* ! $80 per foot. It may be seen, ther$-! fore, that the continuation of the j (shaft to 2,000 feet this year w ill not j im pose any very serious financial de mand. W hile m illing operations are j confined to treatment of tailings until possibly the end of October, and while milling profits w ill not be large, yet the incom e w ill carry part of the over- J u l y 15-- Lesson I I I -- T he Conversion This is the first time this heading head involved in the sinking program of Saul, A cts 22: 6-16. Golden Text has appeared in your paper. W eek by , -- including the cost of hydro-electric -- T h is is a fa ith fu l saying, and w o rth y of all acceptation, th at w eek w e w ill give you the latest bul- power. letins of interest to that great public I F. W . Crossland, consulting engineer C h rist Je s u s came into the w orld to n e v .!' p k l n u l Y P 1 ** .t v c you r At. ^ourre m a m n g H at w r e c T h is w hich wishes to know authentic hap- for the W oodbine Gold Mines, ad3°lnsave sinners.-- 1 Tim . 1: 15. ' o b U g a U o n . penings in the financial and mining ing Prem ier Gold, B.C., has ma e e p la c e s m e u n a e A N A L Y S IS investm ent world. ! announcement that a conservative esThe news we give is as authentic timate o f the ore bloc e ou s I. T H E APPEARANCE OF CH RIST, Acts 22:6-9. as is possible to get, and the sources 900,000 tons at $10 per O I** 6 name ----------------of our inform ation is au th oritative.; recom m ends the erection of a 200-ton I I . TH E SURRENDER OF SAUL, 10-16. N othing o f a misleading nature will j mill. The company is erecting an ----------------I n t r o d u c t i o n -- The conversion of appear in this colum n with our k n o w l-. assay office and has engage . . om Saul was one o f the most tremendous edge and consent. W e give you the rie, form erly assayer for B. . 1 ver spiritual experiences ever known, best and latest and hope it will be of .Mines. Diamond drilling is to be start- while it was also one o f the most in value to our many readers. ] e<* > f ° r 1116 purpose of out n ng e fluential events in the history o f the 'o re bodies before erecting a mill. The E arly Church. I t is related three SO M E CH AN GES IN STA N D ARD snow has been late in going; this has times at length in Acts, and there are M IN IN G E X C H A N G E C O M delayed seasonal w ork throughout the also many indirect references to it in M IS S IO N R A T E S , . . .. , , . the New Testament. This admission . .. , , ,, Portland cem ent district. [ f o u n d e d J9 0 4 /r ? -- ite * ' cCjC im ]£ ]L ig ln 5 17 1 At a meeting of directors of the j Ribagi is still pursuing its search o f Paul to the church brought into her M O Y S E Y B U IL D IN G , 242 B A Y ST ., T O R O N T O Standard Stock and M ining Exchange IfQr mining properties. It is reported ranks the most distinguished o f the D irect P r iv a te W i r e s to all Offices yesterday afternoon a change in com- j ^ a t the com pany has now optioned younger leaders o f the Jews, and cre mission rates covering stocks above j Sunders and Bradley groups ad- ated a great im pression throughout $30 was inaugurated. A ccording to |j 0jn ja g y le Treadw ell Yuyon. These the Jewish w orld. His great ability and g ifts w ere now placed at the dis President N. C. Urquhart, the new j haTe a com blned acreage of 640 acres, posal o f the Christians, and he did rate on stocks selling between $30 )A directors' meeting w ill be held to- m ore than any other to carry the gos is to find ou t the w ill o f God. 2. Jesus and $100 per share will be a flat $25 j marrow at Haileybury, and It is un- pel into new regions. M ore liberal is the righteous one, one who fu lfills fo r a hundred shares. The old c o m -! <jerst00<i that a new company, to be teachings on God, man and nature ap all the hopes o f Israel and w ho w ill m ission rate, which has stood for sev-|known aa the Ribag0 Sudbury Exten- pear with him, and Christian theology meet all the needs o f mankind. 3. eral years, called for a rate o f $25. glon MineSj wln be applied for. Ae and sociology assume new proportions. Jesus w ill give him explicit directions fo r his w ork. 4. The grea t w orld be on stocks selling between $30 and $50,! cordlng to the report, R ibago's at- By his self-denying labor, by his na yond the Jew s w ill also hear o f the but directors found it had becom e j t _ em pts to get in on the property was tural endowm ents, by his early train w onderful salvation o f God. antiquated. No other changes in the j con tested by the Chelm sford Mining in g and absolute surrender to Christ, V. 16. 15e baptized. This is. the na Paul became the greatest o f the com m ission rate w ere made. T h e ; Qorp^ who had similar intentions, apostles. tural consequences o f Saul's conver m ining issues im mediately affected by ] j^jbag D jS now said to be the winner, sion, fo r it is the outw ard symbol o f the alteration of the com m ission rate w j^jj Chelmsford out of the picture, I. TH E APPEARANCE OF CH RIST, A cts entrance into the church. He is now 22:6-9. one o f the discinles, ready to under w ill be International, Coast Copper | Mandy is reported to have comV . 6. N ight unto Damascus. Saul's take w hatever task his M aster assigns and Noranda, the latter having had m enced diamond drilling in the hope unusually heavy trading for some picking up extensions of the known determination to stamp out this new to him. weeks. or0 zone between the old shaft and sect leads him to undertake a jou rney to Damascus an im portant city outside Strength in Potterdoal may be a t -: th e Flin Flon boundary. The new Palestine, but near enough to learn tributed to the fact that reports fr o m ' shaft is now nearing completion, 525 easily o f the things that w ere happen the north state they are in 100 feet o f f eet. The stock was quite strong re- ing. W e are not told how the Chris ore on the 225-foot level. Although ' Cently. tian church arose in that northern this is not official, the report com es j Area has com m enced diamond-drill- capital, but it is probable that pil W ith grow ing satisfaction and re from a very reliable source. It is t h e 1jng close to the Amulet boundary, grim s who had gone up to the Pente lief from long hours of drudgery the cost fea st had come into touch w ith intention of the com pany to drift where chances of picking up e x te n -1 modern young housewife has turned on this ore for a time and then p r o -1gjons o f the Amulet 'ore are considered the apostles and had carried home the over her several daily tasks to the good news when they returned. These ceed with shaft sinking. Nothing has good, according to news reaching the disciples did not separate themselves 1'Khtning pow er of electricity. Could been heard lately regarding the galena c ity from Rouyn. from their Jewish comrades, but kept her ancesters see Anne rush through strike. This vein, only 6 inches on ^ Shaft sinking at the Jackson-Manion up all their old customs, only adding |her duties with ease and com fort they surface, had widened out to 3 feet at nearing a depth of 200 feet, and to their religion the worship o f Josus! would roll over in their graves in 27-foot depth, where a shaft was put should arrive at the first objective as Messiah. They h?d been le ft in misery, com m ents Mrs. Phyllis K. down by hand steel. The ore was of 250 feet by the middle of July. The peace till this visit which now threat- Dunning in the current isue o f " Your exceptionally rich. i crosscut run from the 125-foot horizon ens them with ruin. Hom e Magazine." D irectors of W indfall Rouyn Mines disclosed a vein width of over ten j A great light. This light was super" At seven-thirty on a bright July have just issued a progress report f eet, together with high values in gold. natural, com ing direct from God due morning,'1 she writes, "A nne descends covering the various operations of the No drifting has been done on the vein, T ° the , lnlme a m anifestation of ________ . __... * ° '. ' Jesua w ho now came to call his new to her kitchen and lays the table in company. The properties dealt w it h ! however, but with the com pletion of serv a n t This was therefore> not the breakfast nook. From her elec are in Marshay and the Sudbury the shaft to the 250-foot level, a cross- L ierely a fiction o f the im agination, a tric refrigerator she takes a delight- j I 673 Basin, In the Sudbury district, O n -, cut will be to the vein from that subjective vision; -^ut-^.weal appear - fully chilled melon, eggs, bacon, cream j A D IS T IN G U IS H E D FR O C K tario, and Clericy and Malartic in depth and drifting started.W hen in -'a n ce o f the glorified Christ. There are and butter. She cuts bread for toast, j Quebec. Drills are busy on the S u d -. tersected at the 125-foot level, the fou r such appearances in the New prepares the melon, and then s ta r ts ; This chic fr o ck is decidedly smart bury Basin and Clericy h old in g s,1vejn showed greater width, together ITestament. The first was cu rin g the the bacon broiling in the low er com- yet an extrem ely sim ple style to fa yielding indifferent results.Camps with an increase in values as com life o f esus on earth on the M ount o f partment o f the grill, and the eggs shion. The fron t is cut in one with a One came to are being erected on the M alartic pared with those in evidence on the Transfiguration. Stephen, one to John at Patm os, and scram bling in the top pan. The toast le ft side extension which is gathered property and equipm ent is being seat j surface. this is the fou rth. In his subsequent she inserts in the toasting com part- and fa lls in gra cefu l folds and the In. Owing to fire laws, no surface i ,,>________ The long dart-fitted life Paul often spoke o f this m anifes ment ju st as she and her husband back is plain. trenching, test pitting, stripping, etc., j T , t-. r ,i r sleeves have plaited insets at the sides made to him, and am ong the start to eat their melon.. can be carried out on the M arsh ay 1 * r uture Or the ilmpire tation other claim s made by him o f his aposAfter her husband has gone, she and a separate vestee w ith a shaped claim s until October. Prospecting, | Belfast News L etter: If the Empire tolic standing is that he had seen the clears the table and stacks the dishes collar is set under the front. N o. 1673 jbreaks up it w ill be because of diver-1 lx>rd however, is being done. ; in the electric dish-washer. She then is fo r M isses and Sm all W om en and Kirkland L ake's present depth pio- Bence on questions o f foreign policy, i V 7 Heard a voice. There are prepares the evening meal of, say, jel- is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. Size n e e r - t h e Kirkland Lake Gold, is r e - i « ever Great Britain w ere to adopt slight differences in the three n a r r e - ; Ued tomato bu,]lan> roagt gtuffed R e q u ire s 3% yards 39- FINANCIAL ; NEWS Sunday School Lesson Are You Sharing in the PROFITSinm a r k e t fn a iith i G Qrthur E.Mouseir& Go. The Housewife's Five-Hour Day ported to resume drilling from a ^ `L j s e caA be ^ a i n w l i ^ lcken; escalloped asparagus, brown- inch, or 2% yards 54-inch material, hole at 2,8(5-foot level at an early o f the Dom inions another, the ned1 of v?jthout much difficulty Saul diB_;ed potatoes and fruit salad. These she ? n d % yard 39-inch m aterial fo r the date. J j-. . . ' itinctly hears his name called in the tucks away in her refrigerator. She vetee and collar. P rice 20c the pattern. The rich vein on Wright-Har- ever one o f the Dominions w ere tO|Hebrew tonguei and quesftion th at! fills the ice trays with water, adding P . TT¥RK, greaves' 1,750-foot level appears, a c -,aPPeal to the League o f N a tio n s fo llo w s is a direct and searching on e: a few drops of lem on ju ice to one ORDER PATTERN S, cording to a despatch from the north, against another Dominion or the | " W hy persecutest thou nue?" H is at- trayful to give zest to the iced tea W rite your name and address plainto be the apex of three ore bodies. |Lnited Kingdom , unity could not be tack on these members o f his church which w ill accom pany the dinner, ly, g ivin g number and size of such The vein is said to be steadily g r o w - jmaintained irlnvv nfl^rr ^ nne now clears up the kitchen, puts patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in clothed in heavenly glory. In the other Ing richer. Millheads are im proving i the cooking dishes into the electric stamps or coin (coin p referred ; w rap narratives the w ords are added, " It is rapidly, and July loom s as a month j W om en these days have it all their hard fo r thee to kick against the dish-washer and starts the machine it ca refu lly ) fo r each num ber and of record production. ow n way, D ivorces are granted them goad," as i f Paul's mind w as not r t running. She then goes to the la u n -' address your order to W ilson Pattern Tough-Oakes is still plugging away because hubby com es tom e late, ease. He could not take real jo y i/i dry and tosses into the electric w a sh -! Service, 73 W est Adelaide St., Toronto. and hanging up records for persever- i grow ls o r drops a little prussic acid inflicting such ruin, while the patient ing machine the things she has de- Patterns sent by return mail, ance. The sinking operations are be- j in the coffee, but where is the court endurance o f the converts must have cided to wash that day. W hile they | Ing conducted by working two eight- J that has yet been courageous enough appealed to him. He was going against are washing she puts out the lin e ,! hour shifts and work is being accom - j to grant a man separation from an his better nature. runs her rinse water, shuts off the V . 8. W ho art thou, L ord? The leaves them in the machine to dry. j plished at a cost of approxim ately onion-eating w ife? question has often been asked whether W hen the clothes are washed and on I Paul had ever seen Jesus during the the line, Anne runs the vacuum clean -' Far out the sea at rest! days of his flesh, and a verse in 2 i er through the low er part o f the house, ^ ul!s stalking in the sedge, Cor. 5:16, is quoted, " Though I have I"* " -- D" | P eace guides with quiet zest IS known Christ after the flesh" -- but dusts and picks up, then ascends t o , The silvery sunray's quest even i f this w ere the case, the present {the bedroom , makes up the beds and To the horizon's edge. vision w as quite different, since Jesus tidies things generally, had risen from the dead and ascended j " The housework finished, Anne On the dike grazing sheep; into heaven, so that this was the vi- turns on the electric water heater, And waving grain's dull brow n; sion o f the glorified Christ. ^ a s a luxurious bath and shampoo, I am Jesus o f Nazareth. Jesus w as d . her hair , th th , . h , W hile in the sky's blue deep k n o w n am ong his enei 11C3 as the N a - i . . , .. ... * . , . Soft clouds serenely sw eep; zarene, and he thus uses this term t o 'd n er a, I"d wave? u *' ,th an electric And evening closes down. make it clear to Saul that he is the | *ron- ® e com pletes her dressing, re\ very Jesus whom form erly Saul had turns to the kitchen, rem oves the T h e tide now rolls shore-wise, regarded w ith such anger and con- chicken, asparagus and potatoe s from Softly, on silvery sand. tempt. Som e F a c ts About Developm ent W o rk on T he the refrigerator and places them in Freely the gulls arise. the oven of her electric range. She II. T H E SURRENDEP. OF SAUL, 10-16. And w ith resounding cries. sets the indicator for the lieat to go V. 10. W h at shall I do? This ex Mount skyward o 'er the land. on at four in the afternoon and to presses both the surprise o f one over,, , ^ KIRKLAND LAKE DISTRICT whelmed with the great change that slmt ofE at Elx- m dlcates tlle ProP3r Into the m irrored flow 9 Veins U p o r the Property. has come to him, and also the great temperature for the oven to attain, j The pale sun sinks to rest. A verage assays o f $70 per ton at depth o f 45 ft. ov er full width of shaft. energy o f this man w ho henceforth and walks out of the house to keep a A sw eet and peaceful glow E xceptional geological structure, with veins running practically in w ill throw h im self with w hole-heart- luncheon engagem ent.' Envelops high and low, parallel and increasing enrichm ent with depth. edness into the new duties which ho And glids the w avelets' crest. This property is in charge of Mr. Clarence A lschbach, who sank the has to face. There is much to be done, Easy To Build original shaft at Teck-Hugjhes, and is in the heart o f the active but first o f all Saul must go into the developm ent going on in the western end of Kirkland Lake District. An outdoor fireplace that is very -H ans H eyck, In "D er Turm er." city not as a persecutor, but as a fol low er o f Christ. W E S T R O N G L Y R E C O M M E N D T H E P U R C H A S E O F T H I S IS S U E . simple to build an dthat does not s p ill! Translated from the German by E. V . 12. One Ananias. The character the coffee onto the flame at the cru-j m . Cordsen. Eneinoer'3 Report and Prospectus mailed upon return o f attached o f this man is given in brief, but su g cial m om ent nor yet sm other t h e ! 1 coupon to gestive words. Evidently he w as a blaze is described by A. N eely Hall i n ! leader am ong the Christians and was H. DE U DY & COMPANY, LIMITED. Sau ce F o r the Goose. also held in high regard b y all the the July issue of `-`Child Life Maga- j TORONTO Investm en t B ro k ers M O N TREAL There was another man who was : Jews. F rom the other accounts we zine. " Dig up grass sods to form a fire hen-pecked, learn o f the dread which A nanias felt W . H. D E U D Y & CO. L T D , in undertaking this commission, fo r pit four inches wide at one end and | His w ife cornered him one day and 755 Yonge St., Toronto. the evil fam e o f Saul had preceded twelve inches wide at the other end, said: " I'm sick and tired o f heading Please mail me report and prospectus o f The A lschbach Gold him. and place the sods, inverted, at the you refer to the car as your car. HereMining Co. Lim ited, V . 14. God o f our fathers. The sides of the pit. The narrow end of after I want you to fa ll it our car. I've God o f the Christians is the same God this fireplace w ill support a f r y i n g got a halt interest in everything you Name w ho had guided and blessed A braham , Isaac and Ja cob ; and this God w ill so pan.. Iron bars or lengths o f pipe ow n " bestow his grace upon Paul, that great may be placed across the wide end to j That night he said to her, Please, Address results w ill fo llo w : 1. In Jesus, Paul support pots and kettles, or a crane." pvon't you patch our pants?" To the North Sea ft ALSCHBACH O A SECOND ^ TECK-HUGHES MINE $70 to the Ton Across Shaft! ALSCHBACH GOLD MINE w. i -- '"" V