Oakville Beaver, 9 Apr 2000, A31

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Sunday, April 9, 2000 items under $1 0 0 . MOUNTAIN Bike, many al loy com ponents. over $400 new. $100. 634-9879 P A T IO sliding door complete kit, 60x80, $75. Call 681-2759 after 6pm. PING Pong table- Excellent condition. Sing le player option. Accessories included. $100. 319-2170_______ SIMMONS, hide-a-bed, tan stripe material c/w original instructions to reassemble. $75. (905)681-1827 TRENCH coat, Khaki green, size 42, London Fog. (rem ovable liner). $100. 333-3476___________ TUBULAR metal bed frame only, red. Double bottom, single top. $100. firm. 335-8401 after 5pm WINDOW: 51* x 63". $100. 335-9245_________________ W O O D S upright fre ezer $85 (905)815-0428 K i l l ] articles for sale auctions, sales auctions, sales Oakville Beaver Weekend career training career training 31 M O V IN G ! York w eights, weight bench, wood grain coffee table. 2 end tables, 2 black g la ss top tables. Captains bed w/mattress, stereo cabinet, off white leather sofa, love seat. Sin g er sew ing m achine. 6in bench grinder, W o m en 's club m em bership, fridge, stove. 827-4203 P O O L - & a c c e ss o rie s. 15ftx30ft oval, 1 year old + wood surround, decking, stairs, privacy fence. Must see! $4500/obo. 336-0026 R O Y A L Doulton- 30year co llectio n figurines and toby mugs mint, asking 6 0 % or Book va lu e, call 905-227-9458_____________ F R ID G E , 2-door; S to ve, 30"; Autom atic W asher/ Dryer also apartment size. R e a so n a b le . Under warranty. Call (905)-5491911_______________________ SE W IN G Machine Repairs, domestic/ industrial. Over 20 ye a rs experience. Inhome service. Call Robert, (905)466-9392 (local) S IT On It- Don't Sit In It! R e p la cem en t foam for cushions. Residential/ com mercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9. 7 days/ week! 6329090______________________ S U P E R Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! P a y no G S T ! Love your furniture... hate your co lo u rs? S o fa & m atching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. C h a irs from $199. F re e Estim a te s Senior Discounts. Fields Q u ality Custom Upholstering, 9-9, (905) 632-9090_________________ TURN of the century butter fly wing-back-chair $750; octagon leather top lamptable $400; (905)634-4607 W E D D IN G Dress original Demetrios princess gown, size 8. $500. obo 632-5701 · TREADMILLS · PERSIAN CARPETS · Auction · Sun April 16-1pm · Preview12noon at O TELLO S BA N Q U ET H A LL 2273 Royal W indsor Dr., Oakville QEW exit Ford Dr., S. to Royal Windsor, NW corner PERSIAN CARPETS - ANTIQUE SEMI ANT., old. new, small, Ig city village tribal rugs: all unique hand knotted wool tor ex.: Bidjar, Ardebil, Ham adan, G abbeh, Nain, Baluch, Heriz, Isfahan, Bakhtiar, Tabriz, Kashan, Qash-Q'ai, etc. Many runners, some estate rugs different sizes. Also Qum & Isfahan silk & A/Olv -- Certified Courses: · L A N D S C A P E R S required immediately, fulltime, by Oakville based company. Call Chris at (905) 828-6767_________________ LIG H T Packagers/ W a re house positions available im m ediately. O akville. $ 10/hr. Call (905)333-2692 D ET A ILER / Prep required for busy collision centre Terrace Ford Lincoln. Noreen 632-- 3556 I telemarketers Legal Office Instructor required 1 day/ wk for Burlington business college. Legal office assistant or law clerk experience necessary. Apply w ith resume: Fax: (905) 637-2843 P E R M A N E N T - part-timeReception (days, evenings, weekends) Previous Real Estate experience an asset. C om puter literate in M S Word/ related software. Ex cellent interpersonal skills. Fast paced environment, be well organized. Mail/ Fax resumes to Angie. Royal LePage. 2072 Lakeshore. Burlington. L7R.1E3, (905)637-3781__________________ O P T O M E T R IS T Assistant wanted. $12/hr. Optical ex perience an asset. 32-40 hours a w eek. Location w est end M ississau g a . Send re-sume to: P.O. Box 4233. c/o M ississau g a News. 3145 Wolfedale Rd., Mississauga, ON L5C 3A9 T Day& 1 M icro Com puters MS Office Internet/E-mail silk base rugs, various sizes. Many semi-ant Baluch- various tribes, sub tribes. Can fax list. NOTE: all carpets will be sold to highest bidder. No reserves. ALSO NOTE: with the lifting of the US/ Ira nian rug embargo; Canadian supplies are expected to dry up and prices soar. Buy while you can. · · · · Accounting Office Administration M e d ic a l/L e g a l Asst. D ental R eceptionist ! Evening ! ! Sessions! i__________i PART-TIME Dental Recep tionist/ Assistant required for growing Dental Practice in Oakville Must be willing to work in a team environ ment. Interpersonal skills an asset. Dentrix computer ex p erien ce preferred. P le a s e fax resum e 905849-1989__________________ ST O N EY Creek- Dental of fice seeking full-time re ceptionist with at least 3 yrs experience. A B E L Com puter skills required. P le a s e phone w eekdays 905-664-5533 or fax: 905664-3886_________________ A SSIST A N T / Receptionist required part-time imme diately for Oakville dental office. Very flexible with a vailab ility & some evenings & weekends. Fax resume to:(905)815-8209 RN required part-time for oral surgery practice. Ex p e rie n ce necessary. Please call (905)333-5601 C.D.A. wanted- Experience required. P le a s e call (905)632-8332____________ FU LL- T IM E Dental assis tant required for busy Oak ville practice. W e are look* ing for an individual who is en thusiastic, self moti vated. friendly. Must be H A R P Certified. P le a s e forw ard resum es to: Dr. Sim on Pon g 187 Cross Ave. #6 Oakville L6J 2W7. Attention Kelly TREADMILLS/EXER. EQUIP. TREADMILLS. Proform. Healthmate.Life Gear, E-Z Fold, Trainium & others. Machines:3, 2-1/2,2,1-1/2hp, w /5-6 wind ow display, speed, dist., calories, incline +m any w / electric or hydraulic lift; soft, wide, long track, m any fully programmable. E-Z fold. Many large 3hp ma chines fold. Also: Air Walkers;.skiers; Many exer cise bikes; complete gyms; other equip. Auction exer. equip 1pm sharp. Rugs-2:30pm Terms: debit, Vi.MC.Ca. 'Lunch* NO BUYER'S PREMIUM Robert Blackbeard Sr Auctioneer(905)-894-2984 cars for sale 1993 Grand Marquis, load ed, low km's, great shape. W ill certify. $9100. 8479532______________________ H O N D A C iv ic S E 1994 green ,180K, air, safety/ emission passed. Excellent condition. $7000 Obo (905)632-1442____________ 1991 Honda E X R -360K, 4 door, sun roof, good condi tion. $3,200 obo (905)8259174___________________ 1995 Nissan pick-upblack, 4 cylinder, 5spd., king cab, 105K. chrom e package, CD, tonneau cov er, $10,000. certified. 3329167______________________ 1992 Saturn S L I. am/fm cas se tte, em ission approved. Good condition. Certified. Asking $4,000. 689-4818 ___ 1990 Grand Prix LE, 4-dr, loaded. 180K. Excellent condition. Emission/ Certi fied. Asking. $3400. (905)335-3939____________ 1993 Toyota T ercel- 4 door, auto, a/c, certified/emission tested. Excellent condition. 3362801______________________ 1998 Transport Pontialc 33.6K. extended, navy/ taupe, air, auto, Am/Fm, C a ssette. A B S , 4-door. W arranty $19,800. (905) 849-0198_________________ HALTON B U SIN ESS INSTITUTE ( 905 ) 637-3415 U L T R A M A T IC requires appointment setters Mon day to Friday, 5pm-10pm. $9/hr + bonus. Leads/train ing provided. C a ll Mrs. Young 333-1737 after 1pm M A TURE Telemarketer re quired- evenings & some days. Oakville. Salary + Bo nus. Call (905)330-4141 for more information T E L E M A R K E T E R - experi enced. to call from own home on existing customer list. No cold calling. 1215hrs/week. Good hourly rate, call Bill 905-338-6564 460 Brant St., Burlington Registered Ministry o f Education and Training (19821 ETCI general hellp wanted e e l general hellp wanted "D IS T IN C T IV E L Y Yours" specializes in creating silk flower wedding bouquets & other floral arrangements. Can create beautiful keep sakes for your special day. For appointment call Tammie. (905)878-5844._______ F R E E E stim a te s... Got wobbly ch airs...w e ak springs... tired looking wood fin ish e s? W e do it all! Custom wood refinishing/ furniture repairs'. Field s Custom Furniture. 9-9, daily! 632-9090____________ 3 -SEA T sofa & matching chair, good quality in good condition. $600./obo. (905)633-9271_____________ A N T IQ U ES & Collectibles, doors galore. Color moni tors, toilet/ sinks, gardening supplies, movies and tapes. Crutches. Great deals! Re use Centre. 3335 N .Se rv ice. Burl. W/Th/F-128pm;Sat-9-5pm; Sun-124pm.______________________ AN TIQ UES. Best selection of all styles of diningrooms and accessory pieces. Rock C hapel Antiques & Statu ary, Open Daily, Hwy.5, 1mi. W. of. Hwy.6 at Rock Chapel Golf Centre, (905)639-3639_____________ B E D - Queen, orthopedic mattress, boxspring, head board, footboard & frame. New, in plastic. Cost $1225, sell $550. Will deliver. (905)-304-7775 B E D R O O M set- 7 piece, Cherrywood, all Dove-tail & m etal glide d raw ers, 4 Poster Rice bed w/rails, tri d re sser & mirror, chest, nightstand. N ever used, still boxed. Cost $7,500., sell $3,500. 905-304-5573 B E D S , New- Com plete: Double, $220; Q ueen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. (905)6819496______________________ C A R P E T S , H undreds of Colours/ styles, Including `StainmasterV Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un derpad/ installation. 905510-0589._________________ C A R P E T - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 C O A L P O R T S - Blanch e. Kitty, E ve , Millie, Sadie, Phoebe. $400. Each. CoaIports Mandarin Crescent, So ciety Reception, P o lo naise W alk, Lave n d er Walk. $225. each.Narwhal Tusk 72" long from Arctic Bay @ the north end of Baf fin Island $3000. 9 - 4:30 416-822-6323_____________ COUCH & chair from Home Outfitting Furniture Store cream great condition, $300/both. Call 332-0172. DINING table with 4 chair with buffet and hutch, medi um oak, excellent condition $550 Obo (905)335-0565 FAM ILYRO OM , sofa, loveseat. chair; $500/obo. An tique replica sofa, loveseat, wing chair; $950/obo. Sew ing machine; $50. Exercise bench; $40. Stove; $100. All ex cellen t condition. 336-0026_________________ FRIDGE- 3-door, "Viking" white, good shape. $400. OBO. Great for cottage. Call after 6pm., 905-333-0936. G O L F C L U B S : Ping Eye 2 irons. 2 'S W inclusive. Excellent condition. $500. (905)842-8146____________ M O F F A T beige fridge, apartment size, 12000 BTU window a/c $400 ea, even ings (905)659-1414 Burlington Fbst IN S ID E S A L E S T E L E M A R K E T IN G We have immediate part-tim e opening(s) for highly m otivated individuasl who can achieve results through cold calling and prospecting new customers in the Burlington/ Waterdown area. Must have: · good telephone sales experience · organizational skills ·confident outgoing personality ·ability to m anage several projects concurrently. · desire to succeed r h general J hellp wanted 11 H A IR S T Y L IS T - ex peri enced, preferably with clientele. Call 905-6326090 or 905-639-4473 Ein Stein Brew House P/T position available, Evenings & weekends. Mustbemin. 19 years. APPLY IN PERSON WITH RESUME TO: 4 8 1 N. Service Rd.W. OAKVILLE Call (905) 825-2337 Fax resume: 905-632-9162 Attn: M. Yesford N o telephone calls please W e th an kall applicants fo r applying b u t only th o se selected fo r interviewwill b eco n tacted . S E A M S T R E S S - full-time required to work in our Bur lington Factory. Experience with industrial sewing ma chines required. G u a r anteed hourly rate plus good benefit package. Bring resume to Royal Mat tress. 5041 Fairview St., Burlington, 8am-4pm or fax 905-681-2294_____________ S A T IS F A C T IO N Student Window Cleaners requires university students for pro duction manager (car re quired) & Window Cleaner, positions. Burlington, Oak ville, Mississauga. Send / fax resume: 257 Gatestone Avenue, Oakville. L6J 2G2 Fax: 905-338-3829. Phone (905)842-3581.___________ W A N T E D : E xperienced Driver / Delivery Person needed for residential furni ture delivery com pany. Heavy lifting involved, neat appearance a must. Knowl edge of Golden Horseshoe helpful. Persons applying need to show driver's ab stract. Fax resume to (905)631-8999____________ S U P E R V IS O R / Cashierexperienced, full-time a vailable for all shifts. Competitive wages and ex cellent benefits. Reply with resume: Attn: Laurie Doyle, Shoppers Drug Mart, 470 Appleby Line, Burlington, L7L.2Y2 or fax 905-639-0757 A R E you Burlington's #1 Telemarketer, if so join our team! Two full-time people required. G reat hourly wage, plus bonuses, plus benefits. No cold calling/ leads provided. Computer skills a must. Professional office atm osphere. Call Rick 905-331-0112________ R A P ID L Y growing electric motor & pump repair shop is looking for self-starting, independent individuals to fill the following: Experi enced/ Trained Winder/ M ech an ics A pprentice Winder/ Mechanic- Shop Hand/ Driver. Serious ap plicants only, please fax re sume stating position to: 905-639-9664 S A L E S P E R S O N / Decora tor required for local wind ow covering shop. Experi en ced preferred but will train. Hourly + commission, in-store sales and shop at home. Car required, call 827-1341 or fax 905-8276510______________________ P A R T - T IM E S a le s help wanting to work weekends. Selling lawn furniture and sheds. Suitable for retired person. Salary plus comm. Call Ren's Feed. 905-2574611______________________ IN SID E Sales Representa tive needed. Must be out going, friendly, sales-oriented. $10./hr., Full-time/ days. To apply call Michelle at 905-827-8230 R E A L E sta te S a le s . L i censed or not. Training. Free commission advanc es. Retirement Plan. Call Lloyd, Exit Realty Negotiators. (905)465-1010 W A N T E D mature experi enced part-time sales help for ladies clothing store ap ply with resume to Magic Mountain, 67 Bronte Rd., Unit 9, Oakville. L6L 3B7 IN ST A L L E R Entry level position for awning manufacturing company. Problem solving abilities, fam iliar with construction tools, clean driving record, energetic, tidy ap pearance. A pply N ow ! Join O u r Team Th is Sum m er W e a re H iring fo r S e rv e r and L in e C o o k Positions Ex p e rie n ce W e lc o m e - Training Provided Find out about E M M A 'S S C H O LA R S H IP $1000 to be awarded towards your College or University Tuition! P A R T -T IM E belivery help hours flexible. Ideal for student or person with another part-time job. Sat urdays necessary. Some heavy lifting. Training pro vided. Im m ediate start. Call Sw iss Interiors 905844-3530__________________ CO SM ETICIAN- Part-time required imm ediately, Available all shifts. Experi enced, Competitive wages. Reply with resume: Attn: Laurie Doyle, Shoppers Drug Mart, 470 Appleby Line, Burlington. L7L.2Y2 or fax 905-639-0757 S IL K Screener required for bottle decorating. In-house facility for manufacturer re quires flexible, depend able, quality concious per son. Experience preferred. Full Time. Apply in person: Truso Limited, Unit 2, 2416 Wyecroft Road, Oakville. EA RN $200., $300., $500., or more per week, Assem bling product in the comfort of your own home. Send a self addressed stam ped envelope to: O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundas St., W., Suite 541, Ref: 628, Mississauga, Ontario, L5K 2R8_____________ H O U SEH O LD packing com pany hiring experi enced packers. Personnel also needed for physical labor. Competitive wages. Room for advancem ent. Call (905)-630-7225 after 5pm M ANAGERS required. Boston Pizza, suit experi enced servers seeking in creased responsibilities. Fax resume to: (905)8778590 or drop in to 319 Guelph Str., Georgetown. S P R IN G fever! Full-time positions- work no nights, no w eekends. Reliable, mature. Benefits/ training/ transportation provided. D.L. required. Call Molly Maid, 905-681-7484_______ P A IN T E R S , minimum 5 years experience, with own tools; And, Pa in ters Helpers, sanding and heavy lifting involved. Burlington. Call (905)319-2688________ G E N E R A L Labourers re quired fulltime. Burl./ Oak./ Miss. area. Concrete experience an asset but not required. Call for interview, (905)849-6966____________ TIM HORTONS- Now hiring All counter shifts and night shift baker. Apply: 2316 Royal Windsor Dr. at Ford Dr- Oakville or phone/fax 338-1966__________________ H O U SEC LE A N E R required to join our team. Paid train ing. Hourly wage. Own car an asset. Days only. Call (905)-336-1489 SEA M ST R ES S/ Tailor, with experience, wanted. Must be sincere and committed. Call (905)847-6515 A N T IQ U E S wanted- furni ture, g la ss china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos. canes B e s t cash! (905)-522-4727____________ A N T IQ U E S M ean $$$$ Make sure you get all you can when you sell your furniture. co llectibles, clocks, silver, china, glass, With single items or entire estate s. C a ll the a rea s leading auction house first! S h a fe r Auction G a lle ry (905)634-6300_____________ A N T IQ U E S China SilverSinger Portables... Doulton, Moorcroft, Beswick, Watch es, dolls, estates, Collecti bles. John/ Tracy (905)331-2477_________________ A N T IQ U E S & Pain tin g s Wanted- Furniture. Glass, China, etc. Addison radios. E s ta te s purchased. Karl (905)681-6939 Burlington. K J i l l Pets' supplies STOREFRONT Full/ Part-time -A ll ShiftsEnjoy a friendly, caring fast paced environment. Apply in person, 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville Mail / or fax to: P.O. Box 878, Oakville L6J 5C5 or fax (905) 847-1059 P H Y SIC A L LY fi! DZ Driver, heavy lifting required. Ben efits, no weekends. Fun! call 905-822-2377 A P P R E N T IC E Electrician required 2nd, 3rd or 4th year. (Commercial/Industrial work).Call McCleary Electric (905)634.-7634________ A p p ly In Person Emma's Back Porch 2084 Old Lakeshore Rd. Buriington, ON A p p lic a tio n s a lw a y s a c c e p t e d Courier/Brokers with own car required by A.I.S. Couriers to sort & deliver Canada Post m ail to Super Mail Boxes in the Oakville area.Mon.- Fri Start 6:00 am . Phone 2pm -5pm (905)276-3221 BRO KERSneeded for M ississau ga courier company experienced with car or van. Fluent in English. Call W ally (905)820-5522_________________ J U B L I E E Fruit Market requires full-time Cashiers and P ro d u ce Clerks, available to work flexible hours including weekends. Starting salary $9.-$10./hr. Apply in person with resume: 104 Allan Str., Oakville (905) 842-0378. A R E you a University C o llege Student with painting ex p erien ce? Would you like to run your own painting b u sin ess? Full training provided. Earn i.000. this summer and build your resume. Apply now 1-800-361-9877, www. st udententerprise. com LA N D SC A P E Maintenance Foreman- well established, resp ected full-service property m aintenance com pany recognized for providing highest quality service. Offers stability; excellent salary, friendly team environment. S e lf motivated, organized, able to direct/ motivate crew. Know ledge of plant material, equipment opera tion/ maintenance required. Fax 905-333-1723_________ W A R E H O U S E Position safety supply company re quires goal oriented, multi task team player. Shipping receiving/ some heavy lift ing/ occasional deliveries. Mon-Fri days. Experience helpful. R ep ly to Mike M aas. B2-1175 Appleby Line. Burlington. Fax 905319-0870._________________ G O LF course help wantedSuitable for university stud ent. W a g e s negotiable. Call 905-827-7750 (O ak ville) M E D IC A L Assistant parttime eve n in g s and w eekends, experienced, E C G , P FT , Venipuncture, North O akville. Fax: (905)338-3144_____________ COFFEE T IM E Im m ediate Openings New location at 640 Ford Dr., Oakville W* [ | u i cars wanted $0-$5000.Reward- Cars, Trucks, Highest Cash Pric es P aid . F a st DeliveryF re e Towing. L icen se d Auto Wrecker. Auto parts sold also! 905-827-8015 (Oakville) HSP DIGITAL GRAPHICS Seeks people lor the following positions: · Digital Pre-Press · Airbrush Artist · Digital Printers. R N /R P N required part-tim e scheduled shifts in Oakville retirem ent home.Pleasesend resume to: COUNTER HELP BAKERS SUPERVISORS/ MANAGERS Call to arrange an interview. F R E E to good home, 2 fe male indoor cats available due to allergies. (905)6340362 after 5pm SH ITZU puppy for sale, all shots, neutered, with kennel, collar and leach. Please call 858-5505 Ext 17 (day) or 469-8422 evenings ask for Suzie W E D D IN G Photography, 100-115 prints, album, negatives, other packages available. Over 20 yrs ex perience. R eliab le, re a sonable. with references. Picture- Perfect Wedding Photography. 639-6710 R EG IO N A L Marketing and E v e n ts Co-ordinator. So u rce F o r Sports a na tional buying and market ing group. A self-starter will develop m aketing pro grams internally and exter nally. R eq u ires French/ English fluency, freedom to travel, strong communica tion/ listening skills. Fax re sume 905-637-1884 Fax resume to: (905)335-5379 H Y D R A U L IC Cylind er Technician- Experienced. Com petitive w ag es and benefits. Start immediately at Burlington location. Fax re-sume to 905-335-5994 L A N D S C A P E contracting company requires foremen and labourers. Sound knowledge of hard and soft landscape installations, equipm ent operating, carpentry, experience in general construction/ renovations an asset. Good driving record; clean, neat appearance, independant, team player. Param ount Lan d sca p e Contractors. ph#905-690-0267, fax: 905690-0612 Trafalgar Lodge, 299 Randall St. Oakville L6J 6B4 Fax: 905-842-8410 DENTAL OFFICE located in Oakville requires F/T (416) 918-0683 JO S E P H 'S , new fine din ing Mediterreanan restau rant requires experienced and positive people for the following full and part time positions: 1st Chef or Ap prentice; Salad Chef; Dish w ashers; W ait Staff (E x perienced). For appoint ment please call Anthony or Keith (905)465-3855 INDIAN Wells Golf Club in Burlington requires experi enced Sous Chef & Short Order Cooks. Drop off re sume attn: Blair, or fax to(905)335-1021___________ THE Slye Fox Public House requires Exp. Line Cooks & Assistant Kitchen Manager. G rea t w ages, fun a t m osphere. room for a d vancement. Apply with re sum e betw een 2-4pm at E a stw a y P la z a (N ew Stf Walker's Line)or call Man ager for appointment 905639-3900__________________ E X P E R IE N C E D S E R V E R S /Buspersons/ Line Cooks. Part-time. Available imme diately for right individuals with strong sense of team concept. Call now. Q.B. Sports Eatery, 4460 Fair view (Appleby Ln), or call905-637-9797_____________ JO E Y 'S Only Seafood Res taurant requires Full-timeHostess/ Server. Must be available days/ evenings. Experience an asset. Drop resume at #3480-3500 Fairview, Burlington.___________ E SK IM O Jo e's Sports Bar, O akville. All positions & shifts available immediately.. Fax resume to: (905)8456054______________________ CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT Fax resume to: (905) 338-8523 or call 845-6023 F jllT l] cars for sale FT/PT Front Reception M ust excel in c u s to m e r s e rv ic e an d be a m a tu re te a m p la y e r! Evgs & w k n d s a m u s t. Cash exp. an asset. Apply: S H IP P E R / Receiver/ C us tomer Service required full time. Training provided. Resumes to: Factory Shoe Outlet, 2394 Fairview St, Burlington. Tel: (905)6329688; Fax: (905)632-9689 W H O L E S A L E Nursery: Seeks tractor operator for part-time position, dependant on weather. Ideal for retired person. Respond in writing to Connon Nurseries. 1724 Concession IV, Rockton, ON LOR 1X0 or fax to (519)647-2951_____________ W H O L E S A L E Nursery: Seeks temporary help for shipping season; 8 week duration. May lead to fulltime seasonal position. Send resumes to Connon Nurseries, 1724 Concession 1V, Rockton, ON LO-R 1X0 Fax: (905) 647-2951__________________ YA R D W O RK - Small garending jobs for seniors (Burlington). W ould suit early retirees. Seniors for Seniors. 905-572-6162 1999 FORD Mustang Con vertible. V6, Yellow, black top, black leather interior, C D M ach System , standard.A/C, 30,000 km. Very well taken care of. Excellent condition. Oil changed al ways with Synthetic. Ask ing $25000 or best offer (905) 333-9171____________ 1991 PONTIAC Grand Prix. 6 cylinder, 3.1 L. 4 door, auto, marroon/grey. air, cruise, power windows and doors. AM/Fm, cassette, cellphone, certified, emis sions, 186K. $4500. (905)847-0398.____________ 1990 F O R D Tem po L Automatic, 172000 Km, in good working condition. $2500 As is. Can be seen after 5pm on weekdays & anytim e on w eekends (905)827-0975. 1998 A cu ra 3.0 C L . a u tom atic, black w/grey leather interior, _33,000K, like new, asking $25,000. 257-7229 RN's Fulltim e Experience in a nursing hom e environment is preferred. HVA C -R JO U R N E Y M A N For industrial and commercial service work. CEDAR SPRINGS H ealth, Racquet & Sportsclub 960 Cum berland Burlington W A REH O U SEPERSO N / Occassional driver required. P le a sa n t working co ndi tions, excellent benefits. Truck driving experience and clean abstract an a s set Must be physically fit, to lift/ carry up to 100lbs. Apply in person: Royal Mat tress. 5041 Fairview St., Burlington, Mon-Fri, 8am4pm, Fax- 905-681-2294 Fax resume to: 1 - 9 0 5 - 3 3 2 -5 8 7 1 D E N T A L A ssistant. W e seek the skills of a motivat ed, enthusiastic, person to join our Milton p ractice. The position includes one evening weekly. Experi ence is an asset. Please mail resume to: Southview Dental Clinic, 550 Ontario Str.S.. #201, Milton, Ontario L9T5E4.___________________ Dental Hygienist required Monday-Thursday evenings and Friday & Saturday for O a kville practice, call (905)827-6102 or fax (905)827-4235 Call W ally at N u tem p 9053 3 8-5 603, Fax 9 0 5-338-6677 I office-clerical O F F IC E Clerk needed for pricing and collections. Must know Word & Excel. Full-time $10/hr. To apply fax resume to Angela 905825-2163 A ds continued on Page 26

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