The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 14, 2001 - 1 3 " What Christmas Means to Me By Jake I think Christm as is about giving love to the people who have helped you along the past year. A lso it's about m aking everyone feel happy and Santa's great inspiration. But m ost o f all it's about being and sharing tim e with the people you / k c t i t . Ml v i t . W e invite you to view our new modern facility. Enjoy Group, Semi & Private instruction bv our qualified, professional instructors in: Ballet · M odern By Eric ^ > i n q i t . |azz · A ctin g Tap · M usical Snow, having fun, opening presents, and having pan cakes. Skaidra's family comes over or sometimes we go there on Christmas Eve. We decorate the tree, have a parade, we hang stockings and we go to my cousins house for dinner with Nana and Papa. i t . By A n d re w ~ O v a n > i t . ^ p a i n t i t . H ip H o p Ballroom · Theatre · V oice Sw in g · Instrum ental Latin i t · Painting ^ c u t y t Lyrical · D raw in g Irish · C la y By Julie Pilates · Pottery A e a ? n i t , Tutoring: · All Subjects IK-0.A.C. The M eaning o f Christm as W hat does C hristm as m ean to me? It's m uch m ore than a Christm as tree! The sparkle in my brother's eyes, W hen he opens Santa's big surprise. Apple cider and a cinnam on stick, I hope I get to see St. Nick. W atching the tw inkling lights at night, They are so colourful and bright. The ringing o f the carols in my ear, They are so beautiful, can't you hear? Snow flakes softly falling to the ground, C hurch bells chim ing a fam iliar sound. Happy birthday Jesus the Holy One, In H eaven and Earth, You Are God's Son. A special tim e with fam ily and friends, It goes so fast and then it ends. The Christm as spirit stays all year long, Playing in m y heart a happy song. By Rueegg STUDIO I * /s. s PEAHJAIHinG Alio VISUAL AAIS SCHOOL Instruction tor all ages. Day, evening & weekend classes. Now accepting registrations. Year round instruction. March Break & Summer Camps CALL US TODAY 9 0 5 -4 0 3 -9 4 3 5 2351 Royal Windsor Drive, Unit 1, Mississauga w w w .s tu d io p a v o s .c o m s tu d io p a v a s @ s y m p a ti( o .c o YEAR END CLEAROUT SPA EVERY SPA PRICED TO SELL "SAVE THOUSANDS" Ontario Spa Distributors 1368 Plains Rd, Burlington By G a b rie le To m e C hristm as m eans to celebrate Jesus birth day, w hen he is bom again. I also like the pres ents. I w ould like to let go o f all m y sins. Santa C laus m ight not be real but I try to have some belief. I believe that C hristm as m akes everyone feel happy and the w orld good. Thank you God for Christm as. By A n d re w By Rachel C hristm as is a tim e o f giving, sharing, and caring. You give to your friends and family, seeing the look o f jo y on their faces when they open your gift. You share happiness with the world and it is a tim e when everyone is equal. You care for the poor and those w ho nev er have a chance to celebrate C hristm as with a family. Christmas is a time to be thankful for what you have and to pray for others in need. That's what Christmas means to me. 905 - 634-0970 By G ia m m a c ro y a u .e r a q e Shelter comes in m any form s. a s k y o u r R0YAL LePAGE SALES REPRESENTATIVE FOR DETAILS. By Lauren C hristm as is great to me because I am Jew ish and C hristm as is a very special time o f year. On Christm as we get a glass and put m ilk and cookies and a note that says how special us Jew ish are. Christm as is the best tim e o f year. I f your family chooses to donate to families " less fortunate " this year, Royal LePage Real Estate Services, Ltd. offers a " Christmas Stocking"drop off service to be donated to Halton Women's Place. The donation stockings will be dropped o ff on December 21st to the Shelter. Small stocking stuffer items, mall certificates and grocery store certificates would be greatly appreciated. Drop off locations are: 251 North Service Rd. (West of Dorval) 361 Lakeshore Rd. (East of Trafalgar) ^ L isten fo r th e R oyal LePage flo a t a t th e parade on Saturday! K ^ £ J > A L B E R T 'S CARPET O N E /^ C a n a d a ' s I w a d in g C a r p e t R c t a i l r r | | | / ^ . . . w h e r e q u a l i t y is n o t e x p e n s i v e ...i t 's p r i c e l e s s Pleasefeelfree to park behindJohn St. in our parking lot. when it comes to flooring... DEVELOPMENT C O M P A N Y nobody does it better" TM 131 KERR STREET OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6K 3A6 TEL: (905) 844-2355 FAX: (905) 844-2358 Proud sponsor o f the Oakville Santa Claus Parade