Oakville Beaver, 29 Aug 2001, c2

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C2 M f y w A c e Danceware Direct Come visit us THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, August 29, 2001 H ipH o p· Met · /to ']& · lyrical · M afaifM re · tip We are entering o u r ninth YEAR IN OAKVILLE in o u r new ly renovated premises. Now ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS FOR OUR 2001/2002 SEASON. Cusses fo r ch ild re n aged 3 and up, at a ll levels fro m recre a tio n a l th ro u g i competitive. A d u lt classes a lso available. Open H 0US6 Sat., September 1 10:00am - 5:00pm OUR STUDIOS AND MEET THE FACULTY, OR PERHAPS TRY ONE OF OUR COMPLIMENTARY CLASSES. PLEASE CALL THE STUDIO TO CONFIRM YOUR SPOT! for all your dance needs. W e carry a w id e range of shoes Make a difference in life with the practice of Natural Nutrition ADVERTISING FEATURE T AS WELL AS THE LATEST STYLES IN DANCEWEAR R O M LEADING SUPPLIERS. B a c k TO CLASS SPECIALS FROM Sat., August 25 THROUGH Sat., September 1. UP TO 40% OFF. 2861 Sherwood Heights Drive, Unit 39 (S. of QEW, W. of Winston Churchill) Oakville, Ontario (905) 829*1610 St Aidan's Cooperative Pre-School » V For ages 2.5 to 5 yrs v //_ 3/5 M orning Programs 'X 9:00 a m -1 1 :3 0 am *' Fall Registration Thurs. Aug. 28 - 7-9 pm Call SUSAN at 905-337-7253 to register 3 1 8 Q u e e n M a r y D riv e , _________ O a k v ille , O n ta r i o he Canadian School of Natural Nutrition was founded in 1995 and has seven locations across Canada. Its continuous success across the country is due to its outstanding programs and unique philosophy in Natural Nutrition. Respect for ourselves, and our envi ronment, prevention of disease through a wholesome diet, and a truly holistic approach to wellness, are the cornerstones of our unique philosophy. Our mission to education individu als on the many options available to them to make a difference on planet earth though the practice of natural nutrition. The future of mankind lies not in cures but in disease prevention. Into the 21st century, we see that holistic health care is one of the most promis ing and expanding fields. Good nutri tion is the prerequisite to any worth while program in healthcare. The school offers a diploma pro gram in Natural Nutrition, as well as general interest courses, workshops and seminars on different holistic healthcare modalities. Taught by a team of dedicated, well-qualified professionals, the pro gram may be completed in one year (day classes) or two years (evening classes). With our classroom ratio of 17 to 1, our students are assured personal attention. Flexible class schedules allow stu dents to continue with their outside responsibilities and enjoy learning. Successful completion leads to a Diploma in Natural Nutrition and to the professional designation of R.H.N. (Registered Holistic Nutritionist). Graduate students may also apply for the designation R.N.C. (Registered Nutritional Consultant). For additional information, call 905-891-0024 to attend an information session Aug. 29 from 7 to 9 p.m. Our Graduates s ay.. . "I have ventured into a field which gives me a sense of self-worth, a sense of belonging, a sense of purpose and personal growth." -JIM . Class o f '99 "With an increased knowledge of health and wellness, I have changed my patterns and benefitted my family and friends." - M.H. Class o f '97 . Kids! It's time to head back to school. But before you do, check out these safety tips from a variety of sponsors. They are sure to help you and your parents have a great school year! JKO RS KE V E R YO T H E RD A Y Are your children attending Kindergarten all day, alternate days in the fall? We offer a senior nursery school program designed for children 3 Ml to 5 years of age. Tuesday & Thursday's 1:50 to 4:00 pm 3 , 2 o r 1 m o rn in g p r o g r a m T u e s., lil e d ., Thurs. 9 a m to 1 1 : 1 5 o m IJUe a r e a c o -o p e r a tiv e n u rs e ry school fo r c h ild re n a g e s 2 1 / 2 to 5 C r o u » « Streets Look both ways before crossing the street. I Avoid Empty Places Be Alert! W atch w hat's going on around you. S D on't cut through em pty lots on your way to school. KIDDV CORNER lo c a t e d a t 1 2 5 0 M c C r a n e y S t C a ll 845-8197 f o r m o r e in fo r m a tio n Doors D on't answ er the door when you're home alone. OR Fad A Cood Backpack lllj m Choose a backpack that fits close to your body. Exit Plan G et off the bus calm ly and in single file. Providing Care 6 `Weefc o f % t to School %£e A M . 9{ursery School ils tle o n k s Transportation available for Child Care Cenfre Kinder9arten before & after scho°l Q u a lity e n v iro n m e n t For more information call i i 842-7303 53 B ond St. (off Kerr between Rebecca & Speers Rd.) C A Take care o f your books, lunch and other items. H Hands & A ruts Keep hands, arm s and head inside vehicles. If Yoa Cat Lost Find a policem an o r go to a store nearby. We offer a stimulating program for children 1 Ml to 5 years of age Monday, Wednesday and Friday's 1:50 to 4:00 pm Call 905-849-6566 for more information. O OAKVILLE PARENT-CHILP CENTRE W 1 0 5 5 M c C r a n e y S t . E . , O a k v ille 5, 3, or 2 Day 2 hour programs fo r 2 1/2 -- 5 yr olds h it e O aks P r esc h o o l lust Say HOI S tay aw ay from drugs and cigarettes. Keep Aw ay From D on't play near buses. E x c e p tio n a l R a tes Now accepting registrations for S eptem ber « e F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , p le a se ca ll P a m o r L isa 8 45 -5 2 0 0 ext 260 Learn your phone num ber [ and address before you start school. PLA YBO Y fRSlERY, SG H EO I Strangers D on't talk to stnuigerc. Plaa A Roate W ith your parents, plan the safest and quickest route to school. 10 Steps Take 10 steps aw ay from the front o f a stopped bus before crossing. 8 HOURS 9-11:30 a.m. / l-3.30p.ii Is your child ready for I day kindergarten at a ratio o l 1-24 or more? We are accepting registrations^ for our afternoon JK/SK program ratio 1-8. 2 afternoons! $115 monthly 2 afternoons and alternate Fridays $150 3 afternoons $155 5 afternoons $250 I r Waft Away W alking to school is safer and m ore fun w ith friends. I f som eone tries to start a fight, w alk away. Y e l Ovtl If a stranger bothers you, yell fo r help! Zero In On Safety Follow these tips to a safer school year! 1849-4411 Glen Abbey Child Care Centre N o w accepting September Registrations O pen 6:45 am - 6:00 pm Full tim e & Part T im e care for children 2 --5 years. J.K. / S.K. programs Full Tim e Part Tim e and Alternate D ay Care available. Transportation provided to St. M atthew's, Ecole Ste-Marie, & Abbey Lane School. NORTH aQAK D E N T A L O F F I C E Nottinghill Co-operative Preschool L im ited Space Available for 2001/2002 School year J A M E S V L A H O S , D .D .S . 1 5 0 0 S ix th L in e # 9 O a k v ille , O n ta r io L 6 H 2 T 2 2 Morning & 3 afternoon programs 1469 Nottinghill Gate (Glen Abbey United Church) (905) 815-0775 Em ergency P ager (416) 501-8968 905-827-1442 Century Childcare O akville' s most unique learning facility located in a beautiful century home. Montessori & French enriched. -------- Inc.--------- The "NEWT' Upper Oaks Schoolaged Program, welcomes you to register children 5 to 12 yrs. Transport to various Riveroaks £> Glen Abbey Schools. Lots of fun things to do! Open School closures G O V E R N M E N T L IC E N S E D F O R F O R T Y S E V E N C H IL D R E N A G E S T W O & U P ! 905-825-8448 <45' St- Cuthbert's Co-op Nursery School in operation at Oakhill & Maplegrove for 28 years! Fabulous "NEW" Ground Level Facilities UDitk * Computer · Educational Toys · Theme Related Crafts · Music · Field T rips... · Outdoor "Paris" Playground 2/3 or 5 mornings - start Sept. 10th Alternate days available for JK & SK Ages 2 1/4-5 Please Call: £05) 849-6511 FR EE FR EE FR EE We are a full service centre open 7:30am - 6:00 pm. We offer: · Full time care · Outstanding pre-school program A.M. or P.M. · Qualified experienced staff including Montessori AMI teachers · Large outdoor play area · All our meals and snacks are prepared by our own cook · Maximum 8 to 1 student - teacher rado · Many excellent references Compare us with the rest and you will see we are the best In operation since 1993 at 1072 Tanglewood Crt., Oakville (Lakeshore & Fourth Line area) 905-849-3614 O A K V IL L E T o w n C e n t r e II 'D o r v a l/ N o r t h S e r v ic e Y o ur First C h oice for C hildcare A d u lt E N G L IS H C L A S S E S w ith c o m p u te rs (LINC) Full-time, Part-time, Evenings, W eekends Hom e S tud y Program available CALL & REGISTER TODAY!!! B u rlin g to n , H a lto n H ills , M ilto n , O a k v ille 9 0 5 - 8 44-8703 B u rlin g to n A lso : 9 0 5 - 3 1 9 -9 5 5 5 B arrie 7 0 5 - 7 2 2 -6 1 0 6 H a m ilto n Providing quality program s for children 3 months to 5 years. ( 905) 875-3851 [P e e l R egion P ro g ra m Inform ation: (9 0 5 ) 2 7 0 -6 0 0 0 V oces' 9 0 5 - 3 8 3 -5 6 6 9 W a t e r lo o 5 1 9 - 8 8 4 -8 5 5 8 Call 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -6 1 0 6 Located just north of the QEW at 1151 Bronte Rd. Please Call ( 905)849-4924

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