P E R IE N C E D nanny required. Must have ve h i cle, first aide & CPR. Refer ences & resum e. Must speak Tagalog. (905)3313103 19 9 1 Ford Aerostar air, p/ s, p/b, new tire s , can be c e rtifie d / em ission-tested, $1800 obo. 905-844-7838 Halton g° ^ Septem ber in O akville Call 905-632-4440 for more information