A2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, September 12, 2001 So PRE-OWNED VEHICLES 1 9 9 5 FORD ESCORT LX 4 cyl., auto., ak c o n i, alloy wheels. J Stk#IG 0l9A 1 9 9 8 DODGE STRATUS Like new. Autom atic,( air cond. Stk.#iT395A Trafalgar Village demolition underway By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF The walls are coming down at Trafalgar Village Mall. Demolition of the west end of the mall, what was once the old Woolco store, was well under way early this week. "The old Woolco building is being demolished as well as a portion of the mall," said mall manager Pat Sutcliffe. While interior demolition has been going on for nearly a month, the exterior work began late last week. The complete job won't be finished for at least a couple of weeks and then construction can begin anew. A new Home Depot will be built to the west end of the mall. The store should open sometime in May. Two additional new build ings or shopping "pads" will also be constructed to the west end of the mall. Sutcliffe said those buildings should be ready to open by late January, early February. Another building, the corri dor between the NoFrills and Gold Griddle will be renovated extensively. "There will be five buildings in total, counting the Tim Hortons," said Sutcliffe. The stores that were in the .'1 2 ,4 6 1 * ^ - 1 9 9 5 FORD PROBE SE 4 cyl., 5 speed air cond., loaded. Stk.#P2525 2000 FORD MUSTANG CONV. V6 auto., AM/FM cass., air cond., p.l., p.w., cruise, tilt, 16,000 km. " " Stk#A0812 1997 AEROSTAR 6 cyl. auto.,tinted glass, cruise, air cond. S tk.#iSll9A 1 9 9 6 FORD F-150XL V8, tinted glass, box liner, touring, tilt steering. Stk.#Rl094A 19 97 CADILLAC DEVILLE ELEGANCE Auto., A/C, leather, alloy wheels, p L r ld .w tilt chro wheels. LoadedKr SURH86A ' 1 ""V 1 9 9 7 ESCORT W AGON IIU IK , J U U I, 4 cyl., automatic, 5U door, air cond., ?reat runner.'1 tk.# l 18479 1 9 9 8 NISSAN PATHFINDER SE 4X4 6-cyl., auto., CD, cruise, anti-theft, roof rack, p.l., air bags, Wl s S T s^ ba 2 4 ,9 9 5 1 9 9 3 LINCOLN TO W N CAR SIGNATURE Loaded, leather, other, air cond. alloy wheels^ S tk.# )W lll/ 2000 NISSAN XTERRA 4X4 6-cyl., auto., air, p.l.,m.,w., tilt, air bags> anti-theft. I Stk#lW05lA M l Demolition of the exterior walls lier this week. west end of the mall that's now being demolished are now doing business in temporary homes in the mall's east portion. A new mall entrance will also be constructed in what amounts to a major renovation of Trafalgar Village Mall. Still, 18 of the 22 stores to be accommodated in the new shop Photo by Barrie Erskine of Trafalgar Village began ear ping pads are existing business es. All will have brand new shops by the time the new year rolls around. To facilitate construction, a barrier has been erected through the middle of the mall to sepa rate east end shopping and west end construction activities. 1 9 9 7 CHEV CAVALIER Z 2 4 Alloy wheels, 4 cyl., auto., moon rool Stk.#IT3334 1 9 9 9 FORD RANGER XLT 4X4 Extended cab, 6-cyl., auto., fog lights, AM/FM with CD, cruise, > 1 1 ,9 1 0 s # »1 ,8 8 0 f " f t m 1 9 9 9 CHEV CAVALIER 4 cyl., auto, air cond., driver side* air bag. Stk.#P2574 C ow 2000 FORD F-150 XLT SPORT 4X4 Extend cab, auto., cruise, tilt, A/C, tonneau cover, alloy wheels, s\m A TTH EQ .E.W . Grandparents Teri and Joaquim Casas and Judy and Jim Harmsworth are pleased to announce the birth of their granddaughter. Julia Laia Harmsworth, born on Sunday September 2, 2001 weighing 81b. Delighted parents are Sharon Casas and H ark Harmsworth. Big brother Christopher is thrilled with the arrival of his new sister. fin d MAXAA&nce/ tike/ cUfl&W rUZ' Q f l k - h f l n d 4& A K -L A N D I FORD LINCOLN 5 7 0 Trafalgar Rd.r Oakville 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -3 2 7 3 w w w .o Q k - lo n d .c o m F a ll B r id g e Lessons Mississauga-Oakville Bridge Centre & The American Contract Bridge League F or B eginners . .. 10 weeks, $134 Monday evenings beginning September 17th Wednesday afternoons beginning September 19th F or "R usty " P layers . . . 8 weeks, $114.00 Tuesday mornings beginning September 18th Thursday evenings beginning September 20th N ew Players B ridge G ames Monday mornings at 9:30 Tuesday evenings at 7:30 Please call l9 0 S > 820-5728 "At Erin Mills Lodge, Mom gets the care she needs to stay independent." It wasn't an easy decision because M om has always been so independent and we didn't w ant to quell that wonderful spirit of hers. But even she agreed that she needed more help than w e could give her. Thank goodness for the caring people at Erin Mills Lodge. M om loves her active new lifestyle and she's as happy and independent as ever. - Daughter of Mrs. Robertson, E R M I N I L E S L O D Q E a. wouf. Li^e. Voted Mississauga's #1 Retirement Home O R C A Resident since 1991 V 2132 Dundas St. W. Mississauga, Ontario L5K 2K7 Phone: (905) 823-6700 Fax (905) 823-2410