Sunday, April 23, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend 13 HEALTH & WELLNESS A dvertorial PREGNANT & NEED HELP? Free Confidential Service C C b What is MSM? MSM, short for methylsulfonylmethane is a natural occurring compound. This compound is part of the sulfur cycle found in nature that originates in the ocean. Microscopic plants and ani mals naturally release dimethylsulfonium salts. This compound reacts with the sea water to produce dimethylsulfide (DSM). This DSM quick ly evaporates into the atmos phere, where it reacts with sunlight and ozone to produce dimethylsufoxide (DMSO) and eventually methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). MSM and DMSO then return to earth with the rain where it is then absorbed by the plants that humans ultimately con sume. Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral found in the human body and is an essen tial macronutrient due to the following: · Sulfur is a component of three amino acids: cystine, cysteine and methionine. These amino acids are present in all proteins found in the body, however, are found pre dominately in insulin and the keratin of hair, skin, and nails. · Sulfur is an essential component of three vitamins: thiamin, biotin and pan tothenic acid. · Sulfur plays a role in the proper functioning of skin, connective tissues, organs, and our immune system and must be constantly replaced to (See xxx) Oakville 825-1216 Milton 875-1245 Monday - Thursday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday 1J a.m. - 2 p.m. Hotline: 24 Hour Service 1-800-550-4900 .Ol We provide state of the art, quality orthotic appli ances utilizing the latest technology, a computerized three dimensional optical imaging system Strong, lightweight, thin and comfortable to wear, they are custom made in 6 days to fit the exact rquirements of your feet. The Oakville Professional Building 627 Lyons Lane, Suite 404, Oakville, Ont. Tel: (905) 338-6003 By Appointment Only. SUITE 2 0 4 IRTHRIGHT HOPEDALE MALL HALTON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC is pleased to announce that Vanessa Mirabelli, Registered Would his diabetes be any less debilitating than yours? Thanks to advances in veterinary PetCare pet insurance is simple, easy, and affordable. On-line enrolment of your pet can take just five minutes. O r you can simply call 905-842-2615 for more information. Avoid the financial worries caused by unexpected accidents or illnesses. medicine, treatment for dogs and cats has never been better. Techniques like an ultrasound or M.R.I. reveal problems that might otherwise go undetected. New drugs are available. Specialists can be consulted. In some cases, organ transplants are performed. But a pet owner needs to be prepared. Physical Therapist, has joined the practice. Vanessa would like to welcome her clients to her new location. 250 W yecroft Road, Suite 5 905 844-9117 I lost - 133lbs and never found it again. Susan Powter for Currently, many pet owners don't anticipate the unforeseen cost of an accident or illness, a result, financial euthanasia still exists. Pet insurance provides support, so an owner never has to compromise his/her pet' s care. mademoiselle spa W O M E N ' S F I T N E S S C L U B S A ll 1 3 M a d e m o is e lle S p a lo c a tio n s a re be au tifully d e s ig n e d , u n iq u e h e a lth c lu b s w h e r e y o u c a n feel In s p ire d , c o m fo rta b le a n d e n e rg iz e d . Enjoy the comfort of workout facilities that are exclusive to women! · · · · · · · · · · Professional C hild C a n Change Rooms w ith Private Lounge Aerobics Studio Cardio Gym Swimming Pool Private Showers Private W hirlpool Private Sauna Steam Room M assage · Esthetics · Tanning Salons and much m orel ' Time limited offer. Expires April 30,2000 P etCare, w hat a great idea! P e tC a re is th e only p e t in su ra n c e e n d o rs e d by th e C a n a d ia n , O ntario, a n d A lberta V eterinary M edical A sso ciatio n s » y * call Suzanne or Cindy at: (905) 842-2366 © i CSjJgSSG J r\ V. 474 Iroquois Shore Road, Oakville