Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 2 Feb 1934, p. 7

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* _____ H ilda Richm ond ` `Let's play hide and seek ; I don' t want to play croquet," said Dolly. " It's so tiresom e to play croquet." " But it isn't your turn to choose," said Herbert. D olly was new in the neighborhood and did not know that the children took turns selecting games when play ing. She pouted a hit hut was happy when it came her turn to choose. And so, m errily they played all the sunny afternoon. " H ow in the w orld did you accom plish th is?" asked D olly's mother, who with several other mothers was sew ing under the big apple tree and watching the children. " I always sup posed a certain amount o f wrangling and jangling w ent with children's fun, but everything is harmonious and hap py here." " W e let the children make their own rules," said H erbert's mother. " Every one had a v oice in the making, and the first meeting was rather noisy. They decided that absolute fairness was the only way to make everybody satisfied. Now they enforce the rules them selves." " Do they ever have any trouble?" asked the interested visitor, forgetting to sew as she watched. " W ell, it must b e confessed that som etim es there is a law violator," laughed another mother, " but the small offender is prom ptly dealt with, and the trouble soon ends." "And how is the offender dealt w ith?" queried D olly's mother. At that m om ent a small girl was es corted b y tw o other children to the spoken by any one of the three, and gate and put outside. Not a word was when the tw o "p olicem en " returned to th game it went on without comment. Presently, the small girl outside the gate announced that she was willing to play fair, and she was readmitted. Most o f the players at som e tim e or other had been put out of a game, so there was sympathy and lack o f com ment for the little sinner. And that, the mothers said, was one o f the strong points o f the children's organ! zation. They had agreed that no fu ture referen ce should b e made to the offender once pardon was asked. Children are naturally quick to see the difference betwen right and wrong and to know that they cannot have all things their own way, so while they are very young is the best time to im p ress the lesson of fair play and the 'firm conviction that laws are made to be obeyed. " As the tw ig is bent the tree's inclined," is a good old maxim 'and one that needs to b e emphasized in these days o f loose ideas about hu man rights and liberty. If children make and execute their own laws, they do not " wrangle and ; jin g le ," neither is there opportunity jto tease or try to appeal from the ver dict as they often do when parents .and teachers make the rules. Even in ^school, boys and girls are now often [taught to form ulate their own code 'and enforce it, for no child likes to be '"sent to Coventry." In the home, the neighborhood and everywhere there must be laws fo.- children, and if they themselves, make and u s 3 them wise ly, they w ill get valuable training for future service as good citizens. -- Is sued by the National Kindergarten As sociation, 8 W est 40th Street, New Y ork City. These articles are appear ing w eekly in our columns. * ------------ Game Choosing Make 10c Go Farther! Get More Tobacco for Your Money, and Poker Hands, Free! You get more tobacco for your money when you buy Turret Fine Cut. Y ou can roll better cigarettes from Turret Fine Cut-- and you get Poker Hands, t o o ! Y ou save more than enough on Turret Fine Cut to buy " Vogue" o r " Chantecler"--the finest quality papers. The Poker Hands can be exchanged free for a wide choice o f beautiful and useful gifts. I f you aren't now enjoying Turret Fine Cut quality and economy, start doing so today. Make this Saving Y ours! It pays to "R o ll Y o u r O w n " w ith SAVE POKER HANDS TO GET p D I TC BETTER CIGARETTE PAPERS T I I I L KL Everybody agrees that " Vogue" and " Chantecler'* are the best papers-- you can get 5 large books o f either brand-- free for only ont complete set o f Poker Hands, from your nearest Poker Hand Premium Store or by mail; TURRET FINE T H E CUT C IG A R E T T E S A V E TOBACCO POKER H A N D S Imperial T o b a cco Company o f Canada. ffyV/CL lf |fl\f 55IO l/5 BEFORE BABY COMES A m other is a m oth er before her child is bom . SCOTT'S EMULSION furnishes an abundance of the necessary V ita mins A and D for health and strength of mother and child. Are you looking for something different in the way of entertain ment for your church, society, club or institute? Capt. F. H. Reid, the well-known traveller, who has been contribut ing the series of articles to this paper, under the heading of " Travel Impressions," has what is, perhaps, the finest collection of European views in the country. Pictures taken with his own camera, beauti fully coloured, showing some of the out-of-the-way places, as well as the localities about which you have read and heard. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Jugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslo vakia, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and British Isles are included in this unique collection. For particulars regarding this, communicate with Captain Reid at Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. yO R AYM O R E A t l a n t i c C ity % e Preeminent Hotel Achievement Classified Advertising PATEN TS. n o f f e r t o e v e r y in v e n to r . L is t o f w an ted In ven tion s and fu ll In form a tion sen t fr e e . T h * R a m sa y Com* p an y , W o rld P a te n t A tto rn e y s, ITS Banll S treet, O ttaw a, Canada. H ob n o b b in g W it h R oyalty Russian Girls May Not Love Foreigners London.-- The D aily E xpress recent ly printed a dispatch from A rchangel, Soviet Union, reportin g that a m agis trate sentenced five g irls to two months im prisonm ent on charges of accepting g ifts fro m foreig n sailors. The m agistrate issued an edict, the dispatch said, that girls in Soviet Rus sia shall not be allowed to fa ll in love with representatives o f capitalistic countries. " T aking a present from a capital ist," the bench ruled, " is equal to con spiracy against the Soviet State." -------D octors who use motor-cars in Bel1grade are now supplied with a special sign. W ith this affixed to their cars, they are exempt from speed limits, one-way traffic, and other traffic regu lations. FREE TRIAL OFFER If you have never tried Kruschen--trv it now at our expense. We have distributed a great many special " GIANT " packages which' make it easy for you to prove our claims for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new " GIANT " 75c. package. This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together with a separate trial bottle--sufficient for about one week. Open the trial bottle first, put It to the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that Kruschen does everything we claim it to do, the regular bottle is still as good as new. Take It back. Your druggist is authorised to return your 75c. Immediately and without question, loii have tried Kruschen free, at our expense. What could ba fairer? Manufactured by i . l.riffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester, Eng. (Estab. 1756). Importers: McGtllivray Bros. Ltd., Toronto. KRUSCHEN Fourteen kilom eters-- approximately 8 miles-- away from Hallheim, the scent of last w eek's episode o f the ad venture in the salt mines, is the ex quisitely beautiful village o f Berchtesgaden. Bavarian Alpine scenery, lumbring oxen in the twisty, narrow streets; the inhabitants and visitors alike dressed in the picturesque Tyro lean costumes, with bottle green hats trimmed with a tall c u r lin g feather, green or brown tunics, chamois breeches held up with green cloth or brown leather suspenders, half socks covering only the calf o f the leg and heavy walking shoes. Berchtesgaden lies in a lovely valley, enclosed by a belt of m ajestic snow-capped peaks and, being situated on the sunny southern slopes o f the Untereberg, it is sheltered most effectively against all cold winds. The great German writer, Ludwig Ganghofer, voicing the impression made on him by the sublime beauty of Berchtesgaden, uttered the fervent prayer: ` `Lord, w hom soever Thou lovest, let him com e here." On my first vsit to Berchtesgaden, four years ago, we had left Innsbruck, in Austria, and entrained as far as Kitzbuhel-- another lovely spot. In Europe, as in this country, luggage is handled on railway station premises by station porters. The train made but a short stop at Kitzbuhel and our bags were hurriedly placed on the platform. I saw the man I was ex pecting just outside the station gate, nodded to him and attended to the lug gage, but, on getting it outside, I asked for the cars which w ere to take us on to Berchtesgaden after lunch. My man pointed to some, standing a short distance away; I said " That is all right, as far as the people are con cerned, but what about the luggage?" It then transpired that this matter had been overlooked. This meant that I had to hire a large car; not an easy matter, even so short a time as four years ago. Austria was poor and, in the small places, conveyances were at a premium. However, one was found to answer the purpose and I sent it ahead of us. W e spent three hours in Gitzbuhel and then proceeded to our destination for the night-- Berchtesgaden. To reach this place, we had to pass a frontier and here we overtook the car with the luggage. Apparently every thing was going right, so we went ahead without it, arriving at the Grand H otel in Berchtesgaden about 5 o 'clock. Everyone was in raptures over the accom m odation and the won derful panorama spread out before us, but after an hour had passed and no luggage car, I went to the telephone to see if it could be located. W hile I was telephoning, a large lim ousine drove to the door and the proprietor, manager and other officials o f the hotel went to met it, and with stiff genuflections from the waist they treated the arrival with great cere mony. I remarked to the porter, " To whom does the car belon g?" and he A RICH IN V IT A M IN S 12-33 HAIKS&EBSIira. a d ie s , l e a r n h a ir d r e s s in g . C om p lete cou rse. $50, in clu d es root* and board. W r ite Jon es B ea u ty Salon. L isto w e l, Ont. L C a t fc n r a S o a p fo r Daily Use :Cuticura Ointment To Heal Skin Troubles Soap 2 5 c . Ointment 2 5 c . and 5 0 c. SKIN BLEMISHES Vanish Before Physician's Prescription Those spots or pimples on your face -- why let them go on tormenting you? lik e millions of others have done, you can get rid of your skin trouble through the work o f a great p h y s ic ia n ^ -- Dr. D. D. Dennis. Dr. Dennis' prescrip* tion--known in many countries M D .D .D . and now manufactured by Campana's Italian Balm chemists-- will bring you relief at once, and quick ly restore your skin to health. All druggists sell D .D .D. Trial size, 35c. Guaranteed to give instant relief or money refunded. 3 ing from deductions made through tri vial and seemingly unimportant hap penings. " Open A ir Opera in Rom e" is the subject for next week-- a considerable jump from Germany, but these articles are nothing if they are not informal. I would like you to write in and tell me how you enjoy them ; it isn't always answered, " If you wait a moment, sir, possible to correctly guage the read you will see the w ife of the ex-Kaiser." er's point of view. W ell, I was curious-- as you would be -- and I waited. Presently a plain but well dressed woman came down the The Hills and the Sea steps, was treated with every defer ence and, after giving som e instruc Alphonso went down to the ships and tions to the management, entered her the seas; car and was whisked away. The Paulinus stayed home with the garden and bees. Princess Hermoine, as she was then called, is a pleasant little woman; much nicer than any pictures I had Alphonso would dream in his ham m ock at night seen of her. She was staying at the hotel for three weeks and the ladies Sweet dreams of the groves and the swallows in flight. of our party had the opportunity to study her more closely in the drawing room that evening. I personally went Paulinus would sit with the stars and the trees into the town, heard a zither band in a beer garden rni. enjoyed myself in And dream of white sails on soft swell another way. ing seas. T o come back to our luggage car. Just as I Was beginning to worry " The true son of joy is my brother that tills," about some possible mishap, the driver apologetically pulled vp to the Said he of the ships to the man of the hills. hotel and showed me three flat tires that had impeded his progress. So that ended well. " Joy's for the rover, but sorrow 's for me," The Grand H otel at Berchtesgaden was. apparently, a favourite resort for Said he o f the hills to the man o f the sea. German royalty. In a large dining room there was a life sized portrait of j--W . D. Gough in Montreal Star. W illiam II. and in the office there were framed and signed photographs of other members of the family. The Howlers town has assumed new importance in Bimonthly means the instalment the past year. It is the favourite sum plan. mer place of H err H itler and many Chivalry is when you feel cold. visitors were attracted there in the The Jews don't have churches, but hope of seeing him. This illustrates pray in synonyms. the tremendous change that has come T he principal parts o f the eye are over Germany, a change not notice the pupil, the moat, and the beam. able to the outside observer, except T he van o f the army {S' the carriage they put wounded men into. W r ite f o r R e p o rt on The ch ief industries of Belgium, are Goldside Mining Company Ostend rabbits and Brussels sprouts The cause of Wat T yler's revolt was L IM IT E D a shilling poultice. and M ap o f B rid g e R iv e r A rea o f B ritish C olum bia. The chief provisions of the Great Grant Mahood & Company Charter were Universal Suffering, 3 0 2 B a y S t r e e t , T o r o n t o , O n t. Votes for Women, and Abolition <> f property. Buck That Cough or Cold With Buckley's It costs only a f«w cents to knock out · cough or cold with B U C K LE Y' S M IX T U R E , b* cause Buckley' s is so supremely good that only a few doses ere needed to subdue the toughest cough or cold. A nd Buckley' s can be diluted with three times its volume o f water making it go still further. W ill not upset your stomach. Just safe, sure, instant relief from coughs, colds, ' flu oc bronchitis. P la y s a fe . R e fu se substitutes. Buckley's is sold everywhere. OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? W ake up your Liver Bile -- W ithout Calomel Yaxa liver's a very small organ, but it ocr* lainly can put your digestive and eliminativi organs out o f kilter, by refusing to pour out it* daily two pounds o f liquid bile into your bowels You won't completely correct such a conditio* by taking salts, oil, mineral water, laxative oandy or chewing gum, or rouahage. When they'va moved your bowels they re through-- and yo* need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon bring baofc the sunshina into your life. They're purely veg*. (able. Sa/e. Eure. Ask for them by name Refuse substitutes, 25c at all druggists. At " N O W I FEEL FU LL OF PEP" After taking Lydia E. Pink* ham's Vegetable Compound That's what hundreds of women say. It steadies the nerves . . . mataj you eat better . . . sleep better . . . relieves periodic headache and backache . . . makes trying days endurable. If you are not as well as you want to be, give this medicine a chance to help you. Get a bottle from your druggist today. ISSIJF. N n S-- ' U

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