I H fc U AK V IL L fc B t A V U K weanesaay, aeptemoer d, iuui Old dump site off-limits to development By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF M any may want north Oakville protected from development, and at least one area will be -- the old Fourth Line dump. The Town of Oakville is developing a plan for development north of Hwy. 5 and is about to resume a prolonged pub lic hearing -- on Tuesday, September 11 -- about proposed growth north of Hwy. 5. Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 198 aims to rezone 7,400 acres of agricultural land as urban -- bringing it in line with Halton Region's new Official Plan. OPA No. 198 calls for four new com munities. There's the 407 West employment district (south of Hwy. 407 between Bronte and Tremaine roads). It also calls for three residential/employment communities including: Glenorchy (Sixteen-Mile Creek to Trafalgar Road); Joshua's Meadows (Ninth Line to Trafalgar Road); and, Sixteen Hollow (SixteenMile Creek to Bronte Road). In the midst of it all is the off-limits, 90-acre former Oakville dump that sits on the west side of Neyagawa Boulevard between Dundas Street and Bumhamthorpe Road. Actually, it's north of the Town's North Park, which was to be the site of the soccer events had Toronto been suc cessful in its 2008 Olympic Games bid. One of the few large tracts of land in north Oakville that may escape urban development is the former landfill site on Fourth Line. OPA 198 stipulates that nothing can be built within 30 metres of the dump site. Nothing can locate within 500 metres without observing Guideline D-4 Land Use On or Near Landfills & Dumps set out by the Ministry of Environment (MOE). "Nothing is proposed for that site," said Town of Oakville planner Robert Thon. While the Town owns the former dump, Halton Region manages it under the watchful eye of the Ontario govern ment and its regulations for decommis sioned landfill sites. And nothing is currently is planned for the former dump site, said Thon. Whether that will always be the case, is be up to the Region, said the Town planner. "If there's an after-use at the end of the day, they (the Region) will advise us accordingly," said Thon, noting it's at that point that the Town may become involved in any detailed study. Thon said that Under OPA 198, the Sears stores close to you, close to home SALE PRICES END SUN., SEPT. 9, OR WHERE SEARS IS CLOSED, SAT., SEPT. 8, 2 0 0 1 Major Appliances are available at the following Greater Toronto locations: ENDS THIS WEEKEND! A HUGE ASSORTMENT OF MAJOR APPLIANCES, VACUUMS AND SEWING MACHINES North Bolton Dealer Store (905) 857-4390 Markham Furniture, Appliances & Home Improvements Store Don Mills & Steeles (905) 881-6600 Markville Shopping Centre (905) 946-1866 Promenade Shopping Centre (905) 731-3388 Richmond Hill Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 7 and Yonge S t (905) 762-0870 Upper Canada Mall Newmartet (905) 898-2300 Woodbridge Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 7 & Weston Rd. (905) 850-6406 East Oshawa Shopping Centre (905) 576-1711 Pickering Town Centre (905) 420-8000 Scarborough Furniture & Appliances Store Kennedy Rd. & 401 (416) 332-8577 Scarborough Town Centre (416) 296-0171 ON SALE 'D/620 Sewing and Floor Care Shop; excludes wet/dry vacuums Central Fairview Mall (416) 502-3737 Gerard Square (416) 461-9092 Sherway Gardens (416) 620-6011 Woodbine Shopping Centre (416) 798--3800 Yorhdale Shopping Centre (416) 789-1105 Allen Rd. Furniture & Appliances Store Allen Rd. & Sheppard Ave. (416) 398-9947 West Ancaster Furniture & Appliances Store Golf Unks Rd. & Legend Crt. (905) 304-1440 Bramalea City Centre (905) 458-1141 Brampton Furniture & Appliances Store 535 Steeles Ave. E. (905) 455-1255 98 Burlington Furniture & Appliances Store Plains Rd. East & QEW (905) 631-9655 Erin Mills Town Centre (905) 607-2300 Georgetown Dealer Store (905) 877-5172 Hamilton Centre Mall (905) 545-4741 Umeridge Mall Hamilton (905) 389-4441 Mapleview Centre Burlington (905) 632-4111 Milton Dealer Store (905) 878-4104 Mississauga Dealer Store (905) 848-8882 Mississauga Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 5 & 403 (905) 820-6801 Oakville Place (905) 842-9410 closest residential land is more than 500 metres from the site. Brock Criger, senior environmental planner at halton Region, said records aren't readily available, at the Town or Region, as to when the dump began oper ating. It stopped taking trash in 1984, .he said. Under Ontario's Environmental Protection Act, Section 46, said Criger, nothing can be built on a former dump site for 25 years -- unless otherwise approved by the Minister of Environment. Criger said it's safe to add the 25 years to the date of Jan. 1, 1985 -- 2010. "It would not be developed in the con ventional sense," said Criger, explaining no "hard surfaces" would ever be built, such as roads or even the asphalt paving required for tennis or basketball courts. "It will stay as a passive recreation area, with an active recreation area to the south," said Criger. The Town's 350-acre North Park, which was hoped to be the site for Olympic soccer competitions and a 20,000-seat stadium, is also located on the west of Neyagawa Boulevard, north of Hwy. 5, and was purchased a decade ago. Since then, the Town has been sav ing money in its capital budget for devel opment. The Town had committed $1 million to the construction of a grass-field stadi um, with a temporary seating capacity of 20.000. North Park is to be Oakville's premier sports park with facilities for soccer as well as baseball, softball and other sports. Town officials have said that the park will eventually include passive and active uses. It awaits servicing north of Dundas Street and money in the bank for devel opment. To its north, the former Fourth Line dump site is monitored by Halton Region for gases, such as methane gas, and drained of non-hazardous leachate. The site consists of a hole, lined with clay with a piped leachate collection sys tem at the base of the garbage. Leachate is caused by rainwater which "percolates" with the waste as it breaks down. The Fourth Linedump was restricted to non-hazardous residential and small commercial waste. Neither liquid waste (paint 'etc.), nor solid hazardous waste (batteries etc.) were dumped there. Monitoring wells around the perime ter of the landfill ensure the leachate doesn't seep into the groundwater and streams. The site was capped with clay and topsoil, then grass was planted to mitigate run-off. Sod keeps the cap moist so the clay won't crack. Daily, leachate is pumped into tankers and transferred to water treatment plants where it's cleaned. Gas, namely methane from decom posing organics is also generated by the site, but does not require a formal collec tion system like much larger landfills. On Fourth Line, a "passive" method allows methane to simply seep out of the ground slowly and safely. The Fourth Line site remains fenced and isn't used for anything though some former dump sites in other cities have been recycled as baseball diamonds or golf courses. Halton's new dump is located just north of Oakville on Bronte Road and is expected to last for at least 40 years. for team Bazaar will help rebuild Guatemala Mark down this Saturday on your calendar for the Halton and Peel Central America Relief Effort Committee's (HPCARE) Community Bazaar at St. Michael Church. The aim of the fundraising event, which runs from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., is to support communities affected by natur al disasters in Guatemala. New and old items will be available at excellent prices. The church is located at 181 Sewell Drive, north of the QEW and west of Trafalgar Road. HPCARE's Timushan Project in Guatemala, for example, is an initiative designed to build a self-sustainable community that was devastated by Hurricane Mitch in 1998. This includes home reconstruction and a multi-fiinctional community centre/health clinic. Donations are always welcome and range from household items (cooking utensils, flashlights, batteries, blankets etc.) and clothing to school supplies, toi letries and tools. Drop off goods at the Halton Multicultural Council, 635 Fourth Line Unit 48, during office hours Monday to Friday. Call 905-842-2486. HALTON TRAFALGAR TRAVEL MOVES TO DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE! KENM0RE* WASHER AND DRYER r. 3.1 -cu. ft. super capacity. Double-action agitator and 8 cycle options. #22652. Sears reg. 699.99.549.99 Dryer. 6.5-cu. ft. super capacity with 6 drying and 3 temperature options. #62652. Sears reg. 549.99.449.99 ® /M D Square One Shopping Centre (905) 270-8111 Major appliances from Sears are Canada's Bestsellers Based on independent national surveys current at time of advertising preparation *Don't pay until September 2002. on approved credit, only with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $45 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Excludes items in our Liquidation/Outlet stores and Catalogue purchases. Offer ends Sunday, September 30, or where Sears is closed, Saturday, September 29,2001. Ask for details. **Major appliances department excludes vacuums and sewing machines NOW 199" KENMORE 12-AMP UPRIGHT VACUUM Electrostatic chamber filter. #31300. Sears reg. 349.99. NOW $588 KENMORE EASY-CLEAN RANGE Lift-top cooktop. #62293. Sears reg. 799.99. Also available in Black-on-White. Self-clean extra NOW $798 KENMORE 18.2-CU. FT. FRIDGE WITH TOP FREEZER 1 fu ll and 2 half-w idth shelves. #67832. Sears reg. 999.99. Also available in Bisque NOW $518 KENMORE ULTRA WASH DISHWASHER 'Quiet Guard 1' sound-reduction system. #16622. Sears reg. 649.99. Also available in Black P lu s, u s e y o u r S e a r s C a rd a n d d o n 't p a y fo r o n e full year* o n all m a jo r a p p lia n c e s * M a jo r a p p lia n c e s o n lin e a t w w w .s e a r s .c a Grand Opening and Travel Show Doumtoum Autumn Festival Saturday, Se p te m b e r 15, 2001 278 Church Street S ears O akville P lace M o n .-F ri. 9 :3 0 a m -9 Sears Furniture & Appliance Store M ississauga NP0920401 p m . S a t. 8 a m - 6 p m . S u n . 11 a m - 6 p m . M o n .-F ri. 10 a m -9 p m . S a t. 10 a m -6 p m . S u n .11 a m -6 p m . HALTON TRAFALGAR TRAVEL 905-842-3111 C o m e m e e t o u r P a rtn e rs in T ra v e l A ir T ra n s a t H o lid a y s , C ana da 3000. S ig n a tu re V a ca tio n s a n d W o rld o f V aca tio n s Copyright 2001. Sears Canada Inc.
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