Oakville Beaver, 11 Nov 2001, Classified, p. 21

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The Oakville Beaver W eekend, Sunday November 11, 2001 - 21 C l a s s if ie d houses for sale BURLINGTON. Completely renovated & upgraded 4-level 3+1 bedroom sidesplit. Near schools & shopping. Large lot. $239,900. Private. 905332-4037________________ O PEN H ouse Sunday, 3pm-5pm, 259 Poole Drive. Fast closing, O akville- de tached, 3 bedroom s, 2.5 baths, double garage. Call 337-2712. Private. $269,900 apartments & flats torrent / > · T he Oakville B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. oakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on' TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Circulation: 905-845-9742 ·Real Estate 100-135 Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-1% · Leisure living 200-239 · Community & Puttie Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470· Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 ^ apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats torrent houses for rent BURLINGTO N 2-bed room, lakeview $1200/mo. + utilities. Meaford: 3-bed room + in -law suite, fir e place, near lake, park, mar ina $900 + u tilitie s . 905637-6002_______________ EXEC UTIVE 4-bedroom , 2-storey, south central Bur lington, recently renovated, 5 appliances, deck, porch, $1,795./mo. +utilities. 905634-2628 BURLINGTO N. P a rtia lly furn ished 2-bedroom , d i ningroom , livingroom with fire p la ce , frid g e , stove. Lake view . $1200/m o.+ utilities. 905-634-4489 RENT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit & earnings v e rifica tion. Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, Realtor, 905 -639-5258; creativeopts@quickclic.net________ EXEC UTIVE H o u s e - 4 bedroom ba ck-sp lit, minutes to McMaster & 403. Freshened up & ready for mid December. W onderful n eighbourhood, great s chools, sho rt/lo n g term , $145Q/mo+. (905)628-8861 A VAILAB LE im m edia tely Large 3-bedroom , 3 ap p liance s, fenced yard. B rant/ P lains Rd. area. $1500/m o+ u tilitie s . 905332-3542________________ W EST O akville. 4 -b e d room s, 2.5 baths, 2600 sq.ft., 4 appliances, double garage, $1700/mo. Dec.lst. No pets. 905-827-0277. O A K V IL L E - new ly reno vated bungalow 3+1 bed room. F inished basem ent w/FP, large private lot, very quiet cu l-d e -s a c , 5 ap pliances, a/c. Perfect family heme. $1800+ (905)844- 4463 EAST B u rlington $1300/ mo + utilities. 3-bedroOm detached hom e, 6 ap pliances, c/a, large fenced yard, q uiet s tre e t near schools & shopping. Imme diate. Credit references re quired. Non-sm okers. 1905-899-0998____________ SPLIT-LEVEL near Maple Grove Village mall. $1,400 a m o n th , 4 b e d ro o m s, A v a ila b le J a n e 1. 2002. Call (905)842-6789 NANNY / C a re g ive r....... required for child in Waterdown, Live-out, 2 days, start January, 905-690-7802 Im NANNY, liv e -in / out, re quire d Janu ary 1st. f u ll time. North Burlington. Call 416-252-3361, Ext.250 The H otel Alternative for Christmas "\|D o you have g u e sts co m in g to c e le b ra te C hristm as? S tay in g fo r 2 w eek s o r m o re? LARGE 2-bedroom - close to lake, Guelph Line/ New St. area. Immediate. $795./ mo.+ hydro. No dogs. 905681-9087________________ DO RVAL/ Rebecca. 2bedroom, $810/mo. Clean quiet building. Parking in cluded. Hydro extra. Available Now. 905-337-9413. OAKVILLE. Kerr/ Lakeshore. Large bright 2-bedroom in q uiet a du lt building, Hardwood floors, $800/mo. Available Nov. 15th or Dec. 1st. 905-277-4728________ FRESHLY Painted: 2Bedroom , 2 -s to re y - De cember. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. Private la ndscaped patios. 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905) 336-0015; 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0016 (Burlington)______________ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 1 bedroom apa rt ments available December & January. From $895/mo. 905-632-0129____________ B urlington Tow ers. 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments avail able January 1/2001 in much desired lo cation. 905-639-8583____________ SPACIO US B urlington Bachelor apartment, ground le vel, quiet cle an wellmaintained low rise building, $675/mo. inclusive. Dec. 1st. 905-319-9114 evgs._______ 2-BEDRO O M S: $820 / mo. (U tilitie s included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. O ffice Open 9-4pm, Mon -Sat. (905)639-5761 GEORGIAN Apartm ents. 1,2&3 Bedroom s. Im m e diate/D ec. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 905-6390456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:308pm Come Home To CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited IM M AC ULA TE 3-bedroom, Tyandaga area, Bur ling to n . 2 baths, fin ish e d basement, new paint & car pets. +++! $125,000. Last c h a n c e !!!!!! P riva te Sale. 416-984-8456____________ BRANT/ Mount Forest area$118,500. Private sale. 2 storey, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, finished rec. room. Available Jan. 15. 905-336-1802___ M O V E-IN con dition 2bedroom, 2 baths, large liv ing space, 5 appliances, C/ A, deck, sin g le garage. Hwy.5/ W alker's Line area. $138,500. 905-336-9978 DO N'T PAY HIGH HOTEL PRICES C o n tact B u rlin g to n T ow ers a b o u t o u r p o p u la r C o rp o rate S u ite s fo r D ecem b er UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2418 Glenmod School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-Bdrms trom $950. 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Call 905-639-8583 w w w .ontim .com em ail: b tow ers@ lara.on.ca (P sst-T he lo n g e r th e stay in D ecem ber, th e lo w er th e p e r n ig h t cost) KERR/SPEERS one bed room apartm ent $740 per m onth in c lu d in g u tilitie s . Available Jan u a ry -1st. Call (905)849-4782 2-BEDROOM, Bronte, ex cellent cond ition,new car pets, new tile, hardwoods, fresh ly painted, pool, ten nis c o u rt, u n d e rg ro u n d parking. $1200/m th u tili ties included, Brad Miller, Century 21 Miller Real Estate Ltd., (905)845-9180 2 -B E D R O O M b a s e m e n t apartment, or to share. All in c lu s iv e . O a k v ilfe . C a ll (905)842-0631-after 6 pm weekdays, weekends any time BURLINGTON- Basement apartment near school, bus stop and stores. December 1st. $675/mo., hydro & basic cable included. (905)3351393__________________ NORTH G len Abbey, new 1-bdrm basement, kitchen ette, separate entrance, 1parking. No smoking/ pets. $750/m o. D e c.1st. 905ALDER SH OT. B achelor apartment, Parking. Sepa rate entrance. Dec. 1st. First/last, $500./mo. all in clusive. Jack, 905-632-9637 1&2 Bedroom Apartm ents available December. 1363 Lakeshore, Burlington across from Spencer Smith Park, 905-637-8431, (R ing Apt. # 101)___________________ BU RLIN GTO N Large basem ent apt. in clean quiet hom e, N on-sm oker, no pets. Immediate. 905632-1946 before 9pm______ 205 Q ueen M ary Drive, O akville. N ear all a m eni ties. Bachelor. $645/m o.+ hydro, D ec.; 2-bedroom , $1050/m o, im m ediate; 3bedroom , $1275./m o. im mediate; (+parking). 905844-9670 BURLINGTON- Brants Plains Rd. 1-bedroom , bright, newly renovated. Hardwood, blinds, parking, laundry. $73Qftno. Dec.1st (905)336-7207 SPACIOUS 2-bedroom apa rtm e nt above store, Oakville, renovated, $1145/ mo. -fu tilitie s . Im m ediate. No pets. C all 905-3311301 evgs. BURLINGTO N. 2&3-bdrm apartments, furnished/ un furn ished . Im m ediate ly/ Dec. 1st. From $822/m o. Heat/ hydro included. No pets. 905-632-0961_______ PLA IN S/ QEW (B u rlin g ton). 2-bedroom , new er sm all building. P arking, laundry. Security. Novem ber 15th/ D ecem ber 1st. $797./m o .+ hydro. 905825-5539________________ CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1&2 bedroom s availab le Nov./ Dec/Jan. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. (905)632-5486. 2-BEDRO O M apartm ents a v a ila b le Janu ary from $925./mo. Conveniently lo cated W oodw ard/ G uelph Line. Burl. 905-632-4265 DOW NTOW N B u rlington, 1&3 Bedrooms. December. 2-B edroom s, January, fre s h ly painted, some with new kitchen cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call 905-637-0321 O AKVILLE. Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2&3 bedroom apa rtm e nts ava ila b le im m ediately. $1150/m o.- $1360/m o. (+ parking) 905-844r9006 2-BEDRO O M Apartm ents ava ila b le in w e ll- m ain ta in e d O a kville building. Close to schools & profes sio nal s ervices. Easy ac cess to QEW & 403. 905844-2646________________ 2-BEDROOM apartm ents. 110 South F oster Park, O akville. U tilities included excep t hydro. Nov. 15th. (905)849-8411; 10am-8pm. DOWNTOWN Oakville, large 2-bedroom , 5 appliances, fire p la c e , C/A, parking. $ 1225/m o.+ A v a ila ble lmmed-7 Dec. 416-420-3952 DOW NTOW N O akville. Large 2-bedroom , A/C. $1050/m o.+ Dec. 1st. Forb es, 416-420-3952_________ CA W THR A/ QEW . W ell m aintained! 1-Bedroom , $839/m o.* ( ` in clude s 2% discount fo r prom pt payment) Pearl, (905)273-9114 BRONTE: 2-bedroom , pri vate entrance, 5 applianc es, jacuzzi, gas fireplace, a/ c, walk to lake. No pets, non-sm oking. Parking. Avail. D ec.1st. $ 1 150/mo. plus utilities. 416-993-1622. 2-BEDRO O M S uites am ong refined tenants in lu xury build in g close to B u rlington M all. C all the Regency' , 905^81 jB t l 5 BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1&2Bdrm Suites Available Dec.lst From $735./mo Includes utilities. Parking Available W EST B u rlington, quiet n eighbou rho od near drug stores, post office, library, o th e r a m enities. Fem ale roommate wanted to share 2-bdrm apartm ent with re tired lady. $500/m o., free parking. 1013 St. Matthews Avenue. Immediate. Robert 905-333-1633____________ SHARE townhouse w ith 3 students, near Sheridan, private room, all facilities. $500/m o. Immediate. 905339-0998________________ FURNISHED executive room , K itch en/ laundry facilities, Available imme diately, weekly maid serv ice, F irs t/ Last required. $550/m o. C all 9 0 5 -8 4 2 1678; 905-842-8958 HO M E d a y c a re in q u ie t n e ig h b o u rh o o d , F ou rth L in e /S p e e rs a re a , has Full/Part time spaces avail able infants welcome. Nu tritious lunches/snacks pro vided, lots of fun and learn ing. ECE and first aid cer t ific a te s . C a ll K a re n at (9 0 5 )8 1 5 -0 6 7 3 . e m a il: a rm s tro n g l 760 @sym patico.ca DAYCARE availab le in my home, fu ll-tim e / parttime. W alker's Line & Hwy #5. Call Wendy, (905)3320939____________________ ECE/ MOM has fu ll-tim e spaces. M any stim ulatin g activities. First Aid/ CPR, e xce lle n t references, re ceipts, fully insured. Block Parent. Oakville. 905-3387982.___________________ FU LL-TIM E daycare. Large G len Abbey hom e. Big playroom, in door/ out door activities, hot lunches, snacks. R eferences. Receipts. (905)827-4534. HEADON Forest, B urling ton. Experienced caregiver provides fun, loving, edu catio n a l atm osphere. 2years and up. F u ll/ half days. (905)319-3283. REGISTERED daycare provider has spaces avail able. 17yrs. expe rience. Nutritious meals, referenc es, receipts. Palmer area. 905-336-0864.___________ 4-YEAR old girl looking for friend to join Mom's daycare. Large va rie ty of da ily activities with whole lot of fun! O ffe rin g 15 years expe rience, references, re ce ip ts. (18 m onths+). Headon Forest area. 905335-5980 905-639-9212 O A K V IL L E - 3-Bedroom tow nhouses a vailab le im m edia tely/ D e c .ls t. 4 ap pliance s. H opedale M all area. Lakeshore M anagement, 905-876-3336_______ LARGE 3-bedroom, Feb. 1st. From $1199/mo. (+ utilities). 5 appliances, garage, park like setting. Longmoor Drive, Burlington. 905-681-0070 CHEDOKE G olf C ourseHam ilton, upscale 3 bed room ++ townhome condo. Rent- $1,695/mon. or sale$189,900. 905-528-4944 EXECUTIVE Condo Townhouse, North Oakville, 2300 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, 21/2 baths, fam ilyroom , 5 appliances, firepla ce, air, garage. Nov./Dec. $1675/ mo.+ utilities. Call Warren H ill, T ra fa lg a r Property M anagem ent, (905)3381130 Others Available BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom from $999./mo.+ utili ties, January. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. (905)333-1190.___________ FREEHOLD tow nhouse, central G len Abbey, (on Cottonwood). February 1/ 2002. 3-bedrooms. $1600/ mo. Long-term rental only. 905-827-7854____________ GORGEOUS Executive townhomes, 3 or 2 bedroom, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, $13 50./or $1495./m onth ·futilities. 905-634-2628. APPLEBY/ U pper M iddle. 3+1 bedroom, 3-1/2 baths, 1483 sq.ft., C/A, 5 applianc es, ceramics, deck, entry to garage. No pets. $1500/ mo.+ utilities. January. 905315-7023_______________ DEC. 1ST. Burlington. New 3bedroom, 1470sq.ft. end unit, 4 app lia nces, m aster w/ ensuite, 2 parking w/garage. (Maintenance/ snow removal included.) Extremely sought a fte r area. $1450 /m o.+ utilities. 416-563-0190. WE s p e cia lize in C o ndo m inium S ales & Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor, (905)3334347 W ATERD O W N, D undas/ Ham ilton St., across from plaza. Prim e com m e rcial/ retail/ office space for rent. 416-23^-3117___________ O AKV ILLE. 110Qeq.IL. re ta il space w/w ashroom & shower, available Oct. 1st., $1450/m o. + u tilitie s . C all 905-331-1301 after 4pm. N A T U R A L Health Practiontioner required part-time fo r O a kville P rofessio nal Office- all amenities includ ed. Please call evenings or weekends 905-573-0719 ALDERSHOT.Sublet approx. 300 s q .ft. o ffice space includes utilities, $425/mo. +g.s.t. Call 905-541-7155. O A K V IL L E , Executive Centre, offices from $300/ month. M onthly/ long term leases. Secretarial/ other o ffice services. 905-3371902. A C hristm as Present! Large 3-bedroom suite at B u rlington T ow ers... a much desired lo cation. Available Dec. 1st. Features 2 balconies w ith separate 905-690-1896 views, easy QEW access, rec. centre w ith large in W HITE O aks, O akville. door pool. C all 9 0 5 -6 3 9 S pacious 1&2 Bedroom + 8583____________________ den, from $1125/mo. Imme W ALK to dow ntown O ak diate/Dec. Well- maintained v ille . Renovated 2-bdrm . complex, full rec. facilities including indoor pool, sun $845/mo.+ hydro. Nov. 15th/ ken livingroom... some with D e c .1st Sm all building. Laundry. Parking. Security. fireplace! Call 905-815-1628 905-825-5539. _ OLD O akville. B e autifu lly maintained, very dean, quiet building downtown. Step out to shops. 1-bedroom, $1,005. /mo., 2-bedroom, $12007mo. No lease. 905-845-8254 (leave message) Q UIET, C onvenient, WellMaintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd., Burlington. Spacious 1-bedroom , December. (905)637-3921____________ BRONTE/ Dundas. Imm e diate. 1-bedroom , m ainfloor, $500./m o. First/last; also, room fo r rent, $100/ week. Ted, toll-free: 1-866782-5865________________ O A K V IL L E - New. bright, 1 bedroom s u ite in quiet family home. Separate en trance, cable, washer/dryer, a/c, gas fireplace, u tilities included. S uit quiet, nonsmoker, single, mature pro fe ssion al. R eferences, $75Q/mo. (905)845-3943 O AKVILLE Place area. 1bedroom . (6-plex), water/ heat included, $650m o. + hydro. A v a ila b le Dec. 1st. 905-845-5537.___________ BRIGHT, Spacious 1-bed room basement apartment, near Burlington Mall. Private entra n c e / la undry, cable. Imm ediate. $900/m o. incl. Joe or Tracey Haslip, Sales Reps., S utton G roup Results., 905-332-4111 1-BEDRO O M Apartm ents availab le from $875/m o. Indoor pool. QEW / Trafal gar area. 905-844-1106 I furnished rentals BRIGHT, furnished bachelor, fu lly -e q u ip p e d kitchen, above garage. Parking. $850./mo. includes utilities. T ra fa lg a r/ G lenA shton. Decist. 905-257-8282 HOME Away From H om etem porary rental, weekly, m onthly. Sleeps up to a family of 5. (905)336-1036 LU XU R IO U S ... "NewC o rpo rate T ravel Suites. Up to: 1-4 bdrms & baths; Jacuzzi; F.P.; 6 appliances; 50* TV/VCR; C D /S tereo; pets ok! security; recreation centre. From $49.00/Night. D aily- M onthly, 40 Bldgs. Visa, Am ex, M asterC ard. 905-681-7355, leave mess. 12' S pringbok alum inium boat with 10hp Honda mo tor and trailer, gas tank and oars. $1950. firm. Excellent cond itio n , £05-63 2-00 68. Burlington. NO tim e to get in shape? Want results? Make time by brin g in g your workout to your home with the help of of BodyOne Fitness P er sona l Train ers. For in fo r m ation call 905-312-6106 or 905-515-7655 to schedule an appointment________ K l l t l l in memoriams IN M em oriam / Card of thanks Booklet available by ca llin g B u rlington Post, 905-632-4440 or O akville Beaver, Ask fo r Loraine, 905-845-3824. I lost & found FOUND: bunch of keys on Brant St. Please call 905634-7619________________ FOUND: m ale brown ta b by, Pomona Ave. We call D aytona'. C all 9 0 5 -6 3 7 7325.___________________ FOUND: medium hair torti, Cavendish/ Ingersoll area. We ca ll 'S te lla '. Phone 905-637-7325.___________ FOUND: set of keys, Neyagawa Park, River Glen B lvd ./ Neyagaw a on N o v.7th. C all to id entify, 905-257-5573. FREE Franchise O ppor tu n ity Sem inar. Learn about the M ail Boxes Etc. fra n ch ise system . W ed. Nov. 14th, 2001, 7:30pm 9:00pm , 505 Iroquois Shore Road, Unit 4, O ak ville. Call now to reserve: 1-800-661-6232, x287 A Work From Home health and n u tritio n industry. $500- $1500 p art-tim e; $2000- $5000 fulltime. Call 416-81 2-65 95, e-m ail: w o rk G h o m e -e a rn m o n e y . com INSTANT V ending B u si ness: 10-25* vending ma chines, like new. Vend gum balls, life sa ve rs and much more. Optional floor stands included. G reat cash business. Must sell Be6t offer. Call after 5:00 pm. 905-617-0237_________ r T X l professional MONEY Problem s? G ar nishees? Too m any p a y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 NEW / W alke r's, 3-bedroom ranch, ground floor, fire p la c e , 4 app lia nces, $890/m o. 905-63 2-56 90, Albert McDonagh Ltd., Re altor BRONTE - 4 bedroom, 1.5 baths, 5 a p p lia n c e s , fin is h e d b a s e m e n t, fe n c e d yard. A va il D ecem ber or January 1st $1350 + utili tie s c a ll T ra c y 416 -5284345 or 905-847-0369 2 storey, 3 bedroom townhouse in Tyandaga area with 5 appliances. December 1st. Call (905)336-0237 BURLINGTO N large 3bedroom , 2030 B luefield Dr., fridge, stove, laundry, parking, $925/mo.+ hydro. Jan 1. 1-905-453-9929 (No Sunday calls Please)_______ BRANT/ QEW, Burlington. 3-bedroom tow nhouse condo, 1-1/2 baths, 5 ap pliances, C/A, fireplace, ga rage, fenced rear, near GO. $1090/mo.+ utilities. Imme dia te / D e c .ls t. T rafalga r Prope rty M anagem ent, (905)338-1130 BURLINGTO N. Luxury tow nh ouses 3-bedroom , $1135; 4-bedroom, $1235. Fam ilyroom , basem ent, yard. Utilities extra, parking, $40.905-639-0950________ 6TH Line/ Upper M iddle- 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, walk out from familyroom, 5 ap pliances, garage. No pets. $1350/mo in cludes hydro, A v a ila ble Decem ber 1st. (905)844-4701____________ BROWNSTONE for lease- 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, wood fire p la c e , 5 appliances. January 1st. $1200/mo. No pets. Call Mike Scruby, Sales Rep., Re/Max Aboutowne, (905)842-7000 STAY-AT-H O M E Moms! Wee W atch urgently seek ing q u a lity pro vid e rs in O akville & Burlington. We offer regular pay cheques, paid s ta tu to ry, c h ild sick days, lia b ility coverage & back up. Join the team of home day care professionals. 905-337-9221 O a kville or 905-632-0551 Burlington. AFTER school care for 7 & 8-year olds, West Oakville, 4-7pm. Own transportation. References. Call evgs. 905825-0032._______________ BA BYSITTER required in my home 2-3 nights/ week. B ra n t/ P lain s Rd. area. Sleep w hile kids sleep, ptease caU 905-681-1893 CERTIFIED Philipino livein ca re g iver/house keeper required for 2 & 5yr. olds, non -sm oker. D rive r's li cense required. (905)6072 5 3 3 . _____________ R E SP O N SIB LE, fun ca re g ive r req u ire d for 2 school aged girls, perm a nent p a rt-tim e , 2 days/ week, Tues & Thurs, 4pm9:30pm. Non-smoker. Own car. R eferences please. C e ntral B u rlington. 9056 3 9 - 6 2 3 7 ________ WANTED: Babysitter for 4yr old, Appleby/ Upper Mid dle. W eekends/ evenings. F le xib le hours. C all 905332-5943 Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW All The Advantages of Condo Living 1-Bdrm+Den & 2-Bdrm Suites with solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! Bashfiisrjrom $759* 1-Bdims from S829* 2-Bdrms trom 5949* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 "(2% prompt pay. disc.) Size M atters! Bigger. Better 1 & 2 Bedroom A partm ents with view of lake. Close to all amenities, newly renovated. Quiet, clean. & picturesque location S1050/up. For more info and appointment call: «416-390-6279® LUXURIO US 2-bedroom , 19th floor, downtown Bur lington, clo se to lake. Parking, security, etc. Dec 1/01. $1250/mo. 905-7197281____________________ S P EN CER 'S Landing. Luxurious 2-bedroom + den, $1800/mo. Call Al Mc C urdy, Broker, H om elife A pple Park R ealty 905681-3000._______________ PINEDALE Estates. 2bedroom, 2-bath, J a n .1st. $1250/m o. p a ll Al M cCur dy, Broker,. Homelife Apple _Park Realty 905^681-3000. _ EXCLUSIVE home in Oak v ille renting room s. B usi ness people only. $450 $ 5 0 0 /m o n th . K itch e n , laundry facilities & parking. By appointment only. Call ( 4 1 6 )8 7 7 -8 1 6 2 o r (9 0 5 ) 842-5374_______________ W ALKERS/ Hwy.#5. Mas te r bedroom w /ensu ite, share kitchen & laundry, parking, $500/mo. includes u tilitie s . Im m ediate. 905332-2012._______________ BURLINGTO N. Room for rent. P refer m ale nonsmoker, $325/mo. Available im m edia tely. F irst & last. CaH (905)681-8016._______ BURLINGTON: w alking distance to Mapleview/ GO. Own bath/ parking. Use of kitchen, la undry. Suitable for female. $500/mo. 905f>34-£Q69 . ; .- O P TIM ISTIC , m ature, divorced woman with all the in gre dien ts fo r an eye p leasin g m eeting seeks available established white male 60+ for serious friend ship. Fax:905-528-8563 Ask about our move-in Special! PENTH OU SE, O akville Facing Lake. 3-bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, livingroom, for mal d ining roo m , kitchen with breakfast nook, private laundry facilities in-suite, 5 app lia nces. $1725/m o. Dec. 1st. 905-844-9670 BU RLIN GTO N- Large 2bedroom apa rtm e nt (825 sq.ft.) in clean quiet build ing. Parking. $825/mo.' Call Donna, C9G5)634-5S85. - , ;, =, CE R TIFIED Live-In overseas & local care g iv e rs/ nannies/ hou sekeep ers availab le. Please call 905-452-7305____________ O AKVILLE. QEW/ T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $799./ mo.* 2-bedroom from $899/ m o.* W ell m aintained building. Nellie, (905)3392028. ( ` in clude d 2% prompt payment discount) 905-825-9616 HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., close to lake & Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom , im mediate, $975/mo. (+parkingj 905-825-0816 . _ LIVE-IN nanny fo r boy 10, girl 7. Childcare, light housekeeping, m eals and errands. M ust be loving, HORSE- dark bay 5-yr old fun, organized, like to take thoroughbred, 15.3hh. re sp o n sib ility and be re available for part boarding spected. References & driv or lease/ sale. Great atti ers license needed. French tude, lo ve ly p e rsona lity. & m usic sk ills an asset. C all Laura, 905-632-0068 Near M apleview Mall: (905)637-2144 . . . . j . . . . . . . .,af,el'§Py1 > n » * >l « l - I , | I I I

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