The Oakville Beaver, W ednesd ay N o vem b er 21, 2001 - A 7 M ore than a prank mm Storartfe 1 r ! in . . u »* _ _I I I. _ L ·* J 2 0 /o 0FF*; attractive, w ell-m ade children's cloth es can be a challenge, L . _ II A« in be especially difficult to find styles that kids and parents I am not in the h ab it o f w ritin g to the new spaper. both ap p reciate. IANA has been providing fashionable H o w ev er, I felt at th is w as so m eth in g th a t I h ad to get off children's w ear since 1 994. C lassic lines from Europe, o f m y chest. I w as b o m an d raised in O ak v ille, and have d a and the U .S. offer a w ide range o f colourful and lurable outfits for all ag es. Brand nam es like Baby Dior, alw ay s c o n sid e re d O ak v ille to be one o f the greatest Babymini Catim ini, A bsorba C laveux, Petite Boy p la ce s to liv e an d to raise m y fam ily as I have alw ays j£ora, Bebe C occoli M aison D e M ode M ondor M arese c o n s id ered it to be a safe fam ily o rien ted tow n. U ntil Suchre d 'orge lana, Krickets Elite Deux Par Deux recently. Junior Kraze Com m union & Baptism al and many others are available in sizes I am em p lo y ed at a co ffee shop in O ak v ille.A n d I have starting at new born to size 14. alw a y s e n jo y e d w orking there a g reat deal, as w e have a IANA has everything for the g rea t team o f people. A nd our cu sto m ers are the best you w ell-dressed child. KITCHENS · BEDROOMS · BATHROOMS · WALL H ITS w ill fin d any w here. O n M onday n ig h t (S ept. 12, 2001), [ Custom Designs, Custom Finishes, Top Q uality Cabinetry, th a t ch a n g ed som ew hat. Competitively Priced, Free In-Home Service, Lifetim e Warranty A t 8.45 pm I w as alone in the sto re w ith m y co-w orker. W h en a te en ag ed boy w alk e d into o u r store yelled 4 1 5 0 South Service Rd. so m eth in g , P o in ted w hat w e now know w as a cap gun at Fashionable Children' s Wear- Newborn to 12 QEW < f> Burlington m y C o -w o rk e r and p ro ce ed ed to fire the cap g un at her C D Square One Shopping Centre Stierway Gardens V South Service Rd S S an d th en fire it o ff aro u n d the store. L uck ily th e re w ere n o cu sto m e rs in th e sto re w hen th is o ccu rred . W h en w e co n tac ted the p o lice to rep o rt th is in c id en t. T h ey to ld us "C ap gu n s can be p u rch a sed at any v arie ty store" "H e really has n o t done an y th in g w rong" W ould they p refer that w e w aited u n til th is you n g h o o d lu m retu rn s to P u b l ic M e e t i n g C o u n c il & S t a n d in g C o m m it t e e M e e t in g s th e store w ith a "real" g un and takes A lg ae C le a n -up aim at us, o r p erh ap s one o f o u r in n o Monday, N ovem ber 26 ,2 0 0 1 Tuesday, N ovem ber 27, 2001 ce n t cu sto m e rs b efo re they feel that Community Services Committee As part of the 2002 Town Council Budget Committee process, the Parks and Recrea 1 Planning & Development Council this is "im p o rtan t eno u g h " to send an tion Department will be reporting on options to potentially increase algae clean-up 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room o ffic er o u t to in v e stig a te? ? Council Chambers along Oakville's shorelines. During the summer of 2001, Town staff, and the Mayor By the w ay, one o f o u r reg u lar Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. and Members of Council received numerous complaints regarding the odour of shoreline c u s to m e rs saw th is in c id e n t ta k e 7:30 p.m. - Trafalgar Room algae. You are invited to attend the meeting and share your views with respect to this p lace fro m the p ark in g lot. A nd w as issue. sm a rt en o u g h to w rite dow n the m ake M onday, D ecem ber 1 0,2001 9 0 5279-4080 416622-6658 6 3 2 -0 0 2 9 oncepts G> O A K V IL L E (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 an d m o d el o f the ca r & the plate num ber. A nd yet the p o lice felt that th is w as "just a prank" "Just a prank" w hen in the tro u b le d tim e s w e now liv e in ,w h e n e v e ry o n e 's n e rv e s h av e b ee n stretch e d to th e b rea k in g point, co u ld g et so m eo ne killed. N eed less to say th a t m y "faith" in the p eo p le w ho have taken a sw orn d uty to "S erve & P rotect" h av e been sm ash ed into little tiny pieces. A long I d are say w ith that o f m y c o -w o rk ers. I th an k -y o u very m uch fo r allo w in g m e to get th is o ff m y chest. A nd h o p efu lly som e th in g som e w here w ill tell the peo p le o f O ak v ille that w e need to do so m eth in g to stop th ese yo u ng thugs b efo re they do som e real dam age. Date: Location: Thursday, December 6, 2001 Oakville M unicipal Building 1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville, O ntario Council Cham bers 7:00 p.m .-9 :0 0 p.m. Monday, D ecem ber 3 ,20 0 1 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Trafalgar Room C o u n c il & C o m m itte e T o u c h to n e P h o n e Lin e 815-5959 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE Time: TOWN OF OAKVILLE CONTRACT NO. EC-27-99 DINGLE PARK SHORELINE PROTECTION AND ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM SEALED TENDERS, on forms provided will be received by the Town Clerk, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6 until 2:00 pm Local Time on: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2001 for the following work: CONSTRUCTION OF APPROX. 400m OF LAKE ONTARIO SHORELINE PROTECTION including the following major items: Approximately 4,400 tonnes of Armour Stone. Approximately 11,400 tonnes of rip-rap and stone materials. Approximately 1,100 m3 of imported fill material. Minor landscaping treatments Plans, specifications and tender forms will be available on or after Thursday, November 15,2001 and may be obtained from the Department of Public Works, 2274 Trafalgar Road, for a non-returnable payment of FORTY dollars ($40.00), GST included, by cash or certified cheque payable to the Town of Oakville. The Contractor whose tender is accepted shall be required to post a Performance Bond satisfactory to the Town Council, equal to 100% of the Contract Price and a Labour and Material Payment Bond totalling 50% o f the Contract Price. A certified cheque, a Bank/Trust Co. Draft or a Bid Bond for the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each tender. Tenders will be opened publicly at a meeting o f the Tender Opening Committee at the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario on Thursday, November 29,2001 at 2:30 pm Local Time. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. R. G. Green, P. Eng., Director, Department o f Public Works QUOTATION FOR: A DECK REPLACEMENT AT FALGARWOOD POOL, OAKVILLE, ON. QUOTATION NUMBER: Q-47-2001 SEALED QUOTATIONS on forms provided will be received by the Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6 until 12:00 NOON, local time, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 3,2001 Specifications, quotation forms and quotation envelopes may be obtained from the Town of Oakville Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6; Telephone 905-338-4197. A certified cheque or Bank/Trust Co. draft, for the amount specified in the quotation document MUST accompany each quotation and will be retained without interest as a performance bond for the due and proper performance o f this contract. NAME W IT H H E LD BY REQUEST A `real' solution Re: F rench Im m ersion students could p la y m usical schools, O akville Beaver, Wed., Nov. 14, 2001 As a parent o f a child attending Pine Grove Public School, I am extrem ely concerned with the outcom e o f deci sions m ade by the B oard for both the French Im m ersion C om m unity and the E nglish C om m unity here in W est Oakville, specifically Southw est French Im m ersion. Som e changes (though dis co n certin g ) are inevitable; schools closed, portables added and children displaced. These changes are o f great concern, but not as concerning as m ak ing sure these changes are m ade in the m ost "hum ane" w ay as possible with the least am ount o f disruption to our children's lives. T he individual who m ade the com m ent, "T here is no real solution" -- is in for a rude aw akening w hen they see the "real" results o f their decisions. T he m eeting o f Nov. 7 (w hich I attended), w as to present to the Board, changes to the "un real" solutions already decided and voted upon. Not once was it m entioned or proposed (unlike the com m ent m ade in the arti cle) that the English children not attend their hom e school o f G ladys Speers (currently an all English program ). All we ask is that our French im m ersion population be kept together w hether it is a single track or a dual track. O ur G rade 7 /8's will be separated from the m ajori ty o f their French Im m ersion peers (pro posed for G ladys Speers), losing integri ty o f the program as w ell as resources and stuffed into a school (Eastview) w hose capacity will be so over-crow ded by the existing Eastview English stu dents, the added G rades 7/8 English stu dents from QE Park and the G rades 7/8 French Im m ersion from Q E Park. We are looking at a school that can current ly accom m odate 125 G rades 7/8 stu dents let alone 375 being cram m ed into existing facilities (gym, lockers, labs, etc.). The total population o f that school will climb to 796 o f w hich 596 w ill be accom m odated in the school and the rest in at least eight portables. G uess w ho will get the portables? The younger English grades because the 7 /8 's will need the school facilities. W hat about the traffic, the parking, the nearby com m unity? Is this the right decision for any? M eanw hile, G ladys Speers Public School (down the road) could be sitting w ith nine to 17 em pty classroom s (depending on w hen it's renovated). T he solution: P lace the F rench Im m ersion G rades 7 /8 's w ith their French im m ersion students (already at G ladys), keep it as a dual track (English students attend their hom e school) and take the heat off Eastview with all its prop o sed problem s and portables. G ladys Speers is already being renovat ed, so why not renovate it to accom m o date the G rades 7/8's too. By far, this is a "real" solution with "real" results. NOTE - MANDATORY f RE-BID SITE VISIT A pre-bid meeting for potential bidders will be held at Falgarwood Pool, 1349 Gainsborough Drive, Oakville on: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27,2001 AT 10:00 A.M. OR 1:00 P.M. FAILURE TO ATTEND AND REGISTER AT ONE OF THE ABOVE SITE MEET INGS WILL RENDER ANY BID SUBMISSION INFORMAL. INFORMAL BIDS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD. The Town o f Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R.J. Coumoyer, C.I.M., P.Mgr. Director, Purchasing and Office Services NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING ^Z o n in g Amendment & D raft Plan of Subdivision 2540 Rebecca Street, 266, 274,280,284 Bronte Road P art Lot 54 and all of Lots 55-58, Registered Plan M-9 P l a n n in g fo r i r- O a k v il l e ' s F uture APPLICANT - Estate of Horace Gitto File: 24T-01001 & Z.1730.32 U A K V 1L L t Council and planning staff for the Town of Oakville invite all residents and interested parties to participate in Roundtable discussions on topics related to the planning o f Oakville. The Roundtables are an interactive forum for the public to discuss and provide input into several planning-related topics. These topics were identified during the public meetings held recently on OPA 198, the proposed amendments to the official plan for the development o f lands north of Dundas Street in Oakville. Plan to attend one or all of the topics that interest you. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (REGISTRATION AT 8:30) LIGHT LUNCH SERVED WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 7 -10:00 PM (REGISTRATION AT 6:30) LIGH T REFRESHMENTS SERVED THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13 7 - 10:00 PM (REGISTRATION AT 6:30) LIGHT REFRESHMENTS SERVED TOPIC: ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIC PLAN CONTRIBUTE YOUR IDEAS ABOUT WHAT SHOULD GO INTO AN ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIC PLAN FOR OAKVILLE TOPIC: THE OFFICIAL PLAN VISION SUGGEST YOUR CHANGES TO THE WORDING FOR THE VISION IN THE OFFICIAL PLAN TOPIC: LAND USE ALONG BURNHAMTHORPE ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES AND MAP OUT YOUR VISION FOR LAND USE LOCATION fo r all Roundtables is: St. Volodymyr C u ltu ral C entre 1280 Dundas Street West, Oakville FOR MORE INFORMA TION: OVER THE NEXT SEVERAL W EEKS W E 'LL BE POSTING UPDATED INFORMATION ABOUT OPA 198 ON THE TOW N O F OAKVILLE WEBSITE, WWW.TOWN.OAKVILLE.ON.CA RSVP PLEASE REGISTER SO THAT WE CAN ARRANGE APPROPRIATE NUMBER O F SEATING AND REFRESHM ENTS, TO DON PARSONS, T O \ OF OAKVILLE PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT BY TELEPHONE OR EM AIL: DPARSONS@TOWN.OAKVILLE.ON.CA 905-845-6601 EXT. 3040 WHEN RESERVING YOUR PLACE, PLEASE INDICATE YOUR: NAME AND j TELEPHONE NUMBER OR EMAIL ADDRESS W H ERE W E CAN REACH YOU | IF NECESSARY IN ADVANCE O F THE ROUNDTABLES. You are invited to attend a public information meeting on November 28,2001 to discuss a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning Amendment. The public information meeting will be hosted by Planning Services Staff in the Trafalgar Room, commencing at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Public notification, by administrative error, was not provided to all of the residents within 120 m of the subject lands. The meeting will review the revised 15 lot proposal presented at the October 25*2001 meeting. This provides an opportunity for public input to area residents who did not receive notice o f the October 25* 2001 public information meeting. Below is a key may showing the location of the land and surrounding area accompanied with an explanation of the purpose and effect o f the proposed Zoning Amendment and Plan of Subdivision. If you have questions or comments please contact the Planning Services Department. Any questions or written submissions may be directed to Sally Stull at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town o f Oakville, P.O. B o x 3 1 0 ,1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 905 845-6601 Ext. 3261, email address: If a person or public body that files an appeal o f a decision o f the approval authority, in respect o f the proposed Zoning Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision, does not make oral submission at the public meeting, if one is held, or make written submission to John Ghent, Acting Director o f Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville at the above noted address, before the proposed Zoning Amendment, and Draft Plan o f Subdivision is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. Location · The subject site is located on the southwest comer of Bronte Road and Rebecca Street. The land is legally described as Part Lot 54 and Lots 55-58, Plan M9. The municipal address is 2540 Rebecca Street and 266,274,280 and 284 Bronte Road. Official Plan - Figure 12, Bronte Community, West of Third Line, designates the subject lands as low density residential, 17 units per site ha. Zoning - The site is zoned R02, residential. Proposal · The applicants have submitted a proposal involving a zoning amendment and draft plan of subdivision to permit a total of 15 lots for detached dwellings. The Church of Christ Science intends to acquire an adjacent lot for parking purposes, the existing dwelling on Rebecca Street is to be retained. The balance o f the lots (13) will have frontage on the proposed cul-de-sac accessed from Bronte Road. Dated November 21,2001, at the Town of Oakville. John Ghent, Acting Director Planning Services Department DEBBIE SCARLETT 1225 TRAFALGAR R O A D · OAKVILLE, O N T A R IO · L6J 5A6