Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 27 Jun 1913, p. 3

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D R U M Q U IN Rev. D . conducted D y son , his onr junior pastor, at GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM fa re w e ll services Bowes, B oy n e an3 B etb el on S u nday last. N e x t S u n d a y Rev. M r. T e r r y will conduct his fa re w e ll services at B ow es, Bethel and H ornby. T h e D ru m q a m and A gerton B eek e ep e rs' association report that the honey crop has good prospects. M rs T h o s. J. M c H u g h , M rs . Jas. F ord and Jos. H . A nderson attended the fu n eral of their sistar, M rs . Joseph Tnck, of Shelbu rn e, on S atu rd ay last. Our schools w ill close on F rid a y for tb e m idsum m er holidays and will re open on T u esd ay , Sept. 2nd. O ur taacber, Miss V e ra H all, is doing good work. W e w ish her long and continued success. DOM INION D A Y SIN G LE F A R E G o in g June 30th, J u ly 1st, R eturn L im it Ju ly 2nd. Capital Paid Up Homesiteft for the W o rk e rs Convenient, Healthy and Low - Priced Here is a Home-building property of light restrictions that w ill appeal to all those seeking a site for their new home. Con venient to work, high and dry, and a healthy locality-- away from the smoke, dirt and noise and yet within easy walking distance of any part of town, such as Post Office, Stores, etc. This is your opportunity to buy a homesite at an exceptionally low price. I f you are a rent-payer M A K E Y O U R S T A R T N O W T O W A R D S O W N IN G Y O U R O W N H O M E . G et a lot in Glendoveer Park Survey. I f you can afford £o pay rent you can afford to buy your own home. Forty-six Lots left, from $200 to $250. N o taxes this year. FARE AND O N E - T H IR D Ju ly 1st *3,000,000. Reserve $3,750,000. G o in g Jnne 28-29-30; R eturn L im it J u ly 3rd. Between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Hurou, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, N iagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N .Y . Tickets now on sale at Graud Trunk ticket offices. W B . S H I P L E Y . S tation T ic k e t A g t . P h on e 36 Total Assets Over *48,000,000. B A N K O F H AM ILTO N I Carson's Planing Hill O A K V I L L B Save Your Honey W ^ H A T a man earns is T T not as important as w hat he saves. A n office bo y m aking $6 a week, of w hich am oant he saves 11, is actually earning more than the #25 a week m au w ho saves nothing. T h e bo y 's business is paying a dividend ; the m an's is a failure. N o m atter how sm all your sa la ry m ay be, you make a serious m istake when you fail to save a part ot it W h en jfou get your next w e e k 's salary m ake up your m ind to deposit a certain percentage of it in this bank, w h ere it w ill d ra w interest at tbe highest cur rent rate. E CARTAGE Come quick and get your choice. Enquire of SASH, DOORS, FRAMES V sT . J L . l D E 3^ j r E 3 MOULDINCS, ETC. All kinds of matched and dressed lumber. and D R A Y IN G Grice £ Bain wish to announce that V TO BUILDERS AND THE PUBLIC As I have taken the agency for Oakville and vicinity for the O S H A W A , PEDLER I COM PANY, OF am prepared to f u r n i s h Estimates any size, furnished for they have purchased the business of Shipley k Lawson and w ill continue along the same lines. these materials for houses of Prices Moderate W. T CARSON & SON Factory on DundasStreet. A ll work will be promptly executed. T elephones :-- w. s. D A V IS Manager Oakville Branch. Steel Shingles and Ceiling of every description at Short notice and at Close Prices. TH O S. B A IN , No. 272 GEO. GRICE. No. 253 C A N A D IA N GREAT LAKES PA C IF IC SERVICE Sault Ste. M an e Fort W illia m S T E A M S H I P E X PRES S Leaves Toronto Daily, except Friday and Sunday, 12.45 noon, and arrives at Ship's side 3.55 p.m. First-class Coaches. Parlor ears, W ATCHES CLOCKS -A N D - F A S T E S T AND M O S T L U X U R I O U S OF S T E A M E R S j. M a c k in d e r , CONTRACTOR Port M c N ic o ll Port Arthur 57 H O U R S TO RO NTO TO W IN N IP E G M on Leaving Tuesdays and Saturdays. Other Luxurious Steamers, days, Wednesdays, Thursdays. A SERVIC E PERFECTED BY JEWELRY REPAIRED BUSBY'S JEWELRY STORE. Read T H E STAR Plano BLAKELOCK BROS. ST U D IE D EFFO RT AND YE A R S OF EXPERIEN C E CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Carpentering of all Kinds And all w ork Guaranteed and Estimates Furnishetl Free H om eseekers' Excursions Each Tuesday U ntil Oct. 28 W in n ip e g and re tu rn $ 3 5 .0 0 O ther points in proportion. E d m o n to n and retu rn $43 .00 Return Lim it T w o Months. Homeseekers' Train Leaves Toronto 2 p.m. ea^h Tuesday until Aug. 26. F u ll particulars from any C .P .R . Agent, L. L. S P R I N G S T E D , L o c a l Agent. 298 O A K V IL L E Phone No. 214 / flo v in g = Out Sale I Now is your chance to buy fixtures aiul reading lamps on the installment plan, also smoothing irons, toasters, etc., for the next Twenty Days. 16w., 55c.; TU NG STEN LAM PS. 25w., 60c.; 32w., 65c.; I0w., 70c. The only building material that has not increased in price is A ll Carbon Lamps 20 cts. each. Columbia Batteries, 25 cts. each. A large stock of Shades at half price. 10 per cent, off for cash. Electric Vacuum Cleaner for Hire, » er day. Electric Fans at cost. Ca n a d a Poland c e m e n t It make* concrete that you can depend upon for satisfactory results, whether you use it for a «Io or a garden walk. tjigh quality and lo w price are made possible b y efficient organization and economies due to a targe and growing demand. See that every bag of cement you buy bean of satisfaction. the " C an ad a" label-- it « manufacturing your guarantee Positively No Reserve as this is a Clearing-Out Sale " W - IE _ D E A N E Canada Cement Company Limited, Montreal W rite f o r a fr e e copy o f the hook " ffOiat the Farm er Can Do With Concrete. " Advertise in tlie Star

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