Oakville Beaver, 10 May 2000, C6

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C6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER W ednesday, May 10, 2000 M O T H E R 'SD A Y Capturing spedal moments as families gather to salute mom For Mothers Day, touch her heart O n M o th e r's D ay (an d F a th e r's D ay ), w e say "th an k y o u " and ex p ress our love to the m o st im p o rta n t shapers o f our lives. To help you capture these special m om ents, the experts at E astm an K odak C om pany o ffer tip s fo r ta k in g g re a t p h o tographs. D o n 't m iss a m om ent -- D uring your fam ily celeb ratio n s, have a cam era available at all tim es -- you never know w hen all those great m om ents w ill strike. A com pact, lightw eight, one-tim e-u se cam era, like the K odak M ax flash is ideal for this situation. It's inexpensive, easy to use, and features a sure flash that au to m atically re c h a rg es, so you w on't m iss a shot. G et in close, they w o n 't bite -- W hen y o u 're ta k in g p ic tu re s o f M om and D ad, get a little closer -- preferably about four to five feet away, putting them about a third o f the w ay dow n from the top and sides o f the fram e. G ive the gift o f technology -- M ake it sim ple for M om , D ad or the G randparents to photograph oncein -a-lifetim e m om ents by giving th em a K odak A dvantix 3700ix cam era. D esigned for the A dvanced Photo System , it features drop-in film loading and a choice o f three print form ats (classic, group, and panoram ic) from the sam e roll o f film . Position your subjects with the best angles and the best light -- H ave M om and Dad stand with the sun o ff to the side or over their shoulders so th ey 're not squinting from sunlight. And use the flash even w hen y o u 're outdoors; it will help you avoid unw anted shadows. R em em ber the basics -- W hen it com es tim e to take the picture, push the shutter button lightly and use your other hand to steady the shot. Also, be sure to have a quality film in your cam era. K odak G old M ax film delivers excellent picture qual ity in alm ost any picture-taking con dition -- indoors or outdoors, stills or fast action, m aking this the ideal "all-the-tim e" film. Be cam era happy -- Be sure to take a lot o f pictures, even m ultiple shots o f the sam e scene. T he m ore shots you take, the less room there is for error and the better your chances for getting that truly "clas sic" photo. For m ore tips on taking better pictures, consum ers can call the Kodak Inform ation C enter at 1-800242-2424, or visit Kodak on the Internet at http://w w w .kodak.com . T he earliest M other's Day can be traced back to ancient Greece where Rhea, M other o f the Gods, was honored. This tradi tion o f honoring m others was brought to the United States in 1914, when President Wilson declared the second Sunday o f M ay M o th e r's Day. Since then, all children have been challenged w ith w ays to express their love and gratitude to mom. To ease gift-giving woes, here are some ideas that are sure to touch m om 's heart. Give her serenity -- Mom will be able to relax and rejuvenate herself with an indulgent set o f bath and fra grance item s from I C oloniali. Packaged in a handy wire basket, the set includes D eep M assage Body Cream w ith M yrrh, E ffervescent B ath T ablets w ith G inseng, Strengthening Thailandese Shower Cream with H ibiscus and Aromatic Soap with Ulipe Butter. Give her peace -- Alviero Martini Donna, a floral, fruity, oriental fra grance will transport mom to an oasis of tranquillity. Give her the royal treatment -- Treat mom like a queen with some thing she would never buy herself: an elegant dress. The Worth C o llection's pleated chiffon floral dress with a flow ing hemline will com plem ent her grace and beauty. Give her a bouquet that lasts all sum m er -- At Cross Pens has a spe cial co llection o f floral-designed pens by acclaim ed artist Marjolein Bastin. Each pen comes with a pack et o f fresh seeds (pansies, sunflowers or sw eet peas) that you and mom can plant in the garden together. And, if none of these gift ideas fit the bill, a big hug and an "I love you" always works wonders. TRUST. THAT'S THE LONG AH SHORT OF IT! HAIRCARE THAT KEEPS YOU COMING BACK. `S s Q u ic k & B 's Q u a lity * Avalon Billiards...................................... 844-1189 Baker's Dozen ...................................... 845-6362 Business Depot .................................... 338-5925 Canaan Chinese Restaurant ................ 842-8866 Carlton C a rd ...........................................815-1933 Chaps Restaurant ..................................849-1126 Convenience K ...................................... 842-1983 Dentistry in the A b b e y .........................815-8888 E S S O ....................................................... 337-2392 First Choice Haircutters.......................849-7655 Hamilton Automobile C lu b .................. 845-9680 HMV ......................................................842-7411 Hy & Zeis Jenny Craig ................. 338-5060 .........................................849-4044 N O APP0M TM ENT NECESSARY. 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I MOT V IU P W ITH OTHER 0 F F E I1 OFFER EXPRES: J U W H M O O : The Keg Restaurant ............................. 842-7333 Pamper Her O o if s We're cooking up a great way to celebrate Mother's b a y with our Business DEP n f f lr # A ll-Y o u -C ^unntfo* « Wrtmhni Prices Buffet Brunch Only $11.99 adults & 1/2 price children (10 & under) (^ M ic h a e ls Fabulous Food, Best Wings Anywhere, Private Party Room, Cold Beverages, Pool Table, 20ft. Big Screen T.V., 2 Satellite Dishes & G reat Kids Menu! Oakville Town Centre II (Q.E.W. 8c Dorval Drive) *7Ac ARTS # CRAFTS SUPERSTORE 8 4 9 -1 1 2 6 C a ll for reservations V WINNERS We are a Fully Accredited Test & Repair Facility. SERVICE! 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