Oakville Beaver, 10 May 2000, Editorials, A6

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A6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER W ednesday May 10,2000 T h e O akville B ea v er Ian Oliver Publisher Neil O liver Associate Publisher Norman Alexander Editor Kelly Montague, Advertising Director Steve Crozier Circulation Director Teri Casas OfficeManager Mark Dills Production Manager Riziero Vertolli Director o fPhotography Metroland Printing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd., includes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, Alliston Herald'Courier, Bame Advance. Barry's Bay This Week, Bolton Enterprise, Brampton Guardian, Burlington Post. Burlington Shopping News, City Parent, Collingwood'VVasaga Connection. East York Mirror, Erin Advocate/Country Routes, Etobicoke Guardian. Flamborough Post. Georgetown Independent/Acton Free Press, Huronia Business Times. Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week, Markham Ecnomist & Sun, Midland/P enetanguishine Mirror, M ilton Canadian Champion. M ilton Shopping News, Mississauga Business Tmes. Mississauga News, Napanee Guide, Newmarket/Aurora Era-Banner, Northumberland News. North York Minor. Oakville Beaver, Oakville Shopping News, Oldtimers Hockey News. Orillia Today, Oshawa/Whitby/Ctarington Port Perry This Week, Owen Sound Tribune. Peterborough This Week. Picton County Guide. R ichmond Hill/ThornhillA/aughan Liberal. Scarborough Mirror. Stouffville/Uxbridge Tribune, Forever Young. City of York Guardan OPINION RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY: Ontario Community New spapers Association THE OAKVILLE BEAVER IS PROUD OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: ° T^M H P r e p a r in g fo rT o m o r r o w sH e a lth C u r e Jr W Y y m c a i k iu e I a ^ Y ^ L H W E L C O M E lfc A G O N im I*C N A S ' Canadian Community Newspapers Association JiiNqle BeII FtNd J ^ ih e n a ~C de i 467 Speers Rd., Oakville Ont L6K 3S4 (905) 845-3824 Fax: 337-5567 Classified Advertising: 845-2809 Circulation: 845-9742 jd^xoard AiVr-rmki TV AUCTION U ni,ed W a» of Oakville E O N T A O akville TOR BUSINESS EXCELLENCE S K Suburban Newspapers of Am erica TH IR O N Tt »i: T T E B F L Y fin R I d O | oakville galleries! Editorials Paper democracy Here we are in what is becoming a more typical than atypical kind of spring, that is to say, we don't have one anymore. It's from blah March and cold April to summer heat in May. And w hat does the public w ant to hear about as they collectively tum on their car and Chretien is a crafty cam hom e air conditioners? W hy election talk, paigner and it w ould be that's what. ju s t like him to have Not. Ontarians trudge to the So as the barbecues belch smoke and dad polls twice within a few p reten d s to know how to cook steak, the weeks to cast our votes municipal and federal bureaucrats are busying for national and local themselves with pre-election duties. "But Prime M inister Jean Chretien hasn't representatives. ____ called an election," you say. But in a political sy stem w ith as m any holes in it as Sw iss cheese, the word is out that the nation's returning officers are looking for polling stations. That means Elections Canada has been given the word, or at least the suggestion, the possibility, the chance that the country will be head ing to the polls in the fall. Locally, there will be an election in November and that comes as no sur prise. That event is always planned. But what might make this year's effort interesting is whether it will be the last under the two-tier regional system. Our bet is that in three years (or less) Halton Region will be abolished. But we digress. C hretien is a crafty cam paigner and it would be ju st like him to have Ontarians trudge to the polls twice within a few weeks to cast our votes for national and local representatives. It would be perfect timing for the PM. Think about it. More `name' Progressive Conservatives are migrating to the Canadian Alliance and the Liberal leader doesn't want any kind of right wing galvanization that might just give the Grits a run for their money. Chretien could then lead his party to victory and retain power for a few months before permanently retiring. Sounds like a plan to us. Letters to the Editor The Oakville Beaver welcomes your comments. All letters must be typed, signed and include the writer's address and phone number. Send to: Letters to the Editor, The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4 Crises way of life for incompetent government With its Code of Conduct for Ontario public schools, yet again, the provincial government reveals overwhelming ineptitude. Incorporating a citizenship pledge to the Queen along with a m echanism for m andatory school uniforms, potentially offends Canadians who hail from former Crown colonies, or have known the sting of oppression. It also tramples on the constitu tional rights of Ontarians and thwarts the notion of `public' in public education. The pledge of allegiance represents the bla tant Americanization of our public school sys tem and, as such, is utterly repugnant. For many Canadians, the Crown is synonymous with the yoke of oppression that subjugated their ances tors. To young children, this stand alone oath is meaningless. Far better to emphasize the teach ing of Canadian history, geography and civics; encourage school trips throughout this magnifi cent country; and, at Queen's Park, embrace the p rin c ip le s o f d em ocracy upon w hich the Canadian federation is founded. Coercing students to utter an oath on pain of C o m e h o m e to C lin to n Clinton 125 Homecoming celebrations will be held from Aug. 3rd-7th. T here w ill be the grand opening o f the M illennium Park Friday evening, a gigantic parade on Saturday, and a classic car show on Sunday. This is only a taste of what is to come. Visit our website at www.town.clinton.on.ca/millennium.htm, or watch your local newspapers for more details. If you wish to be a part of the Homecoming registration, mail your name and address to P.O. Box 1505, Clinton, ON NOM 1L0 punishment -- one deemed offensive, or just plain unnecessary, is a flagrant abuse of Charter rights. Arrived at by fiat, rather than consulta tion, the pledge demonstrates the Harris govern ment's disdain for the very people it represents. Within reason, student attire is a private mat ter. Notwithstanding bounds of common decen cy mutually agreed upon within each school community, it must remain unfettered by official interference. Moreover, no school uniform can or should be imposed on an entire student body as long as one parent or adolescent student objects. Had the provincial Tories consulted with the various stakeholders affected by its ill-advised Code, the many ensuing perturbations could have been avoided. But then, this government thrives on creating crises as a diversion for its woeful incompetence. Letter of the Week Gay-lesbian pride day deserves support I w as very pleased to read in the Fri. M ay 5th Oakville Beaver that "Halton group organizes gay and lesbian pride day" . As a m other o f six, I tend to approach issues in terms of how they affect children, so this was good news to me. I 've heard gay frie n d s d escrib e w hat th e ir teen years were like. As their peers discovered the excite m ent o f feeling attracted to the o p p osite sex, they were devastated to find their feelings were oriented to the "w rong" sex. They felt like they had turned into some kind o f monsters. I've seen statistics on how often hom osexuality is a factor in teen suicide, so I know how tragic the conse quences o f our society's prejudices can be. I'm espe c ia lly p le a se d th a t the H a lto n A n ti-H o m o p h o b ia Com m ittee is planning the day as a fam ily-style pic nic, with the goal o f de-m ystification. T h is sounds like an approach that will be m ost helpful to our com m unity's children. I don't know if this issue will ever affect my family directly. A fter all, sexual orientation seem s to be an innate quality so it's hard to predict how o n e 's chil dren will turn out. But whether this helps my children or some other m other's children, it is probably going to save lives. Thank you, Anti-H om ophobia Committee. Carol Mitchell Chair o f the Homecoming Committee Peter D. Pellier Organ donation helped family cope with grief Regarding your recent editor ial urging people to sign a Donor C a rd f o r O rg a n T r a n s p la n t, please note -- this is not enough -- you must tell your family of your intention. We attended the "Celebration o f C o u rag e " sp o n so red by the Canadian Kidney Foundation in H a m ilto n . T h is p ro g ra m is in recognition o f those w ho have donated organs from their loved ones. It also honours those who are w aitin g fo r tra n sp la n ts, as well as those who have already had one. It's a beautiful moving c ere m o n y w h ere m y d a u g h te r says, "You can cry as m uch as you w ant to and nobody w on d e rs w h y ." You co u ld w rite a beautiful article on this annual p rogram -- sorry, I 'm digress ing! Several speakers stressed the importance of telling your fami ly that you wish to donate your o rg an s. M any d o c to rs are not thinking o f D onor C ards when the final m om ent com es but if the family lets them know their patient is a potential donor, your re q u e st w ill be fu lfille d . It is h e a rtb re ak in g fo r the Support Team to advise you that nothing can be done for your loved one. H ow w o n d e rfu l fo r th em to k n o w y o u a re re a d y to h e lp another H um an B eing w ithout their asking. M y husband died very sud denly -- a ruptured aneurysm in the b ra in . D e s p ite a sp e ed y tra n s fe r to H am ilto n G eneral Hospital nothing could be done for him. There are no words to d e sc rib e the a n g u ish we suffered. We offered his organs for tra n s p la n t and th a t w as the b e g in n in g o f o u r re c o v e ry . Despite our pain, an incredible sense of serenity surrounded us. We fo c u se d on the h o p e th a t o th ers w ould e x p e rie n c e as a result of our gift. A devoted hus band and a loving father is no lo n g e r w ith us. We m iss th is gentle, caring man and we have shed many tears but in our hearts knowing a part of him is alive in another, brings us undescribable joy. F o r y o u r ow n w e ll-b e in g , please discuss organ donations for transplant with your family; the need is great. Over 130 peo ple d ie d in C a n a d a la s t y e a r w hile w aiting fo r a tran sp lan t and unless more people donate the list will grow. The gift of life is the greatest legacy you can leave your fami ly. Remember; "Don't take your o rg a n s to H eav en -- H eaven knows we need them here." S tu d e n ts im p re s s e d M S S o c ie ty s p e a k e r A fashion show called "R unw ay 2000" was held at O akville Trafalgar High School on May 3rd, organized and performed by a group of amazing students. I had the privilege of being invited to speak on behalf of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, Halton Chapter, who will benefit from the evening's proceeds. I can't begin to express how impressed I was with the chore ography, energy and thorough professionalism o f the participants. Special kudos to Stephanie Leggett, who arranged the show, and her incredible cousin, Dierdre, who gave a humorous talk on how M.S. has given her a whole new set of challenges. All in all, a fantastic tribute to the new generation. If these kids are any indication, w e're placing our future in very good hands. On behalf of Halton Chapter, many thanks to all who par ticipated. Ja yn e Kulikauskas T ip s fo r o ld e r d r iv e r s Joan Tomblin Chair, Board o f Directors Multiple Sclerosis Society Halton Chapter Barbara Post We at T he W ar A m ps have n o ted m e d ia co v erag e lately regarding m otor vehicle licences for older drivers. L a st y e ar, T h e W ar A m ps in s titu te d a su c c e ssfu l M atu re D riv in g P ro g ram fo r o u r m em b ers, w ives or widows. (Average age o f W ar Am ps is 77). It offers tips, an instructional video, m aterial on the w ritten test and refresher training in conjunction w ith a national driver education school. N ote: If a perso n fails the co u rse, we reco m m e n d they give up their d riv e r's licence. M ost agree! We will m ake our instructional m aterial available at cost ($15, including postage) to any seniors' group. To order, use E -Z E E A C C E SS; call to ll-fre e 1-800-2503030 or fax toll-free at 1-800-219-8988 or e-m ail com m unications® w aram ps.ca. Pud Cliff Chadderton, CC, O.Ont., OSU, CAE, DCL, LLD C hief Executive Officer, The War Am ps, O ttawa by Steve Nease WELL'THIS DAYs; O FF S u p p o rt for young people Wendy's Restaurants of Ontario would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your partnership in running a story on "Wendy's Search for the Classic Achievers." Your community spirit was evident in your support of this invalu able program for the youth of Ontario. Wendy's is proud of all the students who were nominated, and we are looking forward to the awards cerem onies on May 6th in Toronto. We hope to continue the Wendy's Classic Achiever High School Scholarship program , and we thank you for your ongoing commitment to the young people in our communi ties. Patrick Palmer Field Marketing Manager Wendy's Restaurants o f Canada 4

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