Oakville Beaver, 9 Apr 2000, A28

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28 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, April 9, 2000 E M P L 0 Y M E N T In s u ra n c e B ro k e r C .S .R . Required immediately. A minimum of 5 years with R.I.B.O. designation. Complete working knowledge of T.A.B.S. a definite asset. Ex ce lle n t sa lary and benefits package with exceptional office environment. Forward resume to: FAX (905) 632-6269 AERATORS NEEDED O utdoor- Apr / June em ploym ent. Physically dem anding and long hours aerating lawns. Training provided. Must have valid Driver's License. We pay $8./hr plus bonus. Possible em ploym ent into July. Send or fax your resum e to Kevin M iket at: T O SS L l& S d INC. Tiger Lease Inc. is looking tor hard working people who strive for excellence. Now hiring: · T r u c k M e c h a n ic s · 3 rd y e a r A p p re n tic e s · S e rv ic e W rite rs · P a rts P e rs o n n e l Position available at following locations. Benefits and pension plan availab le. P le a se fax resum e to: 519-634-5052 ATTN: Mike Bolender Select Ener^ gy An Hunting A Air Conditioning ng Inc. B K ID G E C o m p a n y SALES REPRESENTATIVE We're Enbridge Services, an energy services business that is focused on ensuring that our customers' needs are m et through convenient and innovative products and superior customer service. We currently have opportunities in the Burlington and Oakville areas. You will primarily sell value-added HVAC products and services to existing and potential customers, as well as facilitate product promotion, installation and servicing while fostering strong customer relation ships. Ideally, you have experience in a sales role and you have, or. plan to complete, HRAI certification for HVAC programs and design. Hours of work will fluctuate around the needs of customers, and m ay include evenings and weekends. We offer a competitive compensation package and an excellent benefits package. To find out m ore about joining our growing team , send your resum e to: District Manager, 4361 Harvester Road., Unit 2 , Burlington, ON, L7L 5M4 o r fa x 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -1 7 3 8 David H. Coons Insurance Brokers Ltd. 574 Brant Street Burlington, ON L7P 2G8 MUTRhLAWN icotogyfrieHSy LamC are #15- 4087 Harvester Rd. Burlington, O N L7L 5M3 Fax: (905)-632-1522 SWISS (HA LET E FFIC IEN T W AREHOUSE PERSON W ANTED Burlington Distributor has an im m ediate opening tor a F/T warehouse person. Responsible for shipping /receiving, packaging, inventory control, stocking shelves, etc. Successful candidate will have a high school diploma, computer experience, good organizational skills and be a team player. Please submit resum es by Apr. 10/00. Full-time & Part-time ·Kitchen help ·3rd Dining Room M anagem ent position Excellent benfefits pkg and wages Please apply in person at 1011 Upper Middle Road location only 905-844-8751 Bookkeeper/ Admin Assistant Required by group of 3 small companies total 19 employees. A/P, A/R, payroll, bank reconciliation, EHT WCB and GRSP admin, personnel records, and other admin. Minimum qualifications: 5yrs, Bookkeeping experi ence, & excellent computer skills including MS Office and preferably Simply Accounting. Fax resume to 905-849-9734 or email to psim s@sim sm oelich.com Ener-Gard Energy Products Inc. 1325 H eine Court Burlington, Ontario L7L 6A7 Fax: (9 0 5 ) 3 3 6 -1 5 07 On Call Coordinator for O akville N ursing A gency Required to respond to all calls received after office hours. WE NEED: · Exceptional customer & communication skills · Needed for every 3rd weekend & 1evening call per week · When on call required to pickup & deliver books on a daily basis. Fax resum e (905)-338-5616 SIMS MOELICH ASSOCIATES LTD. 277 Lakeshore Rd.,E,,# 408. Oakville. O N L6J 1H9 A ECNG Inc. "13 y ea rs o f service" Professional Sales Opportunity... E C N G is the leading provider of objective energy consulting and m anagem ent se rvice s to ind ustrial, com m ercial and institutional consumers. ECN G is known for its focus on client needs, fairness and honesty, energy expertise, influence in the regulatory forum and commitment to service excellence. ECNG was founded in 1987 and is located in Oakville. W e require the following growth-oriented electrical engineers to service EC N G 's expanding electricity clientele. PRODUCTION PROCESSORS G row ing S pe cia lty R u b b e r Mfg. T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S L E A D E R Reporting to the Director, Electricity Services, you will supervise the collection and processing of client load data to prepare supply tenders and track actual hourly consumption for bill verification and payment. You will recommend metering strategies and implement remote interrogation systems. You will assist in the design of IT systems for client account management and supervise the Technical Services section, which will expand with client needs. · Responsible, Team Player · Permanent Position · Reasonable Mechanical Aptitude · Competitive Wages w/Bonus Opportunities · Will Train Resume w/references to Box 6262, Oakville Beaver, 467, Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S R E P R E S E N T A T IV E You will analyze client loads, develop metering strategies, design and distribute client reports, assist in IT system developm ent, client consumption monitoring and financial accounting. You will support client sen/ice personnel in customer presentations. SERVICE PERSONNEL G row ing S pe cia lty Tire Co. · Permanent Position · Reliable - Provide References · Good Hands on Aptitude · Shop & Customer Site Work · "G" License Min. Good Record · Competitive Wages w/bonus opportunities · Will Train Resume to Box 6261, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 Ennisclare Interiors, an expanding, visionary retail marketer of fine furniture & related services, has an immediate opportunity for experienced Sales Professionals. Successful candidates will possess an in-depth understanding of fine furniture products, manufacturers and related services, as well, they will have interior decorating/ design skills and the ability to offer our customers the assistance they requires both in our showroom and in their home when required. Also, they m ust have the ability to work positively and harmoniously within a cohesive and dynamic team of sales professionals. We offer an aggressive, lead producing m arketing and advertising program as well as a compensation and benefit program that exceeds industry standards. If you are interested in pursuing this exciting opportunity, forward your resume with a covering letter to the address shown below. (All resum es will be treated with complete confidentiality.) Mr. R. Bigg, General Manager Excellent opportunty in Burlington with the leading provider of asset-based financing solutions has open ings for the following B ilin g u al (English & French) positions: · 4 Bilingual Collections Representatives (SR & JR ) · Bilingual Contract Specialist · 2 Bilingual Contract Administrators The ideal candidates will have excellent communica tions skills in both French and English, 1 to 5 years o f customer service or collections, proficient in Excel and Word and has post-secondary education. Please fax Catherine at Manpower Permanent Placement Division at 905-276-3836 or email to catherine.colclough@na.manpower.com A d m in . A s s t./R e c e p tio n is t Oakville financial planning firm seeks an individual with excellent communication skills & personality. Must be capable of working in a fast-paced environ m ent and handling different tasks simultaneously. Excellent computer skills (MS Office) are a m ust. Experience with investments and insurance an asset. Please send your resum e with salary expectations to Claire Hoff C/o Mail Boxes Etc., 200 North Service Rd. W,, Unit 1 , Ste 850, Oakville, O N L6M 2Y1 Ennisclare Interiors 1075 North Service Rd. W., Unit 22 Oakville, ON L6M 2G2 F A X y o u r r e s u m e to : (9 0 5 ) 8 2 5 -1 0 6 6 , A ttn J o h n M c G in n is o r E M A IL : jm c g in n is @ e c n g .c o m We regret only candidates selected fo r interviews will be contacted. No phone calls please! We thank your lor your interest but only applicants invited tor an interview will be contacted. DESKTOP PUBLISHER Forming Technologies Incorporated provides software, training and engineering services to the automotive industry. This entry-level position best suits a friendly, enthusiastic individual with an eye for detail and an ability to meel tight deadlines. Excellent organizational skills and a com m and of MS Windows file structure are required. Web publishing experience is an asset. The ideal candidate must possess strong desktop publishing and graphics editing skills to compose and update technical manuals and presentations using the following software: CARPENTERS/ PLUMBERS/ ELECTRICIANS/ REMODELLERS $20-$25/ HR. Min. 10yrs exp., own vehicle & tools. FAT & P/T. Retired/ Semi retired welcomed. O akville 905-826-3116 Burlington 905-578-4405 C LIE N T SERVICE A S SISTAN T Burlington Investment Advisor requires a Client Service Assistant. Position involves verifying transac tions, tracking investments and handling all client service requests. Professional appearance, attitude and strong interpersonal/ communications skills are necessary. Industry experience is essential. Our client, a major auto parts manufacturer with a state-of-the-art facility in Milton, is seeking Forklift Operators. · $ 1 3 to $ 1 5 p er h our · m inim um o f 1 y e a r o f e x p e rie n c e req u ire d · ow n tra n s p o rta tio n w o u ld b e an a s s et This is an amazing opportunity - loaded with potential! Please forward your resume to: Dundee Securities Corporation Fax: (905) 336^9287; E-mail: judystreet@nas.net SECRETARY«RECEPTIONIST Oakville professional firm requires an excellent communicator who is energetic, innovative and detailoriented. Your positive out-going attitude and keen organizational skills are key assets to compliment our high level of client service. Strong computer skills with experience preparing documents, reports and correspondence are essential in this busy environment. Reception and executive assistant responsibilities also include scheduling client m eetings for our senior executive, maintaining client files, assisting with A/R and various office procedures. We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview be contacted. Please reply to: Box 6264, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers, Oakville, O N L6K3S4 FAX YOUR RESUME TODAY! Fax: (905) 6 2 4 -5 4 6 6 Tel.: 1 -8 8 8 -4 1 1 -1 6 6 0 1I(JR Corel PhotoPaint and Corel Draw QuarkXPress Word and PowerPoint Human Resources i ia < < > INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTANT Our Oakville client is looking for an experienced accountant for a one year contract. This growing company requires an individual to do A/P, A/R, general ledgers, reconciliation, accounting analysis, as well as general clerical duties. The applicant must have a minimum of 4-5 yrs experience in a fast paced accounting environment with a 2nd - 3rd level CGA status. We are looking for a reliable and responsible person who enjoys variety and is computer literate specifically in EXC EL. Salary: 42-45K w/ benefits and potential bonus opportunities. Interested applicants must fax resume ASAP to Adecco Oakville Fax 905-842-6468 Phone 905-842-5173 Forming Technologies Incorporated 6-1075 North Service Rd W, Oakville, O N L6M 2G2 E-mail: hr@forming.com · Fax: (905) 827-3166 Make an Im pression. T h e S h o e C o m p a n y seeks individuals who can fil our shoes at our O a k v ille a n d M is s is s a u g a s to re s . We thank all applicants, but only those to be interviewed will be contacted. Managers in Training W e are looking for outgoing, enthusiastic people with previous retail management experience. W e offer a competitive compensation package and outstanding opportunities for advancement. T a k e y o u r re s u m e to th e O a k v ille Tow n C e n tre II, (D o rv a l an d th e Q E W ) o r D u n d a s a n d W in s to n C h u rch ill, (3 2 3 5 D u n d a s St. W .) o r e -m a il u s at: ttra c e y @ to w n s h o e s .c o m SUN SHADES DECORATING CENTRES SALES PERSON for drapes, blinds, shutters preferred, but will train. Hourly plus commission IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITIES!!! O ur client, a progressive, well established com pany in O akville is hiring full time. Fax resume: 905-713-2842 G E N E R A L LA B O U R E R S Requirements: ·H ig h School Diploma ·Shift Flexibility ·Manufacturing experience ·Forklift experience C A R E E R M IN D E D A n opportunity has arisen for a Marketing Agent in the Scarborough area. No selling involved, ju st daily deliveries to new accounts and existing customers We Provide: t Accounting Manager R ew ards: ·Excellent Wages ·Shift Premiums ·Advancement opportunities ·O pportunity for perm. We thank a ll applicants; how ever, o n ly those sele cte d fo r an in te rvie w w ill be contacted. ·Full Training *Field Support ·A guaranteed per year income at $30K You Provide: ·Self-motivation "Organization Customer Service ·Suitable Vehicle · Storage for stock The successful individual will build a long-term future and determine their own income level. A Burlington based company currently has an opening for an Accounting Manager. The position requires a post secondary education in a related field ana 5 years of accounting exp. You will be responsible for overseeing all accounting functions and personnel within the dept. Responsibilities include credit and collections, accounts payables, accounts receivables, financial statements, cheque runs, inventory, and month end/year end. M ^U O EC O M PA N Y M ENS · WOMENS · KIDS DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY!!! CALL LAURA N O W AT Please send your resume to Jennine. Fax: (905) 459-1704 Phone: (905) 459-1617 Email: jgermond@amiorpersannel.com / Jtf ph: 1-877-325-4766 ext.599 905 - 842-4402 l(FI IY S E R V IC E S \ ·'BB'arr.rxs i j mu

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