Oakville Beaver, 21 Nov 2001, C2

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C2 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday N ovem ber 21, 2001 BESTWHEELS S ince assum ing lead er ship o f Ford Credit Canada in 1999, Peter Sinuita has helped guide the com pany into becom ing the industry leader in custom er satisfac tion. Ford Credit C anada's top ranking w as acknow ledged in the 2001 C anadian C o n su m er F inancing Satisfaction Study conducted by J.D . P ow er and Associates. The study noted: "For the third consecutive year, Ford C redit ranks highest in initial vehicle loan satisfaction (and) also ranks highest in initial auto lease satisfaction for the second year in a row." J.D . P ow er and A ssociates said the strong satisfac tion scores are attributable to Ford C redit's "ability to m eet custom er financing needs through com peti tive loan and lease ra te s.. .and effi cien tly guide its custom ers through the com pletion o f their loan or lease applications." F or its study, J.D. Pow er and A ssociates surveyed m ore than 6,000 Canadians w ho purchased or leased new or used 1998 to 2001 m odel-year vehicles from m any automakers. T he 5 0 -year-old S in u ita is quick to point out that Ford Credit C anada's successful ranking is a team effort that begins w hen a cus OAKVILLE F o rd C r e d it C a n a d a to p s in c u s to m e r s a tis fa c tio n tom er first sets foot in the deal ership. "One o f the things the w hole m anage m ent team has tried to focus on is m aking sure the dealer ship u n d er Peter Sinuita stands that it's an opportunity to build a solid relationship from day one w ith the buyers," said Sinuita. Equally im portant has been the follow -up w ork provided by the Ford Credit o f Canada Service Centre. H eadquartered in E dm onton, the bilingual custom er service and business operation is run by direc tor Evelyn Sanders. She attributed the strong survey results to her team 's . focus on responding to the needs o f cus tom ers and dealerships alike. S anders said the E dm onton Service Centre resolves approxi mately 70 percent o f all custom er and dealership inquiries - ranging from account status questions to setting-up electronic funds trans fers - on the first call. She added the Centre responds to 80 percent o f telephone calls w ithin 20 sec onds. "The 225 em ployees o f the F ord C redit E dm onton Service Centre have the latest com m unica tions and inform ation technology, w hich they utilize 14 hours a day, six days a week," she said. The J.D. Pow er ranking takes on extra im portance as m ore car buyers are turning to autom akers for financing, either for leasing or purchasing. With today's low interest rates, m ore an increasing num ber o f Canadians are choosing to buy th eir next vehicle, rath er than lease. (S e e `R e ta il' p a g e C 3 ) NO TAX ON ALL Ve -- i O N T A R IO 'S Accredited Test iR e p a jr Facility m EXHAUST SYSTEMS O t 'E i U l t U J Best Prices For Exhaust. Call for Quote. Meineke will pay the taxes on most cars and light trucks. Warranty work excluded... Expires Nov. 24/01. Must present coupon at time of estimate. Not to be combined with any other coupon. D I U U U a $7095 M O S T $£095 From m d is c s F R 0 N T P.ARS From c w r t l lO » R E A R drums make©O a k v ille IT 132D 3 Includes new shoes or pads, repack wheel bearings, resurface drums & rotors and inspect e n tire system . M etallic p a d s included. Must present coupon. E xpires N ov. 2 4 /0 1 . 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(Next to Budd's Imported Cars) (9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 -9 9 7 7 O ak ville FREE U n d e r c a r OPEN MON. - FRI. 8 AM-6 PM SATURDAY 8 AM-3 PM 2002 MAZDA TRIBUTE DX-V6 MUFFLER SALE $O Q 95 I w wu INSTALLED | TUNE-UP 8 c y l. $ 7 9 . 9 5 J Includes new spark plugs, check all tune-up components. I setup & adjust engine, & service battery. Fits many cars. Pipes, I clamps & hangers extra. Must present coupon Expires Nov. 2 4 /0 1 .1 ^ c y l. $ 4 9 .9 5 ' 5 22 - Must present coupon at time of estimate. Exgires Nov. 24/01. $ 4 9 95 M some vans | e x tra 4,r purchase financing for 36 m onths'** % cash purchase fro m OR lease fro m OR »** per m o n th /4 8 months *24, 2 0 0 2 Carguide B e s t Buy fo r C o m p a c t U tility · 2 0 0 hp 3 .0 1 DOHC V6 en g in e · Air c o n d itio n in g · AM/FM/CD s te re o sys te m · Class le a d in g in te rio r room · Dual f r o n t and side air bags · $ 4 ,8 9 5 dow n or tr a d e e q u iv a le n t on le a s e . Lease r a t e in c lu d e s fr e ig h t and P.D.E. * * * S e e d e a le r fo r d e ta ils . 1 Pressure 1 Check ( Test Cooling System Heater Operation & Rush & Fill Cooling System. A b j k n r I Up to 4 litres of ) | C 1 1 / J J - m MOST I Anti-Freeze m M0ST cars M ust present coupon. Coupons I cannot be com bined with any other offer. E xp ire s N ov. 24 /0 1. I ip e ctio n ', road test, Includes tro ut end insi fro nt caster and cam ber adjustm ents as required. $OQ9 5 O T 2 WHEEL I It front end inspection performed, 510.00 labour charge is applied. M u s t p re s e n t c o u p o n . E x p ire s N o v . 2 4 /0 1 . Oakville ITI3ZD3 1 2 9 1 SPEERS R O A D North side between 3rd line & 4lh line lllhere Good Seruice Is R Fact. Hot Just fl Promise! 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