Oakville Beaver, 1 Mar 2000, c5

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Wednesday, March 1 , 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER We have openings lor CARPET CLEANING TECHNICIAN US. SERVICE T E C H N IC IA N In th is role you will b e resp o n sib le lo r th e set u p a n d stari u p ot m achines, w hile also tro u b le sh o o tin g m ech an ical and e le ctrica l issues. An u n d e rsta n d in g o f basic p n e u m a tic s and hydraulics, electrical. Pl.C prog ram m in g and w e ld in g is an asset. I.cngthv travelling is re q u ire d . Please tax y o u r re su m e to: (9 0 5 ) 3 19 -7 8 8 1. REEDS JEWELLERS S a le s C areer O p p o rtu n ity Our Burlington and Mapleview M all locations have^ openings for full-tim e and part-time sales associates.; Requirements are sales experience, positive attitude and flexibility. TERRITORY BUSINESS MANAGER Sharing Aveda's vision for learning and growth, your focus and mandate on continued education is the key to this position. You will partner with our clients and promote a holistic lifestyle in the beauty industry in Southwestern Ontario. You are a self motivated, energetic individual with excellent communication and presentation skills. You own a reliable car. Industry and/or sales experience is an asset. Please fax resume to: S. Cozzetto (4 1 6 ) 7 5 4 -2 4 8 4 or email: scozzetto @ colleaa.com FULL-TIME AND PART-TII Only honest hard working people who really want to work need apply. Must have valid driver's license. Experience not necessary. Call or drop off resumes to: Sandra/ Natalie - Burlington Mall, 905-681-0834 or Judi - Mapleview Mall, 905-639-2994 -; C a ll 6 8 1 -6 3 9 2 THE ORIGINAL GARDEN CENTRE Is in se a rc h o f q u a lifie d S u p e r v is o r y a n d S ellin g sta ff to jo in th e te a m a n d fill b o th p a r t a n d full tim e p o sitio n s. w w w .u sfilter.co m office-clerical AVE DA Residential Superintendent Call for appointment or send resume to: EEE1 office-clerical 530 sales help & agents ParaM h ) HOME HEALTH CARE 1194 Dundas Street East (between 8th and 9th Line) O akville, ON. L6J 4Z2 o r c a ll (905) 257-2577 Part-time Office Help required up to 20 hours w eekly during business hours. Duties include general office administration, answering phones, filing with com puter knowledge helpful. Please send resume to: M A T U R E R e ta il s to re c le rk w a n te d . P a rt T im e. Apply Box #2098 The Oak v ille B e aver, 467 S p eers Rd, Oakville. Ont L6K 3S4 IM M E D IA T E O pp o rtu n ity. Com puter Sales Associate re q u ire d fu lltim e fo r fu ll se rv ic e , c u s to m e r d rive n retailer located in Oakville. Retail experience and Mac intosh knowledge a definite asset. Forward resumes to: Brian Smith, G eneral Man ager, Fax: (905)849-0918. e m a il: b ria n @ c a n a d ia n computer.com____________ NAPOLEON Home comfort requires Sales A ssociates fo r new O akville location. S a la ry & b on us pro g ra m rewards, training provided. T h e id e a l c a n d id a te s w ill be p o s itiv e th in k e rs and self m otivated, am bitious, g o a l o r ie n te d p e rs o n s . Fax: 905-333-0695. Attn: Ken Patterson SA LES S u pport/ A p p o in t ment Setting. W ork from our office or your home, $8$10 /hou r gua ran teed plus bonus to $20/hr. Business to Business only. Located at H a rv e s te r & W a lk e rs Line. B u rlin g to n . Phone 6 3 9 -6 4 1 5 e x t.32 le ave a m essage with your details and phone number. Staff who are client focused and enjoy working in " a community setting. · HCA, HSW II & III, PSW, certificates preferred, however consideration will be given tothose with personal experience as caregivers NEW STORE OPENINGS If you are in terested in jo in in g a W inning team , while building a retail career w ith Canada's leading m ass m erc h a n t th en you will be interested in finding o u t m ore a b o u t the opp o rtu n ities Zellers is offering a t it's new stores located a t E rin Mills Town C entre. Qualified candidates will benefit from Z ellers' co m m itm en t to lra in in g an d developm ent, plus a highly com petitive salary, incentives and benefits package. We are looking for en th u siastic individuals w ho w elcom e com m itm en t and apply th e ir in terpersonal skills in a ch allenging an d exciting w ork en v iro n m en t. Applications are p resently being accepted for th e follow ing (PT/FT) positions: No exp. necessary. Suit semi retired. Must be a handy person. Electrical & plumbing knowledge required. Remuneration: 2-bdrm apt. salary & benefits. Call (905) 845-8254, leave message FREE - 2 DAY TRAINING COURSE call (905)-847-1025 or fax to (905)-847-1038 We are an equal opportunity employer Experienced Automotive Parts Clerk / Warehouse Help Required part-time, 15-30 hours per week. E x c e lle n t b e n e fits and p rofit sharing offered. Apply in writing Box 1740 c/o The Burlington Post 2321 Fairview Street Burlington L7R 2E3 Hidden Lake Golf Club is n o w a c c e p tin g re su m e s fo r th e 2000 G o lf S easo n . P o sitio n s a v a ila b le fo r Attn: Hilda Line C .T .C . DRIVER G/DZ Licence for Afternoon Shift, Clean Abstract & Experience in GTA a Must CALL 777 Guelph Line (Fairview Street Access) D A E M A R ® IN C . Contract Position Accounting / Purchasing Clerk With an expanding product / customer base. We require an additional team member to support our accounting & purchasing departments. We offer a competitive compensation & comprehensive package. Please send written resume, in confidence, to: DAEMAR ® INC., 861 Cranberry Crt, Oakville, ON L6L 6J7 · BARTENDERS · WAITRESSES · BEVERAGE CART A p p ly in p e rso n : S a t & S u n lla m - 3 p m 1137 N o . 1 S id e ro a d , B u rlin g to n , O N Phone: (905) 336-3660 NEW STORES OPENING 905 829-4444 - Customer Service/Production Part-tim e SEAMSTRESS/TAILOR positions required for all-alterations businesses to be located in the Milton & Georgetown areas. Experience on men's & women's alterations required. Day, evening & wee kend hours. Duties include cash desk & customer sen/ice. We are an E.O.E. To apply call collect: G O O D F E L L O W IN C . Campbellville, Ontario is looking for a Restocking (overnight) Wait staff & cooks P lease app ly in p erso n at E rin M ills Tow n C en tre a p p licatio n booths. RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED FOR TRUCKING COMPANY CALL Marketing Assistant (junior level position) Busy, m ulti-tasked department, needs a person to assist in the promotion of our multiple products to our varied customer base. The successful candidate will possess Word, Excel & other related computer based working knowledge. Enthusiasm, creativity, flexibility & a desire to make a difference in a hectic environment is a necessity. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of one year of experience in a marketing role. He or she must be able to w ork independently of supervision w hile interacting with many team members. E-mail your resume, stating salary expectations, to: CHILDREN'S CHOICE CHILDCARE requires full-time E C E Teacher in Oakville For more information call CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort ers, bed co-ordinates, fab ric s , ta b le / ch a ir accesso ries. C all S h e rr y ,, 634-6706. » « daycare available F U L L / P a rt-tim e space s a v a ia lb le in a fu n a n d le a rn in g hom e. IndootV outdoor play. CP R / Fir9t aid. Receipts. 9 0 5 -3 3 8 7982.________________ MOM of 2-1/2 and ly r old,*. Longmoor- 5 minute w alk'to' S t. R a p h a e l's . P refer* 1 year+. Full/Part-time, before. and after school. 631-8868 M A TU R E n an ny o ffe rs a warm loving caring environ m ent fo r p re -s c h o o l c h ild re n , m e a ls s n a cks activities/crafts. $l75/weeR. Q E W /T rafalg ar. C all 3370656 ______________ LOVING mom of one o ffe r-, ing your children a s tim u -, la tin g enviro nm e nt, n u tr i- i tious m eals, fun activities. · o u tin g s , 18m os. + 3 3 3 3937_________________ C A R E -G IV E R m om o f 2 available for full-/part time opening in my home. Non sm oking environm ent. As c e n s io n sch o o l area c a ll (905)634-5722__________^ MATURE Mother offers se cure loving daycare for your c h ild , A ld e rsh o t. Babies welcome. References. Re-' ceipts. 637-5744_________ S W E E T P e a P ath H om e D a ycare has a space for y o u r little lo v e d one 2+. C h ild sa fe in door/ outdoor p la y a re a s . A c tiv itie s * s o n g s & m o re l Q u ie w shad ed stre e ts in M ourftF o re s t a rea. (905J-3366559 I daycare wanted C ARE-G IVER required fOf A pril/ M ay/June only. FulP time for 3 /5 /8 year old. Ex-, p e rie n ce helpful. M illcroft area (905)332-8673 --------------------------------------------- r ----P A R T-TIM E caregiver re q u ire d fo r 6 m onths and 21/2 year old, your home or m ine. W est O akville. Re q u ire d M o n d a y/ Tuesday, and occasional Wednesday^ (905)827-3763 Nasrin at: (905) 566-4906 LIG H T P a ckagers/ W are house pos itio n s ava ila b le im m e d ia te ly . O a k v ille . $1Q/hr. Call (905)333-2692 DRIVERS required for The Toronto Auto Auctions,. Fax resume to Jason De Luca at: (905)875-3219.________ LO O K IN G fo r w o rk ? Are you 16-24yrs. old? O ut of w o rk & s c h o o l? W e can help! Call 681-1140 I telemarketers Ultramatic requires mature, fle x ib le in d iv id u a ls to set a p p ointm ents for grow ing team of consultants. Guar anteed $9.00/hr. + bonus, leads & training provided. Mon-Fri., 5pm-10pm. Call M rs. C ra n e a fte r 1pm or Sat. 10am-1pm 333-1737. 905 829-4444 - Zellers has an employment equity program and encourages applications from all Qualified candidates, including women, aboriginal people, visible minorities and people with disabilities. CLIBLINC C O R P O R A T I O N JOB FAIR RattleSnake Point Golf Clublink Greystone Golf Club PETH LANDSCAPE Mainte n a n c e -w e ll-re s p e c te d , h ig h p ro file , fu ll s e rv ic e Landscape firm has m ain te n a n c e o p p o rtu n itie s available. Providing high est qua lity property m ain tenance, desire to make a d iffe re n c e . R e s p o n s ib ili tie s : e x te n s iv e p ro p e rty m aintenance, general plant health cares fo r new / m a ture properties, scheduled e q u ip m e n t u p k e e p . Fax905-333-1723____________ HIG H energy, enthusiastic w orkers needed to fill F/T sum m er p o s itio n s in; A b o v e -g ro u n d pool in s ta lla tio n , Pool opening crews, Service Technicians & Retail Sales. Start: April 1 s t-M a y 1 5 th , 2000. T ra in in g p ro v id e d . M ust hold a current, valid driver's lic e n s e . F ax re s u m e to (905)849-7721____________ LANDSCAPE Construction/ M a in te n a n c e p e o p le re quired for established com pany. Exp. in le adership and plant care required for leaders. Education in Hor tic u ltu re an asset. A pply Green Thumb Landscaping 3077 G uelph Line., MonFri., 9am-4pm. Fax 335-2316 C O M E B o o g ie w ith u sl Fred Astaire Dance Studio n e e d s 25 e n th u s ia s tic , attractive people to train to become Dance Instructors. No experience necessary!. W e train- Good pay +many benefits including expense p aid trips. C a ll betw een 1pm-6pm (905)-842-3797, 225 L a k e s h o re R d .E . Oakville_________________ W M. Bethlehem Trenching Ltd. is currently looking for qualified people to work in the underground utility field a s o p e ra to rs , la b o u re rs , and unit operators. Please fax your resume to Henk at (905) 319-3711 or call him at (905) 319-3003_________ S P O TL ESS D ry C leaners re q u ire s P re s s e rs & Drycleaners. Must be mature, h ig h ly m o tiv a te d . A ls o D riv e rs w ith goo d d riv in g re c o rd . E x p . an a s s e t. W illing to train. Apply with resume: 495 Walker's Line, Burlington or Fax 333-6374 R V T re q u ire d fu lltim e fo r busy sm all anim al hospital in Oakville. We are looking for team oriented individu a ls w ith a m in im u m o f 2 years experience as a tech. Please fax resume to Ginny Demeny, (905)844-7351 W IN G S Up in B u rlin g to n looking for Cooks, Counter P e rs o n a n d D riv e rs fo r days & evenings. Experi e n c e p r e fe rre d , b u t w ill tra in . A p p ly in p erson to: 730 G uelph Line, between 1-4pm. R E S ID E N T IA L c le a n e rs n e e d e d to jo in o u r team . D a ys o n ly . W ill tra in . H o u rly w a g e p lu s tra v e l tim e. C a r an asset. C a ll DeniseorJenn, (905)336-1489 PET H otel h iring asap fo r e nergetic staff. M ust work w e e k e n d s , h o lid a y s & school breaks. To start at 7 a m -1 p m a p p ro x . O w n transportation. Fax resume: (905)336-3687___________ G ARDEN Centre Assistant M a n a g e r and S ta ff. Y e ar round, experienced. Full & part-tim e. A pply in person o r by fa x to : L a n g h o lm N u rs e ry , 6711 H w y. 25, Milton. Fax (905)878-9350 LANDSCAPE M aintenance and construction com pany requires Full and part-time h e lp . E x p e rie n c e p re ferred, but not n e ce ssary fo r th e right person. C all 905-330-9083____________ IN DU STR IA L office clean ing- Business requires part- # tim e exp e rie n c e d Janito r. Evening w ork, vehicle re quired occasionally. 319-8060 HE LP w anted for H u nte r/ Jumper show stable. Needs workers for mornings, 8am12noon to muck out stalls 5 d a y s p e r w e e k . A s k fo r Heather (905)466-4421 RELIA B LE, conscientious individuals required to help w ith g o lf c o u rs e m a in tenance, Mar-Nov. Please fa x resum e to: A ttn : Tim , (905)335-1021.___________ DRIVERS needed for local Burlington delivery com pa ny. S a tu rd a y s 3p m -9 p m . G u a ra n te e d h o u rly w age p lus tips. M ust ha ve own vehicle. (905)333-1478 S H O P P E R S D ru g M a rtO a k v ille P la ce re q u ire s -- Assistant Cash M anager F/T. Fax 905-842-5598 attn: Arthur Cheung O A K V ILLE m anufacturing firm seeks part-tim e & full tim e M achine Operators & M achin ist. E xp erience an asset. Call (905)842-8452 Royal & SunAlliance Financial requires an OFFICE SERVICES ASSISTANT D u ties: so rtin g m a il, main switchboard relief; p h o to co p in g , faxing, com puter-aided tiling s ystem , arra n g in g courier services. High school education, good co m m u n icatio n / cus tom er service skills & com puter literacy are pre-requisites. Send resume to: Jill McLennan, 277 Lakeshore Rd. E, Oakville, ON, L6J1H 9 ACCOUNTING Clerk- Parttime. Growing pharmaceu tical company requires parttim e a c c o u n tin g c le rk for O akville office. R esponsi bilities A/P, A/R, some G/L a c c o u n t re c o n c ilia tio n s . Must be bilingual English/ F re n c h , e x p e rie n c e w ith AccPac for Windows an as set. Fax resume to Dawn W ild e 9 0 5 -4 6 5 -2 8 1 1 or 905-827-7470____________ B IL IN G U A L C u s to m e r S e rv ic e S u p e rv is o r w ith great com munication skills required fo r grow ing m ar k e tin g c o m p a n y . G ood knowledge of MS Word and MS Publisher, with adver tis in g backg rou nd, e x c e l lent remuneration package including benefits. Fax re sume: 688-4463, Attn: Manon. OFFICE Staff required parttime for Burlington Co. Must be flexible with hours from 8am to 5pm , Mon. to Fri. and be in te re s te d in p u r s u in g a c a re e r in sales. Apply: CWC, 3040 New St., Burlington, fax: (905)6327118____________________ WANTED: Commercial In surance Assistant required by Oakville Broker. Experi ence and broker's license essential. Fax resume to: J. Szabo 905-845-9149 PART TIM E H O U SEKEEPER Required for a luxury retirement residence. Responsibilities include general housekeeping services and laundry. Previous experience in commercial/residenUal cleaning required. Please fax resume to: (9 0 5 )8 4 9 -4 7 6 9 TEACHERS R e q u ire d : J K /K S p e c ia lis t; C a re e r/ V o c a tio n a l S p e c ia lis t; Senior Math - C hem istry Physics. Apply with resume to B u rlin g to n E d ucational Centre, Fax: (905)338-2385 gfellowml@aztec-net.com (no phone calls please) Only qualified candidates w ill be contacted. ^ domestic help wanted In sid e Sales & A dm inistrativ e S u p p o rt Job Description: Provide inside sales support and gain an understanding of Cellular products and services. Respond to telephone inquiries and provide general Administrative support to management and sales team. Must be able to adapt to fast paced environment. Ability to work flexible hours (evening &weekends) Work with minimal supervision Salary: Base salary plus benefits. Please fax resume with cover letter to 905-847-1159 or Drop off at: 481 North Service Road West, Unit A-29 Oakville, Ontario No Phone calls please. @ RattleSnake Point Golf Club 842-9229 or drop off resum e to: Midiael Hefferman Hie Kensingon 25 Lakeshore Rd. W . Oakville, ON. P H IL IP P IN O N a n n ie s / Housekeepers, live in avail able, no fee to em ployer. Please call Am ah Interna tional (416)221-3303 5407 Regional Road 25 Milton ON Saturday, March 4 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We are cu rre n tly looking for en th u sia stic people to fill seasonal p art tim e/full tim e roles in th e follow ing positions: SPA R K LIN G clean house by Elizabeth. Professional house cleaning. E xce lle nt references. Friday Opening a va ila b le . C a ll 9 0 5 -5 4 5 8894. I personals A b e a u tifu l s p rin g d a y is th a t m u ch b e tte r if you ha ve som e o n e sp e cia l to spend it w ith. M isty R iver In tro d u c tio n s , B u rlin g to n / O a k v ille 's tr a d itio n a l m a tc h m a k e r - 4 1 6 -7 7 7 6302_________________ ___ SAKHO, Spiritual medium, s p e c ia liz e s in re u n itin g loved ones, remove nega tivity, total protection, luch, b u s in e s s . etc. 4 1 6 -7 8 5 3499 K f t T l l birthdays H A P P Y B irth d a y , H a p p y Birthday, to my loving hus b a n d . Y o u 're th e b e st. Lots of lo ve from m e and the kids, xoxoxo I lost & found F O U N D - w a tch on M o n t g o m e ry D riv e . O a k v ille . call 905-847-3041 to claim F O U N D . G o ld w e d d in g band. 10k gold. A p pleb y Line/ Fairview, CIBC plaza. Call 634-7317____________ FO U N D : S u itca se North B u rlin g to n a rea. C a ll to identify. 335-2068.________ FOUND: Fem ale cat grey with small amount of peach colouring in the Glenwood S c h o o l area. P le a s e ca ll 637: 7325________________ FOUND: Car keys on Ryley Ave. in Burlington. C all to identify (905)335-3956 LO ST- light orange tabby cat. No collar. Answers to 'C a s e y -. G u e lp h / N e w / L a k e s h o re . (9 0 5 )-3 3 3 9754, (905)-639-6519 F O U N D : M a le o ra n g e & white cat. W e call Cuddles. Found in F ra n c is R d ./S u rre y Lan e a re a . Please call 637-7325 LOST: Siamese Cat. Britta n ia R o ad a re a . 3 3 6 8060____________________ P A R T -T IM E R e c e p tio n is t wanted for Oakville hair sa lon. D ro p re s u m e o ff at: 'W o m a n * , 128 R e y n o ld s A ve., O ak v ille . No phone calls please. U 'il tions, however, onfy those chosenfor an intennew will be contacted Turf Equipment Operators Golf Services Food & Beverage Service Staff If you are u nable to atte n d please fax your resu m e w ith cover letter to: Fax: (9 0 5 ) 6 9 3 -1 9 0 0 THE OAKVILLE CLUB 56 Water St., Oakville Fax: 905-845-3186 Please apply in person or lax your resume staling the following position(s) applying for: SPECIALTY Tire company r e q u ire s re lia b le , h a rd w o rk in g S e rv ic e T e c h n i cian & Production Workers. Career oriented opportuni ty. C o m p e titiv e wages w/ b on us o p p o rtu n itie s . No e x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry company trains. Good ba s ic m e c h a n ic a l a p titu d e / fo llo w in s tru c tio n s a c c u rately. Send resume- Box6244, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers, Oakville, L6K-3S4 G R A P H IC A rtis t, fu lltim e, fo r b u s y sig n c o m p a n y . C o m p u te r and C A D /C A M experience preferred. Call Fred. (905)335-6515 or fax resume: (905)335-1277 I office-clerical R E A L E s ta te A s s is ta n tGuaranteed hours & com puter knowledge. Al Mc Curdy, Homelife Apple Park Realty. 681-3000 Busy Dental Office located in Oakville has the following F/T or Maternity leave position available: RECEPTIONIST Downtown Burlington publishing and graphics firm has an immediate opening. If you are a people person, able to juggle several tasks at once, thrive in a fastpaced office and possess excellent adm inistrative skills, let's get together. We offer good opportunity for advancement, full ben efits. Start salary 20M . Please send resume to: DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/ ASSISTANT experience necessary, Computer skills an asset. Fax resume: (905)842-6296 or call Liz (905)842-8485 EXPERIENCED Dental A s s is ta n t re q u ire d fo r busy fam ily practice full-tim e. 2 e v e n in g s & so m e S a tu r day's. P lease fax resum e to : 3 3 2 -5 2 4 0 o r d ro p in p e rs o n to W a lk e r P la c e Dental. BUSY dental office seeking a D ental H ygiene C o o rd i n ator fo r m a te rn ity leave. Must be flexible with even ings and weekends. Dental exp. preferred. Call Rachel 639-5592________________ P H A R M A C IS T- 24-30h rs/ wk for busy W est Mountain Pharm acy. A p p ly/ or Fax S h oppers Drug M art, 801 M ohaw k R oad W est, fax (905)-388-9932___________ E X P E R IE N C E D C e rtifie d Dental H ygienist required for progressive dental office in O a k v ille P le a s e fa x resum e to (905)825-4012, Dr. V.Bhandari & Associates. E X PER IE N C ED H yg ienist required part-time for family practice in Oakville. Please leave voice m ail w ith cre dentials at 416-323-0962 · A C C O U N T IN G D E P T Bookkeeping, data entry, M S Excel, Word. Fast learner,detail oriented. Part-time · FO O D & BEVERAGE Wait Staff- Summer staff- F irt-tim e · K IT C F Chef Tournant- fa)' Kitchen Steward, f ,,.i/ Kart-time. · F IT N E S S C E N T R E Aerobic Instructors · Q U A L IF IE D L IF E G U A R D S & IN S T R U C T O R S Full/ Part time LAUREL OAK MARKETING 1455 Lakeshore Rd. Ste. 2055 Burlington, ON L7S 2J1 Fax: (905) 634-8335 Canada's Largest Natural Gas Wholesaler is seeking an outgoing individual to fulfill the position of 530 sales help & agents 530 sales help & agents W IL L b a b y -s it in your hom e. O akville area only. P hone anytim e (905)8497150.___________________ M ATURE, re lia b le c h ild c a re , lig h t house k e e p in g , ow n ca r, n o n : sm o k e r. 3 -7 p m 5 days7 w e e k. R e fe re n c e s (905) 338-3619_______________ LIVE-O UT Nanny required fo r h a p p y , la u g h in g 16 m onth old boy. M ust be active, outgoing, creative and fu n lo v in g . EC E t y * e q u iv a le n t re q u ire d . L ic e n s e p re fe rre d , S.E. Oakville. 844-2770_______ C A R E G IV E R - tem p ora ry fu ll-tim e fo r a p p ro x . 4* months, must be motivated; s e lf- s ta rte r . have experience with new born . b a b ie s & like dog. 3-1/2yr. old & 1 month old. L ig h t hou sekeeping, $7.50/hr. 469-9060 N A NN Y live-in or -out re quired for 6 m onth- and 6 years old boys., First aicf, C P R . n o n -s m o k e r, EC E must be outgoing and ener g etic. light hou sekeeping a n d m e a l p re p a ra tio n . R e fe re n c e s re q u ire d . (905)639-2373________ L IV E - IN - y o u n g fanwiy seeking older lady to loek after 1 child after school'-S S a turdays. W ill exchange fo r b e a u tifu l 1 bed roo m large apartment in country ho m e , ju s t o u ts id e of C a rlis le . T ra n s p o rta tio n required. Serious inquires only please, (905)659-24^6 C A R E G IV E R N a n n y re q u ire d in o u r hom e. O ld O a kville . S ta rtin g im m e diately. Experienced in inf a n t ca re . R e fe re n ce s. N o n -s m o k e r. Ince n tive s offered. 905-337-8741 RECEPTIONIST for its marketing office in Oakville. The ideal can didate will possess the following: strong & pleasant telephone manner; ability to m ulti-task and meet deadlines; proficiency in M S Word and Excel; excep tional communication and organizational skills; flex ibility and dependability. Please forward resumes to: SALES OPPORTUNITY Leggat Saturn of Burlington is now looking to expand its Sales Staff. We require a special person, an aggressively friendly, lull of life, eager to learn, posi tive person. Sales experience preferred. We will train. If you feel you are this special person, please call. b etw een 8 :3 0 a m -1 0 a m , drop o ff or FAX your resume to: GORRUD'S AUTO stour Direct Energy Marketing Limited 27 7 Lakeshore Road East, Suite 401 Oakville, ON L 6 J1H 9 · Fax: (905) 339-3300 GORRUD AUTO CROUP FULL TIME CAREER OPPORTUNITY CLEAIH-UP/DETAIL DEPARTMENT P ro fessio n a l Car D etailers req u ired fo r ou r h ig h v o lu m e C le a n -U p / D e t a ilin g C e n tre . S e rio u s a p p lic a n ts o n ly ! A p p lic a tio n s a re w elco m ed from m atu re, re sp o n sib le , h a rd w o rk in g m en and w o m e n w ith e x p e rie n c e p e rfo rm in g a p p e a ra n c e re c o n d itio n in g on u sed v e h ic le s . S a la ry c o m m e n s u r a te w ith experience. If you are self-m otivated an d a team p layer looking fo r an opportu nity to join a g ro w in g organization, p lease fa x yo u r resum e to: Leading Wholesale Distributor Requires STUART NEAL Leggat Saturn of Burlington 8 1 4 Guelph Line, (at Fairview) Burlington, O N, L7R 3N 6 Fax; (905) 632-3571 Tel: (905) 632-6444 A /R Clerk Entry level position in accounts receivable. Must be a detailed, conscientious team member. Receptionist/ Switchboard Operator Must have several years experience operating very busy Bell Option 11 switchboard. Must be conscien tious. Own transportation required. WANTED Mature, experienced " S A liS P § I R § © W ' P A T IO F U R N IT U R E & O U T D O O R A C C E S S O R IE S | | Exciting career opportunities exist in an expanding patio furniture showroom for individuals with a fla re . for style and colours. Fulltime & part-time (weekends * and sum m er). All positions to start im m ediately. I Previous sales experience preferred - will train! POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN OAK., BURL. & MISS. Call Ron at Patio Pastimes, (905) 844-4985 WAIT STAFF (All Shifts) to join our friendly team fo r the u p c o m in g season. Apply at 1154 Sixth Line, Oakville or call 90 5-8 45-1 222 C O O K S re q u ire d fu ll & part-time. Minimum 3 years experience. A pply in per so n : B o b b y D 's U p s c a le Pool & Billiards/ Restaurant B ar. 2 3 1 7 F a irv ie w S t., Burlington (West of Guelph Line) W ait S ta ff- b re a k fa s t e x pe rie n ce p re fe rre d . Also C ooks, H o s te s s e s & Busers. Nickels Restaurant2 3 4 5 T ra fa lg a r (H w y .5), Oakville, ph:(905)257-9888. Fax: (905)-257-1615 T IM H o rto n 's n o w h irin g Customer Service- Mon-Fri 3-1 1 pm, Friday & Saturday night, 11pm-7am also Full time Night Baker. Benefits. A p p ly in p e rs o n , 49 Lakeshore West. COOKS- Full-tim e- Nights, d a y s , w e e k e n d s . A p p ly w ith re sum e- W in c h e s te r Arms, 450 Appleby Line (at N e w ), .B u rlin g to n , o r fa x Attn: Michelle 905-634-2778 ARTISI Cafe & Pastry BarR e q u ire s F u ll/P a r t-tim e C ounterperson for Espres so & Cappucino Bar. Apply in p e rs o n 495 W a lk e r's Line, (at New St.,) Burlington. TALENTED cook, part-time, e x p e rie n c e d and q u a lity conscious, positive attitude required. Call Martha or Julie, Pearl Street Cafe. 905-6399450, john@duffstuff.com DANGO is lo st- Campbell v ille a re a . R ig h t F la ck T a tto o C W B 1J. B la c k & tan, sm all, m a le C a v a lie r Spaniel, weighs 15lbs. Very frie n d ly . If seen or found call (905)854-0517 Norm a M o ffa t. 8321 T w is s Rd. Reward!! LOST: Watch with 4 rings, Friday Feb. 18, Bronte GO d ro p -o ff area. E n o rm o u s sentim ental value. Sizable reward. (905)847-5333 LO S T M a le T a b b y /w h ite c o lla r(o ld e r). A n sw e rs to name of Murphy. Lost since F eb . 21. Last se e n M orden/Spears area. Call 8443193 ANDREW GORMAN ( 9 0 5 ) 8 7 5 - 2 2 7 9 MILTON, ONTARIO Please fax resumes to (905) 854-1800 ' s - BILINGUAL POSITIONS Our clients, M ississauga, Oakville and Burlington based leasing companies, requires Bilingual (Eng lish/French) R eceptionists (M iss/O ak.) and a C lie n t S ervices R ep. (B u rl.) im m ediately. Please forward your resume and salary expectations to: Forward resume and salary expectations to: Athay Services · Fax: (905) 338-1225 OAKVILLE CENTRE Positions available for: F/T & P/T Room Attendants F/T Houseperson The H oliday Inn O akville C entre offers a great co m pen satio n package and fle xib le s c h ed u lin g . ARE YOU A FLEXIBLE, MATURE, DEPENDABLE, INDIVIDUAL WHO ENJOYS WORKING WITH OTHER? Phase 2 Clothing offers full-time and part-time, varying work hours in a growth-oriented fast paced environment. Please fax resume to: Lori Miller, Retail Coordinator, 613-544-5428 (Kingston Central Office) or submit resume in person to: Phase 2 ,2 3 8 3 Bloor St.W., Toronto, or 260 Lakeshore Rd, Oakville. E-mail: athav@idirect.com JOIN OUR TEAM TODAY! Please drop by our Front Desk to complete an application or mail your resume to: Holiday Inn Oakville Centre 590 Argus Rd. Oakville, ON L6J 3J3 TEL: (905)842-5000, Fax: (905)842-5123 PLUMBING Repairs. New In s ta lla tio n s , a lte ra tio n s . B a s e m e n t d ra in s , b a th rooms. drywall, framing, til in g. No J o b T o o S m a ll. Frank. 639-3874._________ UNDER O ne Roof offers full home plumbing & electrical, painting etc. Also if you'd like to join our team of pro fe s s io n a ls , c a ll 9 0 5 -8 4 7 8375 Marlene B e ll Mobility' Cellular Plus Center is currently seeking Administration Assistant Full-time Please fax your resume to Wallace P O N T I A C B U I C K · C A D I L L A C OPPORTUNITY for nursing student or person in health care field for light duties for a senior lady with illness. Hours: 11pm-7am, MondayFriday, in private home. Lo cated dow ntown Oakville. paralegal services M O N E Y P roblem s? G a r nish e e s? Too m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consults-1. tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 631 0600 K " ------------------------ 710 painting & decorating ------------------------ SALESPERSON REQUIRED W e are looking for self-m otivated individuals with some sales experience to join our growing sales force. We offer: * Strong com m ission plan * Company benefit package * Opportunity for com pany car * M onthly volume bonus plan * Strong management support & training If you like your earnings tied into your efforts then this is the type of career your looking for. Burlington Fun, friendly work environment & company benefits. (9 0 5 )-6 2 9 -0 8 3 1 Attn:Administration Dept (Please, no phone calls) 100% Q uality Pro Painters = 100% satisfaction gua r ante e d . In te rio r/ exte rio r. (9 0 5 )2 7 7 -1 7 9 3 or (416)793-3339 Housekeepers - F /T 8 P /T Previous cleaning experience an asset. 715 moving & storage Banquet Servers - P /T Required to serve at banquet functions. Weekdays, evenings & weekends. OFFICE ASSISTANT General office duties. Ordering and expediting materials. Customer service a must. Creative office environment experience an asset. Com puter skills necessary. W ritten applications only. Send resumes to: Banquet Porters - P /T Required to set up banquet rooms. Physical ability to lift required. Mostly evenings, and late night shifts. Fax resume to: Human Resources (905) 333-0477 (No phone calls please) PRO M overs. S h o rt/lo n g distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e / business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777____________________ R E LO CATO R S: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in c lu d e s 2 p ro fe s s io n a l m o v e rs , tru c k and in sura nce. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. LOST & FOUND Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax; 632-8165 OAKVILLE KITCHEN CENTRE 599 Third Line, Oakville, ON L6L 4A8 Please fax resume to: Peter Smith General Manager 878-0960 or call 878-2355

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